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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By phart [Ignore] 12,Jul,20 22:26 other posts 
Folks wonder why I hate drugs and alcohol so much.
Well this evening I am sitting here worried about a friend of nearly 50 years of my life. he tried to od and kill his self this evening.
I just wish all these folks that think drugs should be legal and alcohol is so great,could feel how I do,and how his wife and 2 k1ds are feeling right now.He got ahold of pot when he was young,it got to be not enough, moved up,then got hurt and was in constant pain,the liquer and the pills dulled it for him for a bit.Money issues, etc,just more than he could handle.
sorry for the rant,just feeling a bit down tonight.
But if you see someone you know not acting right,talking that crazy talk like I know he was talking a couple months ago about how his wife would be able to get the roof fixed before long,get them some help.Somehow.I don't know that I did enough but I did let folks know sometimes how he was acting,and I tried to be there to listen when he wanted to talk.but you are always left wondering did you do enough,
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Jul,20 02:16 other posts 
I'm sorry for your shitty day Phart. Alcohol is so evil to some people. It has been an issue with my family for generations. It is the cause of too many deaths and acts of violence and it cost my brother his life by suicide. I wrote a blog story about suicide. /blogs/34490.html
Remember a couple of things. It's not your fault and don't beat yourself up because you think that you should have seen it coming and done something to prevent it.
On Tuesday I will celebrate eight years sober. I won my own battle.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,20 05:46 other posts 
8 years,wow!
I was thinking as I rolled and tumbled all night,if he only served 1 purpose on earth,it was to motivate me to stay sober.Alcohol killed my grandfather and allmost my dad.he quit and has lived a good life for about 15 years.It can be done. I can't help but remember Thomas Sowells words that were said for another subject but applies here to,it amounts to lifestyle choices.
By #574505 13,Jul,20 09:16
I hate drug too I had a brother in law DIY next to me he was over dose me and his friends took to the hospital Think they did In purpose he had pass me his money
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 20:05 other posts 
My friend got out of the "nervous hospital" as he calls it yesterday because he told them either he needed to get out so he could work and pay bills or he would need to bring in his family. Since he went in volunteer they let him out with a bunch of medicine and he has to report to a person every so often for checkups. He came by today and frankly,it scares me that he was driving and trying to cut lawns.He looked like hell flooded over and could hardly walk. Sunday before he got hauled in,he told me he had only took 5 zanex's and had drank a BUNCH of liquer.Eh,that aint what his wife said I tend to believe her but, oh well.

I got his tires pumped up on his rider zero turn as he could not stand on his newer "stander" zero turn,he kept falling off! Bills to pay and can't get good help these days.

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 03:39 other posts 

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 05:44 other posts 
Hey that’s one of my old sayings are you sure you’re not from Pennsylvania
--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes

And are you sure you’re not a biker babe
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 07:03 other posts 
I was on a motorcycle one time in my life and it was scary. Me, I like having a front, a back and doors on each side, something more car-ish.
By JustWill [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 06:18 other posts 
But, can the horse technically give consent?
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 06:59 other posts 
Well, no, but were they ever able to?
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 12:18 other posts 
no but they can kill the hell out of ye if they don't like it.

By #618335 15,Jul,20 13:14
[deleted image]
By #551147 15,Jul,20 13:27
Oh boy!
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 13:48 other posts 
You are definitely a hotcouple . Feel free to use this thread to invite members to visit your profile and/or feel free to post the "links" of your pictures. There are dedicated threads specifically for pictures. Members come and go and I would prefer that this thread doesn't end up looking like swiss cheese when pictures go when members delete.

Thank you for your cooperation.

By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 06:10 other posts 
I just heard the Washington red skins are changing their name due to potential racists issues
What will they call them selves now
My pick would be the Washington foreskins
By kebmo [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 11:38 other posts 
Haha! As a circumcised man I take offence to that name!
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 11:58 other posts 
Hahaha I’m circumcised to so I know what you mean
By #551147 14,Jul,20 16:21

What to do with the "Washington" portion of the teams name?

That's faaar more incendiary, racist, and hurtful than the Redskins could EVER be.
Think anyone will notice?
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 16:59 other posts 
dgraff. "redskin" IS a racial slur. (Especially when their logo is a Native American.) It isn't "potential". It would be like naming your team the "slant-eyes" or the "spics".
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 18:10 other posts 
OMG I wonder if the kitchen cleaner spic and span will have to change their name
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This could go on for ever the candy whoppers and sour kraut
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Oh wow the little chocolate treats I enjoyed as a kid
Nigga baby’s
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Let’s not forget coffee nips I used to love them
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 18:50 other posts 
The origin of wop, is as follows. "The Merriam-Webster dictionary states wop's first known use was in the United States in 1908, and that it originates from the Southern Italian dialectal term guappo, roughly meaning "dandy", "dude", or "stud", derived from the Spanish term guapo, meaning "good-looking", "dandy", from Latin vappa for "sour wine", also "worthless fellow".[2][3][4]

In Neapolitan and other Southern Italian dialects, guappo is pronounced as wah-po.[5][6] As Southern Italian dialects often feature unaspirated stops or "swallow" the final vowels in a word, guappo would often sound closer to wahpp to American or Anglo ears. Guappo historically refers to a type of flashy, boisterous, swaggering, dandy-like criminal in the Naples area."

My guess our word, whopper, a REAL word, stems further back than 1908.

Now sauerkraut was a legitimate word and a real Eastern European food, that WE, Americans, decided to use as a derogatory slang. "It was recorded as a colloquial term for Germans by the mid-19th century. During World War I, Kraut came to be used in English as a derogatory term for a German. In World War II it was used mainly by American soldiers and less so by British soldiers, who preferred the terms Jerry or Fritz.[citation needed] It is considered offensive by Germans.[2][3]"
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 19:03 other posts 
All can now be considered racist but with a name like Graff I’m German yet I don’t find sour kraut offense and I don’t hear any American Indians squaking about the Washington red skins
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 19:27 other posts 
Again, you are talking apples and oranges. Sauerkraut is real and because of World War I, OUR soldiers decided to coin the term kraut, a derogatory term for Germans.

WE have the ability to take common words that have been in existence for 100's of years, and turn them into something derogatory.

My guess is that the raccoon, shortened name, coon, has had the name assigned to that animal for a long time. But in the 1800's it was used as a racial slur against African Americans. What? Should we rename the animal? C'mon!
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 20:15 other posts 
Hahaha I had to special make my garbage can so those coons wouldn’t throw my garbage all over my yard in the middle of the night
By #551147 14,Jul,20 20:32
You never hear the Italian's whining about various things either. They as a group were once considered a lower species than even Negro's. (Not my words btw)
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 20:43 other posts 
As someone who hangs out with a lot of Natives, Mr. Graff, I can tell you that I do hear them "squaking".
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 20:45 other posts 
Ahhhh.... I remember!
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 18:57 other posts 
dgraff, Nigga Babies? I've never heard of Nigga Babies but Sugar Babies, yup.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 19:05 other posts 
They were like little chocolate gingerbread men in a box
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 19:33 other posts 
I Google'd and found this;

"nigger babies"

"Small chocolate candies made from a humanoid-shaped mold that gave the treats their baby-like appearance. Typically sold in bulk for a penny-a-piece, they were renamed "Chocolate Babies" in the 1960s and were eventually sold in a box."

"And gimme a half-pound of nigger babies for little Cyrus", Grandma told the grocer.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 19:42 other posts 
That’s them I looked it up to the name was changed in the 1960s to chocolate babies I guess what I remember is my grandma buying them for me and calling them by there original name nigger babies
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

She was born before the cars came about i think she was born in 1883 in the Windy City Chicago
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 07:21 other posts 
Oh wow you said spic that’s a dirty word in my county they out number us 9 to 1 they rule the city of Lebanon in the 1980s they flocked in and all the white people moved out to the country they can have their cockroach infested city I’m a country boy
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 17:08 other posts 
Did you watch this?

only registered users can see external links
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 17:19 other posts 
I have now.
Kinda sorry that I did.
What those guys are saying is: "Racism against ME is BAD, but racism against YOU is just SILLY."
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 21:17 other posts 
I posted that for dgraff because he was the first to post about the owner agreeing to change the team name. And dgraff suggesting that the team could be the Washington Foreskins was the twins "punchline", too.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 05:43 other posts 
Hahaha the twins and myself seem to think a lot alike
By #551147 15,Jul,20 06:41
I think they are pretty funny. 🙂
By 2nice [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 18:12 other posts 
This whole World is out of control. Ridiculous. People have lost their minds.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 18:17 other posts 
I agree 100 percent open the door and tell them if they don’t like it here there is the door don’t let it hit them in the ass on there way out
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 20:32 other posts 
I am so sick of this nick picking. I have a 1945 map of the county I used to work in, 1 creek is named N----r Head creek,the road crossing it is Fat Gal road.All changed sometime in the 60's to less offensive names.BUT the creek has rocks in that look dark and about the same size as a human head,and the road,passed by a house back during that time that was known for alot of fat women living on it so this name change thing is been going on for awhile now.
As for the Washington Redskins, I remember live tv coverage of a group of indians back in the late 70's early 80's and the chief clearly stated,they should just change it to the Washington N----rs!
I didnt see that but ONCE! I don't think they put the indians back on tv much.
But lately,I think the BLM movement has latched onto any and everything they can to change things that don't need changing.
It needs to stop. Black history month,MLK day,why is it we don't have Asian History month? Or Native History month, just having history month for 1 race is wrong.
By #551147 14,Jul,20 20:49
Interesting you mention that. Someone named Morgan Freeman agrees with you.

Check him out... only registered users can see external links
By JustWill [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 11:54 other posts 
All that proves is that Morgan Freeman can say dumb shit, too.
We can end racism by just not talking about it? Awesome! Does that method work for cancer as well?

I get that you are happy to find a famous black man who said something that appears to support your agenda. (When was Mr. Freeman elected as the official spokesman for people of color?) If I find a famous black person who disagrees, will you admit that you are wrong?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 12:23 other posts 
Oh, you can't find black citizens that agree with black people that made something of themselves.The typical black is jealous of the successful 1's and will work against them just as much as whites.
If you pick at a scab on a scratch on your arm,takes longer to heal.If racism is kept at the forefront of discussion,it will always be a elephant in the room.There is no real "problem" It is a percieved problem by those that are to fucking lazy to get out and make changes in their own miserable lives and expect everyone else to adapt to them instead.
By #551147 14,Jul,20 20:38
That's not gonna happen. They believe YOU, I, and many others MUST and WILL bend to their demands at every cost. Violence is their answer.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 20:54 other posts 
I’m there huckleberry if that is truly what they want ✊

By #551147 14,Jul,20 14:02
The new American hero... only registered users can see external links
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 18:52 other posts 
I gave it a like
By #551147 15,Jul,20 03:29
Lol I did too!

Did you know all that about Colin Kaepernick?
What a disgrace!

After loyally purchasing Nike products for over 35 years, especially knowing the number of children I have, it was kinda sad that the company made the decision to alienate a portion of their customer's for that America hating piece of crap.

They made the decision like 2 1/2 to 3 years ago. I was so incensed, I threw all their shit right in the trash and went and bought new stuff for the kids, wife and myself. The look on their faces was rather priceless, as I had never done anything like that.

Now they've double downed on that decison and Nike can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. They will never see another penny from me or mine. I certainly appreciate my kids and their spouses standing with me in agreement. 😉
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 05:38 other posts 
Buy British knights there a much better sneaker anyway and your kids will love them
By #551147 15,Jul,20 06:47
Thanks Mr.Dgraff!!

I have never heard of nor seen that brand of shoes before. Some of them do look pretty cool.

I'll let you know what the boys think.

🤫 Shhhhh... Don't tell anyone, but, that's also two of my initials... 😉
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 06:57 other posts 
I’m currently wearing a pair of Route 66 sneakers they wear like iron but not very stylish old man sneakers but I spend 10 hours a day in work boots so I don’t wear my sneakers much

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