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Black lives matter or do All lives matter...༼☯﹏☯༽

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Oct,20 04:17  other posts
Just looking for opinions...Please no fights...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By phart [Ignore] 13,Apr,22 21:18 other posts 
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By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Apr,22 21:26 other posts 
That woman should never be allowed to be near a child ever again
By phart [Ignore] 13,Apr,22 21:35 other posts 
No,she can say what she wants to,the video of her reaching in the back seat, grabbing that bag and just tossing it into the dumpster without a care in the world speaks volumes of the quality of person she is. There was no fear shown, no consciousness shown, nothing. She was calm as a cucumber, tossing that baby into the dumpster. Tubes should be tied or vag sewn shut or something.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Apr,22 21:37 other posts 
I agree with you
By phart [Ignore] 13,Apr,22 21:39 other posts 
And did you notice once he had a chance ,the father stepped up to the plate and is taking care of the child? WOW

By phart [Ignore] 01,Apr,22 11:06 other posts 
Looks like we need to explain that all lives matter to this "woman".
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Apr,22 11:28 other posts 
The baby probably is evil, because it has her genes.
That's why you don't want to ban abortion.
Maybe she would have decided she was not fit for parenting.
Or would you like her to procreate some more?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Apr,22 12:18 other posts 
No the dick needs to be cut off that got her pregnant. His desperation to get a piece is part of the problem. AND She should have her tubes tied.
Abortion would not be necessary in most cases if people would simply use options to prevent pregnancy ,like a vasectomy y or the 3 month shot.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Apr,22 16:03 other posts 
Strange how you think having sex is a crime. Sure people should be more careful, because getting pregnant is not the only concern. The medical procedure of abortion is punishment enough. There's no need to punish people harder. A society that does that will only get worse problems, like this mother.

Prevention is always better, off course. It's not that I like it that people breaking off pregnancies. My support for abortion is purely practical. It's the dumbest people who get pregnant unintentionally. If they are then also not motivated to raise the child, why force them to. That's asking for another person getting a bad start in life. Let's not force people to add to the world's problems and focus on helping motivated people raising their kids as best as possible.

And talking about prevention, Republicans are cracking down on sexual education,
like Muslim fundamentalists. That's asking for a wave of unwanted pregnancies.
Can you explain that any other way than trying to fuck up the world?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Apr,22 17:52 other posts 
IF You don't show someone a cookie and say "this taste good" then they won't know about the cookie.So they won't eat the cookie.
If you teach someone about sex, they will get curious and start trying it, then it will feel good and then squirt, oh no, abortion time.
Teach them to keep it in their pants until they are old enough to be responsible for their actions.
I don't think it is asking anything to much for a woman that is going to be easy to fuck to use protection like the shot or a pill ,less expensive to them and the taxpayer.
It is not asking to much of a man that is going to chase every whore in town to get his lines cut. He won't feel the difference and it is reversable in most cases. And there is always adoption.
That is 1 thing I can't understand why liberal minded folks think it is just terrible to expect people to act responsibly.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Apr,22 06:10 other posts 
Conservatives Are Right About One Thing: FREEDOM!
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Disclaimer1: This guy is fucking crazy, but he also makes sense.
Disclaimer2: A lot of sex talk in this rant.
By #610414 10,Apr,22 13:03
Phart, humanity is geared to have sex. They don’t need special instructions to have sex. Sex is in our genes like every other species in God’s green earth. Religion advices “Go forth and be fruitful”. The cookie you mention is the different ways Sex can be enjoyed. I’m assuming you’ve never been in a situation where the passion of the moment has you in its grip and you succumb to its delights. Permanently preventing pregnancy by using surgery is not an option for those that want to procreate but can’t do so now. And forget about some useful program where free condoms will be handed out in public high schools, no questions asked. I bet all those same people, like you, would come out to protest the program.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Apr,22 22:07 other posts 
There is one problem with your statement, the word 'probably'...We simply do not know for sure...Oh if she feels she is unfit then there is always adoption as an alternative...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Apr,22 06:39 other posts 
The only thing you know is that when you ban abortion, people will either be forced to care for a child they didn't want, give it up or have an illegal abortion.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Apr,22 16:51 other posts 
I also know if the women that want to whore around would use some form of protection, such as a pill or a shot, they could avoid creating a baby while still fucking. Or men could use a condom or get a vasectomy.
What you seem to forget here is there is a NO BABY CREATED AT ALL option,if people would fucking use it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Apr,22 09:40 other posts 
The 'baby' is created after 9 months. It starts as a fertilized egg, than it is a zygote and then it is a fetus.
Up to that last stage it's parasite living in the woman's body. It's the woman's choice, up to the point that a clump of cells starts being capable of feeling pain.
No one is forcing people into abortion. If the woman has your opinion she can have the baby and either give it up for abortion or try to do the best she can. The problem is where you force YOUR OPINION onto others who don't share your opinions, for something so life changing as having to care for a child in an economy where people are completely left on their own.
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Apr,22 01:12 other posts 
Wait a minute I am sorry but when there is a heartbeat and the baby infant runs from pain then it is a human...And what about abortion in the 9th month, more to your point I think...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Apr,22 10:17 other posts 

Up to 12 weeks a fetus is incapable of feeling anything, because it doesn't have the nerves or brains for it. 90% of abortions are carried out by 10 or 11 weeks.

Abortion is legal in most countries up to 24 weeks. Then it might be possible the fetus can feel pain. Researcher advise the use of anesthesia in fetuses from 21 weeks of gestation, for prenatal surgery and therefore also abortion.
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By phart [Ignore] 12,Apr,22 12:28 other posts 
Well at least we are making headway. You don't want to abort a 9 month old 1.
What burns my ass to is the fact a local hospital is actually trying to charge 50 bucks for putting the gender of the baby on the birth certificate. They told a gal she needed to let the baby learn to talk and decide what it was!
She held the baby up with his privates on display and said "THIS IS A DAMN BOY PUT IT ON THE CERTIFICATE". And she also threatened to sue if they tried to charge her for it to.
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Apr,22 22:05 other posts 
You are right, but do you not think the infant deserves a chance atleast..Whether it is put up for adoption or keep a child they did not want...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Apr,22 09:42 other posts 
I'm not telling women to have an abortion I'm giving them A CHOICE.
IT'S NOT YOUR DECISION! But your side is taking away that CHOICE.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Apr,22 11:11 other posts 
PREVENT THE egg from being fertile in the first place!!!!
That is being responsible. The parasites in this case are the women that expect insurance to keep paying to get rid of babies they randomly create and should have never created in the first place.
People speak of how drastic and traumatic getting a abortion is. And it could be downright deadly because some states are saying less qualified people can do it.
Is taking a pill traumatic? Is going to the doctor every 3 months traumatic?
It would appear the drama and fear and etc could easily be avoided by using prevention.
It is much cheaper, much less dramatic to go by a dr's office and get a scrip or a shot. Less time than the dr visit would be if they go in for the coat hanger-hoover treatment.

Why is prevention taboo in liberal minds???
By #610414 10,Apr,22 13:07
PREVENTION, PREVENTION, PREVENTION. PHART, if it was that simple we would not be having this discussion. Why don’t you step aside and argue for or against AFTER A WOMAN IS PREGNANT.
When have I ever been against prevention?
You will find no Democrats who are against prevention of pregnancy.
There are a lot of Republicans fighting against birth control though.

Sometimes birth control doesn't work and sometimes people make mistakes. It happens.
Your answer is a cop out. You are taking away a right from people to save themselves from a difficult situation. It's very similar to people wanting to take your right to bear arms. People fought for the right to have an abortion, it was the law. And Republicans are taking that right away.

They could take you guns away and tell you to do prevention instead; have an alarm system, get a dog, don't go looking for trouble and you will be fine. I'm sure you will be pissed when they want to take your right away.
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Apr,22 01:15 other posts 
Damn right, free clinics give a three month inj, birth controll pills and a simple rubber out for free...Whose choice is it with all those to pick from???
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Apr,22 05:56 other posts 
Women make that choice with the help of their GP on the basis of need and side effects. My girlfriend has struggled with which pill to use. Every woman reacts to birth control hormones differently. A pill only helps against pregnancy, so if they don't have a monogamous relationship, the rubbers come in. Do you think that choice is comparable to the choice of abortion?

Or are you just discussed with the whole concepts of 'free' and 'choice'?
By #610414 10,Apr,22 13:19
Tecsan the INFANT deserves a chance when it’s born. Until then the FETUS IS part of the woman who is pregnant with this FETUS. This is part of her body and she HAS THE RIGHT TO DO AS SHE PLEASES. SHE CAN CHOOSE TO GET RID OF 10-12lbs OF FAT. How dare men interfere with a woman’s body when they don’t even know what it is to be pregnant? If a woman is unfortunate enough to get pregnant when she doesn’t want to be, who are you to force her to go through nine months of misery and possible death? This is a direct result of listening to those idiots with a white collar and their man-made “Godly” laws. PLEASE GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR VAGINAS, YOU WORKED HARD TO GET IN, NOW IT’S TIME TO GET OUT AND STAY OUT
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Apr,22 02:11 other posts 
Simple answer to both your comments...Tell the women to take precautions to avoid pregnancy even abstinence...Pregnancy involves two people...Thus both should have a say...I know for know you are right about the left wing idiots and men do not have a say, bot I believe both should agree to an abortion...If it were my kid and she didnt want it I would gladly take it and love the hell out of he/she...
By #610414 12,Apr,22 09:54
Oh, sure. You would gladly take it. Forget all the suffering during 9 months of pregnancy. Forget the morning sickness, the bloating, the possibility of death. And then, even if you have a normal pregnancy, there is the extreme, God awful pain of berthing the child. But, you would gladly take it and love the hell out of it. Just as an aside, wouldn’t you have the same, almost insurmountable, problems a woman would have?What about the fact that most men refuse to get involved or support a woman who gets pregnant during a date? And as far as using protection, there’s a lot of women that can’t use the pill due to side effects and if you say,” What about condoms?” then I say, “ How many men won’t wear them?”
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Okay, now I’m going to say something that most of you may find selfish. So far I’ve given you some of the reasons for abortion but not all. There are hundreds more. But, how about this one? The woman DOES NOT want to be pregnant. What right does anyone have to force her to be pregnant? NO ONE HAS THAT RIGHT.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Apr,22 12:30 other posts 
NO 1 is forcing her to go thru the motions of mating which can result in a child either.SEX, is MATING. Mating is to reproduce.
USE protection or don't MATE. SIMPLE.
By #610414 12,Apr,22 13:54
Did you know that Catholics have only one way to prevent pregnancy? Abstinence. How many Catholic marriages would survive if the wife says no, not tonight for a fortnight? Phart, like I’ve said, “You have no conception how this world works.--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutesMany, many, women are forced to have sex. The pregnancy comes after. Even in this modern day we live in, in the middle of the most sophisticated cities of the world, women are forced to have sex without protection. How do you plan to implement this?
NO 1 is forcing her to go thru the motions of mating which can result in a child
And another thing: a woman has the right to have unprotected sexual intercourse and then have an abortion if she gets pregnant. IT’S HER BODY TO DO AS SHE WANTS. NEITHER YOU NOR SOME OLD FARTS IN CONGRESS HAS A RIGHT TO TELL HER WHAT TO DO. STAY OUT OF OUR VAGINAS.
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Apr,22 23:19 other posts 
She made that decision before she became pregnant...I am not most men either I could tell you a story if you like, but that would be pvt between you and me...I would never abandon a woman if I got her pregnant...As for does not want to be pregnant, think she should have thought about that before getting pregnant, seems logical right???
By #610414 13,Apr,22 00:19
In your world a woman goes to bed with a man AFTER thinking and preparing to prevent or want a pregnancy. Have you never been in a lounge with a woman and both of you are a little tight and you guide her into the men’s room and proceeded to fuck her? And do you think she’s thinking protection or marriage or ANYTHING except getting fucked? Either you are very young or a mama’s boy. Sex is not programable in most cases. Only in marriage and even there, a woman can refuse to be pregnant.
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Apr,22 00:42 other posts 
Your first question the answer is no...For the rest maybe I will answer in PM...I am not looking to sway or change your opinion
By #610414 13,Apr,22 08:13
Why not?
By #610414 10,Apr,22 13:26
I’m old enough to remember the time before abortions were legal. Have you any idea how many women died every year going to back alley butchers, or tried doing a homemade abortion? How about all the suicides? Abortions were allowed to prevent these needles deaths.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Apr,22 20:38 other posts 
needless deaths can be achieved by keeping the pants up, using a condom, using a pill, a shot.
BUT NO lets act like animals and let instinct lead us by the dick and when a baby happens, become butchers and carve it out like gutting a chicken. Real civilized.
By #610414 10,Apr,22 20:58
Your first sentence shows how little you know of the human psyche. Keep marching on, Phart. Maybe one day your personal drummer will beat a tune in sync with the modern world.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Apr,22 23:55 other posts 
Sadly I do see the issues with the "human psyche". No one wants to accept responsibility for their actions.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Apr,22 06:08 other posts 
Aborting an unwanted pregnancy IS taking responsibility for your actions.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Apr,22 20:26 other posts 
No it is being a corward and not accepting responsabliity for your actions and prompting another human to take a life for a few dollars.
As for my gun, it hasn't hurt anyone.
Matter of fact,that reminds me I need to oil it.
Lots of death can be prevented by taking your freedom of gun ownership away.
But no, lets be animals and kill each other. Real civilized!

By phart [Ignore] 30,Mar,22 21:35 other posts 
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By Dev01 [Ignore] 30,Mar,22 21:38 other posts 
Job well done I say. The prison system here is too easy on r@pists, ch1ld killers and p3dos. My eldest daughter see's this all the time. Thanks for a happy story
By phart [Ignore] 30,Mar,22 21:39 other posts 
By tecsan [Ignore] 31,Mar,22 02:52 other posts 
I am finally glad to see you coming around to rational thinking.......
By #610414 31,Mar,22 08:38
And you think getting down to the level of savages is the right thing to do? If the law is too easy on criminals, then CHANGE THE LAWS. I would investigate the incident and charge every convict involved with murder.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Mar,22 09:21 other posts 
Most of those convicts that killed that shit ass are probably lifers anyway .What ye gonna do, take away their rubbers or something?'They have kids, wives and family's that their stupidity prompted them to never spend time with them again.And then to have some jurk come in there because he killed a kid,his own kid? I think they did a great job and I would like to be able to send them a couple cartons of cigs for their good works.
By #610414 31,Mar,22 11:06
They all have a commissary account. You can contribute a few $s if you want.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Apr,22 10:23 other posts 
Cat, ch1ld r@pists, ch1ld murderes, p3do's deserve justice, What was imposed on the victims. Even fuckers that **** women. That is the code of crims over here. Even green and blue see that for what it is. Like a sick an1mal you put them down. My eldest daughter works in corrective services NSW. As a forensic psychologist. She makes decisions on bad fuckers and their parole.
Some animals are just not reachable nor fixable. Without going on I personally would batter anyone that has been guilty of any of the above.

Guns ain't prolific here, hence why we have only had two major shootings. 1 in Tasmania and one in Sydney at a Lindt cafe.

The circle becomes full always its just a matter of how big the full circle is. Someone r@pes or just puts any of my family in jeopardy I will finish it and I don't need a gun.

Just for the record rehabilitation of a p3do is non existent. The percentage is not even worth posting. It's in the wiring of the brain. Therefore they should be removed as you would any termite or roach
By #610414 01,Apr,22 11:04
Dev, long into the night nursing my Glenfiddish 12 yr old single malt, I would agree with you but, in the light of day, we are a people governed by laws. No matter how heinous the crime is, he needs to be treated fairly
By phart [Ignore] 01,Apr,22 11:08 other posts 
And the victim's deserve the same , to be treated fairly.And they are not in our justice system.Haven't been for decades.

And to know there will be no more victim's of this sumbitch will help them sleep better at night.
By #610414 01,Apr,22 11:35
The victim is dead or wronged. That’s why we incarcerate criminals. What do you suggest we do different?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Apr,22 11:11 other posts 
🙂 Guess it's passion from my side. Not a big Scotch drinker unless it's Ballentines.

Was just saying
By #610414 01,Apr,22 11:38
“If only I could get away with it” Who hasn’t asked that question? But, are you, personally willing to give up a good portion of your life to avenge someone’s wrong doing?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Apr,22 11:44 other posts 
FAMILY = SURE whatever it takes. After all it's family. Someone's wrong doing can ruin lives. Like I said, I don't want to write a 30 page essay about it. Grubs are grubs. Ch1ldren deserve a chance to have a lovely fulfilling life. Simple. Pr3dators take that away ... eye for a eye, no maths involved
By #610414 01,Apr,22 11:49
As Charlie always said, “If anyone touches our children or grandchildren, he’s a de@d person.”
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Apr,22 11:58 other posts 
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Apr,22 00:38 other posts 
I will not go near the words you mentioned, but I agree with you there is no rehab or reform...Once one then always one...I personally condemn any of what you stated, they are scum and deserve life in prison or worse...
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Apr,22 02:08 other posts 
But CAT if they were convicted of murder they would be out of jail before the jury was cut loose with the liberal government nowdays...You know I am right...Do not take offense to this...
By #610414 03,Apr,22 03:11
Tecsan, you are wrong. Perhaps you believe sentences are too short or too lenient, but that is for state legislatures to control. What happened to this convict is wrong.

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