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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #521857 17,Oct,18 19:50

Thoughts on this?
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 21:26 other posts 
Yes, kebmo posted this information a bit earlier.

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Marijuana is legal in the entire country of Canada 🇨🇦 effective today.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 21:28 other posts 
Hey, you are Canadian, what are YOUR thoughts on the matter?
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 22:58 other posts 
Well,i just hope you folks like having more driving while impaired accidents and more injuries on the job and so forth.Not that it didn't happen before,this just increases the likely hood 10 fold.
That income will be spent cleaning up after the mess it makes.
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Oct,18 00:06 other posts 
Phart first of all where do you come by the "fact" that impaired accidents and workplace injuries will likely increase tenfold? That's absurd! The majority of Canadians agree with legalization, it allows the police and courts to focus on important things and takes the profits from the dealers and puts it in the government coffers. Some people think that just because it's legal now, everyone will be smoking it but that's just not the case.
There will be growing pains for the first year but you'll see that other countries, not the US of course, will follow suit. European countries like The Netherlands and France will probably be on board shortly. Australia and New Zealand will probably legalize it too. The dominoes are tumbling starting today.
--------------------------------------- added after 49 minutes

Prime Minister Trudeau ran on of a platform that consisted in large part of legalization of cannabis and formed a strong majority government. All three major federal political parties agree with it.
By #491031 18,Oct,18 12:07
If people are going to have accidents while driving,let it be under the influence of ALCOHOL--like the gawd of 'Merica intended!

Seriously...all this hypocritical nonsense about car accidents rising because of legalized pot is asinine; especially when the US Department of Transportation reported an increase of alcohol-related traffic fatalities of 1.7% in 2016 (the most recent data reported). That's nearly 11,000 people killed because of booze, not "weed".
By #521857 18,Oct,18 04:03
Meh,it doesn't changed anything for me yet.
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Oct,18 06:09 other posts 
Many stores and online stores are sold out today. The demand far outweighed the supply. A guy in Manitoba got a $672 fine for smoking while driving. That's a good thing.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,18 10:12 other posts 
No offense meant but we disagree ALOT on this issue.
Was it A good thing because of the $672 going into the government coffers or a good thing because he got the back of his hand slapped for endangering you and your neighbors on the hwy?
Either way,it was to light a punishment.
As for growing pains, when folks die because of this shit,YOU go up to the remaining family and tell them,"oh it is just growing pains,it will be ok in a year or 2". I bet you get jack slapped.
Use will increase,in the young and upcoming generations there will be pot heads everywhere.In 10 to 20 years you will be hard pressed to find and hire a truck driver in that country that has a clean bill of health as far as weed in their ****.
You folks that haven't worked your ass's off to have the privilege of a commercial drivers license and the responsibility that comes with it may never understand why pot and dope are intolerable.
It is not a good thing to have a 2 ton car or a 40 ton rig coming at you with a driver under the influence. Yes,we have had the problem already for decades because of legal booze.But this just increases the chances for accidents.We should be working on ways of reducing hwy deaths and **** overdoses,not increasing them.
Hell ,they legalized the lottery around here and in 2 years they had to start a program to "help" the gamblers as folks were letting their homes and cars get repo'ed so they could buy more tickets! Make it easy for people to be stupid and they will take it to the limit.

With the rational of legal pot letting the law concentrate on more important things,HAHAHAHA,yea right.10 years from now Crack will be legal with the same rational and there will be horse brothels all over the country.
People,if you used the stuff at home and stayed safe,it would not be such a big deal,but when you think you are "in control" and you get out among the normal people that want to live and prosper,you are a hazard.
By #562152 18,Oct,18 12:12
Phart, why do you assume that more people will drive stoned because it's legal now? Those that are irresponsible may do so, but most will be as judicious as they are about driving drunk. The good thing is that instead of the general public paying taxes to police "the weed" can pay the same taxes but for other, more important things. Also, the sales taxes generated by the sale of weed will help local, state and national governments to do much more to enrich the lives of the population. In my opinion it's a Win-Win situation.
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Oct,18 13:58 other posts 
Phart you didn't answer my question. Where did you find the "facts" about impaired accidents and workplace injuries will likely increase tenfold?
By phart [Ignore] 20,Oct,18 13:38 other posts 
It is in the Trump and only Trump thread!
Found it.
By #521857 18,Oct,18 10:37
I still buy from my before-legalization website. Better prices and a non-confusing online store ( is the worst) The only upgrade I get is I can now smoke legaly in the parc in front of my house.

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 22:27 other posts 
I saw this and it made me smile!

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By veryshyguy [Ignore] 20,Oct,18 13:32 other posts 
That is a good one!!!

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Oct,18 10:34 other posts 
Something that always makes me smile is when members will contact me to verify them or ask how to become verified. My guess is that they read all the information and checked the list of names of members who are eligible to verify them and help them achieve their goal.

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 22:07 other posts 
It looks like Scorpio69 's forum thread to shame member #485472, IamwhoIam, has been deleted. I wonder why?

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 14:23 other posts 
I know many of you love your Apple computers and iPhones but I suspect that because I've always had an android, I prefer androids.

Has anyone purchased or leased a Galaxy 9 Note and if so, please share your thoughts on your choice.
By #545732 19,Oct,18 15:58
I still have my old Mac G4 with over £2,000 worth of audio and video software on it, but it's gathering dust because I use my PCs more just for their simplicity. I had an iPhone and lost it, bought a cool Sony Android phone and I much prefer it. My s1ster gave me her iPhone 5 when she upgraded, but I went back to using my Android phone again within a week because I find it better all round.
I bought a Galaxy 3 as a back-up some years back and I loved it, so I'm sure the Galaxy 9 must be awesome. Do the Samsung phones have that cool feature where you can swipe the screen upwards to send what's on the screen on to your TV screen? My Sony does that. Me likey.
By admin [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 17:56 other posts 
Back in 2007 ipod had the best screen for reading under any conditions, at the time no other screen could be compared to it. So it was totally wort it. Other than that I did not use Apple products.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 18:55 other posts 
If MY phone can do that, I have no idea that it can. I probably only know how to do a small percentage of things that my SMART phone is capable of doing. Maybe I should go back to using a flip phone!

I went to a Verizon store this evening and they spoke about the new Google Pixel phone. I wonder if anyone has thoughts on that device.
By #545732 19,Oct,18 18:59
Oh, I saw a TV ad for the new one a few days ago. Said to give the top Samsuung phones a run for their money.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 19:15 other posts 
And this was what the guy at Verizon kinda said.

He said that the phones processor and battery life were far superior to Samsung. He went on to tell me that this phone is 100% made by Google and outfitted with their (Google) apps, unlike Samsung, who makes the phone and can be equipped with Google apps. He used the term "bloat" which was far above my understanding.
By #545732 19,Oct,18 19:29
Oh, I think bloat is something to do with the unwanted software that comes installed as part of Android or Apple OS. I'm old and possibly wrong. My understanding of bloat is what happens after eating too much
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 19:39 other posts 
Yeah, I believe you are correct about bloat but I guess that leads me to believe that I have know idea what unwanted software is. And if I thought he was talking about me, I would have kicked him in the knee!
By #545732 19,Oct,18 19:47
Haha, I would have watched you do that and applauded you
Well I have a number of unwanted apps on my phone that the system won't let me get rid of. It's all the Google media playing stuff, news, radio, stocks and shares crap. Windows is awful for that too now.

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 14:45 other posts 
I wonder if people are so (I don't even know the word or words I want to use and only one word pops in my head) lame that they prefer to only interact with people that share their same views? BORING!
By #491031 19,Oct,18 16:36
Perhaps the words you are looking for are "emotionally fragile"...
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,18 18:17 other posts 
Yes, emotionally fragile probably was a better choice than lame but I chose lame. I recognize that I'm rather harsh and abrupt with my responses on certain posts but I do not find that that is my "normal" type of response. Oh well, maybe I lack self awareness.

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 09:42 other posts 
This was reported on local televison news and also in the metropolitan Detroit newspapers.

The bodies of eleven infants were found HIDDEN in the ceiling of Cantrell Funeral Home, a funeral home located in the city of Detroit. The bodies were found in a box or boxes and apparently two were found in a little casket. The bodies were discovered after an anonymous "tip" made. My understanding is that this funeral home was previosly ordered to shut down and close operations due to multiple health violations. Yeah, the funeral home was STORING bodies in their garage for the locals who were trying scrape together the funds to bury their "loved ones".

All I can say is, people are really fcked up!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 10:07 other posts 
Sick and sad. Yes, I know businesses must make $ but they also have an obligation to the families to treat their family members with respect and especially if those who are deceased are infants or ****.

If the funeral home could not take care of these infants they have the moral obligation to hand them over to another funeral home who can.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 11:55 other posts 
Indeed. Look, for instance, at the decades of abuses of ch1ldren by catholic church priests in almost all countries where this religion has been established. They've been rap1ng ch1ldren for a century (or more--records do not exist) under the protection of their establishment!

Yes, people are fucked up. But equally fucked up are those who support those who are fucked up.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 13:37 other posts 
You have the knack of spinning things into politics, religion and/or fcking.

There's nothing in my post regarding r_ape or clergy. The post is just about a Detroit based funeral home that did something heinous, they did not do the right thing or anything legal. They stashed the bodies of someone's little ones in the ceiling.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 15:45 other posts 
Yea, I think there was a similar case locally except it was with adults back about 10 years ago. The funeral home went bankrupt and just shut down.Leaving everything to waste.And someone discovered what had been done.
I never did hear if anything was done about it.

Religion has nothing to do with how the dead 1's remains are treated.That is a matter of respect.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 17:45 other posts 
Yes, respect but also something ethical and legal.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 15:42 other posts 
I just read this,posted on a members messages.

"Once you truly understand female nature, the world becomes your oyster "

I think it is safe to assume he is still eating Spam as the female nature is not designed to be understood,it is in a constant state of change to keep the male confused.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 08:00 other posts 

1. Undress already
I like you better naked
Jiggling your boobies

2. Touch me all over
Then plunge it deep inside me
Like that! Yes! Yes! Yes!

3. Worship my body
And don’t overlook an inch
Bow down and submit

4. Fantasize with me
Strip me naked, handcuff me
Tell me I’m a whore

5. Nipples are the key
Pinch them, suck them, twiddle them
She’s not your mommy

6. More dirty words, please
Say them, whisper them, listen
Let yourself go, and…

7. Every single night
I dream of you, masturbate
Solo sex routine

8. Don’t call me twisted
You make me want it so bad
So I beg, and beg.

9. Vagina, penis
Connected, literally
Now make me coffee

10. Find her clitoris
Dive right in and start licking
Don’t stop til she screams
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 19:52 other posts 
"Now make me coffee".

Can I give you a rude but genuinely curious Haiku, leo?

5-7-5 so ok...

Leo loves Haiku
He also loves banging gals
But are they hookers?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 11:56 other posts 
Nope. They aren't.

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 01:42 other posts 
A brand new member superlongD has posted only one picture and as beginners luck would be, that one picture has made it to the Popular page. This fool claims his dong is 15 inches long. I suspect that measurement is when he's excited! Yeah, right, that's when it's 15 inches long!
By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 10:21 other posts 
I saw geez what a loser
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 10:47 other posts 
Hey, that would be a real money maker IF it were real! It is very possible that a man might be so well endowed that he would be "blessed" with a schlong 9" to 10" inches but 15"! Only in his Photoshop dreams.
By #491031 16,Oct,18 16:24
Giant fake weenies can be a bit disturbing, actually.
Not only do they look WRONG, but you have to question the mental stability of anyone who would think such a monstrosity would be attractive.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 17:43 other posts 
You also have to question the mental state of mind of anyone who actually thinks that he has a 15" wiener!
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 04:21 other posts 
Why Bella! Do you think that a guy would go on the internet and make false claims about the size of his penis? I couldn't imagine such a thing! End sarcasm.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 10:42 other posts 
the 1 poor fellow I knew that was verified to have over 12 inches could not even have sex with his wife,he had put her in the hospital twice!

I just wish women would be honest about how how much they really need or want in a dingus. I think it all starts when youngan's are getting around 13 or so and the girls see their first 1 and it is tiny,then the next 1 is huge,and they think they all should be huge and make the boys with small 1's feel less human. So men start playing up the size of the dingus to try to overcome this stereotype.
I remember very well in school over hearing girls talking about small and big and how they liked the bigger 1's.

By #487013 16,Oct,18 12:31
This message is for Admin, but anyone can feel free to answer. I have my settings set to block private uploads and pics from people I’m not friends with. I just can’t stand being solicited to look at pictures and videos. I figure if I want to look I know where to go. Anyway I keep getting videos and pics anyway. Was wondering if it’s broken or if I’m misunderstanding how to use it?
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 12:44 other posts 
I tried to send you something 2 to 3 weeks ago, but could not.

I've actually experienced that problem myself. There will be times that who-knows-who can send me an unsolicited picture and then there will be times that I will say to someone, "yeah, go on and send it" and they will come back and tell me that they can't, because I only accept private uploads from friends. Apparently, the block works sometimes. When you receive your response, please share the outcome.
By #487013 16,Oct,18 14:34
That I will do.
By admin [Ignore] 16,Oct,18 16:15 other posts 
That option only blocks private uploads, not the images that are sent as raw links. It was made at the time when links to pics were not automatically parsed into previews. You could only see a link to the pic then so it was not an issue. Later I added auto-parse and now you see a thumbnail when a link to a pic is sent to you, which makes it kinda similar to private upload. You can disable auto-previews in the settings - "Images in Chats:" - set to links only.

But I have changed it anyway so that now links to images are not automatically parsed even if it's enabled when you have uploads blocked and sender does not match the allowed criteria. You should not have this issue anymore even if you do not change your settings.
By #487013 17,Oct,18 00:24
Awesome. Thank you so much.
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 03:25 other posts 
AOD, I tried sending you a photo (of a Dalmatian puppy) and it didn't go through so it's fixed. To all of my friends though, you get a puppy! You get a puppy! You get a puppy and you get a puppy!!
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 08:41 other posts 
So, to all your friends,! You get a puppy! You get a puppy and you get a puppy! Only 4 friends?
By #491031 16,Oct,18 16:28
The weird wiring in a guy-brain leads most penis owners to think that everyone wants to see his dingus (whether they have asked to see it or not). Don't you know that you're supposed to love looking at it as much as he does?
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 03:30 other posts 
Will, does the man own the penis or is it vice versa?
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 17,Oct,18 10:14 other posts 
I'll put my money on the penis owns the man!!!

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