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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 07,Apr,19 10:45 other posts 
A blog caught my eye and the very fist sentence made me laugh.

"So I am open about my affinity for guys and their delicious cocks and my other various pickaninnies"

Really, pickaninny? My guess is that you do not know that a pickaninny is a slur and reference to a small black child. Then again, hey ho, I might be wrong.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 11:03 other posts 
I decided today that I was going to make a "GOOD DAY" even though my sleep was not the best. I was working on my 2018 income taxes last night and didn't recall receiving a 1099 INT statement from my bank regarding my accounts so I was online shortly after my eyes were OPEN. My credit card just closed the other day and I receive monetary rewards from my bank for paying of my credit card on a monthly basis.

I eyeballed my new statement and saw 3 PENDING charges noted as FACEBOOK, $ 25.00, $ 35.OO and $ 50.00. What? I don't even have a Facebook account! I scanned my online state for March to April and found 3 more $ 25.00 charges. I tried to contact Facebook at the number reflected on my statement but apparently, they do not have a "customer service" department. Really?

Of course I'm not responsible, my card is deactivated, I should receive a new card by Tuesday or Wednesday but then it is the matter of contacting creditors with updated card information.

The representative that I spoke to asked me if I had any idea how this might have happened? WTF? This is 2019, is anything on the internet truly secure?
By #578610 06,Apr,19 11:32
It probably did not happen on line. The # and other data was copied at a restaurant or other business and passed on to an accomplice or sold to a third party. If you go back far enough on your bank statement you will probably find a small debit entry you don't remember. That's how they try the card. On line, the card info is generally type in and the owner of the card seldom knows about it. Set up your new card so the bank sends you an alert that it was used after every transaction.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 17:07 other posts 
You are obviously someone like me who scrutinises their bank and credit card statements checking that all is well. I am staggered by how many people I know that don't and who just assume that all is well.
I too am increasingly annoyed by how many companies no longer wish you to contact them by phone and if there acually is a Customer support phone number they hide it in the depths of their site.
How these people get our card details is very curious. Recently my son noticed some low level grocery transactions on his account - I gather multiple low level transactions are now the favoured method as people tend not to notice them as they would a large transaction - carried out in a town he has never visited over 100 miles from him on a day that he was at work. The banks response was as we would hope he was not liable and the money was refunded but as you say the horror of being defrauded is compounded by the hassle of all those companies that you have to contact with new card details.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 18:14 other posts 
It seems like our thieves like to run a credit for $ 1.00 to $ 2.00 just to see if the transaction will "fly".
By phart [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 21:03 other posts 
Yea it is annoying.And the bank just refunds the money,turns it over to the issuer of the card,such as Visa,and let's their theft department handle it.And 50 bucks is not worth man hours to chase down,so they let it pass. Cost of prosecution exceeds loss of revenue.The theives know this and so they can literally live off stolen card numbers buying grocerys or gas and never have a job and never look over their shoulders. Crying shame.
I had a minor case in late January of my card getting scanned and shut down.Was a hassle. And the nice bank let me know by letter I was over drawn 9 days later!They did reduce the fees alot after we found out what happened but it still put me in a bind.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 19:40 other posts 
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all YOU'RE just another brick in the wall

By #578610 06,Apr,19 14:41

This guy not only disappeared from the site but even his forum is gone. It's accessible if you use the above url but it's no where to be found. Twilight Zone
--------------------------------------- added after 30 minutes

I take it back, it's there now

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Apr,19 11:07 other posts 
So, like I said, today is going to be a "GOOD DAY".

Don't ya just hate it when you get to the grocery store and you have 10 bottle returns and there are 3 people ahead of you with garbage bags FULL of bottles to run through the machine?

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 18:28 other posts 
This post is directed to admin or SYD member

In your years as admin or as a member on the site, have you found the SYC profiles to be legit when the "woman" claims to be a slut or whore or requests cock pics and tributes?
By admin [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 19:03 other posts 
Personally I think it's 100% men, but may be I don't know something.

I never actually took a labor to scrutinize such profiles, so I can't be sure. I can only tell this - none of the women on this site, that I happened to know for sure were real, ever did such requests in such a form. Which is not exactly a proof that no real woman could.
By #578610 03,Apr,19 19:16
Well, Sir, you've just met one,
By admin [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 19:30 other posts 
You just wrote that you never requested a tribute. So this is not an example that contradicts to my observation.

Also, I do not have any certainty that you are a female.
By #578610 03,Apr,19 19:49
Technicality Sir. In truth, you can't be certain of most of the members as they don't ask for a tribute. Does that make them women posting as men? And only half of Ms Bella's opinion is in question. I do post as a slutty whore. In my pages you will see 2 or maybe 3 pics with an old man. He's my real life husband and possible proof. It's my only almost proof that I'm a woman. And I have posted my Florida Drivers Licence to prove who I am. But my reason to speak up is that many genuine women in the site are unfairly targeted as frauds because they may not speak to a male member or have a group of members that seem to take pleasure in looking for fakes instead of using the site as it was intended, a place to meet like minded individuals that want to show off and chat trash (or cooking recipes)
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 20:24 other posts 
Why do you always seem to make things about you? Did you see that my post was made to admin and SYD members? This is not about you, ffs, and contrary to what you think, you were not targeted.

I suspect that is why you felt compelled to insult me in the other thread. You really need to relax and take a deep breath
--------------------------------------- added after 27 minutes

Cripes! A generalization is just that, there's always exceptions to the rule and if you believe that you are the exception, COOL!
By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:01
If it walks like a duck and quacks, etc. You have a technique where you generalize so you can conviniently back pedal if it doesn't go your way. Ok, that's your way. I also have a way of being. If I see something that may affect or be about me I jump in and look out for my interests. I don't care if you are targeting me or not. I'd be a fool to trust you not to target me. And, as you see right on this thread, there was nothing that was insulting to you. It was just a comment disagreeing with your sugested premise. Your ideas are a direct threat to my membership, weather you meant it to be or not.
As far as being insulting in other threads, well, when you call me bat shit crazy, you expect me to be nice? Remember, by your own words, I'm bat shit crazy,
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 21:09 other posts 
Read it again, you have insulted me in a number of threads over the last 24 hour period.
By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:19
Yes, yes, yes. What do you want? Again, I'm bat shit crazy. But, for real. Do you really care? For God's sake, it's a porn site on the net. I'm having fun. Aren't you having fun? Just a little?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 21:26 other posts 
So because it's a porn site you feel totally justified? You are bat shit crazy!
By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:32
Hahaha. Yes, Ms Bella, you are right. Damn, I just drooled all over my tablet
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 22:14 other posts 
Good girl! Better to drool on your tablet rather than soil your diaper.
By #578610 04,Apr,19 08:19
Men!!! women use Depends
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 20:25 other posts 
Thank you, admin.
By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:02
Yes Sir, thank you.
By #578610 03,Apr,19 19:15
If I may, as an SYC member, I'd like to respond or perhaps comment. I try to give the impression that I'm a slutty whore. The men I chat with like that. Weather I'm legit or not depends on my real life persona and I'll tell you right now, that while I'm promiscuous, I'm not like I pretend to be here. Three years ago I told you that's what I wanted the members to remember me for. You were outraged. Ok, it's was your right, but, why do you question the legitimacy of the profile? Why the women? There are many men that admit they are male sluts and male whores. Are they really women in hiding? In my pages I have 16 tributes requested by the subject to be made and posted on my page. Are they really women? In the last 3 years I've collected and still have in my laptop over 160 tributes to male members (and a few women) requested by them. Many are friends of yours or well known to you like Razzle4. Are they women? When I chat with these men they send me all kinds of pics of their cocks. I don't ask for them. Why should I? I could look at member pages for days and not exhaust the supply.
Claiming to be a slut or a whore is a way to bring a fantasy to many of these men that in real life they probably don't have the chance to do so, and, what's the harm? You just asked Admin for his opinion. Why don't you ask him what does he prefer for the site, a woman that posts pics and does not engage with the men or a woman that not only posts fun pics but is willing to talk trash with these guys. BTW, in the 3 yrs I've been here I have never, ever, requested a tribute. I've gotten hundreds, but, never requested one and if you don't believe that, make a poll and ask the members.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 21:12 other posts 
I found this on page #67

By bella! at 10,Sep,18 10:08 other posts 

I just have to point out that so often you refer to yourself as a dumb blonde and a slut. As far as I can determine, there's nothing dumb about you and regarding any reference you make of yourself as being a slut, I feel that it's done for attention. And you know that I believe that there are different ways to achieve that.

By #562152 at 10,Sep,18 10:50⤴

i do,,but,,self description is usually the way a person really feels about oneself. I like that you think I'm not "dumb", this is my way to deflate the usual way men see a good looking blonde say something they don't like. I remember one of our first chats i said i'd like to be remember here as a slutty whore. You got on your hind legs and told me you did not like that.:x You are right, some is to get attention, after all, my popularity here is based on the fact that i'll bed any man or woman that is nice to me, but, in REAL LIFE i am very sexually active and with different partners. The term slutty whore is only offensive if i allow it so when i'm called that. In real life I'm head of a huge department in a very large hospital,,i have a master's in Bus Admin and a minor in nursing. I have achieved more than the average man and that's with raising three wonderful kids and being a grandma to 7 grandkids. I'm here because i'm able to let my hair down a lot more than in real life. Yes, i do like to show off and i like acting the part of a slutty whore,,:x :x
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes

I have to apologize (again). My friend just told me i called you a bitch dog when i mentioned you got on your hind legs. Nothing is further fro the truth. In my work and home it's mostly men and i've learned to talk like a sailor. All i meant was that you got disturbed at my description.


My post was made after you declared yourself a "dumb blonde" on a question asked about who is the KING of the site. It's not always about you yet you try to make it all about you.
By #460385 03,Apr,19 21:16
Holy fuck. It's Charlie. It always has been.
--------------------------------------- added after 94 seconds

Yes there are only a few chicks on this site. That is the obvious.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 21:21 other posts 
And I was hoping YOU would ring in about your encounters. Again, my comment was a generalization because another member asked aren't there any women that enjoy a casual conversation.

By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:30
FYI we PMd and hit it off. He's a very nice guy.
By #578610 06,Apr,19 10:10
BTW,,he was a flash-in-the-pan. He's gone,
By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:27
Yes,yes, CC. As usual you start thinking about men and dicks. Nothing wrong with that but you should come out of the closet "pretty boy"
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 21:17 other posts 
Huh three years your profile says your a member three months
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Apr,19 21:24 other posts 
The original TWOWARMTTS was a 3 year member prior to leaving.
By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:28
Bella is correct. The original Twowarmtts and TWOWARMTTS2 are or where long time members and both left on their own
By #578610 03,Apr,19 21:36
You know what is bat shit crazy? Your rabid hatred of anything or anyone associated with Twowarmtts.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Well, the "55" yr old AARP member is here to get boned. Bella, we know you are a man because you never ask for a tribute (or is it the other way around?). Flip it out and give him some
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Mr Dgraff, CC54 would love some wood up his ass. His wife, if you are into that, is good too
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Apr,19 05:33 other posts 
I'm living testament that Bella is a woman I know what she looks like and she is the only person on this whole site that thought enough about her friend to call me at the shop and sing happy birthday to me now is that a friend or what
By #578610 04,Apr,19 07:38
Baby, how can we believe you? You get boned by him/her all the time. No one else has seen him/her except for a dried up Indian tobacco pouch.
--------------------------------------- added after 104 seconds

And a birthday phone call? Really? Nothing more original? Did CC54's wife send you a full body pic with a Happy Birthday caption?
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Apr,19 06:00 other posts 
I've seen her passport from her last trip it don't get any more real then that
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

I have not had the pleasure of getting to know cc54 and his wife but I do share common ground with him as he fights the same fight as I do to rid this site of fakes and idiots I refer to him as one of my brothers in arms
By #578610 05,Apr,19 08:10
Great, you know Bella intimately. I take back my doubts.
CC54 is still an unknown. That's what you said, right? Ok,let us know when you know for sure. BTW, and I ask this with no malice, just curious, who the fuck died that led you and CC54 to become the "Fake Police"?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours


By bella! [Ignore] 05,Apr,19 08:33 other posts 
Twist things to meet your needs. Have fun. 👍
By #578610 05,Apr,19 09:10
Come on,,,,it was begging for that response,,,

You've got to start having some fun. Time is so short. A heavily shuttered heart makes for a poor life. No ulterior motive here.

only registered users can see external links

You'll need a translation.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Apr,19 18:43 other posts 
Oh that's easy John s but your not a member long enough to remember him
By #578610 05,Apr,19 18:44
Is it my loss, lollipop??
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Apr,19 08:31 other posts 
Please don't engage.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Apr,19 06:36 other posts 
I am sure that there may possibly be some genuine women who may refer to themselves in this way but I tend to think that more often than not that 'member' is a male. I seea lot of male captions that use offensively denigrating language to describe the woman in the photo. It says more about the male than the woman.
With no evidence to base this assertion on I would say there are very few genuine solo females on here and often a couple is really just the male.
I have never yet had a genuine female ask for cock pics. in fact such a request is my RED WARNING. With regards to tributes, in my experience the lions share of such requests come from a male. However, not here but on another site, I have had request for tributes from women who I do have reason to believe are genuine. But there too mostly it is husbands/partners asking for them.
Sadly my default position is 'This is not a real woman'.
By #578610 04,Apr,19 07:57
Andthisisme, I'm sorry you feel this way, but, I understand. At least you stated the reasons why you feel this way. Having said that, lets see. You said,
"I have never yet had a genuine female ask for cock pics"
Well, neither have I (don't take my word for it)
You are right, you said,
"With regards to tributes, in my experience the lions share of such requests come from a male"
You are right, there's 13 or 14 tributes on my
except for 2 the rest are from men that want their
pic in my page.
I got permission to paste this,
Apr 3, 20:07 razzle4: Let's see more of my cock on your page
He is on my page.
So, what am I doing for you to think differently?

But, if you are right then CC54 uploads his, supposedly
wife's pics because he wants men to come and chat with him. I wonder if he asks for tributes from these men?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Apr,19 09:38 other posts 
I have quite deliberately not cast aspersions on any particular individual. There are clearly going to be genuine females and genuine couples where both interact but they are a small minority, in my experience. I was just making an observation based on my 7 years experience on here.
By #578610 04,Apr,19 09:55
Thanks for the response. In the heat of an argument, especially one that is exciting, one tends to get carried away. Please do something for me. Visit here and do as your think it's right.


By #578610 04,Apr,19 08:08
Well, You can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Whatever you believe, the fact is that my page is popular, my chats are very well received, I won't die because you people have malicious ideas, and I'll be around the forums weather you like it or not.
I guess it's fair you feel this way. I believe Bella is a man too. I believe CC54 is gay and those "wife" pics are borrowed. And as far as the other Junk Yard Dogs, well, what can I say. I'll change my diaper, drool over my tablet, change my name to Charlene but refuse to grow a dick.
You guys are so funny. I get hours of entertainment from it. Love you guys. Bella, show us your dick, then we can retire that dumpster forum about who has seen Bella's pussy (sic)
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,19 08:46 other posts 
I hope you are able to tone down. My comments, this thread is not about you. If you cannot tone down or refrain from making insulting remarks about anyone you damn well please, I will blacklist you. It's not a threat, I'm just so tired of your erratic and insulting posts.
By #578610 04,Apr,19 09:07
I'm so sorry Bella. I was the first to post on this thread. That response started like this.

"If I may, as an SYC member, I'd like to respond or perhaps comment. I try to give the impression that I'm a slutty whore. The men I chat with like that. Weather I'm legit or not depends on my real life persona and I'll tell you right now, that while I'm promiscuous, I'm not like I pretend to be here."

There was nothing remotely disrespectful about it. After Admin answered you and he and I chatted, you got ugly. The rest was just the back and forth of an ugly argument. I realize you "own" the forum, but, if you post then you should expect for other members to react to what's being posted. My insulting posts to members are in answer to their insulting posts. You seem to pick and choose what you wish to see and ignore the digs i get from your friends. I come here because this is one of the few forums that features interesting subjects. The other mindless forums can be described as the "Am I gay because I like to suck dick?" type. This does not mean I like the "owner" of the forum or that I will be restrained when dumb asses come after me. If that doesn't work for you, I can't help that. Just remember one thing, from your own "typing fingers" I'm a bat shit crazy lady. I guess I should have taken it as medical diagnosis.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Apr,19 09:15 other posts 
No more. I'm tired of you thinking that everything is about you. There are more threads for you to insult and annoy members in. Are you that thick, don't you get it? Even your friends are tired of your attention seeking babble and rants. I won't ask again, I will just blacklist you.

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