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Global Warming... What do you Believe?

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Started by #485312 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 18:50
Fact or Fiction.... is it really happening???
what do you think contributes to it and what is
being done to stop it?

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By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 12:56 other posts 
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By #610414 26,Oct,23 12:24
What’s the message here?
By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 15:50 other posts 
Sheesh,I was just sharing a video showing that these so called big ideas like electric cars are nothing new,and they didn't pan out back then,for the same reason they are foundering now.range
. Ev's are NOT selling well. Gm and honda just quit their joint venture into ev's.
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By #610414 26,Oct,23 18:37
Sheesh, I was trying to find what the point is.
My daughter-in-law’s brother, a very smart mechanical engineer, bought an EV for his personal use to go to work and generally use in the greater South Florida area. He gets about 320 miles per charge but, he says he just plugs it in during the weekend. He uses a gas powered car (the wife’s) for long trips. For him, it works out just fine
EVs do have these problems of range, cost, and batteries, but, GM and Honda didn’t stop their joint venture because of that. They stopped it because the market share wasn’t there at this time. It’s possible there will never be a profitable time when EVs will be a good commercial project. My take is that all problems can be fixed eventually.
The reason for the popularity of gas engined cars grew tremendously (as your own article states) was when the electric starter was developed. Gas cars in those days where notorious for being very hard to start and dangerous.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 20:51 other posts 
I will admit ,I am not totally against the electric car, just against it being forced on us.
they have their place. local trips, local deliveries.
By #610414 26,Oct,23 21:12
Who is forcing it on you?
By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 14:02 other posts 
Wake up,California and new york have both signed into law no new gas cars after a certain date,other states will follow. do a bit of googling.
By #610414 27,Oct,23 14:09
But that’s in the future. Ten years into the future. I think it’s a good idea but I wonder if the big auto makers will be able to deliver. I also wonder how many people will file lawsuits against it.

By Lvphose [Ignore] 23,Oct,23 23:08 other posts 
I’ll put it simply if the local weather person cannot tell us 24 hours what the line of demarcation is between rain sleet and snow do you think they can tell us what the weather will be like 100 years from now you got to be effing crazy!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 04:54 other posts 
Weather is the science of predicting fluctuations.
Climate science is the science of predicting trends globally.
Those trends are following the models way better, because it's an average
of decades of weather patterns in a region, and it changes much more slowly
than weather. Because of this, it's easier to predict climate than weather.

Climate science is basically just modeling the energy coming in from the sun,
compared with the heat radiation emitting back outwards into space
and the capacity of the atmosphere to absorb/retain the heat.

It's way more simple than predicting the weather, because to predict weather, the model has to predict every movement and interaction of atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, clouds, and interaction with the earth's surface beneath the atmosphere.

Lets compare weather and climate to the income of a Italian restaurant. The owner has a hard time predicting their turnover on any specific day, because it's dependent on factors like weather, traffic, sports games on TV or a supplier crashing their truckload of pasta.
However, predicting their yearly revenue is much easier. They might have a good year or a bad year, but mostly it all averages out. Then the number of customers shows the popularity of the restaurant. One bad cook can show a downward trend, over time.
One quiet evening tells the owner nothing.

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By phart [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 07:18 other posts 
Just be ready for the "storm"
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 12:07 other posts 
That's nothing special. It happens every 11 years or so.
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They are hyping about it every 11 years. Are they already doing it now?
Sure, it can cause a lot of damage, when it's particularly bad.
I hope that electric grids and internet systems have some safeties.
If they do not, then maybe it should cause some big problems first.
Like with most preventable crisis, people deny it, until they live it.

There is no way to prevent a solar storm from happening, we can only prepare.
However, we can prevent the worst effects from climate change from happening.
It's caused by humanity, so humanity can solve it. We just need to want to.
By #681164 25,Oct,23 16:43
Who said anyone can? Scientists follow a trend. Exact time/day/yr it will happen is impossible, but, if every year in the last x number of years, the numbers rise or fall in a steady way, then, a good PREDICTION can be made. The longer the time span, the less accurate it will be. This is nothing new. In 1966 I worked for the Miami/Dade County Water Control Dept. They were charged with predicting flooding caused by 5yr, 10yr, 20yr, 50yr, and 100 yr storms. Their ferocity was interpolated fro previous yrs storms going back many decades, some centuries. The point was that if every so often, consistently, Miami got a 20yr or 50yr storm, after a while, the time line would have to be changed.
Right now it looks like the weather patterns are changing faster than ever before. That is a major worldwide life changing problem. There are many people like you who, for some unknown reason, want to deny what seems to be. Just keep an open mind .
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 16:55 other posts 
I believe it will be cold this winter 🥶 and warm this summer and in the fall there will be leaves 🍁 falling and in the spring flowers and grass will grow
--------------------------------------- added after 52 seconds

Just like always
By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 19:06 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 19:46 other posts 
Really, 'Just like always'?
How cold was it in the winters, when you were young?
How warm was it in the summers, when you were young?
Were the leaves red and brown, when they fell from the trees, when you were young?
Aren't they falling down from the trees mostly green now?
Did grass and flowers dry up in the summer as often, when you were young?

Is your perception limited to just what you are describing?
Are you really telling me that you don't see any differences?
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 05:33 other posts 
just yanking your chain
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 10:10 other posts 
Sure, I have no problem with that, yank away.

But, is that you admitting that you have noticed differences?

Because, I think we are living in very similar climates, and I have noticed many differences. I hardly need a winter coat these days, but in my youth, I froze my nuts of almost every winter. The summers used to be hot sometimes, but mostly it was raining a lot. We had never heard of water shortages before, EVER! This last decade, there are problems with drought and nature drying out, and the government asking us to not accidentally start wildfires and not use to much water, because we are running dry, almost every summer. That's a change from the past I remember and it's not OK.

But you like to deny reality, just to yank the chain of some Dutch socialist?
What's the point?

Do you think I'm saying what I'm saying just to upset some right-wingers?
I'm not saying it's not fun sometimes, but I'm not denying reality, to do it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 12:12 other posts 
I have noticed a few but not enough to get excited about at this point
I just enjoy winding people up
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 04:10 other posts 
Living in a mild climate, there is not much to get excited about here yet either.
Climate change can even feel great for people living in cold climates like Iceland.
However, there are not that many people who will benefit from the changes,
but there are hundreds of millions of people in hot climates now,
who are already very negatively affected by the changes now.

You think that you can isolate yourself from the rest of the world on your hill.
Maybe you can, but would it be fun? Personally, I like the world as it is/was.
It's nice to just go to the shop and buy products from all over the world
at prices that I can easily afford. When the global economy gets impacted
from areas of the world getting to hot, from climate change,
then everything will become very expensive or not available anymore.

Humanity has reached their peak development level some time ago. Products come from everywhere and most areas in the world are involved in the global production chain. This helps people out of poverty and conflict. It helps them to solve their own problems, like rampant population growth. The best way to solve those problems is progress. It's on the decline now, I think. That results in dwindling resources and migration. When an area doesn't support its population anymore, people want to leave. You may think you can hide behind a wall, but the US is just as dependent on the rest of the world, as my country, and as mostly any other country. Every product you sell in your garage is sourced from raw materials from all over the world.
You need people in all those places contributing to the global economy, or those products cannot be produced anymore. Before that happens the prices go up.
This is what you are all focusing on, but instead of understanding the reasons, you are blaming the other political party.

Maybe your political system was designed with this in mind. They give you two hyper-partisan parties that won't ever cooperate, so you can blame each other,
and neither party will ever have to function correctly and never really have to solve the problems. Some of you think the government can better be completely destroyed, so you can build something new, which will be better. It doesn't work that way. It's a return to absolute chaos, and the only medicine for chaos is tyranny.
To get back from tyranny to democracy is very difficult. As you know, many areas never progressed from tyranny to democracy in the first place. I agree that democracy isn't working perfect, SO FIX IT! If you think that it's easier to fix it,
by first destroying it, you're making a mistake. The frame is still strong.
By #610414 26,Oct,23 12:22
I remember, in Miami, Florida, in what was described as a sub-tropical location, that I had to wear a coat walking to school, in late September. Now, our weather is what used to be in a full tropical location much closer to the equator. Most of the time a sweater or coat is more of a hindrance than a help

By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,23 16:50 other posts 
It seems the little climate change puppet from sweden has shat in her bed and will have to lay in it.
Let's exam this a moment, First, greta has Asperger syndrome
Which according to google search, would prompt her to be Clumsy,perform uncoordinated movements, including difficulty with handwriting. Difficulty managing emotions, sometimes leading to verbal or behavioral outbursts, self-injurious behaviors or tantrums. Not understanding other peoples' feelings or perspectives. Hypersensitivity to lights, sounds and textures.
This would explain her "How dare you" outburst in front of people. But I think her true colors are shining thru.

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She is also making her self a little criminal record.
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I guess we will be reading about her glueing herself to a oil tanker next?

By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 20:46 other posts 
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“A 2021 study from Volvo Motors found that the production and manufacturing of its C40 Recharge electric model generates 70% more emissions than its gas vehicle counterpart, the XC40,” the Washington Examiner previously reported. “In particular, the massive batteries that power electric vehicles are carbon-intensive to make.”
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 06:01 other posts 
That might be true. So how many miles do you have to drive with an C40 Recharge,
vs the gas powered C40, before it makes up it's carbon investment?
If they don't tell you, it's a biassed article.

By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 13:58 other posts 
Even bill gates says the planet will be just fine.
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Who would have thought HE would back off a bit on the climate bullshit?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 14:05 other posts 
It's not the planet we are worried about, it's humanity.
The people who are exaggerating climate change is YOU,
by not understanding anything and then talking bullshit,
like Obama's house on the coast getting in danger of sea-levels.
The main dangers in the coming decades are not sea-levels,
it's extreme weather, causing droughts in one area and mud-slides
in another, destroying harvests. It's forest fires as a chain reaction.
It's countries near the equator becoming to hot for survival,
causing massive floods of immigrants looking for other places to live.

No way that Bill Gates denies that. You're just straw-manning him.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 14:30 other posts 
Humanity is it's own worst enemy, the planet will take care of it's self.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 14:33 other posts 
Sure, the planet was part in mass-extinctions before. It will survive another.

Humanity being its own worst enemy is exactly the problem I want to solve.
The solution is not listening to people like you, who don't want to solve problems.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 21:20 other posts 
I would love to solve some problems but for whatever reason, no body can agree or even compromise on things.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Oct,23 13:34 other posts 
Even what Democrats promised to do was already a compromise of a compromise of a compromise of a corporate approved half measure.
What they are doing now is basically nothing. They are just spending tax-money
on subsidies, to encourage corporations to solve the problem for them, which is
the most expensive way to solve the problem.

The optimum method to solve this, is by public investments into renewable energy,
so the revenues go back into the treasury. That's how Iceland, Norway and Sweden are doing it. They hardly increased their debt, their people have cheap energy and they are turning into big energy exporters, making billions.

If you have a problem that gets progressively worse as long as you don't solve it,
you attack it straight on, as hard and as smart as you can, and get it behind you.
If humanity had started the energy transition 3 decades ago, it would have been
way easier, way cheaper, way more effective and prevented lots of damage.
By #694265 16,Oct,23 16:21
I find it interesting phart that no one seems to talk about the real issue of global warming, climate change that no doubt human activity is expediating.

Some seem to think batteries are going to save the human race, its fucking ridiculous.

At the end of the day there are to many fucking humans & we breed to fucking much, creating more consumers. Consumerism is what it cooking this planet from the pollution created to create our consumer products.

In todays modern world there are also more types of products to consume, I mean just take Halloween as one small example, I wonder how much pollution it creates with all the plastic garbage that is sold to celebrate it from China & now Halloween has spread to this country now & our stores are full of the shit.

Humans as a whole will never stop consuming shit.

Take myself as a example using my teenage daughter & the differences in consumerism over the years.

When I was her age, similar to when you were you were, I had a bicycle, my main form of transport & a few toys. The house hold had a single TV, a single phone bolted to the wall & a single motor car used for the whole family.

My daughters scenario, she has a bicycle but all that does is collect dust, she has more toys than you can poke a stick at including Xbox, has her own TV one of 2 in the property, but that not including gaming monitors, computer monitors another 2 Xbox's, also has her own computer amongst the other 2 in the property including the one I'm writing on now & 2 tablets. We no longer have a phone bolted to the wall, the wife, I & my daughter have our own cell phones. We have 3 serviceable on road motorcycles, purely for pleasure riding & 2 cars.

Are we going to reduce our consumerism to save the human race, fuck no, as with just about any modern family. Even the idiots that blubber on about batteries saving the human race would they change their consumerism to save all the other humans, no, they seem to think that powering their consumerism with batteries is going to save the ozone, its the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life.

The human race will continue to expand, we will continue to open up the ozone layer cooking this planet, humans will become extinct on this planet its just a matter of time.

Elon has the right idea though, lets all move to Mars & live in bubbles
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 21:25 other posts 
Battery's have their place. But they are by no means a solution to the problem. They only change the problem.
Solar comes in handy, I can charge the battery on my camper without running a drop cord.
All this smog stuff on cars, a 1980's honda civic got 50mpg, try that now in a average car with all that smog crap on it, it's a struggle .and it is Still going to be a roller skate size car.
Electric pickup truck, put a load behind it, ride 75 miles ,wait HOURS to recharge, it would take 3 months to take a 3 week road trip at that rate.
By #694265 16,Oct,23 21:41
Battery/charging tec is moving along, some company's have long haul trucks now I believe, that do depot charging at this point with massive chargers.

I don't personally think we are looking at the end of the internal combustion engine, I have noticed some new hydra powered cars kicking around now. We used to have LPG gas over here for years, all the taxies used to run on the stuff, I had a duel fueled car at the time. I don't know all the statistic on burring LPG but from what I understand is much cleaner than gasoline.

The Toyota Hybrid killed that over here, Taxi all went those, it was cheaper per mile on gasoline than LPG was.

Also like I have seen you mention here a few times now, this Hybrid tec is old, many years being used in trains & big earth moving equipment so maybe more tec will put into that.

All our government busses over here in Brisbane at least, have all been converted to gas instead of Diesel as well.

What about a gas powered Hybrid 🤷‍♀️, who knows I am far from being a engineer
By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 22:07 other posts 
Hybrid is where toyota has put alot of their efforts. Because it helps with range anxiety for 1 thing.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Oct,23 16:26 other posts 
Electric cars cannot save humanity, electric cars can only save cars.

By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 14:30 other posts 
UH< Um, I bet you never thought of this problem?
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clean air is actually allowing the planet to heat up! Nothing blocking the sun!!!

By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,23 18:23 other posts 
What else can Ford expect? When you build a truck that can't do "truck" things without being plugged in for hours every 75 miles, it aint gonna work for the American people!
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By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,23 20:58 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 09:57 other posts 
When that happens, I hope I'm standing directly under the first one.

1:28 - "The United Kingdom and France have nuclear capabilities and are obliged
by NATOs article 5 to defend the US..."
Understand there is no such thing as 'defending' anyone in that case.
It would just be retaliation and simultaneously making sure no one survives.
The best thing any country can do to 'defend' humanity is not launching any nukes,
even if other countries launch all their nukes at your country. I would prefer to just die without the guilt of having contributed to the eradication of humanity.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 14:51 other posts 
I would rather live in a world without nuclear weapons or nuclear power. But it is to late ,enough nuclear waste and materials around to corrupt our ground water for eternity.

What countries dump nuclear waste in the ocean?
North-West Pacific Ocean dump sites of the Soviet Union, Japan, Russia, and Korea.
Remember Japan just dumped water from the nuclear plant built on a ground fault recently.No regard to the fish life or human life at all.

Locally we had a close call not many people knew of,cooling inlet line filter screen got clogged up with little fish.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Oct,23 05:26 other posts 
At least something we agree on.

But even then, you refuse to accept any responsibility of your own country.
1946 First dumping operation at Northeast Pacific Ocean
(about 80 km off the coast of California).
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Still, I'm actually surprised that the US dumped less than 1:10th of the Russians.

Did you support Greenpeace when they protested that dumping?
Did you joined protests against nuclear energy or nuclear weapons?
Did you vote for politicians that are against nuclear energy and nuclear weapons?
Do you care about fish life or human life, when it's related to other topics?
If this is important to you, how does it affect your political decisions?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,23 10:39 other posts 
Until the nuclear threat is abolished accross the board-world,we can't leave our country without detterant,the rabbit is pulled from the hat and can't be put back.
No i don't run around with a bunch of protesters looking like a fool.
i support the use of coal,gas, wind,solar,hydro and so on.NOT nuclear power
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Oct,23 11:22 other posts 
"Until the nuclear threat is abolished accross the board-world,we can't leave our country without detterant,the rabbit is pulled from the hat and can't be put back."
True. It would be irresponsible to unilaterally disarm, for the US.
However, a tiny country like mine can fully disarm.
There is no use to have a few nukes. It would only make us a target.
It would only take a few, to wipe us of the map and with the same number
we would not pose a threat to any of the big countries.

Why is walking around with a bunch of protesters, looking like a fool?
That must be some deep resentment they indoctrinated you with.
It's a democratic right to make your voice heard by protesting.

I never heard you say that about the Jan 6th capital rioters. Were they fools?
If they hadn't used violence, I would have supported their right all the way,
even if they were all delusional from believing Trump's lies.

I don't support nuclear power either. It's an energy loan on the future.
It's irresponsible, dangerous and very expensive.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,23 13:45 other posts 
The jan 6 folks destroyed their credibility when they damaged the government buildings and stole stuff, so yes ,sadly some did act like fools.
Had they stood on the steps by the 1000's blocking access the building without violence ,or perhaps cut power to the building, no harm done and would get the point across.
I know a man and his wife that attended and saw his videos on his phone that he took and some of other members of his church group. Police moved barricades so the folks could go up the steps ,they were not prevented to go up the steps as they want you overseas to believe. I saw raw footage of it. thats why i don't agree with what is on the media.
I know you feel like your few nukes are of no value, but I doubt you will ever be invaded like Ukraine as long as you have them. That is the deterrent function of the weapon, it can be rusting in the corner ,and still be doing it's job. Protecting you and your country from outside threats.

By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 04,Oct,23 17:18 other posts 
That lithium is a finite resource requiring wage slaves and big emissions to strip mine. The same industries involved in coal and oil are making bank off of the race to go electric
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Oct,23 18:16 other posts 
Absolutely I couldn’t agree with you more
There is a lot of truth to that. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers.
But, it would help if we agreed on the questions.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,23 21:03 other posts 
There will come a point that even yourself will come to realize oil and gas were the lesser of the multiple evils.
This green stuff, is not that green.
We have had Big Oil for decades supposedly running the show.
It will be Big Lithium before long.
We will watch lithium go up and our cars and tools will be very expensive to operate, disposing of the battery's will be costly .and just as the tires for reefs program in florida in the 70's has turned out to be a bad idea, about 2050 the folks will be like "Oh my, these battery's are causing cancer when disposed of. and the grand kids everyone claims to be so concerned about their futures, will be faced with a similar big scam of some sort that is better than lithium. and the show will go on until the big fire ball and the nuclear winter wipes us all away like a dead bug on a windshield.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 07:12 other posts 
This green stuff looks a little yellow to me
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 14:41 other posts 

what's the last thing that goes thru a bugs mind when he hits the windshield of a truck?


OH come on man, You know it's his ASS!
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 17:15 other posts 
By #700631 05,Oct,23 06:37
Annas2xLekker wrote: "There is a lot of truth to that. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. But, it would help if we agreed on the questions."

Unfortunatley it doesn't look like that's going to happen until it's too late.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 07:15 other posts 
The answer to the question is it’s all a load of crap 💩 and no one cares except the liberals
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 09:34 other posts 
Actually, there are more and more Republican voters who also see that something
is going on. That's why Republicans came up with their trillion trees idea.
Republican voters are easily distracted with nonsense of course,
so that will never convince anyone else, but it's a sign.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 09:47 other posts 
I think planting trees is a wonderful idea
You should see all the trees i have all mixed hardwoods it would be worth a fortune to timber it out and not to mention the rock but I love my trees and I take care of them by cutting the dead ones out and the brush so the new saplings have room to grow
And it’s less of a fire hazard
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 12:46 other posts 
It's one of the best ideas they ever had, but one trillion trees covers 3,900,000 - 7,700,000 square miles. The entire area of the USA is 3,531,905 square miles. Where will you find the empty land to plant those trees? Humanity has cut down
so many trees, for places to live and for agriculture to feed us all.

If they manage to plant trees in empty deserts, that would be awesome though.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 hours

You might need to calculate how big of a workforce would be needed
to care for a trillion tree production forest, by cutting the dead ones out
and the brush, so it’s less of a fire hazard.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 14:42 other posts 
dgraff and phart will deny reality, even when everyone is dying,
while Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and friends are looking down amused
onto the dying Earth's population, from their space station hideout.
By #700631 05,Oct,23 11:22
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 14:53 other posts 
I don't deny reality ,i spend a hour or more a day trying to explain it to knuckleheads like YOU!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Oct,23 04:31 other posts 
Reality is that the CO2 concentration has been rising to far above 400 ppm,
from the first time in human history that atmospheric CO2 exceeded 300 ppm,
around the time the Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean.
The last time the concentration of CO2 was as high as 400 ppm was probably
in the Pliocene Epoch, between 2.6 million and 5.3 million years ago.
That's something happening in 111 years, that didn't happen the last
2.6 - 5.3 million years, a period of 23,423 - 47,748 times longer.

Another scientific reality is that CO2 absorbs heat radiation from the sun.

You are the knucklehead, for not putting those two FACTS together
to accept REALITY, that humanity is causing the atmosphere to heat up.

What you spend your time on is parroting the same dumb arguments,
that don't explain anything, over and over again.
By #694265 05,Oct,23 07:36
I hate coming into these Forums & having a say, I tried it some months ago about his exact same topic, maybe with another profile I have here & got torn to bits buy the a ledged experts here that burn natural resources spending all their boring lives tracking down facts & figures on Google.

I agree with you 100% Maxwell_93 lithium storage of energy that these environmental people seem to thing is the answer causes more destruction creating their a ledged more ozone friendly alterative then burning shit.

So once the destruction to the ozone layer has been created by producing these lilium power cells (that's the new green term "powered cells", they are fucking batteries ffs),where do they get their energy from, from burning shit mostly ffs.

You are also exactly correct that the company's that burn shit for power are laughing at these a ledged environmentalist idiots faces, all the way to the bank with hands full of cash from the profits they have made from burning shit to power their environmentally friendly batteries 🤷‍♀️
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 09:32 other posts 
What manufacturing process for power cells is damaging the ozone layer?
I have never heard of it.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 14:47 other posts 
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"Lithium can be described as the non-renewable mineral that makes renewable energy possible - often touted as the next oil."
Someone else comparing it to oil besides me,

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My goodness Ananas, just think of the deiseal smoke from 1 off road dump truck hauling material away from a mine. Sure the truck is powered by electric motors at the wheels but a huge diesel generator is running the show, similar to a locomotive.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Oct,23 04:53 other posts 

I know that mining causes pollution. So does fossil fuel extraction!

"Lithium can be described as the non-renewable mineral that makes renewable energy possible"
Lithium can still be recycled, when you burn oil, coal or natural gas,
it's CO2 and you cannot recycle that, back to fossil fuels.

I am aware of EVERYTHING YOU ARE SAYING. There are no free rides.
What we SHOULD DO is just stop using fossil fuels now.
We don't do that, because people rely on energy to survive.
So the next less damaging alternative to that is renewable energy.
It has its problems too, but it emits WAY LESS CO2 in the atmosphere.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,23 17:02 other posts 
Here ride along in this itty bitty little dozer and tell me, How much fuel it's using just clearing a road,now imagine trying to get the lithium out of from under all that dirt
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Oct,23 04:57 other posts 
Tell me, what are they using that lithium for?
It's electric cars isn't it?

How about we say; "No more cars!!"?
Then we wouldn't need that lithium anymore, right?

The only reason to use that lithium, is because people want cars. Me too!
I'm not doing away with my small fuel economical car, because you lot kept voting
for selfish bastards, who kept denying reality for the last many decades, and let
the rich make the problem worse, while we knew that change was needed.
Electric cars do not solve the problem, but it makes rich people look like they care about climate change and make guys like Elon Musk very wealthy.

Cars are only responsible for 7% of global CO2 emissions. Making that the top discussion subject is just another distraction for the other 93% of the problem.

There are probably less damaging ways to store the energy of for electric cars,
but now we have Tesla and all the others using lithium batteries.
It's a bit better than petrol and diesel cars, but it's still bad.
It's what corporations invented as a pacifier. It's not saving humanity.
Just like LED-bulbs and putting the thermostat lower isn't saving humanity.
It helps, but it will only reduce and delay the damage.
We cannot save the world, the capitalist way.

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