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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 23:45 other posts 
This kinda stuff makes me laugh! So a new member, screen name dickswanger , creates his new profile on July 19 at 18:26 and on July 20 at 08:27, 18 hours later, this yo-yo posts; wrote (Jul 20, 08:27):

"( ✰ Y ✰ ) g'day my friend !! its always a pleasure to pop onto your page for a look, Keep it SUPER SEXY"

Seriously, "its always a pleasure to pop onto your page for a look". How much popping do you think was done in the 18 hours since the profile was established?

You just can't make up funny stuff like that and it happens all the time!

By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 13:35 other posts 
I wanted to mention this because so many folks think this "pandemic" is being 100% honestly dealt with.IT is not.
this morning the owner the resturant I eat at was telling me of a man that went for a covid test. Waited the better part of the day at the doctors office,no test.was told to go home and they would set up another test date. a few days later he got a letter saying he was positive for the virus.
She ask me if I knew how a person could test positive for a virus but yet not be tested? I had no idea.
The fact is that the particular county this happened in has had some of the lowest numbers in the state. I think this was hurting efforts to perhaps roll back reopenings and such,so the numbers are being skewed.
By JustWill [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 14:42 other posts 
Well, that settles it.
Pandemic is over, People!
Get back to work and quit all that silly dying, you lazy bastards!
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 14:49 other posts 
No that does not settle it,it makes it very damn confusing and difficult to maintain crediablity for the people that are telling the truth,DUH!
How many of these cases are real,and how many are false? Do you know? I don't,and when people in the medical profession can skew things without accountablity or shame,how can you find the truth? And by the way,I noticed on CNN of all things, a graph that showed cases going up,but that little green line down at the bottom,deaths,has remained low. Um,wish there were no deaths,but apparently it is not the death sentance for all that the media is portraying either.
By JustWill [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 15:07 other posts 
I keep forgetting that the whole pandemic thing is just a hoax to make Trump look bad.
He says that we are in "a very good place" and have the virus "under control".
We are only at 137, 000+ deaths (and climbing). That doesn't seem very low to me.
America can spare a few couple of thousand more, I guess.

The virus is a death sentence for all the people who have--and will--die.
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 15:13 other posts 
The real clue to how bad it is is how many people are in your hospitals. The hospitals in Texas, Arizona, Florida and California tell the tale.
Walk into your local hospital (with a mask on of course) and see what kind of reaction you get. You'll learn a lot more in ten minutes than you could watching 24 hours of CNN or FOX.
Read your local news on line or in the paper.
Ask the people running the grocery store.
These things will give you a snapshot of your local conditions.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 20:04 other posts 
Kembo,may I ask,does it bother you at all that there is fraud and coruption going on that is missuseing the moneys and resources for the pandemic? You have enough sense to at least give a logical answer,others i wonder about.
Right now most of the surrounding counties are doing ok,1 of course,a sanctuary city in the middle no less, is having it rough.
The way I know this is 1 of my friends is a inspector that has to go in the hospitals and other places and the maintaince staff he deals with say that alot of floors and rooms are vacant and people are on short hours.
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 01:00 other posts 
I don't know what alleged fraud and corruption you're speaking of. Please don't give me things to read, I've had a busy day and am not interested reading about it. I can tell you that it's not an issue in Canada. For profit hospitals leave themselves open to fraud and corruption so it doesn't surprise me if it's happening, not just now but always. Insurance fraud is huge everywhere. When the government starts throwing Billions or trillions of dollars around, the bad guys come out for their share.
Vacant floors and rooms are GREAT! The hospital in my city serves about 200,000 people in the city and surrounding area and there are vacancies and things are back to normal. Nonemergency procedures are getting done and that's a great thing. Everyone is very happy about it. The alternative is not a pleasant thought.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 19:54 other posts 
Sadly it seems taboo or unethical or just plain being mean to even mention the potential for fraud related to Wuhan virus.
At breakfast this morning the retired plumber I always see on fridays said his nieghbors mother was hauled in a ambulance to the hospital having a heart attack,she died in the emergency room. According to the death certificate, Covid 19. Had been functioning and living a normal life,boom,has a heart attack,but dies of covid as soon as she gets to the er. The fellow is sueing to get the certificate corrected.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 15:39 other posts 
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What does this tell?
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 19:17 other posts 
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By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 20:14 other posts 
If you think this is all "FAKE NEWS" from that As***le in the ig white house then just through out your mask and try and go around Ca & Fl as a start and maybe go to a republican rally inside some tight large building! Maybe you will then find out that it is not FAKE or you could ask some of us that have had friends and or relative die from this FAKE VIRUS!!!
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 20:21 other posts 
I have not said the virus was fake,I am simply stateing that people in the medical field are missusing the virus for finacial gain and the government is using the inflated numbers to push a agenda.Remember the saying,Don't let a good crisis go to waste?

Surely you can see the potential for abuse?
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 23:39 other posts 
Phart, I don't understand why you keep talking about the fraud and allegations of people fucking with the stats. I'm sure you would agree that a big fucking shitload of Americans have died from COVID-19 (oh yeah, when you call it the Wuhan virus you just sound unintelligent to everyone). Why aren't Americans talking about what they SHOULD do because if you keep doing what you ARE doing, you're only going to loose more friends and family.
Your president SHOULD be taking care of this. He squandered an opportunity to be a hero and do all the right things like other countries are doing and have done but he chose another path. Consequently the USA is the leader in COVID cases, deaths and hospitalizations. Sure some exaggerations have been made for financial gain and I'm sure everyone would agree to that but that's not the point. The point is that your country is FUCKED and something has to be done about it.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 10:27 other posts 
Why is it taboo to call it the Wuhan virus? That is what it was called early on because alot of virus's are named for where they came from.It is also ignorant to disregard where the virus came from. The Chinese people are not responseable for the virus and how it got away from the lab.The damn GOVERNMENT IS, and should be held responsiable.
That is why Wuhan should NOT be left off it.
Yes alot of people have died from the virus,and sadly more will.
Why talk about the fraud? Because there is a chance evidence is still around to be found.You wait 5 years to try to hold the guilty responsiable,there will be no evidence.I have not lost family and freinds yet to the virus,and do not know Anyone personally that has had it or died from it. I do know 2 people that have been tested,both negitive.

Yes America has a problem,but the solutions that people want to use will lead to disaster,such as bankruptcys,home foreclosures and suicides. I know,none of that matters right? Wear your mask and go hungry and sleep under a fucking bridge until the 40% effective vaccine comes along and suddenly you will be living in a new 4 bedroom ,driving a Lexus right?

By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 17:08 other posts 
The current guy up in front of the abuse panel must have set some kind of record. He's been up for nine days now!
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 17:22 other posts 
Yep, 29 members, thus far, have spoken. 9 days and almost 6 hours of votes, with and without opinions, Justadude is at (-1).
By #574505 27,Jul,20 16:18
I see he is save from being deleted

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 13:12 other posts 
Has anyone noticed that it does not seem like any one member is able to dominate the #1, #2, heck, the top line on the Popular page? Seems as though they might be able to rock the spot for one or two days, but that's about it. And I'm speaking about both SYD and SYC Popular page, too.

By #574505 14,Jul,20 14:10
My Refrigerator went out so went shopping for a new I decided to call Sears they sent some one to look at it found out it was a recall. So they fix it for free new electric the way it was 12 years old
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 15:08 other posts 
WOW! You musta had one helluva warranty or service policy on it.
By #574505 14,Jul,20 16:01
No just a recall from Kenmore
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,20 16:06 other posts 
Oops! You did say that. Sorry......
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 20:02 other posts 
Wow,great service! Don't hear of that often.
We bought our fridge about 25 years ago.Yep,been a good 1.4 years ago,it got to acting up.
Called the folks we bought it from,they came out,"It is shot,need to get a new 1," Priced us 1 at about 1000 bucks.
We called another company,a local guy,was from New zealand originaly.We could hardly understand him talk but he said "Oh no problem,the defroster elements are bad,I will order them and have it working again for 80 bucks total".
Yep,fixed it,working great. It is my understanding both from some techs I know and reading here online that some of the newer equipment has "end of life" programed into parts of it. Not sure how it works but I know I got a couple printers that had that issue.Stopped after x amount of prints and would not work. Gave a error code that meant,"end of life"
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 10:57 other posts 
Good think it was repairable.
A friends fridge went out this weekend and I was able to find them 1 in a 4 county area,and it is of all things black in color,which will really clash with the rest of the house. White was the old 1's color and went well with the interior of the house. Lady NOT happy!

BUT The warehouses for lowes and other places are OUT of fridges totally.And they are not coming in very fast either.
Most come from overseas now and the factorys are not up to production. And most that get here eventually are already sold before unloaded as they have been ordered a long time.
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Well,the companys selling new applaiances won't remove the old 1's because of the virus thing.
So I had to go to town and get the old fridge out and wound up hauling it to the scrap yard. a whopping 5 bucks worth of scrap metal. Metal is so low right now ,not worth hauling.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 17:40 other posts 
Apparently, this "idiot" (me) posted a video that resulted in BB's granny pants getting all twisted. BB, take it up with admin.
--------------------------------------- added after 61 minutes

Geebus, when do you find time to send "kisses" and with over 400 groups to moderate, how do you find the time to monitor me? Your life must be really boring!
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 21:47 other posts 
Huh did I miss something
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 22:47 other posts 
If you are blacklisted by *lix*, perhaps you did. She referred to me as an "idiot", that I should know how the site works. Why? Because I posted a video in the forum of a child Celtic dancing. She even went as far as to say that if she is able to identify the video I posted, she will notify the owner that it's posted on this website. Golly! Maybe I should notify the cemetery that she desecrated when she needed to get her fuck on.
By #551147 27,Jul,20 00:40
😐 What's "BB" stand for? Big Birtha?
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 03:50 other posts 
Yeah, yeah, that's good, I'm pretty sure that's kinda close to what I was thinking.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 04:33 other posts 
My guess was BIG BUTT
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Or maybe BIG BOSS woman
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Wait for it how about BIG BITCH
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 03:54 other posts 
Just had to comment...You said respect...Now you called yourself an idiot and that is disrespect...Hey I am just teasing you...Please do not take it serious---I was just trying to be a little funny and lighten things up...
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,20 04:41 other posts 
I was referred to as an "idiot" by a prominent member, normally, the prominent member refers to me as "it".

By #574505 26,Jul,20 23:31
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By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 23:50 other posts 
Wow! Wearing face masks with swastikas was using really poor judgment and poor in taste.

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 07:03 other posts 
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 08:20 other posts 
That is quite a quote.

I sometimes ask myself was there an time in my life that I would like to go back to and live in that era as an adult and invariably the answer is no.
With all the 'warts and all' that we have at the present time I would not swap living today for living in a different era.

There is always hope that things will get better.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 11:18 other posts 
2020 can't end soon enough for me.
By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 21:44 other posts 
2020 will go down as the lost year.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 22:37 other posts 
I want to go back to the 70s simpler times fewer problems and no masks to have to wear
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 02:58 other posts 
They were indeed simpler times and we did have vinyl, I love vinyl, cds just don’t compare.
However, to get any vinyl or a book I had to travel to the nearest city, today any hour of the day or night I can purchase and download any music that I want or have the cd delivered next day. Same with books or films,
Contact with distant family was mostly by letter, or as we didn’t have a telephone we could occasionally walk to a public call box to call someone if it was important. Today I can to speak or video call anyone anywhere in the world from the comfort of my home with a device that Captain Kirk would have been proud of, That same device allows me access to unlimited knowledge through the internet and to take photos and videos of far better quality than was available back in the 70s.
I know those are all THINGS but they are things I would really miss.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 05:18 other posts 
You are right I would miss my phone and my tablet life was simple in the 70s for the most part but life is faster and somewhat easier now
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 10:56 other posts 
I would miss my cell phone for calling for help in case of breakdown on the road but otherwise, I know how to repair my 8 track tapes and I prefer vinyl myself for music.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,20 10:18 other posts 

I am attempting to install an app however I received a message saying that my email address was invalid. It's definitely not invalid, so is there a workaround short of creating a new email address?

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 09:23 other posts 
If my eyes are not deceiving me, this little girl is wearing a diaper. I recognize that ages for potty training can vary but my guess is that she is under the age of 3 years old. Her dance "skills" are UNBELIEVABLE!

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By #551147 25,Jul,20 15:06
Aweee, she's too cute!
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 20:08 other posts 
She is cute and I am in awe by her coordination and ability of her flawless flow from one dance step to another. It seems to me that I heard one hundred years ago, that children had to be able to skip in order to enter into kindergarten. In the 21st century, children are required to do so much more. Hey, if she already knows how to Celtic dance, I can only imagine the other things she know, as well!
By 2nice [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 20:16 other posts 
That’s two minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 21:39 other posts 
Think of it this way, you did not acknowledge my private messages all balances out. While it seems that my stupid video captured your attention, I will take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Birthday! I know it is several days too soon but it is what it is. I hope you enjoy your day, ya ol' fart!

By #551147 25,Jul,20 14:26
Here we go!

Fines of $100 for first and second offenses pertaining to NOT wearing of a facemask in public, third offense you can be arrested and jailed.

Bust down a gate clearly labeled as "private property, trespass onto said property, destroy businesses, physically assault police officers and other citizens, deface statues and other public property and your free to go...

Anyone care to explain how this makes sense?
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

BTW, for the dimwits, I'm not advocating for the non-usage of a face covering, just bringing the point to light.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,20 14:42 other posts 
Just so we are clear, I am one of those dimwits, that you refer to. I will wear my face mask as long as I am required to do so, it's something reasonable for me to do.
By #551147 25,Jul,20 14:53
By that logic, I must be a dimwit too, cause I agree with the usage of the mask, I do not agree with the punishment! I thought I made that relatively clear...

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