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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #581459 18,May,19 08:56
Why is there so much discussion about a particular member/members and what he/she/they have done or posted? I don't want to insult anyone or hurt their feelings, but why not discuss about constructive things and share each other's experiences and tips rather than having a fight that goes on and on?
By #585719 18,May,19 10:07
Hear, hear. It's like old gum stuck on a shoe sole. It's sticky, gross, and of no use at all. Tariffs on Chinese goods will cost us thousands of dollars more per year. Our farmers are going belly up because of it. Hundreds of children hurt in school every year from shootings. Women loosing the right to control what happens to their bodies. JustWill puts pickles in his peanut butter sandwiches. And what do you people want to chat about? He said this, I said that, you are a fake, you are a little kid.
I was going to answer Bella's post about showing myself here.
I've been active since 4/15. My 1st post here was 5/8 (check it out) All that time in between and after that post Hotpussy was dragged through the mud and I didn't say a word. As soon as CC54 took exception about what I said about his wife all hell broke loose and when it came out I am hotpussy's husband you'd think I murdered someone. Not fair? Tell me about it. However, If this thread starts to have members that act like adults and change the subject, it might be worth coming over to see what's going on.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 18,May,19 10:37 other posts 
I tend to agree but I think you are definitely whistling into the wind. The fact is that the people who take part in the sort of exchanges you mention really do enjoy that interaction. Whatever they may claim.
By #585719 18,May,19 10:48
Not a happy thought.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 18,May,19 12:50 other posts 
But true, I fear.
By #580336 18,May,19 13:03
You are absolutely correct, rather than ignore certain comments, some can't resist replying or even posting said comments onto other threads on the forum to try and antagonise other members and ' stir the pot '
By #585719 18,May,19 13:20
Why should those "certain comments" be ignored? Are they sacrosanct? Are replies or even reposts antagonistic or pot stirrers, but the original post gets a pass? That's a funny way to look at it.
By #581459 18,May,19 13:43
Madam bella has not yet replied to my thread right?
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,19 16:10 other posts 
Please forgive me, was your post in this thread that I host directed to me? YOUR THREAD is about sniffing armpits, no, I am not interested in sniffing armpits OR eating dick cheese OR golden showers, that's if you are interested.
By #551147 18,May,19 16:27
By #581459 19,May,19 03:11
Of course not. I mentioned you because you are one of those people who discuss about others' doings day in and day out on your forum topic. And no one likes to be criticized for their personal kinks and sexual preferences.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 05:30 other posts 
So you feel that I have "criticized" you because of your for your "personal kinks"? Look again, I have not. So you feel that I was in the wrong to disclose that a member was not being honest? That's quite alright, you are entitled to your opinion. If you find this thread offensive, please feel free to bypass it or somewhere at the top there is an option to indicate that you do not like this thread and your eyes and sensibilities will never be offended again.
By #580336 18,May,19 14:21
Comments that are inflammatory are best left ignored as then the rifts don't begin. And why post in said comments in another thread when they are usually only relevant to the thread they are already in , unless you are looking for someone to respond to the comment and thus potentially ( and note I said potentially ) create a rift between members.
By #585719 18,May,19 14:55
The rifts are already there. Those other threads are by members that are either, blocked by the members of this thread,or at war with them. At worst I'm throwing a stick into the fire. And they are relevant. So, let me ask you. You found it compelling to answer my posts. Why? Why not ignore them, as you say? I'll tell you why. Human nature. There's this need to show you are right (and,you may be right) Six postings by me, previous to this one, I made up my mind to stop this silly-ass back and forth. I succeeded as you can see.
By #580336 19,May,19 01:39
Initially I was not replying to you directly, I was replying to the original poster. I was also not trying to say I was right or wrong, I was offering my opinion. I was also not accusing anybody in particular of posting comments from one thread into another thread.
My opinion is that old rifts had been tolerated and certain members were just getting on with day to day life, then someone started to stir and cause friction by copying and pasting comments. I am not going to name anyone as that is pointless and will start more rifts. I, personally was not involved, but from a reader of the forum, I felt ( my opinion ) that there was no need to copy posts to other threads unless said member(s) were trying to get a reaction. What other use would there be for copying into a completely unrelated thread....
By #584076 19,May,19 01:47
Well I for one, am okay with accepting my portion of blame, apologize (Sorry WetNoodle!), and start fresh.
By #581459 19,May,19 04:18
Yeah! Why not stop talking about what a disgusting sexist, jealous asshole, and fucking control freak someone else is, and talk about things that make us happy and give some meaning to our life? Let anyone do whatever they like on this site (that is free, right?) so long as they don't create fake accounts and post illegal things! Why don't we talk more about the ways to make mutual masturbation better, how many times a week should we eat mac and cheese, and the best time to visit Spain?
By #584076 19,May,19 04:37
Aw please don't mention cheese!!!! 🤮
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 05:46 other posts 
Great ideas.

I'm sure that being an 18 year old male and living in India you need to feel hope that your life will have meaning. Of course the concern of what you might eat or IF you might eat is not something that you OR the 1.3 billion people in your country face, of course it would make sense for you to dedicate more time thinking about the ways to make mutual masturbation better.
By #581459 19,May,19 06:12
There are greater problems in our country but this is not an appropriate place to discuss them
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 06:16 other posts 
Actually, why do you feel that this is not the place to discuss problems? If you want to make a post about the bigger or greater problems that you see in India, feel free to do so. By the way, when do you feel the best time to visit Spain would be?
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 07:02 other posts 
Because there are greater problems in the ENTIRE WORLD, that is why I feel that this thread is the best place to discuss whether your preference is chocolate or vanilla ice cream, ketchup or mustard or is it gray or grey?
By #585719 19,May,19 07:27
Bella, as far as ketchup is concerned, anyone that puts ketchup on a steak should be flogged.
By #581459 19,May,19 08:31
I uphold discussing topics like these
By #585719 19,May,19 07:31
I never had the pleasure of visiting Europe, much less Spain, but, many of my friends have. They recommend visiting Spain in mid fall. It's not so hot or cold.
By #585719 19,May,19 07:05
None needed. You know what they say, "It takes two to tango"
By #585719 19,May,19 07:25
The desire to hit back or get even is a lot more powerful than to turn the other cheek. That Christian sentiment is not really a human trait. You have to think about it. You have to put it in practice. Everything you reminded us that some of us do, is because, right or wrong, we lash out instead of turning the other cheek. I don't know the reason why other members come to Bella's thread. I come because the subjects discussed here are more everyday types as opposed to the plethora of sex subjects in the other threads. I'm no fan of Bella and I doubt she holds me in better esteem than a pimple in her....ah.....neck. But, we can co-exist. I will try.
By #581459 19,May,19 08:33
That would give some life to this already dead site

By JustWill [Ignore] 18,May,19 11:16 other posts 
For what it's worth, Elphaba is actually the hero of the story.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,19 11:43 other posts 
I never read the series of books but I did see WICKED when it came to Detroit! Excellent production, I truly enjoyed the "backstory" to the Wizard of Oz! And once again, you are correct-a-mundo, she was the heroine!
By #581459 18,May,19 13:45
Do you think Disney movies are better than Game of Thrones?

By #585719 18,May,19 12:35

Recently, several members here have accused me of thinking that I am better than everyone else. Though, in the case of most of those accusers there wasn’t really a lot of “thinking” involved, I apologize to the rest of you if I have made you feel that way. It was never my intention to do so.

While I must admit that I am better than a lot of people for any number of reasons (facts are facts, after all), there are some things that I am not so good at; some areas in which I am not better than everyone else. In an attempt to show that I am not an elitist snob, and as a way of allowing folks to get to know me on a more personal level, I humbly submit this brief list of things that other people are better at:

• I can not dance worth shit.
• All of the players in the NFL are much better at professional football than I can ever hope to be.
• 80% of Americans are better at mangling the English language than I am.
• Your Mom is waaaaay better at giving a crap what you think than I care to be.
• She also probably bakes a better cake than I can.
• Most people have an easier time tolerating idiot's than I do. They also seem to be better at not telling the idiots that they are, without doubt, idiots.
• If I want to make a joke, I actually have to think about what to say. Damn near everything that comes out of Kellyanne Conway’s mouth, on the other hand, is freaking hilarious. And, she does not appear to think at all. She is funnier than I am.
• All of the people in Japan speak Japanese 100% better than me.
• Sean Hannity does a much better job at willfully misrepresenting the truth (lying) and misleading a far too gullible public than I do. For that matter, so does everyone at Fox "News".
• Speaking of narcissistic liars who wear flame-retardant pants, I have never been as blissfully unaware of my own incompetence as is Donald Trump. He's a better ass-hat than I am.
• Hitler had a larger body count than I do. He hit six million plus. I am still at zero. I do not have the talent for it.
• I am near-sighted. Many people can see far-off things better.
• The Matrix is one of the most over-rated pieces of garbage to ever be filmed. This obviously has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but it can not be said often enough.
• The Christians are much better at passing judgment on others than am I. They have me beat in the delusional thinking department, too.
• I am not good at Yoga. I have never tried Yoga, but I know I would be horrible at it.
• Albert Einstein was a better genius than me. I suck at calculus.
• Over 50% of the world's population can menstruate better than I can. I can not do it at all. I blame genetics. Period.
• That same group of people can gestate a fetus a billion times more successfully than I.
• I could be better at making allowances for other people's stupidity. I choose not to. How else will they learn?
• I am not an accurate spitter, nor can I yodel. Rednecks do these things better.
• Most doctors are better able to diagnose illness than I can. I, however, charge much less.
• Many individuals are better at being a moron than I am.

And, there you have it...a list of things that others do better than me. As you can see, I clearly do not think that I am better than every one else. I am quite sure, though, that I might have left an item or two out. That is accidental, I promise. Nobody is perfect, after all.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Damn, Will, that's a long ass post.
Well, fuck it! It's my damn topic. It says so way up there at the top. I can make these posts as long as I want them to be!
Good point. Forget I mentioned it.

--------------------------------------- added after 20 hours


By #585719 18,May,19 07:22
CC54 "the WetNoodle" is very much alive and kicking. I just don't feel welcome here. For Skittles followers, a fake account is one where Internet or stolen photos are used to set up the account. An account set up by a real person, even if he lies, cheats, is a troll, or a nice guy except to people that continue to harp on the same thing, is not fake. For all of you. Keep your silly conspiracy ideas. I'm staying until thrown out of the site or I decide to leave. Candy will do whatever she wants to do.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,19 08:53 other posts 
Not fair, not fair. You just might be a "nice guy" but you have been deceptive and that is what had members feeling so "iffy" about you.

I'm not sure how long you have watched the site or listened to Candy's ramblings before you decided to become a member, but surely you heard or noticed the members she considers "friends" and the members she interacted with and did not like. Frankly, had you just not tried to interact with us, you probably would have gone undetected for a long time. But alas, LIKE CANDY, you just weren't able to do that and it was what you brought and how you brought it that made bells and whistles go off.

And just stay as long as you like and create as many profiles as admin allows you.
By #585719 18,May,19 10:29
I've already commented on panukkar's thread, but, I will respond to you. The first thing is that I'm old fashioned. I was taught to address my remarks to the owner of the house, especially if she's a lady. Now, I was not nor did I intend to be deceptive. I don't remember anyone asking me if I was Charlie. I was hopping that would not come out exactly because I wanted to avoid what happened. Just like Candy said,"Bella's thread is the only one where, occasionally, a serious subject is discussed.". I'm 70 yrs old. I still get stirred up by a nice set of tits or a good looking pussy, but, I'm way passed where I can do something about it, and I like hetero sex,. Well, it's water under the bridge. If the members felt iffy, it's a very minute group and not indicative of the rest of the members on site. Despite your feelings of grandeur, hardly anyone knows about you. My initial curiosity, I admit, came from Candy's ramblings at home. I couldn't believe such pettiness existed. I still will check this thread out and if it's possible to contribute, I will. Iffy members be dammed.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,May,19 13:12 other posts 
Wetnoodle- AKA Hotpussy has now banned me.. after its page was trashed and I commented on the off brand pics.
By #581459 18,May,19 03:45
How do you guess that a member page here is fake?
By #584076 18,May,19 07:09
It would appear that the effective tactic is to get someone who is genuinely new who was accused of being fake to stand up for that person, emboldening them to run their mouth off and eventually allowing everyone else to see their true colours!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,19 08:38 other posts 
No, not so. You're feeling duped and I feel so cynical, it's the internet and this kinda stuff happens. Guys have wieners as big as a baseball bat, women have perfect breasts, people don't tell the truth, it is what it is.....
By #581459 18,May,19 08:59
That seems to need some thinking, but it might just work!

By #460385 18,May,19 06:54
Looks like the WetNoodle is gone. Can't wait for the next go around.
By #584076 18,May,19 07:06

By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,19 11:52 other posts 
admin , does hotpussy 's IP match any other member currently enrolled? I'm not asking who, it's just a general question. Thank you.
--------------------------------------- added after 32 hours

Gee, some of my kindest posts I can no longer see because hotpussy has blocked me AGAIN.
By #578610 15,May,19 11:55
ah, i see.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,19 19:56 other posts 
admin , why not respond to this, it's just a basic question? How many profiles share the same IP as that of hotpussy. Thank you.
By #578610 16,May,19 20:03
I can answer that......two
By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,19 20:06 other posts 
Thank you however you do not. tell the truth. I would much prefer admin to respond.
By #578610 16,May,19 20:18
As you wish but all he will be able to tell you is that both accounts use the same PC, laptop, tablets, phone. The modem is the same one and the house is the same. What does that prove? Only that Charlie, as it's his right as far as the site rules allow, wanted to participate too. You want at all costs to find an ulterior motive. There isn't one and lying is because your hatred for me made us be afraid you would find a way to have us banned. I made some adjustments to not be in your face, but, it looks like you still want your pound of flesh. I was surprised you unblocked me. I now see you wanted to continue fighting. You have a few minutes to reply before i block you.

By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,19 20:21 other posts 
I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you. That's why I gave you so many chances to prove otherwise.

Block me.
By #585719 16,May,19 20:52
Did I cause this with my funny sence of humor?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

If you are serious than I don't understand. Why are you a peace maker one minute and want to argue the next? She blocked you. This is senseless.
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,19 12:10 other posts 
Inquireing minds want to know.
But in the end it won't matter as the world churns
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,May,19 13:04 other posts 
yes, this inquiry matters more than that off brand Mueller Report...

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