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Global Warming... What do you Believe?

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Started by #485312 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 18:50
Fact or Fiction.... is it really happening???
what do you think contributes to it and what is
being done to stop it?

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By zzick [Ignore] 17,Jan,21 13:49 other posts 
Was 2 or 3, sorry for the spelling

By zzick [Ignore] 17,Jan,21 13:48 other posts 
For sure it is, always has.
There wadv2 or 3 mass extinctions before the big one 75 million years ago, or so, that finished off the dinosaurs.

The world and the universe does what it wants.

The question is, are we to blame,
I dont think so.

By zzick [Ignore] 15,Jan,21 11:01 other posts 
You misspelt Wyoming, you're welcome.

By #627362 24,Dec,20 15:11
Everything you have learned and i mean everything learn about ancient Sumerians everything no just main stream documentary's what all sides then come to ur conclusion because this the base of what happening on earth

By #627362 17,Dec,20 16:42
We are being lied to by our governments 20 thousand years ago there was 20% more Cardon in the atmosphere than today so they talk shit but the earth is changing though its cycle as do winter summer and spring there is no difference but we humans haven't been known this and because of we didn't know and we haven't bothered to research this our governments have seen this and are using global warming as excuse to tax us and there was global warming it would be due to the ones who control the world and they expect us to pay for there mistakes which call crimes against humanity which is the most deeply evil that you can go even the bad the bad e.ts are not as bad as the illuminati that run this slave planet until we remember who we are and why we came to be on earth. Then we can take our place among the stars
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 04:55 other posts 
Interesting thoughts. Curious as to how you learned all this and put the pieces together.
By #627362 24,Dec,20 14:59
Everything I telling you you can research its how far do you want to go down the rabbit hole
Your message brings more questions than answers, and the only data that is in it is wrong; The last time CO2 levels were as high as today’s was about 3 million years ago.
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Where did you get your data?

Do you have some proof for your conspiracy theories?
- The governments lie to us? The governments were the last to recognize global warming. It is science and all the data is available for everyone to learn about it.
- The Illuminati that run this slave planet? Where are they? How are they doing it? To who are you or am I a slave?

So, who are we and why did we come to be on earth?
And if we know that, how can we take our place among the stars?
By #627362 19,Dec,20 01:32
Open ur mind go online core samples of ice 20 thousand years ago had more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than today that is a fact and regardless what you think it is what you know do dnt talk to me when you can't be bothered to do yours research its in font of ur eyes your to involved in your bullshit I need to be told or I read that you twat fucking wake up I call u lot droneys your brainwashed and your with them u are a cunt you fucking lot and u think ur a GD person your feeding the devil if ur a bible basher and if ur not your worse because you believe in science get out house and watch the sky on a Stary night
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 19,Dec,20 05:48 other posts 
This is only one piece of the puzzle. To explain the entirety here would take up too much space. I recommend the Nasa website only registered users can see external links
My mind is open to DATA. The core samples show, the last 800.000 years CO2 levels have never been above 300 ppm, until now.
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CO2 levels are above 400 ppm now. That's a fact: only registered users can see external links
So, I've done my research and have given 2 reliable references.
Where's your data?

You got one thing right, I am an atheist. Still, I don't bash the bible a lot, because I like the character of Jesus. However, if you want to understand current events, science is a better source than a book written 3400 until 1700 years ago. If you want to know about the stars, you're better off looking at telescope pictures (SCIENCE) than looking at the sky with your naked eyes.

The acceptance of science is not a belief, because science is the collective knowledge of our species. It is based on observation, experimentation, data gathering, constant debate and reasoning, testing hypotheses and predictions, until the evidence is very well supported and it is called a theory. If science makes a claim, I can check the data, the sources and peer studies and I can make up my mind if the evidence stacks up enough to accept the truth of the claim. If a claim is revised in any way, because of new data, I have no problem revising my opinion on the subject. Apologists often point this out, as science can change their opinion on anything, when new evidence is found, but that only shows ignorance about science. This only happens on topics when the science is not complete yet. The science of climate change is by now irrefutable.
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By #610414 18,Dec,20 08:52
Oh, brother. Quick, turn on the lights and they'll run back into the walls.

The Illuminati?

By stardragon [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 11:29 other posts 
I think like the late George Carlin said: "when the world is done with us it'll shake us off like a bad case of fleas!"
By #485312 20,Dec,20 17:21
that's very profound and very true. *lix*

By Rob00 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 19:56 other posts 
Fiction,lets start with cleaning up the rivers,oceans,and the waste thrown out onto the roadside,we need to start there first
By #485312 15,Dec,20 20:38
Aussieman and I are always picking up trash, every where we go, you can find some mindless human has left a trail of garbage behind them.. these are the things that are in every ones control, yet we don't put any enthuses on it in schools or advertising to remind people that this is basic stuff .. seeing rubbish flying out the window of car infuriates me ... not even having the patience to wait till you stop and put it in a bin is just lousy.. and it teaches the youngsters to do the same if they see their parents doing it *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 20:52 other posts 
Well,next trip the US makes to the moon,some scientist want to retreive the "garbage" we left up there,over 60 pounds worth.SOme if not most,is human shit and urine.They wanted to take home rocks and samples and had to leave excess weight behind.
Scientist want to study the stuff to see how it has changed in the low gravity,no oxygen enviroment.The poop and wiz should have had organisms in it that would either change,die or be fossilized.
By #485312 15,Dec,20 20:55
wow, didn't realise they left that much up there, I would have thought they just left a flag and their footprints in the sand... I did once read one of the astronauts left a photo of family on the moon.. and it would be great to see them clean it up too.. before china gets there and claims it as theirs *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 20:58 other posts 
There is a battery powered Moon Rover up there to!I want it brought back!
1 of the original prototypes was found in a back yard in florida in 2018 and scrapped before anyone knew what it was.What a moon buggy!
By #485312 15,Dec,20 21:07
bummer, people don't care about history .. shame the pickers didn't find it and pass on its story.. I seen a little model on the pickers of a landing craft and they knew it was important just having a model from the time *lix*
By Rob00 [Ignore] 16,Dec,20 03:31 other posts 
Yes *lix* lets start cleaning up our own country first,look what clean up Australia Day collects on just One day,our Thanks to Ian Keirnan we need more like him
By #485312 16,Dec,20 14:15
yes we do need more hands .. I walk down the street every morning and every day, I can pick up something .. if every one just didn't drop it in the first place, would make it a far better place.. I cringe when I go down the coast. every gutter has rubbish in it.. the front of the shopping centre is a disgrace.. More Ians and better council management supplying bins and emptying them more often in busy places.. seems local government doesn't care much either *lix*
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 04:39 other posts 
@Rob00 tackling garbage, especially plastic waste ending up in rivers and oceans is definitely a great cause that should be tackled in addition to man-made climate change
By #485312 20,Dec,20 17:03
as individuals, I think we a feel pretty helpless to do anything to stop climate change, but we can pick up trash, we can see an instant result from a cleaner area and I hope others see people like us picking it up and realise that they can do their part too, to have some pride in your 'nest', as the whole world is your nest, not just the house you live in... *lix*

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 14:47 other posts 
Are you still talking about believing global warming is real? Can't you just fucking notice it happening? I used to live in a mild climate. The summers had some hot days, some pleasantly warm day and lots of rain. The winters were fucking cold, with ice and snow. We used to be able to skate almost every winter.
Now the summers have many fucking hot days, sometimes even in may. Almost every year all the grass dies and trees let their leaves fall. We don't have any autumns any more, with nice red leaves. The leaves just shrivel up, die and fall off. We haven't seen a real winter in years. No ice, maybe some wet snow or snow that is melted in a day. Children can only learn to skate in an ice hall.
That's all not normal. That's global warming being obvious.
By #202354 17,Dec,20 14:52
Where I live, there's usually just one long summer, starting in May and ending around October or November.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 06:36 other posts 
And has that always been like that?
By #202354 18,Dec,20 09:45
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 10:01 other posts 
Do you think that is just due to natural climate fluctuations?
By phart [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 12:00 other posts 
Yes.I do.
Something happened i cliced on something wrong,if there is a - point or something comes up,it was a accident
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 13:23 other posts 
It's not clear what you are saying. What is your reason for thinking it is just due to natural causes?

Do you know that only 2.4 million square miles remain of the original 6 million square miles of tropical rainforest that formerly covered the Earth? So humanity has destroyed 60% of it.

Did you know humanity has used about 150 billions barrels of oil so far and there is about 1.5 trillion barrels left. They say we would burn through that in about 50 years at the current consumption.

And you think humanity can do all of that without impacting nature?

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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 11:24 other posts 
'Looks like more shit from nazis who would've voted for Putin's-bitch.

By Louis [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 21:06 other posts 
I'm not sure what to believe. I would say humans have caused it to a certain point, but on the other hand, Earth's climate has always fluctuated one way or the other. Its been much warmer in the past, as in the time of dinosaurs. Likewise it's also been much colder such as the last ice age. There's conflicting information from both sides of the issue. As I do with most things of this nature, I keep an open mind and try to learn all I can about it.
By #485312 15,Dec,20 21:15
yeah, most the theories are educated guesses at best. we have been told of el nino and la nina weather patterns here are the causes of drought or floods. Im not sure how weather patterns work, all I know is most summers here are hot and we have always been trying to balance drought and floods with our farming.. ancient history has people moving from prosperous places when the rivers change or land is worn out .. and nature has its own way of regenerating these places after *lix*
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 04:30 other posts 
@louis @licksipsuckit The many scientific organizations that have identified the effect of human beings on the current global warming are all aware of the history of planet temperature fluctuations and have tried to separate the data. What began as very educated guesses have become much stronger theories as time goes by. There honestly is not much conflicting information of opinions at the level of experts.
By #6568 18,Dec,20 04:42
That may be true, but many such organizations cannot be trusted due to their corruption by by outside forces and money ......sorting out the ones that CAN be trusted is the difficult part!
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 04:50 other posts 
I understand, so I have examined the many organizations putting out climate change data, such as the UN's special IPCC, US government's NASA, many Universities.. Seeking special motives from these organizations and tracking how corrupting forces would stand to benefit is less compelling than opposition research from scientists or lobbying groups funded by the coal or oil industry. The monetary benefit for the latter is much more obvious I would say, and the amount of money is huge.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 06:54 other posts 
Corruption is the biggest threat to the people. It ensures that politicians and representatives of organizations are not working for the common interest, but for their own self interest. Whether your convictions are to the right or to the left, it is always sensible to vote for representatives who speak out and act against funding of your representatives by any interest groups. Our representatives should be impartial and completely transparent, so the people can vote their conscience.
Then democracy will favor the many and not the few.
By #610414 18,Dec,20 08:29
First, our representatives are in office because they believe in certain policies. They don't have to be impartial, only transparent. If I may make an observation, you sound as though you don't trust the establishment. You sound like a pessimist. The other end of the spectrum would make you an optimist. Both are positions that will give you disappointment. Some politicians are crooked just like some people are thieves, ped@philes, sex perverts or bad president. But, and a big but, most people, in and out of government, are good, honest, people. Sometimes, it takes time for them to act to correct a wrong, but, give them a chance. Notice I did not specify Democrats or Republicans, left or right.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 09:13 other posts 
With impartial I meant that they decide on policies without favoring people who give them money (either personally, through various loopholes or to their political campaigns) over the rest of the people/voters.
Transparency is not enough. It is already transparent how much money flows to politicians. That doesn't limit them to favor their financiers with beneficial policies.
You are indeed very optimistic when you think political funding is not favoring the benefactors and thereby neglecting the rest of the public.
I'm not telling you all politicians are corrupt, I'm saying that we can help them to act according their conscience, when you make their funding independent from moneyed interests.

Even if politicians could be trusted to make their choices completely independent of their funding, than politics is still dependent of that funding. Moneyed interests can still choose which representatives they help get their message heard. That way they have much more power over politics than normal voters.
By #610414 18,Dec,20 07:53
Strongmember# that's true. The scientific community has been fighting the unbelievers for decades. During the 1950's most families had one car. Today, most members of a family, have a car. No, car emissions, while considerably large in quantity, is only responsible for a part. The major damamage is done by coal burning and forest fires. I just can't believe the unbelievers. To them it's a hoax made up by the establishment. Now, I ask you. Why? It used to be hard to SEE global warming. Now, we have the melting ice caps, ocean levels rising, el niño and la niña patterns changing, stronger tropical storms, etc.
By #610414 18,Dec,20 08:38
El Niño and La Niña are products of the huge open Pacific Ocean, and as bad ass as that body of water can be, the sun is stronger. The heating of the water along with the winds being heated cause the changing of weather in Polinisia. Australia and New Zealand get the worst effect but every year we get a NOAA report. They tell us if El Niño or La Niña are prevelent that year. It causes weather patterns that affect the SW states and also winter storms.

By #614425 17,Dec,20 17:08
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 06:33 other posts 
bullshit (If you don't have any arguments, than this is a valid response)
By #610414 18,Dec,20 08:44
Why, why, why? The physical facts support it. No humans involved in the changes. Do you believe humanity has no hand in this? Or do you deny global warming?

By curvy8 [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 05:06 other posts 
Although I believe the science, regardless it is a fantastic opportunity to grow the economy. I am going long in sustainable energy because that is the next gold rush.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 18:24 other posts 
some googling will help alot.

We are not getting closer to the sun, but scientists have shown that the distance between the sun and the Earth is changing. ... The rate at which the sun is slowing is also tiny (around 3 milliseconds every 100 years). As the sun loses its momentum and mass, the Earth can slowly slip away from the sun's pull.

The magnetic poles and the NORTH pole are moving
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With all these changes, taking place even before civilization began, how is it that humans,being so cocky,think they can actually change the earth?
Things change rather we were here or not.
Eventually this entire blue ball is going to go up in FLAMES. Perhaps that is the Bibical Hell?
The earth will burn for a very long time,seeming like a eternity.
By Emerald [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 20:10 other posts 
If you are wondering whether humans can change the Earth, go look at aerial photos on Google Maps. Cleared fields, roads, buildings everywhere. What percentage of the Earth have we *not* changed?

The reason we have had to accept that human activity is influencing the earth's climate is because we are measuring changes that are too sudden and radical to be explained by the factors you mentioned. Those factors are still there. The Earth does change, but over the span of millennia, not in a generation or two.

We can measure, over time, how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere. We can measure how much a coal power plant emits. We can calculate with relative ease and great certainty that we have, indeed, made a difference. The uncertainty lies rather in how sensitive the Earth is to our influence.

As it turns out, even though humanity's emissions are only a few percent of the total, that is still enough to upset the equilibrium to a degree that is dangerous to us in the long term.

By #610414 16,Dec,20 08:17
I do believe in global warming. The going theory is that a hole has opened up in the ozone layer and getting bigger. Most people say, "so what?". Well, I was born in Miami,Florida, USA. Our sister city across the Bay, Miami Beach, gets flooded every day. Why? The polar ice caps are melting and so the ocean levels are rising. Coastal cities get flooding during high tides. This did not happen in the 1960's. Miami Beach is my part of the country, but there are similar stories worldwide. There are other indicators, of course.
Now, who's to blame? Most scientists believe humanity is accelerating the process. Maybe, maybe not, but, as managers of this world, we should try to make it better.
By #485312 16,Dec,20 14:28
the ozone had a hole in it in the 80s, I thought we 'fixed' that by banning fluorocarbons in aerosols and refrigerators .. now its the destruction of rainforests and burning of fossil fuels. the bad thing is, it took a hundred years to get here , and Im afraid it will never get better with capitalism and governments wanting more people to make more taxes to drive this wheel into the ground.. nothing ever happens till its just about too late... *lix*
By #610414 16,Dec,20 14:32
I agree. Fluorocarbon emissions did go down but it didn’t fix it. There’s also the huge Amazon fires. They are man made with Brazilian government approval. We can’t win. Only delay it.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 10:28 other posts 
exactly where is the hole.
If you look where the rockets are launched into space,burning EVERYTHING in it's path all the way up, UM,could it be?
By #610414 17,Dec,20 16:45
On the stratosphere just up from Patagonia

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