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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 01:29 other posts 
Props to razzle4 for having 536 members in his by "invitation only" group called; "Razzle's cock ; For devotees of razzles cock and cocksluts".

Hold onto your underwear, that is slightly less than 200 MORE than you-know-who has in her "by invitation only" group of dedicated minions.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 13:22
I think i know "you-know-who" and if it's whom i think it is then we are friends. I also know razzle4, we are friends and i have been known to post some tributes to him on my page. I'm not on his group now because he hasn't asked me since i rejoined SYC. If you-know-who has dedicated minions, am i one of those minions?? I mean, i don't mind being one of razzles sluts, am i also, one of you-know-who's sluts??
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 14:06 other posts 
Hey, it's all good!

My post was to give praise to razzle4, a member whose "site rating" is in no way, a reflection of his importance OR the admiration of his devoted followers. He can achieve that status and does it without the need to invite members to view his page.

Hip-hip-hooray for razzle4!
By #562152 05,Sep,18 15:39
Hip-hip-hooray and my knickers too,,
By milesbferry [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 18:20 other posts 
Razz! We used to communicate, several years ago, and have good conversations with ultraviolet, until she was deleted.

Admin not able to read the signs
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 19:16 other posts 
If you drop razzle a private message, I'm sure he would invite you to join. Be nice!
By milesbferry [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 18:26 other posts 
I just did the 'uptick'! Does anyone do it?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 19:09 other posts 
An uptick in what?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 19:29 other posts 
Photographer Puts Dogs And Their Owners Side By Side, And The Resemblance Is Uncanny
only registered users can see external links
By #562152 05,Sep,18 16:06

By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 22:12 other posts 
Another thing that makes me smile and go, hmmmmm..... is when I see posts on member's walls or pictures saying something like; that's the perfect cock for my wife to....

Yeah, whatever! GET REAL! Is it really your wife who you are looking for? Is there something wrong with her eyesight that keeps her from making her own selection?
By #545929 31,Aug,18 22:17
I'm guessing that his 'wife' is 6 foot tall, with a hairy chest and scratches 'her' balls.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 22:43 other posts 
I think that we think very similarly!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 05:56 other posts 
Over the 6 years or so I have been on here I have spoken to quite a few women and not one of them has used the opening line “That is the perfect cock for me to fuck”. Of course that could be be me, others may have different experiences. On the other hand that is too often the opening line, well variations of it, that I get in messages from a lot of men.
By #562152 03,Sep,18 11:10
@ Andthisisme,,,h.a.t.e to disagree with such a distinguished lady's man, but,,my opening line to a member I haven't talked with before is "the members pic (usually cumming) with the comment, 'YUMMY',,
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Sep,18 16:41 other posts 
How can I disagree with you, after such flattery.
However, isn't saying that a members pic is 'Yummy' rather different to saying “That is the perfect cock for me to fuck”?
Now I accept that the thoughts involved and the sentiments expressed may be similar but the way thay are expressed is so different. 'Yummy' does sound like a comment from a female where as “That is the perfect cock for me to fuck” sounds very male but hey, what do I know ?
By #562152 03,Sep,18 17:18
More than me.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 04:27 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,18 17:07 other posts 
An opening line? That sounds rather cheesy, no?

I don't have an "opening line" or an agenda, if a member's picture speaks to me, I say what pops into my head.

As dor the use of "yummy", I do use it from time to time. eg "aren't you yummy". I think it is more flattering then saying, bou y, oh boy, you pleasing to my eyes.
By #562152 03,Sep,18 17:24
My opening line is when I start a chat. After the initial contact, the comments become more specific to the direction the conversation takes. To me it's hard to make a comment on anything else but his cock.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,18 17:34 other posts 
So to begin a conversation by saying something like, impressive gallery, is not you?
By #562152 03,Sep,18 20:19
That goes on the public message section. Privately I want to be more personal.
By PoloFields [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 03:51 other posts 
One for the ladies: Is a general "nice pics" preferred on first contact, or should someone go into describing immediately what they would do? Of course, some want the dirty talk right off, but not all ...
By #562152 05,Sep,18 16:00
If a member's picture speaks to you, then, obviously, you found it somewhere in the site. Did it make you want to comment on it? Would that not be an opening line? And, would you not want to have a reaction from the member? At least a thank you or a "how dare you, Madam"? The last thing anyone would say about me is that i'm a shrinking violet. I just don't like to be iffy,,I'm sure you've come across some of my comments on pics i like and they are flattering, funny, and always with an invitation to be my friend. I, too, write what comes into my head. I just like to edit it in my mind before i do.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

You will also find that the following words are very common in my public and private mesgs: lollipop, lover, chupete, Daddy, baby, gorgeous, lovely, beautiful. Some are more for my women friends, but, a man can be gorgeous and a woman can be a lover. And if i call you a gorgeous woman that i would love to meet in person,,i could also say the same to a man with just a small adjustment. I think most of us are here not just to show off physically or mentally but, also to get approval for it,,Kisses, Madam.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 20:18 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,18 12:35 other posts 
There is one member, well members, they are a couple, that really make me smile and shake my head. If you guessed arabmejo you would be absolutely correct.

From his/their bio to his/their posts and now to his/their poll. It is my opinion that he snagged a real Arabian beauty but in all honesty, I have to wonder if this was an OLD WORLD arranged marriage, did she have any say so on the matter or did she really pick this guy? This clown gives me the impression that he believes that she is his personal property, to do with as he would like. Whatever!
By #545929 04,Sep,18 23:01
He offered her to me a short time ago and he currently has a poll running offering her to anyone for $1 per fuck. Not sure if that is against the site's rules but it certainly crosses the line of decency.

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 00:34 other posts 
Perhaps it is their culture, you know, 6 goats, 2 cows and an Arabian wife. Mere possessions to do with as HE pleases.

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 17:38 other posts 
Here is a $10.00 word, that in my opinion, is not used enough. A memo I received today was able to work in the word MINUTIAE. Woo hoo!

By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 00:41 other posts 
Is it just me or does anyone else notice how much attention is directed toward the younger membership? I mean to tell you, the younger they are, the older their admirers seem to be. I really find that, uh, um, creepy!
By #545732 31,Aug,18 00:51
Ooooh Bella, when I had a previous profile with a lot more pics on it, I had tons of messages and comments from older guys, who thought I was a young guy. Most of them were rude and often sinister in the things they said too, but once they found out how old I was, they mostly never bothered me again. It's really shitty to think that those older guys thought it was acceptable to talk to me like that, telling me "what they're gonna do to me" or "how I'll be begging them to stop when they get a hold of me" etc...
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 01:00 other posts 
I can only imagine what type of messages are sent in private because some of the comments posted on pictures are absolutely lecherous!
By #545732 31,Aug,18 01:17
There was one guy, who said he lives in the same city as me and went into lots of detail about what he had planned "when he finds me". It was scary and vicious, but it evidently seemed OK to him. I just banned him without replying to his message. About a year ago, I noticed he visited my new profile, but I didn't recognise his profile name and clicked on it to see see who it was. I saw he'd written a blog post about how I was pathetic and a loser for banning him just because "I didn't like him talking dirty to me" and how I should expect that kind of thing because of the kind of site this is.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 01:34 other posts 
I see more of this disgusting behavior coming from "mature" men. Maybe I am naive to not think women are as disgusting, I don't know.

I really wonder if the young fellas, girls and twinks enjoy the public posts/comments and private messages or if the public posts/comments and private messages creep them the hell out!?
By #545732 31,Aug,18 02:25
Spookily enough, I was recently chatting with a friend, who is studying psychology and we got on to this subject, plus I researched about it when I studied popular culture a few years ago.
It's a pattern of behaviour that expanded since the internet exploded into the diverse creature it is now, and the "trolling" culture on social media is part of the same thing.
For the most part, the creepy attention isn't wanted or appreciated, but roughly half of the young people receiving it aren't intimidated by it and laugh it off as crap from some sad old loser, but that also depends on their gender too - young girls get the more threatening and twisted attention than the guys do.
There's another side to it where the recipients DO actually "enjoy" it because of that same element of safety and being able to indulge in any fantasies they have that involve a serious vulnerability if they were to explore them physically with the creeps (there is no sense of adventure without an element of danger).
The bigger problem is that this kind of psychological bent is predominantly learned behaviour, which means these young people can easily start to believe that this kind of interaction is acceptable because of that on-screen safety net and the fact that the creeps can carry out their shit without reprisal. It's actually pretty scary.
Also, these creeps are pretty much always men and not women, which has always been the normal pattern of preditory behaviour anyway.
By #545929 31,Aug,18 15:09
There are a few things which have surprised me about this site:

1/ The number of members who were sexually assaulted as a minor
2/ The number of members who have sexually assaulted a minor
3/ The number of members who don't understand that a minor cannot give consent to sex
4/ The number of members who openly talk about what they have done as though it was acceptable
5/ If someone posts a photo which includes their face and they appear very young, it is almost a certainty that it will make it to the top of the first page
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 16:15 other posts 
Amen, brutha RC0000, AMEN!
By kebmo [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 19:03 other posts 
True dat RC0000!!!
By #545732 31,Aug,18 19:21
Damn right!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 11:13 other posts 
I am always surprised when much younger men message me, and this is not uncommon. I always point out that I am much older than them but it appears some younger males approach older men, not just the other way around. I have never understood why.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 11:23 other posts 
I never gave that consideration and yes, I have been approached by younger members to interact with them and I JUST CANNOT DO THAT.

Before I even consider interacting with or commenting on a member's picture, I review their profile for their age.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 11:44 other posts 
I have to agree with you. Not recently, but a few years ago I also had a few younger women,(if they were women), approaching me using the term 'Daddy', something similar to what Whoknows mentions.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Sep,18 10:24 other posts 
I have just had another younger member message me saying that he likes older men. Before bringing the conversation to an end I asked him why, but he couldn't seem to offer any reason.
By #545732 01,Sep,18 11:39
Roughly half of the young guys I've had messages from addressed me as "Daddy". I don't like it. It's weird and makes me feel like a creepy pervert even though I didn't do anything wrong. Fair enough, I guess it's only harmless roleplay in their minds, but 1ncest is the last thing that's going to turn me on!
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 11:51 other posts 
I know that "my beliefs" are rather rigid and "my beliefs" aren't necessarily consistent. Example, when I see a mature man with a much younger woman, and I have sorted out that it is not a father/daughter, I tend to dismiss it and think to myself that I hope that old fool's money doesn't run out. When I see a mature woman with a much younger guy, I do not even understand WHY!
By #545732 01,Sep,18 12:11
Haha! Right, but those mature women have been given the title "cougars", haven't they? That's a cool title... compared to "daddy"!
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 12:22 other posts 
Perhaps as titles go, being called a cougar sounds a step up from being called daddy.

One hundred years ago, when I started the conversation out with my pops by saying; "how much do you love me DADDY?" , he would fold his arms across his chest and his response was always; "how much is it going to cost me?" Gosh, I almost forgot about that.
By #545732 01,Sep,18 12:24
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 20:17 other posts 
I don't ever recall my step-daughter ever asking me that question, and if she did, I hope my response was something like, "More than you could ever know..."

And I much the same opinion on of old men with a lot younger women but I also recognize that their might be more than we can see. As for an older woman with a much younger man, I really don't know.

These days, as I've grown older, I've mellowed. I am much less critical and whatever works for folks.
By #562152 03,Sep,18 11:35
@veryshyguy,,,,why, "Daddy",,,didn't you tell me you would spank me if i didn't put your pee pee in my mouth???
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 03,Sep,18 15:07 other posts 
By #562152 03,Sep,18 11:25
I don't track that, but, i get many very young guys (under 20) that want to know if i'm interested in younger men with younger dicks and want to know the age of the youngest man i ever made love to. I assume that the attraction goes both ways. What i have noticed is that the average age of the male members seems to have gone down from 3 yrs ago. I'm not sure of the female side as most of my contacts are with men.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,18 15:15 other posts 
Whoops! I thought I was responding to bigg , sorry!

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