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"You're one the rudest, one of the most uncivilized people in here.
Read the following:
1. This is a thread NOT started by you.
2. I link a pic of lix, the girlfriend of aussieman's who started the thread.
3. You have not been invited to comment, positively or negative.
4. You show up and make fun of the pic.
Can't you see that you are completely uncivilized?"
I only bring this up because that all seems to be the very stuff he constantly bad-mouths other members for doing.
Hypocrite much, leo?
Like I said a couple of days ago, when I pointed this out, it seems like there is a "win at any cost" mentality.
"admin should consider renaming the SYD "Popular" page to "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!".
Are those pictures rightfully displayed there because they really are popular with members with regard to views, votes and comments? And if they are Popular, with how many members are they really popular with, one, two, three.....?
C'mon fellas, don't you have any pride?"
I understand that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but I know I'm not the only member who notices it when the same few members continually secure the coveted positions at the top of the heap because their same few friends push their's picture(s) to number 1. That is what find to be a farce.
Maybe you could vote on your friends new pics to help them out?
Site has always been the same...
And I'm guessing someone has landed on your naughty step,cuz it hit the forum
Everything is competitive here...
And you've seen how people get here repeatedly,the more you poke them with a stick,the more they dig their heels and stick a middle finger up to that person who has an issue with them.
It not any different to the banner being flooded by one person...
And the whole site is back scratching, that's how the site can't get to the top/win without the relevant support.....
I don't understand what your gripe is ?
If you have the points you can use them how you see fit....
And what has blacklisting got to do with someone getting lots of votes and views on their pics ?
I'm confused here cc54 !!
I doubt admin is gonna change blacklisting to the old way,just for the very reason you state....
And I think you're limited in not votes anyway, Dunno if that's still the case,after five days you can't vote not on a pic anyway....
I don't know why the voting system is that way
You hit the nail on the head, below... I hadn't thought about it in those terms. To get where they are, SOMEONE'S gotta be purchasing hellified points. So... Fuck it! It may not be necessarily fair, but the man may make a couple more coins than usual. I now hope he leaves it be. Let them keep buying their lil trophy's and prominence.
ONLY exception I think would level the playing field is. Is if so and so can vote 500 times positive for xyx. Then conversely such and such should be allowed to vote negative 500 times for xyz. Thereby at least giving the option of equalizing the playing field, and hell... Who knows, might even cause MORE points to be purchased. 😉
Flood the chat rooms,etc....
Is it any different from the same people winning whatever contest they are in all the time,? I know people don't bother with some contests as soon as they see certain members in those contests....
It's the same as pic of the month,every time I enter that,I get battered.....some people like chasing the trophies here...
And know how to get them...
Admin has made enough contests and various features to keep people busy when they are not looking at naked people...
It's just a fact of the site that competition makes people do things you would not normally expect..
Captain waffle out
Not as cheaply either.
If someone is buying points and using them,do you think admin will change that system to suit the people that don't pay and actually cost the admin money for storage ?
Even the views thing can be manipulated,if that person pits their pic in the banner all the time,in the image bid game,so getting views is just the same...
You need support to get whatever you want from this site..
People only complain when it's against their needs....
Just like how I'm getting smashed in pic of the month(again)
Someone has better support than me...
And I, too, voted for you for Pic of the Month. Like I said a very long time ago, it would be nice to see a variety of members win and it is unfortunate that others don't feel the same.
Thanks for the vote though
Just below the information section, at the top of YOUR page, just off to the left of your screen name, which is near the button for you to log out.
There is a button labeled... "xx Members Near you"
Try clicking on that function, and you will discover ALL the people claiming to be registered in or near YOUR area. Good Luck!
His bio states he is 19 yet members still vote to delete him. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether someone is an 18 year old or a 19 year old and couple that with the member appears to prefer the hairless look and you've got members BELIEVING the worst.
I had no idea that pure vanilla extract contained a significant amount of alcohol. I Google'd it and this is what was said;
"Pure vanilla extract contains a defined level of natural vanilla and a minimum of 35% alcohol, by FDA standards. Imitation vanilla extracts are made with synthetic vanilla, called vanillin, a manufactured flavor that replicates the natural vanilla flavoring agent."
So pure vanilla extract is 70 proof! So I assumed that it was more cost effective to get your buzz on drinking pure vanilla extract but that is NOT the case. A 16 ounce bottle of pure vanilla extract from Costco is approximately $ 50.00 USD. I wonder why she wouldn't just drink "real" alcohol?
So she consumes vanilla extract so that when she gets home she smells like a cupcake rather than a pub? Or are you saying that vodka and whiskey don't do it anymore so she has to get her buzz in a different way?
It is difficult for me to imagine that pure vanilla extract at roughly $50.00 for 16 ounces was easier to obtain then beer, wine or hard liquor. In Michigan, beer, wine and hard liquor can be purchased in major drugstore chains and even in some of the "convenience stores" attached to gas stations. Let's not forget about the full blown "party stores" whose main purpose is to sell beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes and lottery tickets.
If she works at a bakery,they would have a good stock of it on hand.Again,buy or steal.
Depending on her age, she may not have been able to buy liquer legaly but could buy the vanilia legally.
Just some thoughts.
No telling how she got it.
Heck it coulda been the same way I got 50 pounds of free chicket. I tended to a truck wreck and it was to be hauled away as salvage.Still froze right off the truck from the front of it,no where near the crash.Hell yea I eat chicken for a long time!
Some say "rate my COCK", while others stick with the tried and true "rate my DICK".
One extremely clever fellow (obviously the Shakespeare of dick rating requests) added a "please"....
Again, I have to wonder if it is a matter that no one knows that the RATE ME area is even there OR if no one is even interested.
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