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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 10:24 other posts 
I sent my first "coward" badge, a badge, in my opinion, Skittles has earned.

Apparently, since he and his posse, have smashed me before, he doesn't feel or think that I deserve a response to a direct question that I posed to him.

I expect that my act will inspire him to become creative and create more polls, or fake accounts aimed at me or even more simply, just decorate my page with undeserved "gifts". Bring it on Skittles, bring it on and show people your true color.
By #601496 06,Oct,19 10:53
Here I go sticking my nose in what doesn't concern me, but, Skittles is a Coward with a capital C. He's entitled to dislike someone. He can make his own forum and post his hatred there, but, he doesn't. He votes negative on pics, trashes members pages and creates blogs that are insulting and/or demeaning. I wonder what terrible upbringing he must have suffered to be such a low life.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 11:07 other posts 
So how is what he does any different than what you do?

You are entitled to dislike him or me. You have opened new Forum threads to post your hatred in, mainly about me, but whomever else pisses you off that day. You create polls and blogs about him and me, too, which are also insulting and demeaning. From my perspective, you trash him and me whenever it suits you. The only thing you don't do is use your points to send negative gifts. So I will ask again, just how different are you compared to him? My opinion, NO DIFFERENT.
By #601496 06,Oct,19 11:30
A world of difference. I did not START the crap. You suppose I will roll over ad die when another member says things to me that are insulting. You and the other Skittles of this site are used to members running scared to Admin with their tails between their legs. That's why you can't take Lix or me. We stand up and give it back with as much venom as we can muster. I can't talk for Lix even though she tells me to not get into the mix with you people (her words). I don't believe I'm any different than Skittles or anyone else. I fight dirty, I fight harder, and, frankly, don't care at all. I try to be friendly but you and a few more don't seem to want that. I have had this new account for two days (i had to give up premium for a few months due to a temp financial hardship) and Skittles has already trashed my page, voted negative on my pics, and left very nasty comments. You seem to resent I'm back. Didn't Lix give you the time of day? You needed to get your fix with me? NO, I'M NO DIFFERENT. Live with it.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 11:37 other posts 
No worries, continue to call me a bitch or the bitch, whatever suits you. And she can call me a cunt all day long. You ladies think the fact that you are nude and vulgar make you sexy and appealing, I'm sorry, I find it to be nothing more than being skanky. Please, be yourself and REMEMBER TO STAY SUPER SEXY ALWAYS! *bella!*
By #601496 06,Oct,19 11:42
Honey, you are the one that said "I'm glad I stayed single" but, was it by choice or because you couldn't snag a man? I won't apologize for what I say in a private message and what Lix says is her business. You can be as chaste and pure as you like. I'll go for fun.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 11:48 other posts 
I am "selective", nothing more than that. When OR IF I find my "Mr. Right" I might say "yes". A man DOES NOT define who I am.
By #601496 06,Oct,19 11:50
It should not. You are a power to be reckoned with. I'm sorry. That was a low blow.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 12:22 other posts 
what question was that??
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 12:49 other posts 
Oh, now I see the problem, MY problem. Yesterday I made a comment to you and did not phrase it in the form of a question until today. Yeah, if I were playing JEOPARDY, Alex Trebek would say it was wrong and I would lose money.

I said yesterday, based on your initial response to dgraff and your reference to a walrus, YOU created that he shit storm that ensued thereafter, that prompted admin to go on the attack to name me, dgraff and mr_blue.

Although admin admittedly doesn't remember everything, he is was able to string things together to name the 3 of us as to why the "EXCITEMENT" game/meter is the way it is.

And while you are at it, why not tell everyone who was behind the numerous profiles that were set up to shame me. And remind Twowarmtts! just how many polls you established about my nasty cunny. I would like to hear it straight from the horses mouth.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 17:29 other posts 
I already said I was responsible for asking for changes to the excitement game....and I don't see what admin did as an attack on me....he got his wires crossed.

Admin said a while back he would let everyone fling shit at each why can't admin fling shit on his own site?
You think it's exciting for the members to see a few rowdy members ripping each other over trivial stuff... people have stopped posting in the forum's cuz they don't want to get messages from the big personalities saying"why have you posted in a/b/c thread".

I might not agree with people on some things here,but I understand that they bring something to the site for many others...supposed to be a community.... we're all nuts to be here in the first place,enjoy the crazy...and just laugh it off..
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 18:30 other posts 
Yes, you did say you felt you were responsible for having the rules of the Excitement Game changed, but my guess is that I had something to say, too.

And as for admin, let's compare SYD/SYC to sports games and why not European football. There are referees that are or should be impartial but in the case of SYD/SYC, admin is far from being impartial. I suspect that in real life that he is quite a proud man amd that he never apologizes for anything because he feels that he is never wrong.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 21:36 other posts 
I can't speak for admin....I can only my speak for myself..
he has no need to be impartial,he owns the game you're involved in...and you're wrong about him apologizing...
Cut the guy some slack FFS,he is one guy dealing with all us fuckwits....

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 12:57 other posts 
Why did you delete my comment on your wall calling you a coward in every sense of the meaning and delete my "gift"?

You earned it, why not OWN IT?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 17:06 other posts 
don't blame me for fallout... and I thought we were now on good terms.. If not, let me know.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 18:16 other posts 
We merely coexist. Why would you think that we are on "good terms"? Should I just forget about the numerous profiles that have been established to insult and shame me? If you want to be on good terms, why not apologize?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 20:08 other posts 
I apologized years ago... what RECENT problems are there? Other than me attacking Lix and somehow you think it involved you?

On second thought, fuck off.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 20:14 other posts 
No, the fact that lix was sent pictures that were allegedly me. No one else would do that but you.

And you can go fuck yourself.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 20:28 other posts 
Let me refresh your memory with one of your polls from less than one year ago. And it wasn't even the first poll in which you trashed me. So odd that both you and admin have a difficult time remembering the truth.


But on the flip side of things, I'm sure Twowarmtts! will be pleased that you removed all the blogs that you wrote about her.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 13:16 other posts 
I'm listening to SiriusXM, Classic Vinyl, that Ginger Baker, legendary drummer for Cream and Blind Faith has passed away at the age of 80 years old. RIP, Ginger.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 08:36 other posts 
Attention admin, I'm WHINING, again.

Has anyone noticed that in the PLAY BALL! feature, the ball is not always available to "take" after 60 minutes? I saw it early this morning when the ball was passed to C=H=A at 23:52. I was online at approximately 01:26 and C=H=A still had the ball and to my understanding, the ball should have been available for the taking at or around 00:52.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Dang, I can't even properly identify the member because his screen name is C=H=A then he uses the equal sign (=) followed by a capital D and the equal sign followed by a capital D is an emoji for
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 09:30 other posts 
You get a limit on how many times you can take the ball.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 09:44 other posts 

Thank you for your response. Do you know approximately when was the "limit" was implemented? Just an f.y.i., I did "take" the ball three times on 05,Oct,19, however it was on October 6th that I tried taking the ball again.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 09:47 other posts 
Yeah, I don't know when that was added,I do know there were a few people just pumping points out from it by taking the ball all the I guess admin put a limit on how many times a member can take the ball in a set time frame (I'm guessing it's 24hr time frame)
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 09:49 other posts 
That is probably the answer and that makes semse, within a 24 hour period of time.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 13:13 other posts 
As long as admin made a limit on how many times you are able to "take" the ball, it might have been nice if he flashed a notification advising the member that their limit per 24 hours was met.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 10:01 other posts 
I am posing this question and hope that it receives an honest response or responses.

Are gay men just attracted to men because of them having a penis? What I am trying to understand is, IF a man primarily identifies himself as leaning more toward being effeminate and prefers dressing as a female whether in life or sexually, in my thinking, the attraction can only be because of the penis.

I'm wrong about so much, so please help me understand.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 00:47 other posts 
Who has an iPhone 11 and if you do, what do you think about it?

By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 18:14 other posts 
So let me try this again with out all the lix drama does any one else still have their original excitement game trophy 🏆 I still have mine
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 19:02 other posts 
I have mine, too!
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 19:57 other posts 
That’s all I wanted
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 20:01 other posts 
I think admin has made members afraid to post!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 20:11 other posts 
I doubt that....
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 20:12 other posts 
I have one
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 20:48 other posts 
Hahaha I think I even have an excitement picture on one of my pages

By #460385 05,Oct,19 11:40
And sheeeeee's back.....
By #601496 05,Oct,19 12:12

--------------------------------------- added after 25 seconds

free member this time
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 13:42 other posts 
That didn’t take long
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 16:04 other posts 
never left
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 13:49 other posts 
Did she stop by to say "how do"?
By #601496 05,Oct,19 14:49
How do. Visiting but not staying
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 15:42 other posts 
Feel free to do whatever you like to do but I would prefer that when we interact that you do not call me a bitch. I'm confident that we can be civil to one another.

By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 07:35 other posts 
Hey does any one still have there original excitement game trophy the one before Lix turned the game in to a kiddy game just wondering I kept mine
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 08:58 other posts 
That crying walrus wrecks everything. Should just delete with all the whinging she does about the site and people here.

She needs a weight loss program, dentist, and shrink to sort her out... and not necessarily in that order!
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 09:02 other posts 
Don’t forget a dermatologist to take care of the pimples on her ass
By admin [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 09:05 other posts 
Again, not true. She was not the one crying. Others were crying because she was winning. And I must point out she was winning without using points, while some other members used points and still lost. Which was the main reason of their butt-hurt. They (cox4you particularly) conspired with bella who already disliked lix, also somehow talked into it and they all whined all over the site for weeks about it.

But indeed now all of them will deny it happened like this. I however, monitored at the time who votes how, who uses points and who whines in forum. It was not hard to make connections between acting parties.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 10:09 other posts 
Huh ?how am I involved in this ? Did I ask friends to vote for me?yes I did,did I use my points to do so yes I did....did I suggest changes,yes I did.... don't drag me into nonsense admin ,thank you very much
Me involved with cox4you is not likely,so I think you have you wires crossed
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

And do you know what,I think it's funny how you drag me into something with Bella and cox4you regarding lix,I'm not friends with either of them,and if you check the forum you can see I stood up for lix,you even sent me a pm about it...
By admin [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 10:41 other posts 
You were one of those who talked a lot about fairness and how members will lose interest in the game if I don't change it, I remember this much very vividly. I did not say you were conspiring with them, but definitively you were somehow roped into it. That's why I wrote "somehow", I don't know/remember how.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 11:12 other posts 
I will agree with you on your own assessment of the incident, the people involved and your recollection. To quote YOU, "I don't remember".
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 11:08 other posts 
And for the record, he need not drag me into this matter, either. This is truly an example of admin stirring up something that is not factual.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 11:37 other posts 
What admin is confused about, and he gets "confused" about so much, is years ago, **FlyingCum** started a group which sole purpose was to discuss, gripe, bitch about licksipsuckit . **FlyingCum** used her points to open the group but for whatever reason, passed it over to Cox4you to be the moderator of. The group was by invitation ONLY and there weren't that many members, probably 8 to 10. The group was quite spirited but it blew up when one of the members brought it into the Forum. admin blamed me for the group and for the dissension that it caused and if my memory serves me correctly, there were only two members that came forward and said it was not me.

You see, here is yet another instance where admin is attempting to get involved and he is publishing things that are not truthful.
By admin [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 12:07 other posts 
FlyingCum manipulated both you and cox like puppets and slipped into shadows, yes, I was aware of this then. But you gladly took the banner and led your troups. And I never said that group was started by you. I meant your group as group of people who follow you as a leader and copy your behavior, not members of that particular group. And I explained this first time, yet you are trying to lie your way out of it on this technicality. I'm not a native English speaker and barely use it in real life, so I make mistakes. Yet I stand by what I actually meant.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 13:14 other posts 
It appears that you are calling me a liar and I will say you are not being truthful.

For someone who admittedly says that they are "not a native English speaker and barely use it in real life, so I make mistakes." , perhaps you did not understand and process correctly, the words that you saw and only YOU are privy to. You do make "mistakes" and I would appreciate it if you stopped accusing me of things that you are MISTAKEN about. Thank you.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 11:05 other posts 
You are not telling the truth, admin, and YOU know it.
By admin [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 11:58 other posts 
I'm telling the truth as I have seen it. And usually it's closer to reality because I can see more data about actions on this site than any other member.

Also, there are only few people here who act like SJW, talking about fairness while actually following their own agenda. I have an allergy to bullshit, so I remember such things.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 12:01 other posts 
Okay, so you tell the truth as you see it through your eyes. And apparently what you want to believe is your truth.
--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours

And your vision is nowhere near 20/20. You see what you want to see and you bury your head in the sand when it is convenient.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 15:50 other posts 
And YOU make a reference that prompts admin to go on attack at me, dgraff and mr_blue but then decide to lay low while the shit hits the fan. Thanks for that.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours

And you've seen my post as you were online last night voting down Twowarmtts! pictures. Too ashamed to respond to me?
By admin [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 08:59 other posts 
Lix did not whine to me endlessly so that I had to change it. Other people did this.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 09:04 other posts 
I understand but her must win at all cost attitude in my eyes is what screwed it up
By admin [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 09:06 other posts 
See my reply to skittles.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 09:21 other posts 
Then you have not heard the full and correct story I remember it like it was yesterday and I can remember things I did to fix peoples cars thirty years ago I just can’t remember what I had for breakfast
By admin [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 10:44 other posts 
Thing is - you remember stories as in "what members say openly", and I could see votes and who bought votes with points and who passed points to other accounts to buy those votes. Trust me, a lot of things that members say here openly or even in private are not true. Sometimes people even believe what they say, but still act differently.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 11:16 other posts 
And this is a case of you saying something that is NOT TRUE.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 11:15 other posts 
And apparently, nor can admin.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 13:17 other posts 
Do you see how something that you brought up about an EXCITEMENT trophy got twisted around and tossed into my face about a group that wasn't even a concept of mine or started by me? So freaking unbelievable.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 13:35 other posts 
I do see sorry Bella I’m sorry I even brought it up all I wanted to know is if anyone else kept their trophy 🏆
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 13:47 other posts 
No, I'm not looking for an apology, I'm just pointing out how admin gets himself involved in a post and "makes mistakes". Funny, I don't recall him jumping into matters unless the involve lix, he seems to be her champion and defends her at the expense of other members, even when the information that he posts about the other members is FALSE.

You know, I've often wondered if admin GIVES licksipsuckit and her beau a diamond membership each month, what do you think?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 13:48 other posts 
To answer your question, I think I eventually received one and I would still have it.

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