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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 03,Aug,18 13:14 other posts 
Last night I had the television on and heard a commercial for Peyronie's Disease. I seem to remember a time that the television audience was offended by commercials advertising feminine hygiene products BUT in 2018, the d,rug companies are making the television viewers aware of Peyronie's Disease.

We've come a long way, baby!
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Aug,18 13:49 other posts 
I'm all bent out of shape about it.

I saw that commercial too. Of course it's just an advertisement for a d.rug company.
I wrote a blog story about Peronei's Disease once. This is it. /blogs/31791.html
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Aug,18 15:26 other posts 
Yes, I recalled that p.s.a. !

By #559941 29,Jul,18 17:11
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 17:41 other posts 
Did you hear him actually say that?
By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 18:06 other posts 
Of course he didn't.
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Godzillas is a loyal Trump supporter. As we saw in the election, they are easily suckered-in to con-jobs. Especially if they are created by Russians.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 30,Jul,18 04:43 other posts 
Well I watched the speech that was referred to and I certainly did not hear that.
By #559941 31,Jul,18 08:29
Since you started the name calling JUSTSMALLWILLY. Let's integrate your statement of stupidity..
I voted for trump because for 16 years they have gone to war wasting trillions of tax dollars to take over oil fields in Iraq. They knew Saddam had enough time to hide the weapons in Syria through public ally saying for months they wanted their weapons of mass destruction. What they did to Libya was worst thing any super power country has done to another country in modern history. Obama's fuck ups costed this country over 9 trillion dollars supporting terrorist groups including al-queda, ISIS and Hamas. Bush took all corporations and gave them tax breaks to leave american soil abandoning american workers and shit on military leaving the injured homeless, on PTSD and jobless...Combined they costed the debt 21 trillion dollars with 1% GDP, homelessness, increased Crystal Meth and Heroin sales to chil_ldren under 13 years of age including chil_d and human sex trafficking as well is letting MS-13 murder our people with knives. Those chi_ldren at the borders are not with parents, but coyotes smuggling them for common buyers with the highest bids.
I am not your con-man Justwill... YOur own ignorance and stupidity is your own worst enemy.. If you really think socialism is the best way in this country with Hillary Clinton in charge then your best bet and all the Leftist's bet is to pick up and move to Venezuela. They would absolutely love you there and it is your perfect place to live based on your needs and wants,, The NFL needs to go there, NBA, And California and New York need to have their laws of totalitarian socialism without being a burden to our constitution.. Let them go and you can move to Venezuela..
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 09:19 other posts 
You are a crazy person. (Are you sure your medication is at the proper therapeutic dosage?) Your arguments would work much better if they weren't so...ranty. Or if they weren't so full of conspiracy theory nonsense and falsehoods.
The next time you have tea with your friends from the planet Psychosis, please tell them I said hello...
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 10:56 other posts 
Wait one minute! As I recall, there was a conversation regarding planets and I said something about Pluto only to find out that Pluto is no longer a planet, it was downgraded to something. Planet Psychosis? When did that become a planet?
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 11:15 other posts 
Pluto was designated a "dwarf planet" (although it prefers to be called a "little planet").
The Planet Psychosis is designated a "fictional planet". Its "inhabitants" are the ones who send all of those "facts" to delusional, fringe, nut-jobs.
By #559941 31,Jul,18 13:18
You are a very very stupid ignorant man..So your opinion does not matter. Someone to avoid.
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 13:26 other posts 
Well, this post was way less ranty and illiterate than most of your other comments are. Congratulations...the meds must be kicking in.

Like the others, however, it is full of falsehoods, but medication can only achieve so much...
It's nice of you to warn all ZERO of your friends to avoid me, btw.
By #559941 31,Jul,18 14:59
I don't have to prove how many "Friends I have on here with idiots such as yourself.. You need to GROW UP and respect people whether they agree with you or not...
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 15:10 other posts 
You don't have to "prove" anything. It clearly says zero friends right on your page.
I'm surprised. You present as such a charming and intelligent fellow. People should be falling all over each other just to get the benefit of your "wisdom".
By #559941 31,Jul,18 15:27
Of course,, and it it also includes NOT calling people con-artists when they debate given hypotheses and theoretical viewpoints.
You have a negative attitude towards people don't you? In fact, living things in general.. Have you ever tried meditation or soul balancing techniques? You appear off balance spiritually.
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 16:34 other posts 
Crazy man--go back and read my post. I didn't call you a "con-artist". I said: "they are easily suckered-in to CON-JOBS". I was calling Trump a con-artist. I was calling his loyal followers suckers.
And, you are not actually DEBATING, you are RANTING. There is a difference.
By #559941 31,Jul,18 16:58
Godzillas is a loyal Trump supporter. As we saw in the election, they are easily suckered-in to con-jobs. Especially if they are created by Russians.

This is the most generalized form of raci_sm stereotyping I have ever seen. If you want to play semantics we can but it still comes down to the same point of labeling and generalizations.. You muck people for their beliefs. in this case beliefs in the constitution. George H.W. Bush, his son and Barrack Obama are in the same establishment along with Hillary Clinton who go to Bohemian Groups meetings one a year that involve Pizza Gate, P_edo Gate and other forms of exploitation. Clinton giving away classified documents as well as deep state and FBI coverups are all in on it.. even James Comey was a member of the clinton foundation. Why are they supporting Islamic terrorism? They are the highest bidder... you can call me what you want but either way you slice it comes down to the same conclusions... Why you do think the E.U. is involved in the Iran deal and why does everyone dislike trump in the establishment? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out but i can see you are "CONNED" beyond recognition..
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 17:19 other posts 
And...just like that...the meds wear-off and we're back to ranting.
Two points:
1. Since Loyal Trump Supporters are not, technically, a race unto themselves, it isn't "racism" to call them "suckers".
2. I have never in my entire life "muck"ed anyone--for their beliefs or otherwise. Mucking people is rude.
Here's an added bonus point:
3. Everyone dislikes Trump because he is an idiot, a narcissist, a liar, a misogynist, a racist, and a Russian tool.
By #559941 31,Jul,18 17:41
You generalize Trump supporters just like the extreme far Left does.. No rationale, no open mindedness,,no education of law, ethics, morals or good virtue is all about.
The constitution was written on these principles and the Left Democratic Socialist Party uses diversion and political spins to create coup's and revolution for their thirst for power.
Your subjectivity and lack of visions for justice will eventually be your own undoing..
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 17:50 other posts 
I see.
And your ranty posts have all been fine examples of " of law (or simply education, for that matter)...ethics...morals and good virtue
(could you give us an example of a BAD virtue, please?)"
Also, correct me if I am wrong, but "You generalize Trump supporters just like the extreme far Left does" and "the Left Democratic Socialist Party uses diversion and political spins to create coup's and revolution for their thirst for power" sound a lot like...well...generalizations to me.
Is it only wrong when people you don't agree with do it or am I missing something here?
I'd like to point out that you haven't explained how calling Loyal Trump Supporters suckers is racism.
I will patiently wait for your well thought out (though most likely ranty) answer...
By #559941 31,Jul,18 18:25
You know what?
I can see a good person here. The only thing that worries me is your ability to be humble.. Not Naive,, just humble and objective.
Pride is going to destroy you unless you learn this.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 10:44 other posts 
I'm glad that you were able to recognize that JustWill is a good person. May I ask whether it was you who destroyed the gifts that you originally sent?
By #559941 01,Aug,18 15:53
Hello Bella, My heart tells me there is good in everyone. At first I was really upset about how I was being attacked with mere opinions of what I feel to be true but then I start to be objective and forgive.
I would have destroyed the gifts if I had the balance to do so but it wasn't me that did it. I believe that if there was no more attacks I would have eventually destroyed them..
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 17:07 other posts 
Godzillas, thank you for your response and and for recognizing that there if good in everyone.

Please feel free to continue to post your opinions and try not to take things so personally.
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 16:10 other posts 
When I checked this morning, three of the four were gone. I don't know how that happened. I burned the last one myself.
I thought about sending Godzillas a pile of shit in retaliation, but decided not to do so. The nasty "gift" thing has always seemed way too childish for my liking...
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 17:15 other posts 
Well, it is easy to say it had to be someone that was feeling 90 points of love for you! Must have been another one of your s,ecret admirers.
By #559941 01,Aug,18 18:29
Interesting that learning character can be obtained anywhere that has to do with human feelings. Even on this site where you experiment with exhibitionism it all comes down to teaching, learning common sense and morality. There is always a responsibility with the words and attitudes you choose to say on here since we are all credited with feelings and compassion.
Learning to be humble is your best way of being more wise and forgiving. You will find that most of your adversities can be solved using this method..
By #562152 03,Aug,18 09:38
@Godzillas,,I don't like extreme politics from either side of the isle. If the extreme far left generalizes trump supporters in an unfair way, then they should be called out for it, however, for the rest of us that can't understand why a person that is a bully, a back stabber, a sexual abuser in an employment situation, a wife cheater, and possibly a ****file (Ivanka), can be supported to be the President of the United States. I agree, perhaps Hillary C. was not very good either, but, her faults where all political and not personal. You also mention our lack of vision for justice. I find that justice is what the majority of people expect of other people's behavior. Justice is not to make things fair, it's to see that if you are doing something wrong or be wronged, the state will jump in and ask for a price to the action, ie, fine, incarceration, removal of kids from home, etc. One other thing I've learned a long time ago, nations are amoral,,,the mood of the populace will dictate if the country does something honorable or not, and right now,,our country, under the leadership of Mr Trump, seems to be turning to the dishonorable course. These are my opinions.
--------------------------------------- added after 39 seconds

****= P E D O
By #562152 31,Jul,18 17:45
To JUSTSMALLWILLY,,I really get tired of yahoos like you complaining of socialism. Social security, medicare, unemployment, 40 hr work weeks, overtime, minimum wage, and a shit load of other laws designed to make it better for you, are, all, sicialist laws,
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Aug,18 04:34 other posts 
While I don't agree with many of your views there is a really imprtant lesson that the 'mainstream' politicians who have governed for so long needs to learn. The voters are fed up of seeing these politicians telling us one thing and then doing another, making many voters worse off while appearing to live very comfortably thank you. So many of UK Conservative cabinet mebers of recent years have been millionaires. Voters are totally disenchanted with the governments of whatever persuasion that we have had over the past 20 years.
Here in the UK after 10 years of austerity where wages have fallen in real value and social security benefits are becoming harder and harder to receive, so more and more people are falling into relative poverty, we are still being told that there will need to be more cuts and further austerity.
Whatever you think about Trump he appears to offer something different, a chance that maybe for poorer people things will start to get better. (This of course may all be an illusion).

Alas in the UK all we have Jeremy Corbyn who is as inept at media handling as Trump is expert.

Politicians of the Western world WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE !!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Jul,18 05:43 other posts 
Obama is a liar. He's also dishonest. Like all politicians. But He's not unique. They all are. (Actually, he might be a communist too.)

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By bella! [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 21:37 other posts 
Has anyone noticed the profile of a new member with the screen name of johnkazu ? His picture is on featured on the Popular Page and it is no wonder why. His schlong hangs down almost to his knees.

I know it is real because I saw it on the internet. Yeah, right! That's real, for sure!
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 23:51 other posts 
He says it's 13" and still growing!!!!
It is interesting that it seems to actually get thinner and shorter when it is erect...
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 00:56 other posts 
He says his schlong is 13 inches? Is that soft or hard?

All I noticed was that it is $ 3.50 (in quarters ) long!
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 08:42 other posts 
At what point does a penis (real or imagined) become so big that it can't actually be USED as a penis?
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 11:30 other posts 
Okay, okay, since you brought it up, would you kindly list the JustWill Guide to the USES of a penis? List as many uses as you can think of because I'm sure your thoughts will spark more conversations.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Aug,18 12:55 other posts 
enticingman , the member who has won Pic of the Month multiple times and not wanting to be outdone, has uploaded new pictures of his schlong. In your opinion, whose schlong comes closest to touching his knee, enticingman OR johnkazu ?
By #550094 01,Aug,18 00:16
Hangs so low we'd need a tow-truck to suck it.

(waiting for that video clip of him
playing jump-rope with it)

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 01:32 other posts 
Your profile indicates that you live in New York, so you know what cold is. You know what that thing looks like? It looks like the product that is advertised to be placed at the base of your door in the winter. It is used to keep drafts/breezes from finding their way in your house.
By #550094 01,Aug,18 11:23
By #562152 03,Aug,18 09:21
It must be handy when you need a crutch

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 14:31 other posts 
If words are your bitch, do you see anything wrong here?

By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 14:35 other posts 
Haha. I saw that last night and added my opinion.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 14:40 other posts 
Yes, I noticed.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Aug,18 01:22 other posts 
Yes, English can be weird. It can be understood through though thorough thought, though.

I posted that on two posts too, to make sure you saw it.

They're laughing at their post over there already.

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 11:33 other posts 
A sincere question, if anyone reading this post is into CBT, would you kindly explain what pleasure you derive when you torture your cock and balls? Thank you.
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 14:33 other posts 
I don't get that stuff.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 14:38 other posts 
Me either and I'm really trying to understand the pleasure, thrill, high, etc that is associated with it.

And another thing I don't understand, the pleasure in cock modification. I can't even begin to imagine the PAIN that would be associated with doing it.
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 14:48 other posts 
No thanks!!

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 11:56 other posts 
Because I am fair complected, I'm always aware of the sun and concerned about being sunburned. If you've ever been sunburned, you know what kind of hurt is associated with it which brings to mind this question, do the gentlemen naturists put sunblock on their penises before they go out to sunbathe?
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 12:40 other posts 
Here's part 2 of that question:
How many of those guys get so involved with the process of putting sunblock on their penis that the sun has gone down before they have finished?
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 12:49 other posts 
"Part 2" is merely just lubed up wanking, no?
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 13:04 other posts 
Putting sunblock on your penis IS lubed-up wanking, no?
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 13:42 other posts 
Yep, it is! But I would suspect that a man's penis and scrotum is prone to being sunburned if exposed to the sun.
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 14:47 other posts 
SNL did a thing once called "Steve Martin's Penis Cream". It's not available in Canada for some reason.

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