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Black lives matter or do All lives matter...༼☯﹏☯༽

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Oct,20 04:17  other posts
Just looking for opinions...Please no fights...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By #610414 27,Oct,22 10:10
All kidding aside, how can Republicans face themselves when they see their reflection in the morning mirror? I've seen many electrons, both local and Federal, and this one is one for the history books when it comes to the BS thrown out to the electorate by the Repuckers. Have they no shame? Are they so jaded by their own lies they are willing to give up their democratic freedoms just to win? And why? In the past, did they ever accomplish anything worthwhile? Think of all the good acts passed FOR the people and tell us about those done by the Repuckers.
By tecsan [Ignore] 29,Oct,22 22:11 other posts 
Can you really say that the current regime has benefitted society as a whole?
By pkaboo3 [Ignore] 29,Oct,22 22:48 other posts 
As opposed to Trump? You sorta leave that out of, well, everything. And, really, “regime?”. Biden could’ve formed some kind of regime 10 years ago, but now? Lol. Just fyi, Nancy Pelosi’s husband was damn near killed by far-right rhetoric not 24 hours ago. Thoughts?
By tecsan [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 02:16 other posts 
So what, have any of the supreme court justices lives been in jeopardy like now with the libturds in charge. Be careful, unless you can take it.
By pkaboo3 [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 02:21 other posts 
Funny you’d mention that, as Nancy Pelosi’s husband was damn near killed in their own house just yesterday by a Trumpbot. Bad timing, but you probably didn’t even hear about it in the ole echo chamber
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Nov,22 22:30 other posts 
Illegal immigrant, how damn funny. I wonder do you even think before you spout off crap.
By #610414 30,Oct,22 09:27
Tecsan I BELIEVE Mr Biden is doing a good job. It's enough for me and, if he runs again, I WILL vote for him again. However, POLITIFACT SAYS IT WITH FACTS.

This is from POLITIFACT

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• American Rescue Plan Act. This coronavirus and economic relief bill, passed by a party-line vote, provided direct stimulus checks, extended unemployment insurance, temporarily expanded the child tax credit and provided aid to states and localities.

• Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This bipartisan law invests in water, energy and broadband infrastructure.

• Inflation Reduction Act. This law, passed by a party-line vote, includes provisions that allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, extend Affordable Care Act subsidies, address climate change and impose higher taxes on the largest corporations.

• Chips and Science Act. This bipartisan measure offers support for domestic semiconductor manufacturing, research and development.

• Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Passed in the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, this law expands background checks for people younger than 21; increases funding for mental health services; closes the "boyfriend loophole" for firearm purchases by those who have been convicted of domestic violence; and offers funding for states to implement firearms confiscation laws for those determined by a court to be a significant danger to themselves or others.


More quietly, Biden has signed an array of bills that passed with significant bipartisan backing.

• Sgt. 1st Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics, or PACT, Act. Widens veterans’ health benefits for those who experienced harmful environmental exposures during military service, including hazardous waste burn pits.

• Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which had lapsed, and two bills addressing sex abuse.

• National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, which included a pay increase for service members.

• COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which addresses attacks on Asian Americans partly by increasing access to the reporting of hate crimes and expediting the review of hate crimes related to COVID-19.

• Postal Service Reform Act, which repeals a pre-funding requirement for postal retirement benefits that had been a financial albatross.

• Ocean Shipping Reform Act, which funds increased oversight of international ocean carriers.

• Several bills levying sanctions, including the Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act; the Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act, and a ban on imports from the region of China where the Chinese government is widely believed to be repressing the Uyghur ethnic minority.

• Emmett Till Antilynching Act, which makes lynching a federal hate crime.

• Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, designating a federal holiday for Juneteenth, marking the emancipation of enslaved African Americans on June 19 every year.

• State and Local Government Cybersecurity Act of 2021, requiring the Department of Homeland Security to bolster collaboration with state, local, tribal and territorial governments on cybersecurity.

• Several bills on crime and policing, including the Public Safety Officer Support Act of 2022, the Homicide Victims’ Families’ Rights Act of 2021, the Capitol Police Emergency Assistance Act of 2021 and the Supreme Court Police Parity Act of 2022.

The Senate also approved a treaty backed by the Biden administration to phase out certain chemicals used in refrigeration that are considered a risk for climate change.


As president, Biden has also enacted policies by executive action, without Congress. Here are some of the bigger ones:
Get COVID-19 under control. While the coronavirus is still killing nearly 400 Americans a day, deaths and hospitalizations have been largely steady at today’s level since April 2022, which is far below previous peaks of 2,000 to 3,000 deaths per day.

Establish new fuel economy standards. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set new fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, mandating higher targets for new cars and light trucks for model years 2023 to 2026.

Rejoin the Paris climate agreement. The United States rejoined the Paris Agreement, pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% from where they were in 2005 by the year 2030.
By bobbie69 [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 01:39 other posts 
biden needs impeached for killing pwople with the China pelage vaccine
By #610414 31,Oct,22 09:36
Honey, what does Biden have to do with the Covid vaccine not to mention that over one million people died from Covid before the vaccine became widely used. The vaccine saved countless lives. If anything, that a....hole, Trump, is to blame for thousands for delaying admission of the plague
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Nov,22 01:13 other posts 
Among many other things.
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Nov,22 00:40 other posts 
Sorry, I did not have time to read the whole statement. Anybody that choses to vote mr magoo is crazy. WTF has he done that is a benefit to this country overall. Raised taxes, increased IRS agents, allowed illegals in the country, fucked up inflation and gas prices. You have to be an idiot to say that, hell his own fucked up party will not support the ass. Saved countless lives, what a joke, look back at Afghanistan. Hell this jackass could not find his way out of a paper bag.
By #610414 01,Nov,22 09:22
WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT? Do you want a Nobel prize awarded Everytime he does something? I just posted, YES, FROM THE INTERNET, a huge list of things that are good for the people. Are you one of those people that refuse to admit the world is round because YOU, PERSONALLY, did not walk all around it. Why do we have to accept what your Clown achieved but you refuse to see what's in front of you?
By bobbie69 [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 01:46 other posts 
yes the dem party has
By bobbie69 [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 01:43 other posts 
you know how we win trump is the best thing ever happen to this country now he is going to win his third term republicans take it all red wave joe and his clowns destroyed this country trump made it great
By #610414 31,Oct,22 09:49
Trump is the worse thing to happen to this country and I don't mean to Democrats but, to Republicans too. That lying, degenerate, insurrectionist, Clown has sent this country into a time of violence and bigotry.
By the way, I don't know where you've been, but, Trump served only one term and lost to Biden when he ran for a second term (regardless of his lies or Trumpsters dumb assertions). He won't have a chance to run again until 2024 and, as far as I am concerned, never. We'll see about that"red wave".

By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Oct,22 03:29 other posts 
Hey, fetterbum did great on stage. Love to see more comedy please.
By #610414 27,Oct,22 08:09
Then I recommend Herschel Walker's rallies
He did OK, considering his stroke, and he was honest, unlike Dr. Oz.
By tecsan [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 00:21 other posts 
By bobbie69 [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 01:37 other posts 
your stroker is a cock Toker
By bobbie69 [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 01:53 other posts 
keep dreaming hill be on welfare soon

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 10:55 other posts 
"We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order
until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws."

By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Oct,22 00:54 other posts 
Spoken by a true socialist lib.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,22 13:05 other posts 
I can't totally disagree with the meme but, first PARENTS need to TEACH respect and what it means to the children that will later become police and law breakers. The failure is in the parenting.
By #610414 21,Oct,22 08:25
PARENTS are not the last line of teaching to children. Bad behavior can be, and is, learned at later ages
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 19:13 other posts 
No parents should be the FIRST line of teaching children.
NOT the last.
Bad behavior comes from going to school and not being disciplined after doing wrong.
A couple wacks on the ass of a 10 year old will usually be enough to take away that desire to steal or fail to respect the teacher or etc.
NOTE I DID NOT SAY BEAT the chi1d, I said a couple wacks with the paddle. When I was in school, the simple fact you were taken out in the hall and paddled embarrassed you, it made you feel small ,and you didn't want to feel that way again, so you didn't do whatever it was that got you paddled again. Simple deterrent.
Yes, 'socialist libs' want law enforcers to respect human life and human dignity.
Do conservatives want law enforcers to despise people?
It would explain a lot.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 08:40
Tecsan, this statement, is this sarcasm or just an observation? The reason I ask is because, as a liberal i agree and fight for the rights of an individual. I also support certain socialist ideas, but, not a complete system of socialism.
I read Ananas'es quote and find it to be true. If the powers that be can't respect the people they are sworn to protect, then, it can't be expected that they would receive their respect. And before you get your tail feathers all rilled up, you know there are bad actors in the law enforcement units throughout this country.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 09:11 other posts 
Well the iq of the people hired to enforce the law is 1 of the elementary problems with law enforcement.
We need them, and we need them to do the job.But we need people smart enough not to leave a cuffed suspect in a police car parked on a railroad track to.
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By #610414 23,Oct,22 11:18
What you say is true, but, do you imply that we should ask members of law enforcement what their IQ is before we trust them?🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 11:33 other posts 
Well, frankly, it wouldn't be a bad idea.
BUT actually ,as citizens we should demand that our government hire intelligent people to do the job that have common sense and reasoning capability's ABOVE those of the criminals so they can do a better job of PREVENTING crime and SOLVEING crime. you know the job we as the citizens expect of them?

"gee, let's chase this woman in her pickup truck until she finally stops, then I will park my car on the rail road track and cuff and stuff her in it to be killed by a train for showing a gun to another driver."

"gee ,this guy keeps whining he can't breath while sitting in a air conditioned police car, let me drag him out and put my knee on his neck to help him out?"
By #610414 23,Oct,22 11:50
No argument from me, but, lately, no one votes for a candidate. With good ideas weather he's Republican or Democrat or Independent. It seems that party loyalty is more important than good ideas.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 14:06 other posts 
No ,sadly it is not party as much as it is the lesser of the 2 evils.
You know as well as I do there are some dems that don't work as you would like to see them do.
And there are some repubs that are fruit loops to like that 1 that got voted off that was on the jan 6 thing.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 15:13
But, you are saying that you vote based on past experiences and not in the present.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 16:58 other posts 
Yea, and the past experience of the last 2 years has sucked for the entire country, time to fix that.
My experience BEFORE biden and that for the country was better.
So for me,based on my experience, the repubs are the lesser of the 2 evils.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 18:06
Obviously, not everyone thinks like you
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Oct,22 00:16 other posts 
There are bad people in all professions of life, does that mean we abolish all of their jobs?
By #610414 24,Oct,22 07:34
No, of course not. What it means is that we recognize it, bring it into the light, and get them out.
That's another straw-man. 99% of leftists and liberals don't want to abolish all police.
Most law-abiding citizens just don't want the risk of being killed by police to creep up to the same risk level of being killed by a mass shooter.

At least you are allowed to protect yourself against a mass shooter, you can't protect yourself against a fascist pig cop. Even being white is failing against them now.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 14:54 other posts 
On a site filled with lib snowflakes, cunts, and Indian vermin... doritostyle might have set a new record for being a piss boy. We all know who this cunt is... or was.

By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 18:47 other posts 
the world is full of them. Kinda like the "stink bugs" that have just taken over this part of the country, they are into everything !

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 01:40 other posts 
FO, dorito. Fucking cunt.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 04:23 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 20:26 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 14:46 other posts 
doritostyle is a clogged toilet and site coward. Whining little slag trying to be the equivelant of a mall security guard. He is here to keep everyone safe with his flesh light and ass lube

Fuck off cunt!
By #610414 22,Oct,22 16:34
He does have a point.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 18:46 other posts 
he left negative feedback on me and has never even spoken to me,
his loss,not mine,

By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 21:49 other posts 
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White lives matter shirt,
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 01:54 other posts 
That is a great idea. Now all can see how ridiculous 'black lives matter' is...I repeat, ALL LIVES MATTER. Both black and white lives matter strengthens my statement. Think about it, black lives matter thus meaning all others do not. Get the point yet???
By #610414 21,Oct,22 08:32
It's not the name, it's the person reading it. If I say, "Strawberries are sweet", it doesn't mean blueberries are not. "Black Lives Matter" says absolutely NOTHING about white, yellow or brown or any other grouping of people. It's just you making the wrong assumption
By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 20:27 other posts 
No it means they think they are more important
By #610414 21,Oct,22 20:53
I don't think you can prove that.
By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 00:50 other posts 
Then why would someone say they have a problem with white live matter. Let us here it. Remember that the people in charge of blm are liars, cheaters, dishonest and use blm money for their own personal gain.
By #610414 22,Oct,22 08:05
Kinda reminds me of the Republican party. Organizations are formed for a purpose. If the administration is twisted, then, the members should try to fix that, but the goal should be kept

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