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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 15:06 other posts 
Oh you should see all the lovely new gifts I've received. Don't be envious. Message to me: Skittles loves me and wanted to shower me with attention. The most points anyone has spent on me in my five years here! ❤️❤️❤️
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 17:26 other posts 
What gifts, did you destroy them for points?
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 19:44 other posts 
I don't know how they disappeared. Skittles loaded me up with grannie panties, dogs pissing and razor blades etc. How can someone remove them from my page? I didn't take them off. I went out and now they're gone. How did that happen??
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 23:23 other posts 
So Bella or JustWill, how is it that someone could remove gifts from my page? I don't get it. I was blessed with a selection of seven "I H8 you" gifts and three hours they were gone. I don't get it.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 00:26 other posts 
Wow! You received those types of gifts, why, what happened?
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 00:31 other posts 
She is also Godzillas and I deleted her from the Trump forum for trolling. Who has the authority to remove "gifts" from my page?
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 01:19 other posts 
Who is the "she" you are referring to?

Did you really want those gifts on your page?
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 01:22 other posts 
Skittles and Godzillas must be the same person. I don't know if skittles is a she.
No I didn't want the gifts on my page but I am baffled as to how they disappeared.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 01:49 other posts 
I looked and I do not believe that Skittles and Godzillas are one and the same.

If you notice, Skittles has gifted Godzillas and if they as the "same person", I don't think that that would be possible.
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 01:57 other posts 
I'm not really concerned. I had a great day today even though I did tell him that I'd probably spend my day crying tears of maple syrup in my igloo all day.

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 00:56 other posts 
I enjoy watching America's Got Talent. The only thing that ticks me off is when the judges allow the ki,ds to move along in the competitions because they, the judges, do not have the cajones to say to look those sweet young faces straight in the eyes and tell them they do not have a one million dollar act.

This particular act, Duo Transcend, is a one million dollar act, even when they had a error that could have crippled or killed the female member.

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By bella! [Ignore] 28,Jul,18 00:48 other posts 
I think James Corden is a hoot! I love Carpool Karaoke but if you haven't seen his skydiving experience with Tom Cruise, you are going to laugh your butt off!

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By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 16:41 other posts 
I believe I spotted a former member, an interesting guy, a guy who would impale his asshole with a tree limb. Sadly, I think he has departed once again.
By #545732 27,Jul,18 16:48
Oh? Would the tree limb still be attached to it's tree during his impaling?
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 16:57 other posts 
YES! The guy had an asshole that looked so sore and red and so stretched out, it was a wonder how he had any control over being able to control how/when body waste would evacuate. I swear, it was so stretched, screw fitting, it looked like someone could poke their head in an look around.
By #545732 27,Jul,18 19:29
Wow! Hmmm... Well I imagine his arborial fetish could be put to some good use by his local community. They could give him a pair of white wings and have a rather... hmmm... unique(?) fairy to top their town centre Christmas tree.

...and now I can't get that bizarre image out of my head!

By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 23:06 other posts 
Ouch! Did you saw that Facebook's stock value dropped by 19% today? They were unfriended by the market.

"The social media giant's market capitalization plummeted by $119 billion to $510 billion as its stock price plummeted by 19 percent. At Wednesday's close, Facebook's market cap had totaled nearly $630 billion, according to FactSet.
No company in the history of the U.S. stock market has ever lost $100 billion in market value in just one day, but two came close."
By PoloFields [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 23:14 other posts 
Who didn't see that coming after their lack of concern for customers' privacy.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 23:18 other posts 
"Facebook's enormous loss in value came a day after the company reported weaker-than-expected revenue for the second quarter as well as disappointing global daily active users, a key metric for Facebook. The company also said it expects its revenue growth rate to slow in the second half of this year."

By #545732 26,Jul,18 23:43
I watched a programme on TV last week about Fartbook's policies for image and video censorship. I was horrified by what I saw, but wasn't all that surprised either.
I won't ramble on about examples from the programme, but in a nutshell, images and videos of abvse, hatred and bullying of any kind are acceptable as long as the posts don't include captions promoting or defending them! Fucking terrible!.

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By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 03:48 other posts 
The defence of Facebook's policies is always based on the right of the posters to Free Speech. I totally accept that we want to defend the right to Free Speech however while there are grey areas many of the notorious Facebook posts are not in a grey area.
I think the fact is that Zuckerberg had no idea that he was creating what would be a monster and that actually he has no idea how to control the moster that he has created. So like a toddler who says 'it wasn't me' when caught out and accused of some misdemeanour his response is 'it's nothing to do with me'.
I bet the moment people begin to succesfully sue Facebook for millions he and his teams will suddenly start to take their responsibility more seriously.
By #545732 27,Jul,18 05:13
Your final point about Facebook taking their responsibility more seriously brings up another factor too - Freedom of speech is vital and, whether or not we agree with any dialogue in question, WE also have a big responsibilty to ensure our new generation of k!ds, for whom social media and it's immediate access to, understand that whatever posts they see or read are not always true or acceptable just because it's on their screens.
The scariest thing I saw on Facebook before I deleted my profile was the live video posting feature. How on Earth could they possibly censor that fairly and responsibly? In fact, a teenag3r hung herself on the live video streaming not long after it was introduced! Her video went on for around 30 minutes until she died, so where were the fucking censors then? Even worse, some sick bastards recorded it and posted it on Youtube, and they were old enough to know their actions were cruel and totally unacceptable, but they did it anyway simply because they could get some trollish enjoyment from it. They wouldn't dream of going around the streets posting printed pictures of the g!rl dying for the same entertainment value because, if they did, they know full well that they'd get the shit kicked out of them by "censors".
People are starting to believe they can post whatever they like now they've been given the platform for it, but as much as I'd like to pin the blame on social media, I think these sites are just the vehicle, not the driver. Give anyone a gun and they can easily figure out how to fire it, but giving them a gun without teaching them anything about morality and the possible consequences of firing one is our fault, not the gun's.
Just like your, "it's nothing to do with me" quote, our k!ds can easily say and believe, "but it it was on Facebook, so it must be true". Facebook isn't going to correct them. They're only interested in making lots of money. It's us who have that responsibilty, isn't it?
Sorry for the rambling. Too much coffee!
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 05:57 other posts 
As much as I can, I do my own censoring. I have a small group of friends, 57, and my security is tight. Only my friends can comment on or see my photos. My friend list and photos are available only to my friends but my profile and cover photo are visible to anyone. Not my old profile and cover, just my current ones through the "Limit Past Posts" tab.
It's not perfect but I have 22 people that call me Uncle east and west of where I live and there are lots of kids involved so I do want to keep in touch through Facebook.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 09:30 other posts 
I agree with what you say. I was horrified to hear how many people in both the states and here in the UK get their news from Facebook, Twitter or friends and never read a serious newspaper or watch a news bulletin on a responsible news channel. The "but it it was on Facebook, so it must be true" attitude is insidious and very dangerous.
The easy access to places where people can post whatever they want 24/7 with just the click is a great freedom and a great risk.
In the U.S.A the fact that the President stands up and says things that are shown to be untrue and claims that reports in the media are fake news when they are subsequently shown to be true is also making it difficult for some people to tell genuine real news from 'spin'.
By #545732 27,Jul,18 10:08
I totally agree with you. The "but it was on Facebook, so it must be true" attitude is really just the current version of the "I read it in the newspaper, so it must be true" attitude that plagued us when gutter press newspapers and trivia magazines were the social media. Things haven't changed all that much really. It's just on a screen in front of us or in our hands instead of in print.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 10:14 other posts 
That is true. Our Sunday scandal sheet newspapers were notorious for the rubbish that they would publish, generally involving a celebrity and sex, and often with little relation to the truth. In surveys people here would say how appalled they were by these newspaper's behaviour but every Sunday they would rush out in their millions and by them, They were the biggest selling papers in the country.
By #545732 27,Jul,18 10:29
They still are over here in the UK!
It's funny you should mention celebrity and sex too. I think a big factor in how Fartbook being as huge as it is now is down to how it enables the users to be "celebrities" in a way - their photos and other shared personal information being seen by and entertaining anyone and (often) everyone. We even have usernames and alter egos just like celebrities have.
This site does the same thing up to a point too. SYD members entertain others by giving them what they log in here to see and read. The difference is SYD "celebs" show their private life rather than their public life, haha!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 10:39 other posts 
I don't facebook or twiiter and never ever post any information about me online although I do post here and on another similar site. This fulfills my exhibitionist streak but i use burner emails and never allow anything to appear that could in anyway identify me.
The cliche about everyone being famous for 15 minutes is close to being true. Look at the huge number of TV programmes that the public are queueing up to get onto.
I am odd and clearly out of touch because I loathe and never ever watch any of these 'Britain has cake baking on ice' programmes. sorry that is another hobby horse altogether.

Coming back to SYD I think this site offers a useful service in that it allows guys to see the huge range of penises out there and to discover that there are people who think their penis looks good. great for the self esteem.
By #545732 27,Jul,18 11:58
Looking to raise my self esteem is exactly why I originally started my profile on here years ago, but it became more of a social thing than anything else.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 12:03 other posts 
I initially joined just to look but soon posted and after a few comments were made I got the ‘bug’.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 11:55 other posts 
Really? Great news!
I hope that Facebook gets totally destroyed.
It's a piece of shit.

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 00:18 other posts 
I sure everyone wants to talk about the POTUS, Donald Trump, but that's another thread, thank you kebmo.

I want to talk about Twiggy, the waterskiing squirrel, who is retiring after 39+ years of work! Whoda ever thought that a squirrel would even live that long!?

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By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 03:52 other posts 
39 years !! That is one hell of a career.

What always puzzles me with these people with performing **** is how the hell did they ever find out that their **** could do these things?

By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 23:15 other posts 
80% of people in Saskatchewan, Canada infected with the HIV virus are indigenous.
-CTV News

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 19:24 other posts 
A new study has named Chicago the "rat capital" of America.
By #491031 25,Jul,18 22:55
Was the study done by rats?
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 23:14 other posts 
Geez, I don't think so!

It was something posted in the Detroit Free Press. They claim is based on how many reports were received per 100,000 people. Chicago had 50,000+ to New York with only 19,000+ reports received. Seems like their theory could be questionable.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 23:20 other posts 
Maybe the study was done by the Mafia?
By #491031 26,Jul,18 10:02
All that proves is that New York rats wear better disguises.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 10:51 other posts 
Possibly, or that New Yorkers gave up complaining about the rat problems.

By #562152 19,Jul,18 21:13
I like hoe Collin Firth and Jessica Biel make love on the dance floor,,

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By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 00:30 other posts 
The dancing was beautiful and Colin Firth is sexy as hell! Dancing is a mating ritual, a form of making love..... Looks like Cinderella's stepsisters were having an orgasmic kitty on the sidelines!
By #562152 26,Jul,18 07:58
He is, isn't he?

By routemaster [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 05:32 other posts 
When starting a new photo contest, we are in effect contributing to the site and its continuation. Therefore, shouldn't we be GIVEN points rather than have them deducted? Agree or disagree?
By 2nice [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 06:18 other posts 
How are we contributing to the site monetarily by entering a contest?
By kebmo [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 06:31 other posts 
I actually disagree with that because if that were the case some people would start 50 contests and there would be dozens of more on the go because people wouldn't give any thought to the contest and there would be 20 cum shot contests on the go at any time!
I do, however, think that the creator of the contest should split any points that are given to the winner. The winner gets lots of points if there are lots of entries into the contest. By having lots of entries you are creating interest and are contributing to the interest to the contest that you created.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 06:35 other posts 
I disagree.

It is 50 points to create the contest and then the contest requires 5 participants at 15 points each. 50 pts + 60 pts (or 75 pts) = 110 pts or 125 pts to start BUT at the end of said contest, admin awards a trophy to the winner valued at 100 pts. When there's more than 10 participants, admin awards the winner a trophy PLUS some points.

In this instance, I kinda look at admin as the "house", like if I was going to take a chance with football squares or sit in and play in poker game, the "house" takes a cut/percentage of all the bets made, basically it is their cut for organizing the function.

And as kebmo indicated, by charging 50 points to the creator to create a contest, that makes the creator give some thought to their creation so that there are not dozens of the same theme contests going on at once. There were several contests recently created that make me shake my head. There's the contest for the pretty daughter, another for the pretty NAKED daughter (like what in the eff is going on in their head ). Then there's a contest specifically for clothed men in tight white shorts (this obviously excludes members in khaki, denim or plaid). Contests are getting too SPECIFIC and too WILD.
By #562152 14,Jul,18 20:01
the house (admin) still gets points no matter what. Maybe he should charge 30 points to enter, and award only 50 points or make minimum players 6
By admin [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 22:06 other posts 
May be, may be... It was started with 20 points for everyone, including the creator and a shitload of senseless contests was spawned. Therefore I raised the price of creation so that people think more when they create them.

Points are here mostly to balance things a bit and only in a small part for profit. At first I did not sell them at all.

Do you realize that every day points are given off to people for being active on the site? For example, past night 24'397 points were distributed among 2384 members. Not counting points from domination game and bonus points to paid members. 24 thousand points just for activities. Compare that with 400 points that were spent on creation of 8 contests during the same day.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Jul,18 00:33 other posts 
I'm okay with what it costs to create a contest and a 15 point entry fee is nominal.
By #562152 15,Jul,18 08:26
I didn't know that. Now that you mention it I've made the connection to the points log. You are right, 400 points is less than 2% of the daily outflow of points and would not help or hindrance the site. Well, if you think it's not broken, than, by all means, don't fix it.
Bella is right though, some of those contests are laughable. Of course, they paid their 50 points, so, according to the rules, they have a right to create them. Thanks for the explanation.
By yeehaw [Ignore] 15,Jul,18 10:46 other posts 
I think the points cost for the contests are good.

I would suggest though that there be the ability to add a more detailed description as opposed to just the title. There have been a couple contests that I wonder about the creators intent. Some contest I haven't submitted an image for because I wasn't sure if it was correct or not.
But the flip side to this is it may contribute to the problem that bella! mentioned of contest becoming too specific.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 00:48 other posts 
There have been several contests that are so specific that it makes you wonder if "you" could be kicked out because you did not meet the specific criteria.

I created a contest last week (?) for members that had won some type of site award. In the title, I indicated to please see my blog. Although the contest had 19 participants, I was hoping for more. With more participants, the more points the winner will earn. I'm not sure if members were confused with the title of the contest or if my blog was confusing.

Here are a couple that I thought were too specific.

The 9 month pregnant picture that shows both the pussy AND her face. /contest.php?id=548

Then there is the contest for a guy with a bulge in "print" panties. That's telling me that a guy in white briefs should not even consider participating. /contest.php?id=514
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jul,18 12:28 other posts 
Regarding the 15 points to enter the contest, personally, I like even numbers, 20 points seems better.....

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