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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By #188992 18,May,20 10:33
100 years ago today:

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I was struck by the statement that "Americans today benefit from what the miners strived for, including better working conditions." There is power in a Union!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,20 14:53 other posts 
I will assume that you are pro union, me, I have mixed feelings.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 18,May,20 16:38 other posts 
I was always a solid union man but I do readily accept that some unions and their activities over here during the 1970s and 1980s were more about politics that protecting their members.
As a result union membership in the UK is at a really low level today and many of those in unions are there for the legal protection that the union can give, rather than to support the union. The unions have largely lost their power.

So now we have millions of people in non union jobs on zero- hour contracts being paid minimum wage and with no one to fight for them. I am not convinced that is progress.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,20 18:33 other posts 
My father is a retired school teacher and was a union member. I believe that you are spot on, union's have lost their power.
By #188992 18,May,20 16:54
I've spent much of my working life being an, unpaid, Trade Union representative.

My upbringing, personal observations and natural instinct to fight for the underdog all play their part in becoming pro-Union.

I'm a great advocate for mutual aid, in all it's manifestations.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,20 19:07 other posts 
I really don't understand why the company I work for has organized union representation for office workers, perhaps it provides the needed balance for the rest of us "at will" employees.

I live in Michigan and Michigan is a "right to work" state. I wish I understood the concept of this law. You have a union shop that employs two hourly workers. Mr. A joins the union, pays union dues and has "x" benefits and Mr. B decides that he does not want to join the union because it is his right to work, he pays no union dues and has the same benefits as Mr. A (this is a possible scenario where I work). I suppose that Mr. B could be terminated without as much effort as Mr. A but I don't understand the benefit of not opting into the union when you work for a union shop.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 19,May,20 02:48 other posts 
That is always the conundrum. In the UK in the past there were ‘closed shops’ where a person could only be employed by a business if they joined the appropriate union. This system was outlawed in the 1980s and so the situation you describe is now the norm.
Has this change had an effect in worker’s rights and pal levels? Well as a I say minimum wage , zero hour jobs are now so very common.
By #460385 18,May,20 21:15
Union and military run in my blood. 3 generations of military, 5 generations of union. I'm not gonna preach union or not. Some get it some don't. I have had family members laid off, and started at a new company the next day. Some will bitch about politics and that a $2.00 a week donation goes to the Democratic party. Who fucking cares. What matters to me is job security, that I make $8.00 an hour more than the rats doing the same job, that I pay not a dime for me and my family for medical, dental, and vision insurance, and a hell of a pension on top of my social security when I retire.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,20 23:23 other posts 
I'm not doggin' anyone that is pro union or a union member. My exposure to unions is limited. When I was a young 'un, my pops worked for a small tool & die company (unionized), the only problem was that that type of business hinged upon the car companies and he had a wife, three daughters and a new house to worry about. He decided that he needed a job with stability, left the tool & die trade, enrolled in college, earned a Master's degree and became a high school teacher. This was yet another union job and the contracts always afforded him with competitive wages and great heathcare benefits. To my recollection, Detroit Public School teachers were unionized through the UAW. When my pops retired, subsequent contacts negotiated always included retirees so he and my mom still have super healthcare benefits as well as his pension. Now my uncle was a mechanic for Pepsi Cola, he was a Teamster and his healthcare benefits ceased probably within 30 to 60 days of retirement.

Unions are only as strong as their membership.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,20 23:30 other posts 
This is a copy and paste, information taken from Google.

"Under Michigan's new freedom-to-work laws, workers will have the freedom to choose whether or not to join a union. They won't be required to pay union dues if they don't want to, and they won't lose their jobs because of it."

With that said, are you able to determine what is proactive about being a right to work state and the freedom to work law?
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,20 22:00 other posts 
Wow,that might be a big help to get Detroit back to building cars now that the job killing unions can't strangle the manufactors.
My state is a right to work state and I think it is better in the long run. Have a lousy employe,fire their ass. No stress no fuss.
By #551147 18,May,20 20:40
I once was part of a union. I became furious when I discovered the amount of money, of which, some was
MY contributions, that was spent in donations to the democratic party and or Obama's campaign. No one asked me if that was ok, nor do I recall asking ANY member for their input on such a decision. Very shortly after discovering that, I was promoted to management and was very relieved to not ever have to contribute MY money to such a shitty corrupt organization. Oh yes, CORRUPT! Just like most liberal programs, ideas, organizations, etc. Shortly after joining the management team, the union's contract covering our employees and many of my friends was due to expire and be renewed. The union was asking for some rather radical proposals and the company was not on board with them. So, what did they do... They bought the union rep a new car, terms were reduced, and the workers got fucked. Yeah, great organization! Here I am but one person with a real and true story of known corruption in those sort of organizations and I just bet the libs will find a way to justify or diminish the importance of that one time. That's not a common occurrence, right libtards? Oh, and spending members money on what THEY want, is ok too, right?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Fuck unions!
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,May,20 21:04 other posts 
Al Capone had his own Union later to be called organized crime
By phart [Ignore] 18,May,20 23:08 other posts 
Yea,at least he did come up with the soup kitchen idea that actually helped people.
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,May,20 04:04 other posts 
Phart, that's such a Liberal idea.
Did he also do something involving milk for school kiddos or something?
By #188992 19,May,20 08:21
Appears so:

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By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 09:57 other posts 
Thanks for the link! And I always thought of Al Capone being just a "bad guy".
By #188992 19,May,20 10:00
There's nearly always shades of grey!

The figures that are either irredeemably good, or irredeemably bad, are few and far between.
Thought he could have beaten syphilis but he was so chicken of needles that he refused treatment...all because of fear of needles. Or maybe that's just a rumor, I don't know.
By #188992 20,May,20 06:23
Looks like you were right, again!

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By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 09:43 other posts 
And I thought that you were bullshiting about this!
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,20 09:51 other posts 
Hahaha I follow stuff like that
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 10:44 other posts 
There's a touch of "outlaw" in you, too
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,20 07:30 other posts 
Yeah kinda but I just like to do my thing and be left alone but government keeps finding there way in to my life and screwing things up
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,20 23:52 other posts 
Sadly, what you described, shady shit done by employers and unions happens all the time at federal, state and local government level. It's life.
By #188992 19,May,20 06:22
It's regrettable that, by the way you have phrased your response, I have automatically become a "libtard" by responding to you.

Firstly, any large organisation can be flawed. One example of a Union acting reprehensibly does not invalidate the whole system of organised Labour.

Secondly, (and I can only speak for the UK) Trade Unionists have an option whether to contribute to the Political Fund of their Union. In other words you can belong to the Union and, easily, opt out of any contributions to the Political Fund. So, over here, you don't need to contribute a single penny to The Labour Party (which is the party that most Unions financially support) regardless of whether you belong to an affiliated Union or not.

Thirdly, every Trades Union in this country has a robust, democratic structure at it's heart. If you don't like the Representatives you can get rid of them.

Fourthly, unlike the US our Trades Unions do not have a history of links to organised crime. That's a failure of law enforcement (in my opinion) rather than an inherent drawback of Trade Unionism.

For good or ill, the US and the UK operate under the auspices of Capitalism. Inherent in that system is the fact that Capital is powerful (the clue's in the name!). Adam Smith's "invisible hand" prompts the Capitalists in society (ie. those people that have capital) to attempt to minimise their costs in order to maximise profits. For a lot of companies one of the largest costs they have is the cost of labour. Companies will, therefore, try to pay their employees as little as possible to retain their services. Workers only have their toil to exchange for their wages. Acting as single individuals they are, therefore, likely to get royally screwed by their Capitalist employers. However, organised Labour can, through collective bargaining, get a better deal for their members. In other words: Trade Unionism provides a sensible balance to the power of Capital.

There are sound reasons why the phrase "wage slavery" has entered the economic lexicon.

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If you want to challenge your own world views (not necessarily change them, by the way) I would encourage you, and anybody else who has an open mind, to read some Emma Goldman, Proudhon, Kropotkin and study people like Winstanley and the Diggers.
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,20 09:07 other posts 
Both jobs I had when i was able to work put me near union workers sometimes in their work enviroment. What gave me the negitive thoughts I harbor about unions is to see just HOW LITTLE work they actually did compared to the importance of the work they were doing.Maintaining a railroad is important work.And these folks had every tool known to man to simplify their work and they honestly worked in slow motion.Doing in a day what coulda been done in a couple hours.
Sadly,i think most folks are in unions to prevent themselves for being fired for low productivty and lousy over all work ethic.
Companys employe people to make a product or provide a service.And if the employees are lazy and non productive that cuts into profit,the main reason for being in bussiness. IF a company trys to fire a non productive worker,the worker screams and some little glitche is found in procedure and all kinds of shit hits the fan.
By #188992 19,May,20 09:22
If you'll admit that ALL of what you have written is based on your personal, bad, experiences and your OPINION I'll let it pass.
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,20 17:18 other posts 
Yes,How I feel about unions is based on what I saw,and something I didn't mention above,how I was treated by some.
I didn't do their type of job,but sometimes my job and theirs collided.And it caused me alot of problems trying to keep citizens safe.
Personal experiance goes along way towards shaping a man and his future.
By #551147 19,May,20 15:04

funny you mentioned this as I've never really heard anyone speak about it. I had an experience I'd like to share... In order for you to understand how much it impacted me, I must tell you, I'm pretty much a small guy. I stand at 5ft 5in. about 150 lbs. I was quite the eager to please and overall a hard worker. ALL the other guys that worked there were over 6ft tall probably 300+ lbs. For real! 🤪 Within 3 days of starting that particular new job. Lunchtime rolled around and I had went off to sit by myself as I also prefer to be alone most of the time. As I was eating my lunch, three of the fella's I worked with approached me. I only remembered one of their names, Doug. So, I said hey Doug as they approached me, to which he didn't even respond. They basically surrounded me, invading my personal space, looking down on me, and Doug spoke, he says... "You need to slow it down some" confused by what the fuck he was saying to me I asked for clarification. I guess he gathered by the look on my face I had NO idea what the hell he was talking about. So he reiterated himself, adding, "you're making the rest of us look bad, and we don't like it! I suggest you work at a slower pace or there's gonna be trouble. Do we understand one another now?" 😖 Needless to say, feeling quite intimidated and vulnerable at that moment I just looked at him blankly and said sure. Sounds to me like you may have some valid points. 😉
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

By the way!

Anyone wanna offer a solution OR what would YOU have done if three rather large fuckers surround you seeming to be ready to cause physical bodily injury to you? 🤔

Or even how you believe I SHOULD have handled it?
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,20 17:22 other posts 
I can tell you another thing from experiance.The big guys telling the new little guy to slow down also spreads over to government jobs. I was that new guy once,and I was the most hated sob on the crew for it.BUT I was also the 1 being trained to become their boss until i was injured by no fault of coworkers and unable to work.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,20 08:36 other posts 
You kick the biggest one in the balls dropping him in a heap were he stood the rest will scatter it work’s I can promise you that
By #551147 20,May,20 13:35
Unno, all kinds of shit ran through my brain right then, tbh, including some devious shit for sure. I really detest being told what to do. But I decided to stand down as I needed that job at the time. No worries though, it was a valuable lesson as I no longer back down from anything or anyone.
By #551147 19,May,20 13:59
Hey Hux,

I don't necessarily believe ALL unions are bad and or corrupt. It's MY experiences with them that have placed a bad taste in my mouth, so to speak. Apparently it's not just me. My wife, an independent strong woman, was equally outraged at the time when SHE discovered that the union she was part of, also made a massive contribution to the Democrap party and or Obama's campaign. She was a teacher back then. Was the membership asked if that was ok or a vote held. NO! That's the memberships money that they are doing whatever the fuck they want with. I find the practice appalling. Telling me there's no better use for the money they collect? If they have such huge coffers of cash sitting around with nothing to do, why take more from the members? Point is, don't use a quarter of MY money on something I don't believe in, period! And I don't give a fuck how minuscule the amout of money is, it's the principal of the matter. Let me offer up another example. I once visited a "non-denominational" church, and of course made a cash donation when prompted. When we got home, I asked my wife to find out how that church uses the resources they collect, as I'm VERY familiar with how the Catholics use their money for the community. But, had no idea how or where that place uses theirs. After a bit of digging she discovered that they SUPPOSEDLY send the money to a few out of the U.S. charities. That discovery made the decision to not visit that one anymore.
By #188992 19,May,20 14:20
Our own personal experiences are bound to colour how we view things. From that perspective I can perfectly understand why you, and your other half, might have a dim view of Unions. However, I'm grateful for the fact that you've responded in a pretty positive manner and haven't rubbished any of the remarks I made.

As you can probably tell, my own experiences of Trade Unionism are very different. I have seen the pastoral care they take for their members, how they represent them when employers have taken goddamn liberties, and how (again in my experience) they are often the employees that CARE how the company for which they work can be a better (and more profitable) environment more so than the non-Union members.

I'm totally with you on transparency for how your Union subscriptions are used. Similarly, I would expect large corporations to publish how much they pay their top executives, how much they pay out to shareholders and (if they invest in other companies) where they invest their proceeds. Capitalism needs some "rules" or else we would have monopolies, cartels, insider trading and all sorts of other deleterious side-effects. I happen to believe that one of the best ways of introducing checks and balances, in a free market economy, is to have a strong Labour movement - as represented by a strong Trades Union. Have a fab day.
By #551147 19,May,20 14:36
Sounds to me like the unions over your way might just be run a bit differently/efficienctly and more for the "little guy" if you will. I can totally respect that. There should ABSOLUTELY be checks and balances to keep capitalism in check, but just not sure a union, especially in the United States, is the way to go. You have a GREAT day as well! 😘

By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 15:29 other posts 
I have no idea what this was for.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 16:18 other posts 
Are you having an episode? The other day 2nice suggested an aspirin but I think you need something stronger than that.
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 17:23 other posts 
I started to post something but got distracted by fresh-baked bread coming out of the oven.
By the time I got back, I couldn't remember what I had started posting.
Warm bread and butter is the food of the gawds!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 19:16 other posts 
Yes, warm bread and butter is the food of gawds but no matter which way you slice it, you were having an episode!
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,May,20 11:45 other posts 
It was Episode 169: The One About the Bread

By #610414 20,May,20 07:47
Sorry to post directly but I feared it would be buried and I can't do so if JustWill is in the thread.

the cause of buffering almost always comes down to insufficient internet bandwidth — the file can't download fast enough to keep pace with playback, and it pauses to buffer. This can be due to: A slow/unstable internet connection.

I was doing ok at home. Movies, music, Facebook streamed well. Suddenly, buffering all the time. I called CentuyLink and they replaced my router. Tech said it's fairly common. Call your internet provider as corroded connections can contribute.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,20 08:08 other posts 
Thank you. That sounds like a simple fix, I will pursue this concern with AT&T. 👍
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 20,May,20 08:14 other posts 
More cut and paste from the Saggy Granny

By #610414 20,May,20 09:35
Since I posted here I'll answer you here, Skittles.
You are an idiot. You think form is more important than helping a friend. If it helps Bella, good, if it doesn't it was worth a try.

By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 11:17 other posts 
Okay, here's another one to put in your scrapbook of idiots:

I have just been blacklisted by a member because...wait for it...

"The forum comment about witches was uncalled for."


It actually happened.

Witches are such fuckin' snowflakes.
By #188992 19,May,20 11:28
Beyond parody!

Perhaps you should have included a trigger warning for witches, warlocks, Wiccans and weirdos.

Do I get a bonus point for alliteration?
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 11:50 other posts 
I always appreciate a fine bit of alliteration.
Take TWO bonus points!

And trigger warnings are for sissies!
(Oh, hell...some Sissy will probably find that comment "uncalled for" and blacklist me.)
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 12:12 other posts 
I just gotta shake my head. The guy you are speaking about has been a member for about 15 months and during that time has made 7 posts in the forum. Five entries were pictures of his wiener and then there were two written posts that were made in your thread about WITCHES. It's obvious that he doesn't follow your posts because so often he's rolling on tina and his head is cloudy.

And although Jayy69 posted here twice, once to request that members rate his cock and the second time to say that there were "odd topics" discussed here, he chose to give a 👎 by way of a negative vote to this thread. People are strange.
By #188992 19,May,20 12:29
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The new SYD/SYC theme tune?

PS. you can have The Doors version if you prefer!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 12:37 other posts 
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 13:17 other posts 
Although I really like that song, I believe that these two tunes might be more appropriate:

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By #188992 19,May,20 13:24
Good choice(s)!

Can I also offer up the following:

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By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 13:56 other posts 
Are you as tech smart as you are book smart? If you are would you know why I am experiencing problems opening up the various YouTube links? There is an extreme amount of buffering and nothing plays. I'm lucky to see that there is an indication of what the link is and I can search for it on YouTube and open it that way, just seems there's issues with trying to open the quick links here.
By #188992 19,May,20 14:28
Hmmmm, my initial guess is that it may have something to do with you being in the US and me being in the UK. Just a hunch!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 14:37 other posts 
Okay, so what is your hunch about the YouTube links that JustWill posts. Do you think the buffering problem I'm experiencing is because he's in Pennsylvania and I'm in Michigan?

Anyone else having this problem?
By #188992 19,May,20 14:41
Ah, see I didn't even consider that - my bad!!

I'm 55, maybe ask someone who was born AFTER man landed on the moon!! I hear young folk are bang-on with all that techy stuff!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 14:53 other posts 
My guess is that you didn't see JustWill's post in the witches thread. He said the moon landing was FAKE!
By #188992 19,May,20 15:29
In that case I'm with JustWill ….. WITCHCRAFT!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,20 13:49 other posts 
So odd, I have been having trouble opening YouTube links posted by members. I noticed that when I tried to open the link referring to ducks and witches.

I do see that your YouTube link is for Merrie Melodies & Looney Tunes - Opening themes.
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,May,20 15:01 other posts 
It's probably the Witches again.
Damn Witches!

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