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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
New Comment Rating: 3 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.STUFF, JUST STUFF 3.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 4.A Forum Topic 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II Comments: |
Everything is America’s fault. Why can’t they kil! Each other without our help. And why should we care? They don’t care about us
You are anxious for complete imperialism, but you can't understand why they hate you.
Hint: It's not your love of freedom!
The middle east is like a cancer,you can treat it,control,or remove it.removal is as near a solution as possiable.
Afghanistan is either ruled by the illegitimate government that has no backing from the people and was put there by the USA, or by war lords that want to control the most land or by the Taliban. It is off course in the best interest of the US to keep that illegitimate government in power, but to do that the US should stay there indefinitely. That is so expensive, that it's preferable to let Afghanistan fight it out for themselves.
It would have been better to actually put some money to building up the Afghan economy, to stabilize the country, but your government doesn't want to actually help them.
The US is in Afghanistan to secure low prices for the mineral wealth. If protecting the people against dictatorship was the intention, then putting in your own dictatorship is not the answer. If the US wanted to protect the people from terrorists, they wouldn't have let the CIA back Afghan Death Squads, who kill them just the same.
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Rich in copper, lithium, talc, marble, gold, uranium and others, Afghanistan’s vast mineral wealth is estimated to exceed one trillion dollars. But according to data, every year the government loses around $300m in revenue from mining.
Poor security, the lack of proper legal framework and organisational capacity, as well as corruption, have prevented the development of the sector.
Deficient infrastructure makes transport and export difficult, while high royalties and taxes imposed by the Afghan government have discouraged potential investors.
Ananas, I doubt we Americans would have invaded a country and stayed for over 20 years without getting something out of it.. Your premise is flawed
That exactly is my premise.
"to secure low prices for the mineral wealth" is getting something out of it.
The SGP (Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij) is a conservative orthodox Calvinist political party. Calvinism is a major branch of Protestantism.
Their ideology is against vaccination, because people should have trust in God.
when I was a kid,we had Wonder Woman. Now that I am grown up,we have, I wonder if it's a woman.
Kudos, Baby. Loved that
Major Robert Anderson led the small force of U.S. soldiers at Fort Sumter. Anderson could not use his most powerful cannons to answer the Confederate attack. The cannons were in the open at the top of the fort, where the gunners were not protected. Too many of his men would be lost if his force tried to fire these guns.
So Anderson had his men fire smaller cannons from better-protected positions. These, however, did not do much damage to the Confederate guns. A big cloud of smoke rose high in the air over Fort Sumter.
Your idea that those people were traitors is shared by other guttless liberals that don't fight for anything. They just riot and burn.
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If people would go back to fucking work,this shit would not be necessary.
Why do you think they are pushing the Delta variant on the news so much? Because it is a last ditch effort to squeeze some more out of the plandemic.
2 kids, during the crisis ,sure, eliminate the income tax taken out for a few months to help. 3 or more kids,what the hell were you thinking making more mouths to feed than you can afford?
"3 or more kids, what the hell were you thinking making more mouths to feed than you can afford"
What? you think people have to count? Who are you to say small families are better than big ones? Were you an only child or did your older siblings steal your food?
If you can't afford kids,don't have them.Simple logic.Why spit out 6 and then have to hollar "help"? Kinda like jumping in a well on purpose to have to be pulled out.
You should 1,have a nest egg.
2, live well within your means.
You might could afford payments on a Ferrari but could pay cash for a new lexus. Buy the lexus and be free of debt.
That is just a stretched example.Alot of the issue that the plandemic exsposed was the fact to many people live pay check to paycheck,not because they don't make enough money,but because they to try to live to far beyond their means and leave themselves no cushion.
TO many people just , "oh,I luv you,lets get married,2 incomes". then shit hits the fan,they have 4 or more kids because they don't do anything to prevent it and suddenly a virus hits and they are up shit creek without a paddle. They put themselves in that position by not having a long term plan.
that is liberal gibberish for "we want government handouts so we can just fuck and sleep and eat government cheese.
That is the liberals way to explain living beyond 1's means.
Oh we love each other,we are upside down in our house and car.our kids are hungry because we didn't have a rainy day fund for emergency's "help".
I got nothing in reference to how much i would have to love to get some food but this came up when I cliced on suggested budget,
Monthly Grocery Budget
1 person $251
2 people $553
3 people $722
4 people $892--------------------------------------- added after 88 secondsI just googled. how much do I have to care to pay my bills
and got suggestions on monthly budgets and what bills to pay first!
Sorry,again,fairy dust and dreams don't cut it in 2021.May have back in 1618 or something when no one had shit to their name.
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I spend roughly 200 a month on food.I eat out for breakfast,at about 6 bucks a pop.then I go by the store and check the reduced section in the meat departments and such.I can eat good at 200 a month.I can't see 2 people eating 900 bucks worth a month. that is utter waste.
I know electric and such cost more!
170 or so for breakfast,so yea maby 220 to 230.
I think he should have said certain members and I agree with that if you happen to be a paid member ship the sky is the limit for some my biggest gripe is the ones running around here with multiple accounts like candy for instance collecting points on both accounts being able to vote from each account on the games and god help us all when both her accounts are active 2 years and can vote on the abuse panel there are multiple accounts run by one person that are both paid member ships just think of the points that member racks up each day and it needs to stop
Dgraff, the system won’t let me vote for the other account nor can I donate points. I know this is your pet peeve but it just isn’t true. Heck, I can’t even delete inappropriate gifts using the other account’s points. Charlie’s account gets his 400 points every day. My account has to buy points to get rid of the shit piles.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
BTW. I’ve explained my “two” accounts. You, bonehead, can’t comprehend. Well, let’s put that aside for a minute. Why do you pick on me and not with someone like Freddy or Skittles? You are a coward. Women are fair game but you are afraid to take on men? You are disgusting. Also, you are not blocked by me. Grow some balls and face me face to face. Don’t hide behind petticoats
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You,and other person that people have issue with,will just come back and continue their actions under another name. Banning someone,although I have blacklisted a few myself,is really a waste of time.
Let it rest,the rest of us tolerate people we don't like you can learn to do the same.
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