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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

New Comment       Rating: 3  

By #485312 16,Jul,21 00:16
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pa-freddys mother
--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes

hes a bit retarded too.
hes making a new profile
while Im writing this.
because morons need
many profiles to make
them feel more important
than they really are *lix*
By #623135 16,Jul,21 08:27
In the last month there’s been six or seven new fake (Freddy types) profiles. Everyone gets set up and within minutes they are trashing my page. Perhaps the rest of the site should gang up on these assholes and fill their pages with trash

By #623135 14,Jul,21 18:33
From CNN

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump's time in office. That's nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York...

"...The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. And unlike George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, who oversaw the larger relative increases in deficits, Trump did not launch two foreign conflicts or have to pay for a civil war."

By #610414 13,Jul,21 18:42
heavy joined today and made a beeline to trash my page. Another MOTHER FUCKING HOMO FAKE ACCOUNT. A FREDDY SPECIAL.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Jul,21 14:21 other posts 
Thanks for teaching me an interesting phrase, I didn't know yet;
'making a beeline': moving quickly and directly toward something.

By #623135 14,Jul,21 11:17
I’ve been reading several posts about the Abuse Panel. In particular the way members get reported and the subsequent voting for or against deletion. Here is a post by Bella! in answer to Dgraff‘s post.

Are you really and truly glad you are no longer a part of a "democratic process"? If there was something about the Abuse Panel or voting process that you didn't like or had ideas that would make it better or clearer, did you share them with admin? If you truly did not like the process, you could have decided, like cody8789 , to "walk away" and that would have been the end of story.

My takeaway from why cody8789 became disenchanted with the voting process was due to the BADGERING that accompanied his vote. Some member(s) chose to badger, brow beat, intimidate others because "your" vote didn't seem to suit "them" or their spin. Oh well, too bad, my vote is my voice.

Take for instance admin's stance on internet pics...we all know that some folks post them. Some use them in a deceptive manner and sometimes those pictures can be seen on the Popular page and in photo contests. IF and I stress IF, IF admin doesn't mind an occasional internet pic as long as it's not used to deceive the members, WHO AM I TO SAY OTHERWISE!? BOOM! End of story yet you still have the same folks reporting members.

It seems to me like no member, no profile is off limits. Like they were hand chosen by the higher power to clean up the site!

Angel1227! my views
I’m not a member that can participate so I’m going to give some opinions or suggestions. I like the fact that voting members should be verified. I don’t like they have to be members with 2 yrs under their belt. It should be enough to be a member 6 months or a year. I also suggest that no single member is able to refer another member more than 5 times per month OR collect points rewards for more than 5 per month.

By #623135 09,Jul,21 09:46
dgraff 08,Jul,21 22:02

I was abducted by aliens as a teenager and they fondled my genitalia and I never told any one

Reply By bella! 09,Jul,21 02:17

Were they male Martians that were probing you?

Reply By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 02:17 other posts

Were they male Martians that were probing you?

Reply By dgraff 09,Jul,21

No they were both female the one was old with a pot belly and saggy tits and the other one was huge with jelly rolls hanging every were and she spoke with an Australian accent oh and the old one had a clip on ponytail from the 5 and dime store from the 60s

By #646443 13,Jul,21 17:42
By #623135 13,Jul,21 18:28
You are the latest MOTHER FUCKING HOMO. You joined the site today and already made a beeline for my post. Go tell your other persona to bend over so daddy can ream your ass.

By #623135 10,Jul,21 12:32
Bella! posted
And now we know why the U.S. Capitol Police do not have to release the name of the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman who entered the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Reply By Phart

black cop shoots white woman, yep,no news here,move along people.
the only shot fired was by a cop killing a UNARMED woman.
Breaking thru the door may not have been "legal" but it was not worth killing her for.

Are you two for real? Congress gets attacked by traitors? Elected congresspeople’s lives are put in danger? And you two are arguing responses by the security of the nation’s ruling house? You two should be labeled traitors after the fact. Shameful.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 13:11 other posts 
My thoughts on your response, something along the lines of FUCK YOU comes to mind but I want to be polite and respect your right to a opinion. So please understand I just stated what first came to mind and I know it is not nice to say that to ye as you do have a right to your fairy dust impregnated state of mind.
They were no more traitors on Jan 6 than the folks that flung tea in the harbor. They were no more traitors on Jan 6 than the folks that smuggled private property out of the south, the underground railroad.
and etc.

I do not agree with the destruction of the property,I do not agree with injurying the cops acting as ignorant sheep guarding the demons, oops democrats. But as far as tax paying Americans being able to walk into public owned property and express their displeasure in the proceedings I am honestly hoping there is a Go fund me page to help pay for the defense of the folks that had the BALLS to try to protect our country from the likes of the biden regime

That cop that shot that unarmed,untried,unconvicted veteran should be treated the same as the man that kneed floyd
By #623135 10,Jul,21 13:58
I don’t need you to be polite. Your opinion of me is immaterial to me. Treason is defined by whom it affects. The Bostonians that threw the tea overboard were, according to us, doing a demonstration but, if captured the English would have hung them for seditious treason. That woman should not have been in the Capitol. Being unarmed is something a cop find out after the danger has passed. His colleague lost his life in the same insurrection. And I hope you are not equating the freeing of slaves to a bunch of misguided people wanting to give a criminal (yes, a criminal) sitting in the highest office in the land a pass.
Those people had as much BALLS as a bunch of bullies similar to Hitler’s brown shirts. They weren’t there for the country. They were there to serve their own purpose, damn the rule of law.
As you say, “ That cop that shot that unarmed,untried,unconvicted veteran should be treated the same as the man that kneed floyd”

He is and he is exonerated already. Americans should be able to walk into Congress Willy Nilly? HA. Traitors and trash every one and now we know where you fall too.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 15:16 other posts 
Yep.,and we know that if we were depending on you to be a free nation we would still be under English rule.

The cop that kneed the fresh prince of no air is in prison.The cop that shot that innocent until proven guilty,unarmed military veteran is out on PAID leave. Someone knows who he is and he should be held accountable for murder.I hoper her family continues to persue justice.She was, and so should her family for her murder.
Had that lady been black,and the cop white, do you honestly think we would be wondering who shot her? NOPE.That would be great fodder for the news.
By #623135 10,Jul,21 15:25
The mob, along with The Clown, is a bunch of Black hating nazi wannabes. All they want is a field of white were they can run around with their guns playing at soldiers and showing everybody what A REAL MAN is all about.
Real people demonstrate with purpose and lawfulness. These bullies tried to stop the lawful execution of our form of government. Bullies, traitors, white trash.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 15:50 other posts 
During a pandemic,thousands of blacks and whites were out burning and looting costing society millions of dollars because of the destruction. and the crooks are being let go even if they were ever arrested.BUT you think the people that went into public property are much more terriable.Strange,very strange.
By #623135 10,Jul,21 17:40
Not thousands but either way it was wrong, so why do you want to give these people that stormed Congress a pass and not the other protesters? I think it’s much more terrible, like you put it, not because of the damage, even though it was substantial. It’s because of what it represents. Don’t you see that?
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,21 23:07 other posts 
I saw a group of disgruntled American's that got a bit carried away with their practicing of free speech and expression that led a cop to kill a unarmed, innocent until proven guilty veteran. To speak so highly of womens rights to abortions and such you sure don't mind a woman that served her country being killed practicing the very rights she served to protect.

hardly traitors.
More like disgruntled aggravated revolutionary's.
By #623135 11,Jul,21 08:13
Alright, Phart, if that’s your take on the riot, it won’t make any difference what I say, but, I do have one question. You say people should carry arms to protect themselves. This cop carried a side arm for protection. When he saw this threatening lady, he got scared for his life and used his side arm to protect himself. Was that wrong?
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

There’s a second question. If after the first impeachment trial of the Clown were he was found not guilty a bunch of liberals had stormed the White House, what would have happened and what would you have called it?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jul,21 09:27 other posts 
2d question, same thing,disgruntled revolutionarys,on the wrong side of course.
But for the first question,he was not threatened, she was not close to him,she was not armed, if he interpreted a threat,he was a fucking moron.
Even morons should have to answer for their actions.
I honestly think he was just a gung ho cop that wanted to look like he was doing something.
By #646443 13,Jul,21 17:41

By #646443 13,Jul,21 17:40




By #623135 11,Jul,21 08:59
Bella! posted
Question for you phart, do you really enjoy engaging in any exchange of thoughts with ANGEL1227!/TWOWARMTTS3? Frick, everything turns into a "verbal brawl" on her part. She's combative, hostile, rude, vulgar, and the list goes on...

Reply By Phart

No I do not enjoy it.BUT we as conservatives have been complacent to long and have allowed the fairy dust mind set of the liberal democrat to destroy America. It snuck up on us.We tried to respect their rights to free speach ,while they are after ours.We tried to learn tolerance by letting them speak .We tried to learn forgiveness because not everyone is smart enough to earn scholarships to go to college but yet preach to us like it is our fault they can't afford to go to college. Why bother, you didn't make it good in 1-12?
And etc.
To allow the liberals to continue to blather, without a response will only hasten the destruction of our country.The truth or at least another side of the story should be told,the other ideas should be heard.Liberal ideas are for the most part impractical and unaffordable.

Angel1227! my response to both
Bella! it’s interesting to note that when you take your nose out of your ass you stick it in somebody else’s business.
As for you, Phart, we seldom agree on anything but I will fight with anything I have to defend your words above. Weather I agree with you or not, you are a worthy adversary. What you’ve posted shows you have genuine feelings for your cause. Kudos.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jul,21 09:25 other posts 
I am not a bad person,My life experience's are just much different than yours,thus, a totally different perspective.

By phart [Ignore] 07,Jul,21 22:00 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 10:00 other posts 
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By #623135 09,Jul,21 13:08
A friend had this done in a Florida clinic. It’s very new and very few doctors are willing to do it. He had Mersa and almost died. The procedure cured him of his intestinal problem. I don’t know if the rest of the desease was cured too.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 16:13 other posts 
I read about that a few years ago. Kinda ikky but still,if it saves a life then ok.

By #623135 07,Jul,21 16:16
For the likes like that MOTHER FUCKING HOMO, Dgraff who bellyaches all the time.

This is great entertainment. The One Eyed Bitch Witch, Bella! and her little cunts are running around like mice. All kinds of theories. Candy is Charlie. Charlie is BonBon. The Pope is French. Hotpussy is getting ready to attack Normandy. The Witch is breast feeding the Professor. CC54 is getting an hourly finger fuck. WetNoodle couldn't possibly be Little Red Riding Hood.
What a bunch of stupid, asswipe fucks. As if anyone cares. Losers in life. Losers here. Losers everywhere.
By #485312 08,Jul,21 02:16
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heres another loser to add to that list, check out this bullshit artist ... another of the bad hombres ??? or just another wanker with a tiny dick??? or both ... Krueger
I see youve already had a visit *lix*
By #623135 08,Jul,21 09:09
Several of these losers have. I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy using new account.

By #623135 07,Jul,21 17:28
CNN) — Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas revealed in a video circulating online that he wants to jam Democrats' legislative goals so Republicans can win the 2022 midterms.

What a patriot.

By #623135 07,Jul,21 12:33
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I wonder when the Repuckers are going to muzzle this bitch

By #623135 05,Jul,21 14:04
I had the best laugh. A member posted about Bella!‘s generosity
You truly are 'Queen of SYD', god bless you and the luck of the Irish to you

--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Give credit we’re credit is due. All kidding aside Bella! did a nice thing.
By #485312 06,Jul,21 20:19
IT 'bought' them I believe, if you cant make friends, buy them for a few points or a pretend gift *lix*

By #623135 05,Jul,21 13:19
Bella! you posted

“ And for TWOWARMTTS3 who trolls the forum, yes, I placed a "FREEZE" on voting”

You never froze voting on Twowarmtts3 or @Twowarmtts2”. The freeze was done because I was a little naive as a new member and it happened soon after I posted photoshopped pics OF ME. If I recall, the pics and I were very popular. The referral in my opinion was because of jealousy more than anything else.
You might remember, as you seem to have all the details of every member, that I voluntarily closed that account several years later. I then had the @Twowarmtts2@ account and now I control the Twowarmtts3 account.
At the time of your freeze I was furious. The members were having a good time and so was I. I remember I took all my pics down except my avatar and told everyone that you were the cause for my actions. To this day I believe I was right in that assumption. You referred me under an alias or had one of your friends do so and then you froze the voting to make yourself look good.
Well, this Angel knows what a bitch you are so…….thanks for the freeze. It must have comed from the cold of your tits.

By #623135 03,Jul,21 20:16
Bella! posted
That's quite a list, thank you!

Let me clarify something, as a rule, I don't "initiate" the blacklist I only reciprocate when someone blacklists me. There have been two exceptions, a SYD member as well as a SYC member. The author of the thread that I cannot access blacklisted and I reciprocated, he is not the SYD member who I blacklisted first. Regarding the SYC member, she has an explosive temper and a foul mouth. I don’t appreciate her disrespectful attitude with me and towards others when she posts here. I am not fond of being called a "BITCH" in my thread or calling various SYD members "FUCKING HOMO(S)".

It is unfortunate that people can't embrace diversity and differences in opinions without being hostile. Perhaps people CHOOSE to act like this because it is the internet and there is anonymity.

People, I’m going to take a leap into the unknown who’s name is Bella! and assert she’s talking about me. If I’m wrong then I’ll apologize to you, BITCH.
However, you have to have some idea why you are thought of and called a BITCH. You act like a BITCH and that’s why we call you a BITCH. Is that offensive? It should be because you are offensive to the rest of us. You say I troll the forums because I like to involve in threads that are interesting. When was the last time you gave us an opinion that didn’t involve ending a member?
Do I have an explosive temper? Well, you are right in that. There’s no sense arguing with MOTHER FUCKING HOMOS OR BITCHES. You know, there are remedies to that…….you can quit the site, but, I’d doubt you would give up the only outlet to your sorry life. The other option? Stop being a BITCH.
BTW, I don’t have you blocked. In this thread I have the “usual suspects” blocked but I feel I would be a chicken shit if I couldn’t go head to head with you, BITCH. No matter. A large majority of the members that follow you ARE MOTHER FUCKING HOMOS.

By #623135 01,Jul,21 17:00
I saw a copy/paste comment in Bella! thread. It quotes several posts by Lix POSTED in the “FAKE ACCOUNTS” thread. As usual, Bella and Lix are showing their good camaraderie towards each other. This is their business and not for me to interfere.
What did caught my eye, and I was aware of it but never registered is that in the Abuse Panel members can vote to ban a member but, and this is what I don’t understand, one member can freeze the proceedings. To me it means that majority rule doesn’t count. It might be the reason why some members keep doing the wrong thing.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Since I was "mentioned" by ANGEL1227/TWOWARMTTS3 in her thread, I took a look. She wrote in part;

"What did caught my eye, and I was aware of it but never registered is that in the Abuse Panel members can vote to ban a member but, and this is what I don’t understand, one member can freeze the proceedings. To me it means that majority rule doesn’t count. It might be the reason why some members keep doing the wrong thing."
Bella! responded to my copy/paste post

Allow me to explain the concept behind the "FREEZE" vote process. It boggles my mind that this has been explained more than once to you. Golly, I froze voting when you were referred for deletion in order to reach out to you and allow you an opportunity to decide whether you wanted to delete the internet pictures posted in your gallery OR possibly have your profile deleted. Do you remember? For those that don't remember or understand, many years ago members who were referred for deletion were quickly deleted and without their knowledge. Some folks didn't think that was fair because it was obvious that some folks were able to post internet pics while others were not. I would like to think that members are able to acknowledge that site rules were and still are very inconsistent.

Bottom line, the FREEZE option, if used properly, was a tool created to allow the FREEZE-ing member to reach out to the offending member and and apprise them of what's going on and the opportunity to comply, it never had anything to do with "majority rule" because in the end, majority does rule.

And as far as your "holier than thou" statement; "As usual, Bella and Lix are showing their good camaraderie towards each other. This is their business and not for me to interfere." Hey, ANGEL1227!/TWOWARMTTS3, as a rule, I have nothing to say to or about your foul mouth, ugly ass, fat friend. But as long as I saw what that miserable bitch cunt had to say, I thought I would reciprocate. But really, how is it any different than you calling me "BITCH". You are fucking looney.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

This wa Bella!s answer.

I don’t know how different it is. You are a FUCKING BITCH. Knowing that makes me a fucking looney? So be it. You and Lix are different faces of the same coin.
If it boggles the mind that you have to explain it again, I was not going for your assistance. I’m also tired of hearing you say you warned me about my internet pics. You try to show you care but you really don’t. You’ve been trying to have me expelled but you are just a sorry ass BITCH that always attacks members without provocation.
My post mentioned you only as reference. You are too little to worry about.
If your tits were full of dynamite, you still couldn’t get a bang.
Go get your toy back from Lix. You two are like little kids.,
By #485312 01,Jul,21 23:10
the cunt stuck her nose out and got it got it cut off, serves herself right for being a cunt to others, which is her usual self. It had to take a week off so she didnt blow an aneurysm.. it lacks integrity, judgement of the truth, is a really bad judge of character, is a hypocrite, and a list of bullshittery that goes back from the day I got here, Ive seen it do the same thing over and over again...
its fake friends and fake attitude of back flipping and blaming others here is a true testimony of what a fucked up unit it is... hasnt been able to pull a fuck for a decade or more, and hasnt got a nice thing to say about anyone real here. just criticism and bullshit. it needs to dial up amazon and buy a fucking huge dildo and stuff its cunt till its cracks a smile.. because with its attitude, its never going to get laid in this life time.. and I know why !!! *lix*

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Jul,21 16:27 other posts 
Does anyone live in the North West of the US or in Canada?
I've heard it's extremely hot there right now.
(121 F in Canada, British Columbia)
By #623135 01,Jul,21 16:48
According to the news this is true and they are breaking all time records.

By #623135 22,Jun,21 10:16
Phart posted
So they are already having issues with charging electric cars?
Sheesh,what about in 5 years? The power company are not permited to build new power plants.Solar and wind are going to be important to keep the grid up. But that didn't work in Texas did it?
They make a lot of energy in Texas,but how many folks died over the winter this past 1?

So a private, for profit, company did not plan on a hard winter so their production of electricity was not sufficient? And this utility, regulated by the states, failed to meet the demands? This state (Texas) governed by Repukers was not regulated correctly so this company spent less on production and got richer because of it? This sounds very much like a Repuker business idea.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,21 22:13 other posts 
Regulation? Hahaha,look at californicated, that is what happens when you over regulate. No one can trim trees off the lines, the power company has to cut power off in high winds,that is the result of Liberal-democrat regulation. Hug the trees,to hell with the humans.
I fault the power companys in texas to a point but I also fault the citizens for lack of preparedness.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Jun,21 08:10 other posts 
The power companies in Texas are now have trouble providing enough power for air-conditioning. The problem in the winter were not a fluke. It happens again only months later. Prices for power skyrocketed again. Many people again received electric bills for thousands of dollars. Texas' power market is not a good example of 'good' deregulation.

Face it, sometimes you need regulation, especially for basic facilities like power.
By #623135 23,Jun,21 12:19
Did I mention California? Was this the subject of the conversation? This is about Texas and it’s power company. Phart reply to this or open another thread.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jun,21 12:27 other posts 
I posted a link to a news report about california having issues with electric car charging,
And I then mentioned the issues in texas with electricity.
What everyone is missing here is the fact there is NOT enough electricity being produced to meet CURRENT demand.As Ananas has indicated.So imagine if you will,5-10 years from now,when there is GREATER demand? What a mess we are in for.
Regulation is not the solution. that is how you GOT TO THIS POINT. To many regulations preventing new power plants being built and trying to snuff out coal,a effective energy source.
By #623135 23,Jun,21 16:34
Phart do you think power companies sat down in the 1920’s and said, “We are building for the future so, in 1945, we stop because there’ll be too many regulations to conduct business”?
You think that if they are running short they won’t try to catch up? The regulations you protest are there to protect the people and the environment. But, knowing how you think, fuck that. Let coal continue to pollute. We’ll be dead by the time our grandkids die of poisoned air.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jun,21 19:40 other posts 
newest nuclear power plant started in 2016.
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Only 2 under construction according to this chart.
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The US shut down how many? lets see
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Now, we shut down 39 and we are building 2. Does that sound like regulations are helping any? 2, there are 50 states. So state regulation is not changing anything where it may be either.
If you want coal gone,you need to have a replacement handy before hand.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 02:17 other posts 
Maybe those old reactors have become very dangerous over time and/or they are not as efficient as the new ones.
Nuclear power is not the solution. There are 80 sites in the United States where nuclear waste is stored. Some of it is stored temporary in a location that is not safe long term. The best uranium sites are already running out and it's getting ever more expensive to mine the stuff.

That waste has to be looked after for the next 20,000 to 1M years, before it's safe. Humanity probably kills itself before that or there might be a few survivors that don't know how to keep the waste safe and radiation will finish them off. But who cares, right?

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Like nuclear is the only alternative to coal.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 09:18 other posts 
Well Ananas, at least we have some common ground, I h@te nuclear and wish people would have enough sense to study other ideas.
I just used nuclear here because MOST tree huggers-liberals,think nuclear is the answer.And it has Ooodles of issues that take Many years to deal with.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 12:27 other posts 
Glad we agree

Actually, I even prefer fossil fuels over nuclear, even though I'm a tree hugger-liberal. Nuclear might be a bit better on carbon emissions when the reactor is built, but building new ones creates so much emissions, it takes 20 years to recover.
Another problem is that nuclear reactors take ages to start up and stop again, which is not practical as backup for solar and wind. Fossil fuels are at least needed until we have enough geothermal, hydro (incl. wave), biofuel, biogas, hydrogen, chemical storage (formic acid), thermal energy storage, battery storage and whatever I forgot or they think up next.

Then there is off-course the waste and the risk.
By #623135 24,Jun,21 09:43
Phart,,, only registered users can see external links
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 11:47 other posts 
qoute "Reducing the overall demand for electricity makes it easier for renewables like solar and wind to fill the gap, and targeted projects can reduce demand on the grid at peak times."

Eh so more electric cars will reduce demand?
I know you are not a engineer,but even you should be able to figure out that can't work.
By #623135 24,Jun,21 12:29
I don't pretend to be an engineer, but, I do know electric vehicles will not burn fossil fuels and pollute. If (and it looks like they are) the local electric companies can't handle the load they will have to upgrade. Eventually they will reach parity. Again, I say to you, if a problem exists, there will have to be an adjustment. Electric companies are allowed by government to be monopolies, but, they can loose it all if they can't provide proper service.
Coal is pretty much done as an industry. Not just because of regulations, but because investors and insurers are now backing away. If we all switch to electric cars soon, there's definitely a challenge to provide that electricity, but the overall power consumption will go down. Electric cars are more efficient. Now, I'm not talking about Tesla's that do 0 to 60 in 2 s and are comparable to a Porsche, but sensible electric cars that are appearing now.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 10:57 other posts 
It's nice to see that the world is moving towards new energy solutions, such as electric cars. We can't afford burning fossil fuels any longer. I'm glad to see that everyone agrees on that. Perhaps Saudi Arabia will be unhappy, but that country is a militant dictatorship with
groas violations of human rights, so the US or Europe don't need them as an ally.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 11:50 other posts 
Um, who do you think backed the loans for the solar farms around here? Saudi Arabia.
If they can't sell us oil ,they will make their money on interest from loans.
We could afford to use fossil fuels if we could finish our pipelines and drill in otherwise useless lands like up north in alaska where there is nothing but woods.
The alaskan pipeline built long ago,was supposed to be such a wildlife disaster,ha,the animals love it,it is warm near the pipeline.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 12:00 other posts 
Glad you agree.
By #623135 24,Jun,21 12:30
Fossil fuels promote pollution. Doesn't that get through your head?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 16:47 other posts 
Eh yea,some,but nuclear wipes out MILES of earth for 100's of years. Check out Chernobyl sometime.

California has MILES of coast line,Why are they not looking into this tech?
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Instead of wasting all that coast line for half naked people to lay around and spread covid,there could be power plants there!
NO pollution! No noise that is not already there,and erosion control! WOW,
Kansas,could be using wind and solar to help of course.
Another non polluting power source,
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By #623135 24,Jun,21 21:05
Every time I think I’ve heard all your dippy theories, you come up with a new one.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,21 22:05 other posts 
Same here! No theorys posted, those are technology's already being tested and shown to work,perhaps just not as efficient as others.
I actually use some old equipment that is electric that was made way back before it was "cool" So I research alternative energy sources and what not for that reason. If I lived near a active stream,you better believe there would be a water wheel turning a old Gm alternator to charge back up batterys.
When I build a green house,yep,I will use geothermal to help with temp control.
By #610414 25,Jun,21 07:37
If I lived next to a moving stream, I, too, would use it for power, however, you would need several deep discharged batteries and a back up energy system in case you deplete your batteries too fast. I would also go upstream a few hundred yards and divert some of the water through pipes to have energy free house water.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Jun,21 12:15 other posts 
Just some old car batteries are better than nothing. It's free energy.
Every bit you can use of it is better than none at all.
That sound very cool. I would love to do some tinkering like that.

Here are some fun do-it-yourself builds on YouTube.
I had seen them before and it made me regret living next to a stationary ditch.
Maybe there are some ideas you can use:
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By phart [Ignore] 25,Jun,21 13:32 other posts 
the third link i watched the whole thing, very interesting,will get the other 2 tonight.
I DO NOT quite understand the amount of AMPS he is getting from that washing machine motor.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jun,21 05:46 other posts 
Here they say 600W should be possible. A washing machine motor will use 400 to 1300 watts. They might not be as efficient to generate the same amount, but can still do the job pretty well, as it seams and should be very easy to obtain.

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By #623135 28,Jun,21 17:51
How many Chernobyl’s do you know? One in the states, one in Japan, and one in Russia. Here, in Miami-Dade county, FP&L has been operating the local one over 50 yrs. Same in other cities around the state. And no pollution
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jun,21 18:03 other posts 
3 mile island here in the US. Prompted a nation wide process of adding new cooling systems.1 of my neighbors worked on the crew that went around building it. Made a fortune doing it.

You don't hear about the Mcquire plant here in NC getting to hot but it did a few years ago. The tree huggers were angry because a type of fish was dieing from getting caught in the cooling system water.So they put a screen over the intake. Worked fine for a while. Until the screen clogged up with little fishes.A employee told me about it.

Here is a long list of potential accidents and how to deal with them
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Yea,I know,I got dizzy after 10 minutes of readin!

I can't see a coal plant being any where near as dangerous to operate
By #623135 29,Jun,21 08:16
Sometimes it’s not what you can see but what you can’t
So what's your point? Just let any company kill whatever part of nature is in their way, because US companies are completely inadequate in solving any problem ever?
They can't even take in water, without sucking up all the fishes
By #623135 29,Jun,21 09:23
Ananas2xlekker my point is that all companies have a responsibility to protect the environment. People are part of the environment. In this case, the “sucking up of all the fishes” is not because the plant is nuclear. Yes, the reactors do need cooling. Cooling canals and reservoirs are needed. In this case, some knucklehead got the idea to put a screen on the pickup line. Duh, a cheap fuckup because of a cheap fix. Seems to me that an industry that can build nuclear reactors to make electricity should be able to prevent “little fishies” from clogging the intake of cooling water. Spent nuclear fuel rods are a problem. Finding a location to store them safely is still a problem and hopefully it better be resolved soon.

According to the Rainforest Action Network. For decades, climate change has been a global crisis that will impact every single person and living being on this planet. Now, according to the latest UN climate report, we have less than 10 years to cut global emissions in half.

Burning fossil fuels isn’t just bad for the climate, these industries also violate countless fundamental human rights. From frontline communities facing a fossil fuel pipeline on their land to Indigenous people facing fires in the Amazon to worker rights violations on palm oil plantations, the industries fueling climate change are also fueling injustice.

Coal, tar sands, and fracked gas show everything that’s wrong within the fossil fuel industry. These extraction practices are harming people and planet every day, and big banks are fueling this destruction of the planet and negligence of life.

So what’s so bad about coal, tar sands, and fracked gas? Basically everything, from start to the finish these fossil fuels are disastrous. For decades, climate change has been a global crisis that will impact every single person and living being on this planet. Now, according to the latest UN climate report, we have less than 10 years to cut global emissions in half.

Burning fossil fuels isn’t just bad for the climate, these industries also violate countless fundamental human rights. From frontline communities facing a fossil fuel pipeline on their land to Indigenous people facing fires in the Amazon to worker rights violations on palm oil plantations, the industries fueling climate change are also fueling injustice.

Coal, tar sands, and fracked gas show everything that’s wrong within the fossil fuel industry. These extraction practices are harming people and planet every day, and big banks are fueling this destruction of the planet and negligence of life.

So what’s so bad about coal, tar sands, and fracked gas? Basically everything, from start to the finish these fossil fuels are disastrous.

Like I said, “What you don’t see can be more dangerous.”
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jun,21 10:33 other posts 
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chernobyl didn just happen and stop.It is still happening today.

Smog will go away at some point.
coal smoke can be filtered.Try filtering radiaton.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Jun,21 13:39 other posts 
Managing the Chernobyl disaster has probably already cost more energy than several nuclear reactors will produce in their lifetime. The exclusion zone of Chernobyl; 2600 km², if filled with solar panels, would produce 234 TWh/year. That's about twice the whole electricity consumption of The Netherlands.

So we only would need half that exclusion zone filled with solar panels
and that would cost about 78 Billion Euro's. That would raise our national debt from 56.3% of GDP to 66.2% of GDP.
Jobs for all our unemployed people will pull that debt down soon enough.
By #623135 30,Jun,21 08:42
You forget that the disaster in Chernobyl happened to a nuclear electric plant that would never be built in the US. According to the Atomic Energy Commission, this type of reactor was ver vulnerable to the disaster. The USSR didn’t care. Like the Chinese, they wanted results.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Jun,21 09:54 other posts 
How about Fukushima?
Accidents happen. Even if the chance is 1:1M (historically proven it's much higher), when you multiply that risk by the number of nuclear power plants required, something catastrophic will happen at some point. Such catastrophes could cost more than the complete energy transition.
That's not worth it, because nuclear power is only a temporary solution, because the uranium will run out at some point. It's already becoming more and more expensive to mine the stuff.

Even if all those problems didn't exist, it still takes 10 years before any nuclear power plant has compensates his own build. But it first takes 10 years to build any. Then after 20 years, they are just as CO2 effecient as wind and solar. That's too late. We need to lower CO2 emissions ASAP.

Anyone with some money to spare can invest in their own solar panels,
lower their costs and be less dependent on power companies.
It's nice to have air-conditioning in a heat wave, when the government
is telling you not to use power or you can't afford it when power companies are charging you 100x the normal rate.

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By #623135 30,Jun,21 10:08
Fukushima’s disaster included the meltdown but IT WAS THE SUNAMI THAT CAUSED IT AND MOST OF THE DEVASTATION of that city. Last I’ve checked there are no dinamices happening in Kansas. I will give you this one. In Californicate state they’ve built one on the fault line. Engineer had too much Blow.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Jun,21 11:06 other posts 
Isn't Kansas part of Tornado Alley?
There are al sorts of natural disasters, but it can also be a terrorist attack or a hacker or just basic human error.
By #623135 30,Jun,21 11:21
Yes, it is but you can’t compare a wind storm, even a tornado, to a sunami. Our nuclear plant in Turkey Point went through several hurricanes . Hurricanes produce tornados inside the storm. Hurricane Andrews destroyed large swaths out of the county. Huge communities disappeared. The Turkey Point plan took it in stride.
BTW, instead of Kansas I could have picked West Virginia
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

As far as anything else, we have to trust security will prevail. Every thing is a crapshoot. Hopefully we don’t roll snake eyes,
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Jun,21 12:54 other posts 
Or just choose all the many alternatives and don't build any new nuclear power plants. Why are you such a proponent of nuclear energy? What do you consider the advantage over truly sustainable energy technologies?
By #623135 30,Jun,21 13:30
Except for solar energies nuclear is the most reliable. I guess I’m like a Trump supporter but with nuclear capability--------------------------------------- added after 11

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I was talking to phart.
I also don't like nuclear energy and my arguments are in line with the science on climate change. That uranium has to be mined, which also emits CO2.
A nuclear power plant takes a lot of energy to be built and maintained.
Then afterwards we have to keep the waste safe for the next 20,000 years.
On the short term nuclear is about as energy/CO2 efficient as wind power and even less than solar. In the long term nuclear has a horrible energy/CO2 efficiency, because keeping the waste safe also costs energy. Also, building nuclear power plants takes a long time and lots of materials. It takes about 10 years before a nuclear power plant compensates his own build. That's about 1-1.5 years for wind energy and 2 years for solar. However solar is cheaper
on maintenance.

Other than that, I agree with most of what you said.

All energy technology costs money, materials, energy and land to build and maintain. All energy technology has downsides like pollution, mineral shortages, exploitation of people and CO2 emissions. We just need to stop with the worst energy technologies first and expand on the best ones the most.

It doesn't require completely changing our life or have impact on the quality of our life. However climate change already impacts our life and it will only get worse. We can either choose to accept some changes now and prevent total catastrophe later or we can deny the truth until catastrophe proves us wrong.
By #623135 29,Jun,21 15:43
I wish we went back to the pre 1860’s. We really don’t need electricity. Natural gas was good enough to live and we don’t need TV or cars.

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