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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 01:17 other posts 
You might find this being something very interesting.

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By #610414 04,Sep,23 18:00
Bottom line, don't help the Hawaiians?
By phart [Ignore] 04,Sep,23 22:23 other posts 
Bottom line, they and others like them have millions of dollars, and they are asking us peons to donate .sick
Why only money? why can't I donate a pallet of corn flakes? don't the folks eat?
Why can't I donate a couple chainsaws? They gota cut down all those burnt trees.
No, all they want is MONEY. Does not strike you as odd?
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Sep,23 07:20 other posts 
Absolutely what guarantees do we have that our donations even go to Hawaii and not in the liberals pockets
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,23 13:26 other posts 
I am sure some it might make it there in the form of water bottles . But alot more is needed in life than that.

By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Sep,23 07:17 other posts 
This is very questionable
If a school kid flipping burgers at McDonald’s is worth 15 dollars an hour roughly 2400 a month and is considered the bottom of the barrel job wise then why are the social security checks only 1100 a month shouldn’t they match what McDonald’s is paying
Just asking
How are you going to fix that liberals
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Makes me think that being retired is the bottom of the barrel
--------------------------------------- added after 8 hours

Well cat how do you fix this problem the retired people see this and are getting pissed off

By phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 13:45 other posts 
A black hole over california. Explains a lot!!

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By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 12:29 other posts 
That was really interesting and although this "phenomenon" happened in July, 2021, why are we just hearing about it now?
By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 14:03 other posts 
Good question.
We as humans would have to be naive as hell to think we are the only things in the entire universe that can talk,fart ,build flying machines and etc.
The government likes to dispel story's of UFO's because they want to be the only 1's that know what else is out there. IF we knew what was out there,we may try to contact it,use it to our benefit and so on.
By #610414 04,Sep,23 11:18
You can. Build a large fire in your front yard and dance nude around it. “Strange” beings will show up soon enough.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Sep,23 16:46 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 01:31 other posts 
Mental health issues being glamorized?

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By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 10:30 other posts 
Sick isn’t it

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 01:13 other posts 
This is something new from Keith & Kevin and it's simply titled; Look at what they did to this BOY!

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By phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 12:47 other posts 
I don't drink beer, but I like this guys idea
I hope he makes millions!
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By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 20:52 other posts 

I fear that this is how our police officers are treated post George Floyd. You couldn't pay me enough to take this abuse!

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By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:05 other posts 
Unreal more blacks behaving badly and that cop was nothing but nice the whole time
By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:37 other posts 
Yep, that is a problem. She musta been high as a kite or something.
HOW that cop kept from just jack slapping her ass into next week is beyond me.
He was SO professional. Just trying to keep her from driving away , no weapons drawn,nothing.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:45 other posts 
I doubt she is high, I believe she has a feeling of "entitlement" to carry on in that manner. Perhaps someone will disagree and suggest that she is one of our country's mental health issues. Heaven only knows that country is full of whack-a-doodles!
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 05:16 other posts 
I agree with part of your statement she feels entitled all right they all seem to feel entitled just watch any of the judges shows and watch how they behave like monkeys in the ****
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 06:45 other posts 
Z00 is a censored word.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 08:15 other posts 
Yeah I noticed
By phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 11:51 other posts 
Yea, but it is where that crazy bitch needs to be!
To hollar that much,and not get tired, has to be some kind of dope. I bet when they put her ass in the cell, and she passed out and woke up I bet she felt like she had fell from a airplane.
Mentally ill? Good chance of it.
But some liberal will come up and say, "oh she did nothing wrong".

By #691654 30,Aug,23 05:43
I have something questionable, why would your now friend cat have shown her drivers licence publicly on this site, I also question why although that has been taken down now, she still makes reference to it in her profile description 🤷‍♀️
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

So why not take down the reference to it 🤷‍♀️
By #610414 30,Aug,23 10:42
LoveToMasturbate, let me clarify some things since you’ve decided to get involved with my member actions without being asked to. I am not Bella!‘s friend. We are just fellow members of the site. That’s it. All we do is tolerate each other as most of the members that frequent the forums are, how do I put this? are too simplistic to bother with.
I posted my redacted Driver’s License for one reason and one reason only. That was to prove my age and the neighborhood I live in in Miami. I took it down because enough members saw it and, now, it’s not needed. I can repost it on a PM. I don’t know why, judging from your site name, why this would be an item you’d be interested in. Do you masturbate to Driver Licenses pics? Next time, get some balls (I assume you have some peanuts judging from your handle?) and direct your questions at me. 👿

By #691654 30,Aug,23 05:57
Something else I find questionable, member Bella! signed up to a site that was called "Show Your Cunt", not "Show your Tits", or show a "Bug on Your Windshield", so where is the pic of your cunt 🤷‍♀️
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 06:30 other posts 
I posted but chose to remove those pictures years ago. Rather than being overly concerned about me, concentrate on working on yourselves.
By #691654 30,Aug,23 06:34
I think you might be mistaken, you don't "overly concern", us what whatsoever, was just mentioning something that seemed to be questionable 🤷‍♀️
By #691654 30,Aug,23 06:37
Did you not sign up to a site called originally "Show Your Cunt", 🤷‍♀️
By #693619 30,Aug,23 08:37
"Rather than being overly concerned about me, concentrate on working on yourselves."

That is HILARIOUS coming from the site busybody.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 10:17 other posts 
Glad you found my post amusing. Thanks for your input, DerionValD!

By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:31 other posts 
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With the Hurricussy coming to florida I am sure cat and Cody are batting down the hatches.
I just hope after all the storms they have had down there the citizens of Florida have learned

IF it rolls, MOVE IT to higher ground, if it don't move,do SOMETHING to protect it.

I went to pay my car insurance today, I have a clean driving record, my insurance went from 475 to 602 for 6 months. THat is ubsurd. And it is because insurance has to keep paying over and over again for peoples stuff that they don't move when the storm comes.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:54 other posts 
Good advice!

Regarding car insurance, last October 1st my car insurance for 2 cars was approximately $2200.00. That was a 1 year policy that reflected a multi car, multi policy discount (homeowner insurance although priced separately, afforded me a discount of some sort) and the caveat being I had to pay that all at once otherwise it was approximately $200.00 more.

By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 16:59 other posts 
Annas says this is not a issue but here it is.
I didn't write this.someone else did.
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By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 17:20 other posts 
Is it me, phart, when I click on the link there does not seem to be anything pertaining to a skilled worker shortage.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 20:13 other posts 
All I got was a thing on when to dethatch my lawn
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 20:36 other posts 
Damned if I know! It was a interesting page explaining how few laborers are replacing those that retired. I guess the gen xers deleted it thinking it might cause them to have to work?
I will "try" again to get a link up.

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"The problem that we’re facing today is that a lot of the workforce that’s been engaged in those roles is retiring and we’re not replenishing the workforce with new recruits into these jobs because the Millennial and Gen Z generations – they kind of grew up with a different idea in mind of what was a well-paying and what was a very meaningful job," "
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 21:03 other posts 
Well, YOU DO Dethatch your lawn don't YOU???
well, DON"T YOU???

just think of that poor lush green grass choking on old rotten portions of it's own self and how that must feel!
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 04:44 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 09:03 other posts 
Your grass hates you Dgraff, your grass will turn it's self brown and refuse to grow for you.
Ye must dethatch!
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 10:22 other posts 
I hate cutting grass my ideal yard would be all macadam a total blacktop yard
--------------------------------------- added after 52 seconds

But the shit is expensive
By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 11:42 other posts 
Yea, Astro turf is to
But I guess I am strange,I enjoy the peace that i get when I am mowing,just me and the machine,and when I get done,i can look back and see the stripes and the "carpet". Just rewarding.

By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 09:21 other posts 
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"Toxic ignorance" has fueled the effort by woke professors and academics to erase Native American history from the nation’s sports and pop-culture lexicon, said Billeaudeaux, who is the author of the book "How the Redskins Got Their Name."

By phart [Ignore] 27,Aug,23 21:22 other posts 
Getting a good look see of how the system works myself at the fathers girlfreind has been going down hill for the past while. She was due for hip surgery sept 6. Well, she has been in tremendous pain,taking oxy and other stuff. Barely able to get around at all.
Well this morning,my dad was at her place,and he was sick as hell. He was sitting in a chair, she fell,apparently hitting her head because she could not speak or move much after a couple minutes, he was dizzy ,and couldn't lift her. Why he didn't dial 911 I don't know but he called 1 of her sons, he came and they tried to lift her ,mean while son 2 called 911 and a bunch of folks came and they took to the local hospital, then in the helicopter to a bigger 1. Dr's have been quite about whatever was wrong with her for months, she didn't have any bad issues till after the damn 2d covid shot. Anyway, she is near death and my dad is all to pieces mentally .At 89 he can't take much before it breaks him down, so if I aint here, I am probably busy taking care of family stuff.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 06:15 other posts 
Sorry to hear that brother I will keep busting Democrats ass till you get back
God speed brother
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 07:08 other posts 
Hmmmm.... SHE fell and HE felt dizzy? Has your dad been dealing with dizziness? Is it possible that there is a carbon monoxide thing going on in the house?

I wish that I could offer you words of comfort at this difficult time but with my recent experience with a person of 85 years old, he transitioned from participating in dialysis and physical therapy on one Monday to his death the following Monday. Just seven days, one week....
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 10:46 other posts 
I forgot to mention the dr has been putting off giving her a hip replacement for a year. Finally got it lined up for the 6th of september.but the hip finished failing yesterday morning and she still has not woke up.
My dad has had dizziness spats for a long since hitting his head on the corner of a Kenworth door while he was working a part time job after he retired.
It was just 1 of his bad mornings , happens about twice a year.
He is still not well today and I will be driving him to the hospital to see her after while. He looked after me when I was down for months on end, time to return the favor.
I am all to familiar with the situation Bella has dealt with as My mother was the 1 that didn't do her part for her parents, I filled in for her and turns out she was the 1 beating on the lawyers door at 8am the monday morning after his funeral wanting her money from his bank account. I learned MANY years ago , you don't turn your back on your family, you do what it takes to do right by them.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 21:01 other posts 
dad is much better but the stress has really got him down. She on the other hand has not woke up, and things are not looking good at all. a vegetable.
My dad told me on the way home, "this is hitting me really hard ,I don't know why". The break up of him and my mom was a time in both our lives of terrible memory's nad issues, and his first girlfriend after that of 20 years, died a slow death of cancer. He handled it "okish" visually but the truth is, both of those cases, he was drinkin heavy. He stopped drinking in 05 and I told him, he doesn't have that crutch, that is why things are hitting harder. plus his age.

By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 16:49 other posts 
I think burning man is kinda silly and wasteful, but I really like the way law enforcement handles protestors, it is way past time to put these people in their place, out of the fucking way.
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By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 00:36 other posts 
COVID seems to be popping back into the news. This taken from an article read on Yahoo which I will be posting below;

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now forecasting an acceleration in new COVID-19 hospitalizations over the coming month...."

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By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 05:57 other posts 
2024 election session coming up. If covid is back in the news, they can regulate the attendance to Rallys and to polling stations for the primary's early next year, Lord help us if they manage to stretch it until the election.
And also, think about this, if covid is back in the news, they, as in government, can regulate the court house attendance in Trumps trials ,keep the news media away and so forth, all under the guise of "covid".
The sheeple fell for it last time, so they as in the liberal government are thinking it might work again.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 06:10 other posts 
Bill Gates and the liberals are planning a new bug for 2024 one even stronger so everyone worries about it and don’t pay attention to the democrats cheating and when i think about it the democrats are the real virus 🦠
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 07:44 other posts 

Fuck this COVID BS
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 10:41 other posts 
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 11:15 other posts 
100% vaccine proof
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 13:29 other posts 
But I know people that have been vaccinated, received their boosters, too that still "caught" COVID. Heck, you read about this all the time but the ones you read about seem to not make it and die. My uncle, the man I recently posted about had sepsis, a cancerous kidney, was on dialysis, had pneumonia yet when I read some of the medical stuff that was on the paperwork given to hospice, there was mention of COVID, too!
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 28,Aug,23 13:39 other posts 
I heard on the news this morning that this new variant found in Michigan has so many mutations no vaccine can offer protection
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

And,'sorry about your uncle.

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Show your Genitals