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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 21,May,19 09:04 other posts 
As you all might have guessed, I'm old skool. I'm just about ready to walk a card over to the Post Office to be mailed off to my sister for her upcoming birthday. Does anyone still mail "greetings"?

I pay bills online or by phone, sometimes I might acknowledge an event by text, but family and dear friends get cards in the mail.
By #584076 21,May,19 09:08
I still write genuine, snail mail letters... Having travelled the world I've met many awesome people in my life and there are at least 25 people I mainly keep in touch with via letter.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,May,19 09:35 other posts 
That's interesting the fact that you have traveled the world but choose to keep in touch with those friends by way of postal mail. I have friends that I keep in touch with by email but birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, birth, deaths and probably other events, I like to acknowledge by card and/or letter through mail.
By #372661 21,May,19 12:08
Guess I'm old skool too. I enjoy writing cards and notes of all types to friends, family, and clients. All gentlemen should have personalized stationary. My wife has very excellent handwriting which helps a great amount.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,May,19 13:20 other posts 
Very cool! Of course, thank you notes, too.

I would like to think that your missus' handwriting skills is just a "shout out" to your incredible wife and has nothing to do with you communicating and/or thanking another person.
By #372661 21,May,19 14:29
Yes, that's correct in regards to the "shout out"
Here formative years were in London when her father was a diplomat and as a result the formal British manners are a part of everyday life. Good manners are always in style.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,May,19 14:50 other posts 
Another VERY COOL, tidbit.

I like to think that good manners are always in style as well.

My nephew got married last year and I was "moaning" to my sister about the thank you card I received from his wife. My sister reminded me that times are changing. One of her friends invited her to a wedding that had a cost of +60k attached to it and the invitations that the bride sent was by way of email. All I can say is WOW!

By #578610 21,May,19 09:39
A well know pain-in-the-ass member of my home is BSing with a friend about soccer while I'm here playing with Mr Pinky. There's something wrong with this (even if those cute mini-shorts are so,,,,, well)

By #578610 21,May,19 09:30
only registered users can see external links

In Georgia, a state legislator is proposing this law.
– Require men to get permission from their sex partner before obtaining a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication.

– Ban vasectomy procedures in Georgia and penalize doctors who perform them.

– Make having sex without a condom an “aggravated assault” crime for men.

– Require men to begin paying child support when the woman is six weeks and one day pregnant per a paternity test required at the same time.

– Create a 24-hour “waiting period” for men who wish to purchase porn or sex toys in the state of Georgia.

It's a great idea.

By #578610 20,May,19 08:34
This is for most of us. We post entries in full view of the public. I find that I'm not as good a speller as I thought I was. It mortifies me to be told that something I wrote is misspelled. There's this GUY here that goes to all the places i post and advises me that my spelling of some word is incorrect. Well, it made me realize that, probably, I'm not the only one that has this issue. I'd like to know if you get embarrassed when someone tells you that you've misspelled a word. Some people never misspell anything. I find that as I get older, I forget the spelling of certain words. Is this natural?
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,19 12:04 other posts 
I can’t spell worth a tinkers damn but I can count money that’s what is important to me
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,19 12:45 other posts 
Money counting is a REALLY REALLY good trait to have, especially if it is your own and there is a fair amount to count.
By #578610 20,May,19 12:57
There's a lot about you I could overlook, my sugar daddy lollipop
By #23212 20,May,19 17:29
If I misspell something here or anywhere else on a computer, mine or others', there is a squiggly red line underneath, to tell me so. Doesn't yours work?
By #578610 20,May,19 18:00
Most of the time it does but, sometimes, one word is similar to another and both are correct. If you look at another post here, wether, weather,and wather are all good. The other is when, in a hurry, auto correct changes a word to something else at just before hitting enter.
Were we're is where the right word is used, they are, there, a good example of right and wrong and not once was there a red squiggly line under any of this,and these words.
Try it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,19 20:27 other posts 
Hahaha I to see the red line not that I give a crap if I spell something wrong every body knows what I meant I'm not trying to impress any one or show how smart I am those things mean nothing to me
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,19 20:38 other posts 
But for the most part, you come across like a humble person when you're not trying to kick someone's ass!
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,19 21:56 other posts 
Hahaha I do have a reputation to keep up with
By #578610 20,May,19 21:58
Well, what do you know. A gruff but cuddly teddy bear. You've got it right, lollipop. The only one you have to impress is you.

By #578610 19,May,19 17:50
By #551147 19,May,19 18:28
🙄 HA! If YOU'RE going to correct someone (ESPECIALLY on spelling or grammar), you should make certain you don't slaughter it yourself... In my case, your and you're are pretty common mistakes. But, I would venture to say that even some of the most intellectually challenged individuals, know the difference between whether OR weather. 🌫🌬🌪🌩 Now check yourself fool!! 😆🤣😂
By #578610 19,May,19 19:16
That was a direct quote (copy/paste) from Justice Ginsburg. I think a Justice of the US Supreme Court can spell it anyway she likes. F O O L

--------------------------------------- added after 87 seconds

And YOUR and YOU'RE are NOT common mistakes.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,19 04:09 other posts 
Just for smiles and giggles, I checked the quote and I see "whether".
By #578610 20,May,19 07:11
It was a copy/paste from Facebook. I don't correct copy/paste. I didn't say it was correct, just that it was a quote from Justice Ginsburg or so it said on the Facebook article.
What I smile and giggle at is that the quote deals with one of the most important issues facing our country. In particular, the right of a woman to decide when she'll go through a pregnancy. The funny part is that both, a man and a woman, are more interested showing up another woman her spelling mistake than actually discussing abortion. This is what's happening in the country, and will be (already is) a major subject in the 2020 presidential election.
--------------------------------------- added after 87 minutes

All joking aside, no matter where you stand on this issue, it's important everyone gets involved. At least give your representatives your views.
By #551147 20,May,19 14:32
🙄 WTF 😆🤣😂

You are nuttier than squirrel shit! YOU'RE! The one who started with correcting someone!

"One of the MOST IMPORTANT issues facing our country"?

Not the invasion coming across our southern border?
Not all the American homeless people on the Streets of Cali, Oregon, Washington (just to name a few)?
Not the number of deaths caused by the drug use epidemic?
Not the lackluster care from the individual or perhaps a few more VA Clinics or Hospitals, Charlie spoke of?
Not about our aging infrastructure?
Not about the murder rate in primarily Democratic held cities?
Really!? Abortion or Infanticide, #1?
How about this novel idea...

I, ME, as a person who currently has complete and total control over my body. Makes damn certain that I take care of it or abuse it as I see fit.
IF I were a woman and I did not want to bring a child into this world, FOR WHATEVER GOTDAMN REASON, I would fucking make sure that it NEVER happened from the get go! Thereby causing this subject to be invalid.


It's a real SIMPLE solution!!

Abstain, take a fucking pill, use a condom, get a hysterectomy, tie your tubes, burn them off, do WHATEVER steps is necessary to STOP it from happening in the First place.

Why defend abortion as contraception? It's SO fucking moronic and barbaric!

As the Father of 7 children when WE decided WE had enough, WE made sure that it didn't happen ANYMORE! What part of taking responsibility for your actions do you not get lady?
It's not a fucking guessing game, male + female CAN and DOES = baby. If one does not want those results use one of the countless methods available to stop it from the start. JEEZUS H CHRIST! Does one need a fuckin sledgehammer to pound that into your brain? Take responsibility!!

I shall end with this... In the case of **** pregnancy, **** pregnancy, OR oooops the condom broke pregnancy, OR how about this one, I'm too gotdamned lazy and or a slut to give a shit about getting pregnant. There is a lil pill that can be taken after ANY of those events to STOP said pregnancy. It's street name is... The morning after pill!
Lastly, the number of those ****, ****, life threatening pregnancies are minuscule at best, 1%, 2%? So, you want to use a 1 or 2% statistic to justify the 98% ability to kill a life? That could have been easily prevented from the start as I will not EVER buy your argument... Dur dur dur I didn't know that would happen from him sticking his penis into my vagina... AND I certainly didn't know that my period had magically stopped for two months, I just thought I hit the lucky no period lottery that month. Gimme a fuckin break.

Take the first trimester and STFU!!
By #578610 20,May,19 15:15
Last I checked, Cali is in Colombia. Again, I have to argue in the negative with you. I never said or implied that abortion was the only or the most pressing of problems this country has. Perhaps you should read my responses along with someone like your friend, the professor. He might not like me but he's well versed in the English language and can make sense of it. The morning after pill is called that for obvious reason. Have a woman explain that to you. The bottom line is that whatever the reason a woman gets pregnant, she has the right to terminate that pregnancy in the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy. You don't like it for religious or moral reasons? Too bad. It's a woman's body and she should be the one to have the only say so. You can huff and you can puff all you want, but, you are not a woman and if you convinced your wife it was a good thing to have 7 kids, more power to you, but I am a mother who has a daughter and a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter, and I want them to have the freedom to choose. You forget that the choice may be to carry to full term, but that has to be their choice.

By #578610 20,May,19 12:59
Looks like DemonC has a new GF

By JustWill [Ignore] 20,May,19 11:10 other posts 
*Sniff* *Sniff*
It smells like the Crazy Wagon has driven through here recently.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,19 11:14 other posts 
You have the nose of a bloodhound!
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,May,19 11:19 other posts 
Correction: I have the nose of a COYOTE.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,19 11:26 other posts 
My bad, I should have known!
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,19 12:43 other posts 

By #578610 20,May,19 11:57
Coyotes can cause damage to a variety of resources, including livestock, poultry, and crops such as watermelons. They sometimes prey on pets and are a threat to public health and safety when they frequent airport runways and residential areas, and act as carriers of rabies.

Shouldn't the government trap them and deport them? What do you think?

By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 08:20 other posts 
Although there may members that would like to discuss sex related topics, primarily this thread will discuss day to day issues. Here is the question for today; is it ketchup or catsup? How do you spell it?
By #581459 19,May,19 08:33
We spell "ketchup"
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 08:39 other posts 
Thank you.
By #584076 19,May,19 08:33
Tomato sauce???
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 08:40 other posts 
Tomato sauce is what is under the cheese on a pizza.
By #584076 19,May,19 08:43
That's tomato paste! 🤣😂😆
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,19 08:42 other posts 
The bottle says ketchup and it better be hunts or Heinz nothing else will do
By #585719 19,May,19 09:08
Catsup sounds like something the cat did in the yard
By #578610 19,May,19 10:50
or me in my litter box?
By 2nice [Ignore] 19,May,19 10:52 other posts 
Ketchup, of course bella. Geez duh, dorkus.
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,19 18:21 other posts 
it used to be catsup but for whatever reason it got changed. can't see what good the change did. I think someone got a promotion in corperate and made a change so it would look like they did something
By #551147 19,May,19 23:29
When I was a kid I distinctly remember it being catsup. Somewhere along the line it changed to ketchup and I missed the transition. I think I prefer the now over the then. We'll stick with ketchup!
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,19 04:37 other posts 
You know I believe your right as a kid I remember catsup on the label and thus for it was on the table

By #578610 19,May,19 12:53
The rich will always have safe abortions the poor will now have butchers ....I am not pro abortion I am pro choice. Men need to step away from the debate this is a woman's choice . If men got pregnant this would not even be a subject
By #551147 19,May,19 15:05
Are you serious? You can't be! You've honestly convinced yourself that ONLY men advocate for NO abortions? If so, as many have said, you really are delusional! Considering women outnumber men, I'd be willing to bet there are at least an equal number of women as men who are against some abortions. As the statistics point out, a VAST majority of people were semi-content with no further than 1st trimester abortions. If ANY woman is too stupid to realize she's pregnant within the first trimester, ESPECIALLY after having unprotected sex, which is not an ooops, it's a fucking choice, then she can just suffer with the consequences. If the stupids on your side of the isle, wasn't pushing for infanticide (anything past 1st trimester, with exception of life threatening) these things probably wouldn't even be taking place. When the dumbass stated that a person can decide to choose whether or not a baby lives all the up to the time of birth, you've gone too fuckin far. If you stand for that, YOU'RE garbage!
By #578610 19,May,19 17:05

Are you serious? You can't be! You've honestly convinced yourself that ONLY men advocate for NO abortions? If so, as many have said, you really are delusional!

I have not said that. I’ve said that abortions are a woman’s choice and men should not be in it.
Considering women outnumber men, I'd be willing to bet there are at least an equal number of women as men who are against some abortions. As the statistics point out, a VAST majority of people were semi-content with no further than 1st trimester abortions
If ANY woman is too stupid to realize she's pregnant within the first trimester, ESPECIALLY after having unprotected sex, which is not an ooops, it's a fucking choice, then she can just suffer with the consequences
First, this is condescending to the woman. Second, many women don’t have any symptoms before the six weeks is up. Third, it’s really hard to ask a rapist to put on a raincoat. Fourth, complications to the lethal or serious threat to the health of the mother could occur at any time during the pregnancy.
Roe vs Wade, the law of the land says:

During a pregnant woman's first trimester, the Court held, a state cannot regulate abortion beyond requiring that the procedure be performed by a licensed doctor in medically safe conditions.
During the second trimester, the Court held, a state may regulate abortion if the regulations are reasonably related to the health of the pregnant woman.
During the third trimester of pregnancy, the state's interest in protecting the potential human life outweighs the woman's right to privacy. As a result, the state may prohibit abortions unless abortion is necessary to save the life or health of the mother.
If ANY woman is too stupid to realize she's pregnant within the first trimester, ESPECIALLY after having unprotected sex, which is not an ooops, it's a fucking choice, then she can just suffer with the consequences
First, this is condescending to the woman. Second, many women don’t have any symptoms before the six weeks is up. Third, it’s really hard to ask a rapist to put on a raincoat. Fourth, complications to the lethal or serious threat to the health of the mother could occur at any time during the pregnancy.
If the stupids on your side of the isle, wasn't pushing for infanticide (anything past 1st trimester, with exception of life threatening) these things probably wouldn't even be taking place.
Most reasonable people agree, the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (first trimester) should be long enough to decide to get an abortion. Roe vs Wade came to the same conclusion. That’s why this is in the brief.

During a pregnant woman's first trimester, the Court held, a state cannot regulate abortion beyond requiring that the procedure be performed by a licensed doctor in medically safe conditions.
During the last few years, the Bible Thumping states, with the help of those STUPID MEN ON THE RIGHT of the isle, have been passing laws based on stupid religious dogma. All the while, women have had little say on it. Almost all state legislatures are made up of MEN, STUPID MEN that know nothing about what a pregnancy does to a woman. Some don’t even know how the reproductive system in a woman works. There are some women in these legislatures but they are so few, they can’t fight these laws.
When the dumb ass stated that a person can decide to choose whether or not a baby lives all the up to the time of birth, you've gone too fuckin far. If you stand for that, YOUR garbage
First, even I, the worst speller on site, know that YOUR should be YOU”RE.
Second, show me were I said that.
The Dishonorable State of Alabama passed a law this week that effectively prohibits all abortions and that’s why so many people are up in arms, including me, about the right to choose by a woman. You sir, have no right to put your two cents into this unless you argue from the side of reason and not from the side of some crazy religious whatever.
And last, if you have a complaint about my posts, here or anywhere, you can make it, but, you think, maybe, you could refrain from calling me delusional?
--------------------------------------- added after 43 minutes


By #585719 19,May,19 07:51
A FORUM TOPIC--JustWill--kudos
By #578610 19,May,19 12:33
Too bad we can't comment in it. There's this reference to
Bala Lugosi.
By #585719 19,May,19 12:34
You don't learn.

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