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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 16:08 other posts 
This makes me shake my head! Apparently a trans "woman" spies some good looking fellas at a nearby table and musters up the courage to approach the men hoping to get a phone number for a date. The men are flattered however decline, their reason being they are straight. Rather than "standing up" for herself and feeling rejected, the trans woman walks away rather than saying or explaining that she is a woman....... HUH!?

Live and let live. YOU can and might identify yourself as a woman however as long as you have a twig and a couple berries swinging between your legs, at the end of the day, YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN!

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By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 20:14 other posts 
Well I look at this as the man accepted reality and the fact that the straight men were not interested and peacefully walked away knowing there would be other men they meet later. It probably did more good for his confidence to be politely rejected than for a big scene to ensue.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 20:44 other posts 
I interpreted him saying that he would have liked to express that he was a woman but he avoided that confrontation and/or showdown.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,23 15:16 other posts 
I look at it as he took the high road and didn't make a scene.
I have more respect for him for that.
Had he spouted off a bunch of cuss words and showed his ass figuratively, I would not think that. I would just consider him a nut job.

By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 20:19 other posts 
Regarding censorship and so forth, look at this! Epoch times has gotten ahold of HOURS of security footage of the January 6th event that were not even allowed to be used to defend the accused that have been sent to jail and prison!
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Some people would be VINDICATED and determined INNOCENT if these tapes had been available for defense.
WHY were they held back? what is the big agenda?
More here than meets the eyes people.
All to go after Trump. If he had left the white house and went to be the dog catcher in Detroit michigan, we would not be seeing all these court cases and charges. More to all this than meets the eye.
I hope Trumps defense lawyers can get ahold of this stuff.and I hope there are some retrails.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 20:47 other posts 
FOIA apparently couldn't be considered?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,23 15:15 other posts 
They may have tried to use it, don't know.
But the cop that killed that poor veteran, I bet if this footage had been available to the womans family they could get justice. I hope they try before the statute of limitations takes affect.

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,23 15:15 other posts 
The View returned from the summer hiatus minus Whoopi Goldberg. She's got to have bad luck because what are the chances of having all your COVID shots and boosters, too, and still catching COVID a third time? DANG!

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 20:59 other posts 
This is a short posted by the Twins titled BANNED RACIST CARTOON

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By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 21:42 other posts 
That modern cartoon with the 2 daddy dinosaurs would explain alot if people would pay attention. it explains that 2 males CAN"T have KIDS of their own. neither can lay eggs!

By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,23 13:22 other posts 
this is like,so fucked up.
Ok, so thieves are stealing from your store, a employee try's to stop them, you fire them, and the government supports you firing the employee trying to protect the store and it's goods from theft.
How is this good for anyone?
No wonder stores are leaving california.

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By #610414 08,Sep,23 17:29
You don't make sense. Why would a store fire an employee for resisting theft and then decide to leave the area? And what place in the US would be better?
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:34 other posts 
I understand him perfectly
Are you perhaps having a blonde moment or should I say a gray moment
By #610414 09,Sep,23 14:54
I'm having a diharea moment.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 15:49 other posts 
By #610414 09,Sep,23 19:59
I post at the time it's convenient. 🤣🤣😈
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:43 other posts 
Yeah they don’t want employees to confront thieves or even shop lifters they tell you to let them steal and let the cops handle it then the cops say they can’t do anything so report it to your insurance company then when i want insurance it’s sky high if i worked in a store fuck it I’m confronting thieves and they are in for the fight of their life
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 20:45 other posts 
If I can trip up a thief somehow and make his day miserable I will. Insurance is expensive and it is because people do little or nothing to prevent loss's.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 22:24 other posts 
I agree 100 percent
With my strength and your smarts we could be a new crime fighting force like super man but you will have to figure out a way to control me because I want to kill criminals it’s my marine training
By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 10:37 other posts 
Control, hell, I would be on the horn trying to find the best deals on ammo,lazer sites and a couple good backhoes!
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 10:45 other posts 
Good thinking the backhoe is a plus
By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 10:56 other posts 
yep, friends loan you tools and such, a good freind loans you his backhoe
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 14:15 other posts 
Nancy Pelosi promising to put cunts in jail

San Francisco is lost--- Who would want to hold a convention or large event there?

Major retailers and hotels closing their doors. Small businesses suffering on the weight of crime and regulations.

What a lovely liberal picture they have painted!

By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 14:41 other posts 
Proof that their thinking just doesn’t work
By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 16:16 other posts 
Sit back and watch old movies like Bullitt , and even folks like me that have never been to that God forsaken california, can see that San fran was once a beautiful city.Look at it now. A sess pool,not worthy of a nuke. much less rebuilding.
By #610414 09,Sep,23 14:55
Don't forget to wear tights

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Sep,23 13:47 other posts 
Although there is one woman speaking for many, should they be considered transphobic, bigoted or hateful?

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By phart [Ignore] 07,Sep,23 16:56 other posts 
The lines were not drawn soon enough.
This is what tolerance and empathy gets you.
By #610414 08,Sep,23 13:40
No, they should not. However, I think they are not putting their full effort to bring the powers that be to bring a simple solution to this problem. I believe the whole women’s sports entity should walk out and not participate in ANY sports until this gets sorted out. I imagine that “Lia” probably feels the same way.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 14:22 other posts 
And how do you feel about transgender women using women's restrooms?
By #610414 08,Sep,23 17:17
Since women's bathrooms have stalls only, I don't see a major problem.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 20:38 other posts 
That's 1 thing I can say for Harbor Freight tools. Their stores still have 2 bathrooms .But they have been remodeled to be 1 holers, and when you go in and shut the door, you are it, no one else can come in. So the sex of the person going in does not matter. A simple solution.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 09:27 other posts 
Hey, phart, that's a UNISEX restroom and they can be found in Meijer stores in Michigan.

Background if you are not familiar with Meijer, Meijer is much like Walmart meaning that you can buy groceries and everything else under the sun, however they are sometimes smaller. I Google'd this info; Meijer stores range from 150,000 to 250,000 sq ft whereas the average sq ft of Walmart is 187,000 upto 250,000. I think Walmart has lower prices however Meijer produce AND meats win hands down.

I apologize for getting sidetracked about Meijer.... I have had to use a unisex washroom in Meijer and quite often find them not so nice! My guess is busy mothers hurry their children along and men are notorious for their poor aim. What I'm saying is give me a "ladies" room any day of the week!
By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 10:27 other posts 
Yea well that lousy aim affects us men to if we need to drop the Browns at the super bowel.
I have read the signs that ladies hang on the wall trying to intimidate men about how they can hit a deer at 300 yards but can't hit the toilet at 3 feet.
Simple, the barrel is to short,there are no sights on the barrel, and the powder charge is never the same each time.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 07:53 other posts 
Don’t forget a stall with a litter box for the furbies what a joke and to think we as human beings put up with this bull shit
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 09:06 other posts 
Would you have the same attitude or sentiment if it involved a transgender teen that was born as a biological male and the restroom was in your child's high-school?
By #610414 09,Sep,23 09:18
I think I get your drift. If so, there's a difference between a school gym and a school bathroom, if, and only if, the bathroom stalls have a door. If my transgender boy transgendered to a girl, I would get permission for him to dress/undress in a bathroom and shower at home. The same if it was my biological girl.
By Jamie [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:50 other posts 
Good question maybe I ask one.

By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 10:25 other posts 
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By #610414 08,Sep,23 13:25
What’s your point?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 20:46 other posts 
can men get pregnant? "YES THEY CAN" says this nut case.
And these people that say stuff like that are loose in the streets!.
That's my point!
By #610414 08,Sep,23 20:56
There's the Flat Earth Society, Christians that believe the earth was conceived in 7 days, and people believe Trump won the 2020 election. I guess you are right.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 22:35 other posts 
What a fucked up thing to say every one knows that on the 1 st day he said let their be light and there was
On the second day he said let there be water and there was
On the third day he said let there be man and there was
And he should have quit right there
Because on the fourth day he said let there be women and every thing has been all fucked up ever since
By #610414 09,Sep,23 07:23
I should have said "people" and not Christian.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 07:46 other posts 
Yeah people would have been a better choice

By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 20:36 other posts 
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proof our current administration has not done the job it took a oath to do.

By Jamie [Ignore] 06,Sep,23 11:35 other posts 
New law in Texas only registered users can see external links
By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,23 13:24 other posts 
Good on them. ANYTHING that holds a alcoholic or drug user directly accountable for their actions is a good thing.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Sep,23 17:35 other posts 
Prob NOT enforced in woke scummy Austin!

By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,23 20:40 other posts 
For years I had a war with the mad movement MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVERS because I remember when if I got pulled over and was drinking the police would put me in the police car and take me home and I could pick my car up the next morning I used to stake out the MADD meetings and memorize their cars for some late nights maneuvers
By #610414 08,Sep,23 13:33
I agree.
And, you, Dgraff, missed the whole reason for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers while you were jacking off.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:08 other posts 
Yeah it’s a group of old cackling hens screwing up every one’s good time screw all the madd mothers in the ass with a big black 18 inch dildo
By #610414 08,Sep,23 17:19
These women's group started because they lost a son or daughter to an accident caused by a drunk driver. This is what you are complaining about?
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:46 other posts 
Fucking right I never killed anyone
Damn nosey old cunts
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 14:21 other posts 
That's a very interesting concept. But my guess is that anyone convicted of drunk driving will be spending time in jail/prison so in the big picture of things, will you ever be able to collect?
By Jamie [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 15:07 other posts 
Don't know yet we'll find out soon. I know if you don't pay chid support you don't get license plates when renewal
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 15:35 other posts 
BOOM! That's the way to handle things! Kudos to The State of Texas for being proactive in many matters!
By Jamie [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 16:19 other posts 
As the saying says don't mass with Texas.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:13 other posts 
I love the state of Texas and I stand beside them in their fight against immigration my hats off to Greg abbot for sending them to the liberal states let them deal with them
By Jamie [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:17 other posts 
I agree maybe he needs help on the
By #610414 08,Sep,23 17:24
It's been my experience that DUI drivers are also deadbeats. They'll drive with expired tags, revoked licenses and no insurance.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 17:31 other posts 
Why not if they are going to make everything illegal then we all might as well throw the book out the window and have a free for all

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