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Started by #485312 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 18:50
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Phoenix hits 100 degrees for the 100th day in a row
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"...there’s no end in sight to triple-digit days in the forecast."
Arizona is hot,dry as a popcorn fart and does not even allow people to have anything on their property that holds water from rain.
been that way for a while.
I'm very happy to live in a mild climate.
Strange how so many climate change deniers live in such hot states.
They literally feel the results every summer, but they chose not to believe it.
I can't help but laugh when I see walter, kinda like looking in the mirror.
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Jeff Dunham is very funny. Nice that we both enjoy it.
Can you also enjoy Jim Jefferies, or is he too liberal?
How about Ricky Gervais? Is he anti-woke enough already?
Even penis sheath wearing Papuas have heard of these.
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Ricky Gervais: only registered users can see external links
by my girlfriend, who didn't want it to ruin a nice day out.
I made a hint about something worsening from climate chance, to which he replied that all of climate chance was recently debunked, by the Technical University of Delft, something about soil composition not matching. So, later, I spend an hour searching the internet for any news or scientific article about that. I couldn't find anything even loosely related to that. So, it was just another 'trust me bro'.
If there is science debunking climate change, that will be all over the news 24 hours later.
It days later now, and I'm still waiting.
I'm not allowed to ask him for the article, because it's her side of the family.
Has anyone heard of such a topic not matching with climate change, recently?
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Soil can also influence climate on a smaller scale. Soils that are wetter or denser hold heat and stabilize the surroundings from temperature changes more so than drier, looser soils. The temperature in deserts may increase by more than 60°F during the course of a day.
Soils and Climate
Soil Science Society of America
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The temperature of dry climates or above dry land definitely fluctuates more than wet climates or above wet lands.
If the soil composition changes over time, that can have an effect on the climate.
One example is when the Russian tundra isn't frozen as much anymore. That starts a rotting process that releases CO2 and CH4. It's one of the 'tipping points'.
It was fun. There was a learning curve though, because there is no real dashboard to speak of and except for the signals and drive selector, everything is on that center display.
Driving itself is a breeze. The acceleration is eye-watering. That was the fun part.
It's practical enough too. I could charge it 100 ft from my house, while I need to drive several miles for a gas-station with somewhat acceptable prices.
The Tesla Supercharger is also closer to my house than that gas-station.
It could charge the battery from 60% to 80% in 5 minutes. And it was cheap.
Of course, it's a very expensive car. I won't buy it, unless I become a lot richer.
Most people don't buy a Tesla, but have it leased with their job. Not my job though.
The car is 50% gimmick. Most of the price is related to all the sensors and the
eye-watering acceleration. If they dropped all the nonsense and just delivered the
sensible type of car, that I drive now, it could be very similar in price.
Did you try the self drive?
I have found a situation where the self drive or at least assisted driving is a good thing.
A friends daughter has Pots.
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So her husband chose to buy a Tesla for their new car and there is a way to program different "modes" for driving.
He programmed in a " Casey" mode,her name, when she drives, if she lets go of the wheel for more than like 2 seconds, the car starts talking" Casey,are you ok?" and then buzzers go off and the car slows down and the flasher turn on, if no response it pulls it's self over to the side of the road and stops.
It has all the sensors though. It shows all cars, in a wide radius on screen.
It even distinguishes cars, trucks and motorbikes. It shows a light for them braking.
It does have adaptive cruise control, but I've had that before, in a rental.
It was set on one pedal regenerative braking. I have touched the actual braking pedal only a few times.
On a 60 mph straight highway, with trajectory control, it was practical, but very boring.
Yeah, it kept warning me, with 'bing bing bing' (lol) and no idea what for.
And it saw a 40 mph sign on the other lane and thought I was speeding.
No matter how rich I was, and how much luxury and service I could afford in a car,
they can keep that 'service' OUT! Show the speed limit, but shut the fuck up!
Really funny when the damn thing is UPSIDE DOWN in the middle of the road where it slid and flipped over on ice.
That's some creative design. I never saw anything like it.
Did they do that voice because of Knight Rider?
I'm used to navigation talking, but the car itself... No thank you.
My first navigation system was a PDA with external GPS.
You could install many different voices on it.
I installed our Dutch porn-star Kim Holland on it.
What she had recorded wasn't X-rated, but pretty erotic.
I also used voices from someone imitating our soccer coach
Johan Cruijff and the soccer brothers Frank and Ronald de Boer.
You can unlock more power but in AU its 10k same price as unlocking the auto drive, so that's all not unlocked in theirs's either.
Has some little nic nac features, well heaps of them, like you can make the horn many of the std sounds or you can upload one into the car. I tried to convince then to load in a machine gun mp3, they wouldn't be in it, but if it was mine it would be the first thing I would do 😁
A while back auto steer was unlocked for free, it works ok but you have to keep engaging with the steering wheel from time to time, its a bit annoying really I find holding onto the wheel a better option.
Auto pilot over here can only work on highways, I believe in America & Europe it works every where, I might not be correct on that.
One really cool feature of it, using your app in a shopping center, you can have the car come to you, that would be pretty cool
I've seen a Model 3 pull away once. That was not 'acceleration', that was instant speed.
It seems like the law gets an extra job, every time Tesla invents a new gimmick.
Or can it wait until someone is upside down in a ditch, for trying to avoid what they think is another mass shooter? It does open up traffic nicely though.
Maybe the 3 has free auto steer and it's an option on the Y.
It's only legal in The Netherlands if you're in it, and paying attention.
That would be even more boring on the freeway than just steering.
It's not allowed to have the car drive alone.
That would create insurance and legal liability issues.
It's also creating dilemmas like is the car supposed to protect the owner at all cost
or should it prioritize the lives of multiple pedestrians over the life of the owner.
That's not important at crawling speed, but it's an issue that they are already
struggling with.
That screen asks for too much of the driver's attention.
They can compensate the design choice of leaving out a dashboard,
or they can do what car builders have optimized in the last 100 years.
I would not buy a Tesla, I would buy an electric car, which is 100% car.
I wouldn't want to daily drive something that's 50% gimmick.
That one is $121.397 in my country.
But, I've seen aftermarket instrument clusters, for all models.
That's a sign that people are getting annoyed with that design choice.
He told me about how it has seat and steering and mirror settings programmed for him and his wife. If they have the dog with them and need to go in a store,it has "pet mode" where the screen says "I am fine,it is xx degrees in here".
Also has a "keep" mode for keeping your grocerys from getting to hot as you run other errands. It still has it's temp tag and he has the self drive for 30 days free.8000 dollar option to leave it on. He turned it on, and a few miles down the road it made a panic stop for a car crossing a 1/4 mile ahead of him,so he turned it off.
said he would not buy it.
Alot of thought went into the design for sure.
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I realize I need to get some charcoal filtered underpants to do my part for the environment but how do you dispose of them in a environmentally friendly way?
long as i can make me some lumber out of 2 others!
Uh, so how can you have it both ways?
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Place is nothing but desert except for right around the edges, why bother with a park in the middle of nowwhere?
I don't understand what you're trying to argue.
Why bother? A 'national park' is not a park for people, but for nature.
Almost all wild animals are turning into 'endangered species'.
If the radiation is gone and there's no other pollution, it's a better solution to rewild it,
than to leave a fucking dead hole in the ground. It could be a lake with high biodiversity.
It might even be a start to turning that desert green. Weren't you supporting the Republican 'plan' to plant 1 trillion trees? Is it in Project 2025?
1 Trillion trees won't all fit in your backyard.
It entails at least turning all deserts into forests.
Sure, many liberals think the world is saved with electric cars and nuclear power.
That's escapism too. Electric cars won't help much against climate change,
but it saves the car. It's a solution from Elon Musk... Take a hint!
Nuclear power is exchanging a current crisis for a future crisis.
Nuclear power isn't that 'green' and it is very expensive.
Solar, wind, water, geothermal and even bio-fuels are all better alternatives.
Those are all actually renewable. Uranium is still a fossil fuel. Gone is gone.
You cannot recycle uranium, but end up with highly radioactive waste for 100,000 years.
I don't support nuclear.it is very dangerous.
Human error can happen with the best of tech.But I doubt 1000's of people would die because of a faulty solar panel.
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It's your bias to think everything you think is bad is supported by the others.
You never do any research to check your ideas.
Now you know Republicans mostly support nuclear power, you will either just accept that, maybe even switch your position, or you will keep denying it.
Trump is a big supporter of nuclear power and is planning to put the nuclear weapons programs on steroids. Remember that he wanted to nuke hurricanes?
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In my country, nuclear power is much more a right-wing idea.
Our large corporate right-wing party, the VVD clearly states in it's program that new nuclear power plants should be build.
Our Christian right-wing party, the CDA clearly states in it's program that we need nuclear energy.
Our populist extreme right-wing 'party' (with just one member; Geert Wilders) even has a plan to have Henri Muntert's handyman company build four new nuclear power plants.
Our small right-wing Christian fundamentalist party, which just recently allowed women to participate, supports building new nuclear power plants.
Our totally corrupt right-wing populist party, FvD, strongly supports nuclear energy.
The 'liberals' are D66 and PvdA. D66 supports nuclear power, because they say we need it for a carbon neutral future, to combat climate change. The PvdA has always been against nuclear power, but switched their position about 20 years back, when they turned from left to centrist. Then they lost massive support. They went from 42 seats to 9 seats, in 14 years. They learned from that mistake and moved back to the left. In 2023, they joined with the Green Party (GroenLinks), creating GroenLinks-PvdA. Now their program states that there should be no new nuclear power plants, because nuclear power is neither safe nor cost effective.
Our Green Party (GroenLinks) clearly stated in their program:
- No new nuclear power plants
- A ban on subsidizing nuclear power plants in Europe
My Socialist Party even organized a national demonstration against nuclear power.
300 dollar item.
Using a dose of UV light in lungs infected with Covid, strong enough to kill the virus, would kill the patient about 100 times faster. The worst sunburn ever, in the most delicate and vital tissue. Besides, you might kill the few viruses in the lungs, but they are everywhere in the body.
Actually, it's even wrong to say "killing viruses", because they are not really alive in the first place. They are just a capsule made of protein with genetic material inside. They don't multiply by themselves, like bacteria, fungi and other single celled organisms, they need a host. To 'kill' them, means destroying the capsule and/or the genetic material inside to such an extend that the virus is unable to infect the host or the genetic material doesn't work anymore.
A short burst of UV light can damage the genetic material slightly, while still allowing the virus to infect the host. You're actually creating mutants that way. It might be a mutant that can kill people more effectively. During my studies, we even used UV light to mutate bacteria. We wanted to create a mutant that would be able to break down poisonous hydrocarbons. We needed to be very careful with that UV light, because it could burn your eyes and skin in seconds, but we dosed the bacteria for minutes. That was not enough to kill them, just enough to damage their genetic material slightly. It didn't work, but we did find micro-organisms that were able to break down those poisonous hydrocarbons in soil that was contaminated with those poisonous hydrocarbons. Nature already provided the mutants that we needed.
You can also kill viruses with bleach or with ionizing radiation, on a surface or as air particles. You can even kill viruses with soap, in about 20 seconds. You can't do that in a human body, because the body is in the way. The virus is hiding in the cells and in the blood. If you replaced the blood with soap or bleach, the veins would be temporarily cleaned and the virus would be dead there. The patient would be also dead as a door-nail. If the patient miraculously survived, once you put in clean blood, viruses from other tissues would immediately reinfect the blood and veins.
If you tried to kill all the viruses in the cells of the patient, with a chemical or radiation, the patient would be long dead before the virus is even affected.
If you don't understand that, you're just as oblivious as Trump.
It is impossible to 'kill' a virus with radiation or chemicals, because a virus consists of protein and DNA or RNA, just like the person it has infected.
There is no type of radiation or chemical that can specifically destroy the protein
or DNA or RNA of the virus and not the protein or DNA of the patient.
What you can use to specifically attack the virus and leave the body intact are antibodies, either created in a bioreactor (biotechnology) or by inducing the body to make the antibodies; vaccination or immunotherapy.
They saved Trump from Covid with Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies,
not with Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, you can be sure of that.
You can be sure, because that's what they use(d) for important people.
Even Joe Rogan got it, after saying he could trust his immunity, for weeks.
He would have probably been fine, so he took scarce life-saving medicine away from someone who needed it more than him, because he's rich.
Trump would have probably died. I don't fault any system that prioritizes their top government officials above some random people. I just observe that people who spread the anti-vaxxer or anti-science rhetoric will always listen to their doctor
or the actual science, as soon as they are at risk themselves.
Everyone at Fox'News' was forced to vaccinate. The channel was spreading
anti-vax propaganda, but did the opposite themselves. The anti-science ideas are just to distract and confuse the masses, but they don't believe a word
of anything they say themselves.
Aint this nice? They take that government handout and then go tits up. Liberals constantly complain about Trump,Robison and others using bankruptcy and now this, I wonder what liberals will say to this?
there are lots of selfish assholes gearing up to scam them.
By the way, as of January 2024, there are 11,091 solar panel installation companies
in the US. There are 514 Solar Power businesses in the US as of 2023,
an increase of 22.8% from 2022. Those 'government handouts' are working.
How about those 'government handouts' from Trump?
Seen any money back from the PPP loans? Did they not fire people?
Did the 6 TRILLION DOLLARS he pumped into the stock market help you?
'Government handouts' are mostly a Republican thing, you just don't think so,
because the handouts go to wealthy people and never to the people who need it
or to goals that would actually Make America Great Again. They are LYING to you!
Trust me guys not having a go at either of you, I consider both of you to be my friends I just wanted to chuck my 2 cents worth in for the hell of it
Phart mate, caught my attention mentioning something of Australia, just to correct you on something, the "Kakadu National Park" up in the NT was a national park prior to the mine opening up, funnily enough about a year prior to the mine opening with a deal stuck with the "traditional landowners" to allow the mine to open up, it was all about money & very controversial, it was a common thing to hear about this mine through its operations in local (Australian) news broadcasts through the period of operation , local bands like "Midnight Oil" wrote songs about it in the past & so forth, it is unlikely if the traditional land owners were not involved & the park was owned by the state alone, chances are the mine would not have existed. The traditional landowners of this country take tittle to many lands within Australia causing trouble to obtain FREE money, from well, basically the white taxpayers of this country, sounds raciest, well maybe it is, even some local parks & councils, like council chambers & stuff they have taken claim to its all about getting money for FREE, so they can lease back, its a big problem.
Like I have said & mentioned many times, if the Dutch or Chinese colonized the country, there would be no traditional land owner problem, they all would have been shot on cocolonization bit over 200 years ago, its called genocide these days, but way back when I like to call it conquering nations, but we were colonized by the British, they liked to fuck little black girls 🤷♀️
Now for you my Dutch mate, as far as I understand, humans have 2 basic ways to generate power/energy
1. Turn a turbine:
Typically done with some type of boiler system, more or less heating water & harnessing its energy, there are other ways of course like wind farming that uses the power of wind to turn a turbine & Hydra also using the force of flow of water to turn a turbine, they would be the most common I would imagine, there would be others I am sure. Oh & nuclear to basically boil water, how could I forget that 🤭
2. Harnessing the suns solar energy:
So catching that energy via solar panels & chucking it into a grid or storing it in batteries for use later on, in Australia particularly in the state I live in ya can chuck some panels up on ya roof, heavily subsidized by the state government, typically these systems do not have the capability of storage, so the idea is, while your panels are being energized & you don't use all the power, the excess gets shoved into the grid, you get a subsidy for that, then once the sun goes down you have to pay to get the power back at a higher price then what you sold it for, but typically efficiently set up solar paneled household have a minimal bill at the end of the month, depending on how big your system is you may get a small refund although usually unlikely.
There are higher grades of this types of system, Tesla as one example, so you have a lithium storage bank set up beside your house, so you store your own power to use while the sun is not shinning, its my guess, I don't know the fundamentals of this type of system, but I would imagine once the storage bank is full, excess power would be bleed off & be shoved back into the grid which you would be paid for, however these types of systems are much more expensive & the government subsidy would fall well short of set up costs.
Also mate something I have picked up on. You have mentioned it a few times now that a EPV is not going to save the world it will save the automobile, your opinion on this matter I believe is 100% correct, in many countries like mine there is a target of 0 emissions & part of that is to can the internal combustion engine vehicle, sold new at some point/year, like phart I think evolving hybrid tec is a better option, perhaps using a hydrogen powered powered plant to produce power to energize the batteries carried on board & why not advance solar tec so your car look like a regular painted car so it is capturing the suns energy to change the power cells so the engine has less work to, I have a G Shock watch for example that uses solar energy to power the batteries, the solar panel is part of the glass watch face, not like solar powered watches from yesteryear, where a small solar panel was visible, why not use this technology in the windshield & rear shield of a modern modern Hybrid vehicle, most of which are driven during the daylight hours & cuck a few wind turbines in the front grill of that car to assist in power generation lessening the time the engine needs to be on to power the batteries, creatin les co2.
Australia has one of the lowest C02 emotions in the world, whey you might ask, we don't produce anything any more, well very little at all, we used to manufacture & build cars, the last of those were Holden(Chev), Ford & Toyota, no longer that's been gone for quite a few years now, we no longer produce a single car in this country, so the pollution created form this is somewhere else in the world. Our fords seem to be European, our holdens (Chev) appear to be American or maybe European as what is commonly known as the Commodore was originally formed from a European Opal.
Australia has many natural stocks & recourses, Uranium coal & iron (mostly), we export much Coal for example bringing the country billions of dollars, even though we not burning much of the stuff ourselves, converting for burning of natural gas to turn turbines, we send our coal to countries that do burn it to produce power, so although we have a low carbon footprint, we are allowing other countries to accelerate theirs's with our exports & the profit we make from it.
We have huge iron stocks, we used to produce our own steel, that ceased many years ago & our foundries shut down reducing our carbon footprint, instead we ship our ore to China, they send it back as steel & why because simply put its cheaper.
At the end of the day we have a low carbon foot print in this country, the main reason for that is we no longer manufacture fuck all, all our manufacturing is done in China, their caron foot print continues to climb, it is of no wonder why, we still produce a ugly carbon footprint, not seen here because we have moved it it China mostly 🤷♀️
The world at the end of the day needs less high level consumers, much like myself, Phart is a true environmentalist (even though he doesn't even know it), his actual carbon foot print on the world would be minimal, not even a drop in the ocean as far as I understand the way the guy lives 🤷♀️
Basically, every power generation technology uses the power of the sun or a star.
Directly, via solar PV panels or solar heat capture.
Indirectly, via the circulation of air or water, powered by the sun.
Delayed, by using fixed solar energy in the form of fossil fuels.
From a star that went supernova and provided Uranium or Thorium.
From the decay of radioactive elements in the earths core,
which were also created in a supernova, for geothermal.
Just being a nerd now. Sorry!
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No UV no more focal fuels
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Oh but then all the plants would die then we are fucked
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Its a funny world we live in, every action that's made there is a reaction to that action, like yin & yang I guess, to keep things equal, for something negative that's done a positive needs to be done to equalize the negative thing, to you know make it all equal again, the problem is that to many negative things are done & no positive things (well little at any rate) to equalize everything to bring things back to neutral again 🤷♀️
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but notice how the folks in Africa are going to extract the methane to make electricity! Instead of worrying about it, taxing the locals, etc, they are going to use it to their betterment.
by cows. So yes, we have to worry about cow farts.
It's not a bad idea to use the methane for electricity, but if that releases the CO2,
that's not a good idea. They could use that CO2 rich water to farm algae.
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in the world heat up faster, while other places (nearer to the poles) are getting cooler.
I'm at the end of the Gulf Stream in Europe. If that Gulf Stream goes away, it will be significantly cooler in Europe than in South and North America, but we would still have
the same levels of CO2 and CH4, so I'm sure it wouldn't get to an Ice Age.
Notice mexico didn't like the US crossing the border either!
There has already been a ice age here. the movie was far fetched but entertaining to some degree.
The Village was another 1 I saw in the theater and that movie could have had a good plot, but they wasted it,
"Not only Americans, but people all around the globe are now guests in the nations we once called the third world. In our time of need they have taken us in and sheltered us, and I am deeply grateful for their hospitality."
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