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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 29,Jan,22 10:10
Phart you posted:
If you wonder why your tv cost so much,well, the 24 tv's that guy carried out cost the store 1000's.They are not going to eat that loss.they pass it along to other consumers that try to be honest and pay for stuff.

There are criminals everywhere. It’s a shame some people want to get things without working for them. But, that is a problem for society and law enforcement. What I wanted to say is that the merchant, unless a fool, would have had insurance. No loss for the merchant to pass to the consumer
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jan,22 17:12 other posts 
Who pays for the insurance? And when claims are filed, risk are greater ,thus higher premiums. Does merchant keep soaking up the loss? Nope, YOU and other citizens pay it thru higher priced items.
Insurance is not paid for out of thin air .It comes out of the Comsumers pockets!

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By #610414 29,Jan,22 19:26
Insurance is part of the price of doing business. Business insurance does not change month to month. Premiums are assessed at the start of the business year. Theft insurance is not calculated on individual thefts. The insurance companies also know how much they will have to cover and that’s how they base their premiums.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Jan,22 13:47 other posts 
Price of doing business. UH, and who pays the price of doing business?
The business fairy? The tax man? Santa clause? NO, if a person starts a business it is USUALLY to make a profit and live a better life. Therefore,the cost of doing that business is written off on taxes or passed along to the user or purchaser. YOU and I the consumers.
That is why it is dangerous for democrats to run a country ,they have NO idea what it is to run and operate a business and keep it profitable. If by some chance a democrat owns a business you can bet a democrat aint doing the books.OR it would be in the hole.
By #610414 30,Jan,22 21:20
Historically, the United States economy has performed better on average under the administration of Democratic presidents than Republican presidents since World War II. The reasons for this are debated, and the observation applies to economic variables including job creation, GDP growth, and stock market returns.

Contrary to what you believe, Democrats and liberals have no interest in controlling the people or the country except through the ballot. It’s laughable to think that Democrats and liberals want to be like Trump and the January 6 insurrectionist.

By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,22 16:06 other posts 
so now that you have obviously recovered from the wuhan virus, have you figured out how you may have caught it? As I feel sure you mask up when you go out and you have had your 3 shots.
I am just curious as it is strange to me how I have went 2 years without catching it, and others around me have.It is a blessing I aint caught it I know.And i must admit,I don't get out as much as most people.I do what I need to do and I am alone most of the time.
I average 2 sinus infection type issues a year,once in spring and once in the fall for the past 30+ years so if I caught it,I wouldn't have known it unless I had went to a test sight.
By #610414 28,Jan,22 20:07
My daughter-in-law’s cousin celebrated Christmas by roasting a pig and having my daughter-in-law’s extended family as guests and we attended. My daughter-in-law’s sister-in-law was exposed to Covid the day before at work. She told us about it but we didn’t wear masks. Two days later Charlie started feeling bad and the next day(12/2 he went to the hospital. I got sick two days after that (12/30) but much lighter and I didn’t need hospitalization. Charlie would have been sent home to recuperate but he kept going in and out of it. We still mask up. And both of us a fully vaccinated. That’s what kept it mild. The Christmas party had 12 adults and 6 children. Five adults and three children caught it.

By #610414 27,Jan,22 14:11
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jan,22 22:22 other posts  ⤴
Not really racist at all. Watch the news.Learn.The black population is the ONLY group that you hear about having issues voting, and the only group that says getting a id is so difficult.Although No one of any race seems to mind showing a id card to get health care,cigs, etc.
[+] 0 [-]  Reply
The local Republican governing bodies, throughout conservative red states, are systematically reducing the number of polling places in the black communities and the number of polling machines cut to an insufficient number. This causes unusually long lines waiting to vote. They won’t allow chairs or water. The hours are cut so the black voter has to miss work. Phart do you get it now?
Another thing, many are too poor to own a car so they don’t get drivers licenses. Drivers licenses and identification cards are the only pieces of identification that 99.99999 people use for face ID so, as you can see, ID is a problem too.

dgraff [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 11:42 other posts 
It’s ok phart I didn’t find your post racist at all at least no worse then someone calling his fellow Pennsylvanians to the east and the north of Harrisburg uneducated hillbillies as I recall. No one is perfect we all sound a little racist at times
[+] 0 [-]  Reply
I don’t call them “Hillbillies”. I call them “Rednecks”

JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 16:58 other posts 
Two things:
1. Of course YOU didn't think it was racist. Racists never think that other racists are racists.

2. Last I checked, "hillbilly" isn't an actual race. Even if they come from Pennsylvania.

Here's a bonus thing:

3. A person can't change their race, but they can change the "uneducated" part. Ignorance is a choice...

[+] 0 [-]  Reply
JustWill is right, racism is tolerated by other racists. Ignorance and upbringing tells

dgraff [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 17:57 other posts  ⤴
1 hillbillies come in every color and every size so we don’t recognize race we all just toke on our corn cob pipes and slug out of our xxx jug’s
2 hillbillies as you speak of are known as the working backbone of this country and are found in every state of this country and they command a little respect
3 we can’t all sit in a classroom or office with our college degrees hanging on the wall while we watch our students sleep I keep all my degrees in a suitcase under my desk at the shop and yes there are degrees you must have to run an automotive shop in Pennsylvania so I am a graduate of Hack college
[+] 0 [-]  Reply
What I’ve noticed is that members of a certain group, like hillbillies, medical, military, politician or just about any other group, fail to understand that other groups are just as important and that individuals transcend their groups

You t
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 18:22 other posts  ⤴
hill billy is a term that is used by "billy better than you" city types to describe people from the hills and poor people in general. It is used by those people same as the "n" word is used. Derogatory. So it may not be "racist" in the exact definition but it is close a damn enough.
I know 2 warm thinks it is ok for blacks to use the "n" word because they mean it in a certain way. I don't go around calling white folk hill billys,crackers and such. so racism ,which some one here told me there is no such thing by the way, will continue until the double standard is lifted.
[+] 0 [-]  Reply
You know Phart. You couldn’t be bothered to give me the politeness of writing my full site name before and now you don’t even use my current name. My name is CAT. If you are going to refer to me, the least you can do is use it. It’s not for me to say if it’s okay for a black person to use the N word when talking to another black person. I don’t believe in using derogatory nouns to describe other people. There’s no double standard here. In one case it’s acceptable and in another case it’ll earn you a bloody nose.

By milesbferry [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 18:30 other posts 
JustWill does, he's a superior white man, city type
[+] 0 [-]  Reply

JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 18:36 other posts 
It is kind of you to point out that I am superior to you (then, again, who here isn't?), but I have lived in the country my entire life. Not really a fan of the city, actually.
[+] 0 [-]  Reply

JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 18:33 other posts  ⤴
Not even close.
"Derogatory" and "racist" are two different things.
But, racists always do that kind of nitpicking to try and cover their racism.

Have you heard the one about how the Civil War was about "State's Rights" and not slavery?
[+] 0 [-]  Reply
By milesbferry [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 18:39 other posts 
[+] 0 [-]  Reply
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 19:43 other posts 
We are disagreeing on this issue but fool is a strong word.
I wouldn't use it here. Will has just been taught different info than folks that live in the south. Do any of you know members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans by any chance? OR Daughters of the Confederacy? Take the time to meet and get to know them and ask questions. Their information resources are less biased and more accurate because part of what they do is compile info from letters of solders, diary's and such. I know 2 fellows that are members, and no they don't carry rifles in their back windows.
Public education only teaches what the government wants people to know. People that want to learn and understand have to branch out and look for other perspectives.
[+] 0 [-]  Reply
Public education is a free or, at least, a reduced cost education. Your last paragraph is a lie perpetuated by conservative Christianity to counter the scientific truth about abortion, religion in schools and government, nationalised medicine, and racism.

By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 19:39 other posts  ⤴
History was rewritten.
Slavery or the right to own slaves could have very well been included .
But the higher taxation of cotton being sold to Europe than northern states was the beginnings of it all.You have to bear in mind that owning slaves was legal at that time.Right or wrong,it was legal.When yankees helped them run away,they were dealing with stolen property.Sadly although we are talking human lives, it is not any difference from a legal stand point than someone dealing in stolen cars. A criminal act at that time.
And there is 1 record the city slickers can't erase entirely. The Confederate sub Hunley sank the first ship by submarine. only registered users can see external links
Are you seriously comparing human beings to merchandise?

Just before the Civil War,Suddenly cotton became a lucrative crop and a major export for the South. However, because of this increased demand, many more slaves were needed to grow cotton and harvest the fields. Slave ownership became a fiery national issue and eventually led to the Civil War.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,22 15:42 other posts 
It is a sad fact that is difficult to erase, yes in the 1800's slaves were PROPERTY just as a car ,a tractor or a bike.You went to a auction and if you made the highest bid,you took however many home you could afford.Which for 98% of the southern population was NONE. You might if you had a enough of crop,rent a slave from a large slave owner for a while .
DID I say I thought it was right? NO,Just stating facts.
By #610414 27,Jan,22 20:08
You didn’t say it was wrong either
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,22 09:38 other posts 
Gee wiz, do I have to state my pants size to? OF course I think it was wrong.
We are all slaves to the government now, not each other.
By #610414 28,Jan,22 10:32
1st- not a day goes by that I’m not asked my bra size (36DD)
2nd- We are not slaves to the government. I believe we are slaves to our prejudices and mores. Humanity likes and needs to be part of a village. There’s a lot of things that need to be done in a village. That’s why we invented a group consisting of people to do that. It’s called a government. The alternative is anarchism. We are members of this site, but, all we know about each other is learned from our posts. We really know little of each other. What I’m getting at is that I don’t know what shaped your opinions about the government. I fully believe you are wrong. I realize that I’m stating opinions shaped by my experiences.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,22 16:11 other posts 
First,you mean to tell men in your nick of the woods ,and women I guess, have the gall to walk up and ask the size of your tits? Damn,and you call ME a redneck??????????
I know there are fictious humorous storys written about a character inspired by you that mention a trailer park but I don't think you live in that type of environment. People must not have any respect at all around your nick of the woods.

Second ,in reference to part of your statements, " They won’t allow chairs or water" in reference to voting places. UH, around here, if you have ANY issues that make standing in line difficult, a volunteer will come to your car with the paperwork and you can have your lunch box with you and sit in the comfort of your car and vote.It is called handicap accessibility IF it was not offered, there would be lawsuits to beat the band. I could use it legally but I just take my cane. the lines are fairly short in our area.
By #610414 28,Jan,22 19:54
I meant I’m asked when I’m on site. I’m glad your state is so generous about handicapped people but I’m not talking about handicapped people. A two hour wait to vote is hard on anyone. By Federal law handicapped people must be provided for and that is where you fit. I’m talking about regular people who want to use a folding chair or bring a water bottle with them

By #610414 27,Jan,22 14:21
Bella!, happy Ten Year anniversary. Congratulations

By #610414 26,Jan,22 11:58
It’s ok phart I didn’t find your post racist at all at least no worse then someone calling his fellow Pennsylvanians to the east and the north of Harrisburg uneducated hillbillies as I recall. No one is perfect we all sound a little racist at times

Mountain Man, is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?……I’m sorry, I meant white
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Jan,22 13:03 other posts 

By #610414 19,Jan,22 19:15
JustWill, "You reap what you sow". Jonás Salk reaped what he sowed. Mahatma Gandhi reaped what he sowed. Delano Rosevelt reaped what he sowed. I’m satisfied with my life. Are you, you second rate English Lit teach who teaches in a porn site? Pull down your panties and bend over. That’s what you are good for and nothing else.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Jan,22 22:22 other posts 
What have you sown? Are you reaping it?
By #610414 20,Jan,22 09:29
My kids, my grandchildren, my good name. Yes, I’m enjoying my life with gusto and the knowledge that I walked on the side of right as much as I was able to. Did I make mistakes? You betcha, but not on purpose
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Jan,22 18:22 other posts 
your good name!?

You posted your DL on a cock and cunt site. Stupid cunt Cat
By #610414 22,Jan,22 21:45
Really, dickless wonder? So what? Are you saying all members of the site are pervs and whores? You grow more stupid with time. You remind me of Tecsan.
Did your mama throw you out of her bed? Did you bring her an STD? No matter. You can fuck your dad, BOLUDO.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 09:41 other posts 
I must admit, I don't think posting your license, fake or not on the internet was a good idea.
Rather or not you like the person stating the fact it was not smart, that does not change the fact it was simply not a smart thing to do.
ID theft is a real issue and can devastate your financial well being as well as any good name you may have.
By #610414 24,Jan,22 12:09
Phart, before you get to comment you have to see it. It was not fake just redacted.
Address, partial birthdate, license number were blacked out.

Posting my license un-redacted would not be smart, but that was not the case. Thank you for your concern
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

There would still be millions, if not billions, of combinations
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 14:40 other posts 
Ok,this is unrelated to id theft,but this goes back to what I was learning in college,back when you wrote your computers program instead of buying it.
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Notice there are only a certain number of combinations for numbers. Bionary there is 1 and 0 or 0 and 1 and etc.

Ok,with the amount of the license number you did exspose, the remaining digits could be determined by a computer program designed to match up number combinations. A hacker with access to florida numbers, could then take the info you provided, and let the computer scan until it matched the number set you posted.
By #610414 24,Jan,22 18:19
The reason for a binary system as used by computers is that a computer has only two choices, positive (+1) and negative (0). Any number can be represented but with a long list of 1’s and 0’s. In a computer program you would see
01001100001110000 to represent numbers and characters. The combinations are endless.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

We use the decimal system. Our own number system, composed of the ten symbols {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} is called the Hindu-Arabic system. This is a base-ten (decimal) system since place values increase by powers of ten. More than likely because we have 10 fingers.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Hacks can break any information open but why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and much time on little old me?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 20:53 other posts 
Well chances are little ol you has good credit for example. That can be exploited. voter id, your vote could be stolen by modifying your license photo,the info marked out can be figured out by the hacker.
And Nigerians are cheap labor.They even hack thru servers in other countrys to pass the possiable blame over to them. I still to this day don't feel like the Russian government is actually behind alot of the hacking that is blamed on them.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 25,Jan,22 18:50 other posts 
Funny how you think that was redacted!
By #610414 26,Jan,22 11:51
censor or obscure (part of a text) for legal or security purposes.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Jan,22 19:51 other posts 
Delicate flower, open your petals and allow the sun to gaze with pleasure on your beauty.

Sweet succulent lips, open and allow this son to enjoy your treasure and your booty.

Secret garden of delight, your aroma wakens each and every sense.

A rose bud on its own should not make each muscle and sinew in my body tense.

From dew drop to torrent really should take longer, but when love’s a part of passion there is nothing stronger.

Trembling with desire, turning white hot fire in the soul

to hard steel inside your pussy-hole.

Stroking and with each caress choking, squeezing and yet pleasing to the point of gasping as your velvet glove is clasping and releasing, tightening, frightening with it’s power, this gentle flower now gushing as I’m pushing on your hips so just your lips surround my pulsing tip until I exchange my tip for something phoney to play with your yoni.

My tongue lingers as I spread your gash with my fingers to increase the pressure on your jewel, each glistening pearl a new fuel for me to hurl abuse at, ‘cos now I want to use that northern term of ‘twat’ ‘cos all in all, for the nicknames I will hunt:

A cunt is a cunt, is a cunt and no human will ever be finer than my lover’s vagina.
By #610414 26,Jan,22 11:49
How beautiful, Leo.

By #610414 22,Jan,22 10:36
@Phatt@ you posted:

sad when our country has sunk to such a low.
You can now use a arrest warrant to fly on a airplane!
A form of ID.
NOW with this mindset, how can blacks complain about voting rights when all they might need for a legal ID is their arrest warrants>????

You couldn’t come up with so many fucked up posts on your own. Who helps you? Is there a lunatic asylum you visit?

BTW kudos to JustWill for his answer to your post
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jan,22 13:06 other posts 
Well good to know you are back in good health as you blasting away at everything and everyone again.
Black folks don't want voter id because it supposedly makes it hard to vote.
Well, if ID is required,and they have a warrent,they could use it to vote.Problem solved for that segment of the population.I thought you wanted to solve some of the problems in this country.Now that a partial solution is avaliable for voter id you are considering it racist,.sheesh.Make up your mind, solve a problem or bitch about it.
By #610414 22,Jan,22 17:14
Why did Republicans block legislation to reform voting laws?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jan,22 23:04 other posts 
I would think it has something to do with mailing out ballets all over the place and letting people mail in ballots to vote with out good reason not to go to the voting booth like most people. To much chance of fraud with mail in ballots.
How can you be sure that a ballot sent to Jane Doe was actually filled out by Jane Doe and not Hose A for example?
I see a good idea in making the federal portion of the elections process uniform and let the states do theirs a bit more on their own design BUT there should be univeral voter id. IF you want to vote,show proof you can do it legally.
I can't see the problem and nor can most Americans.Last survey I read it was like 60% of Americans want some sort of voter id.
HAD the voting reforms addressed security issues and created a universal voter ID. I am willing to bet it would have stood a much greater chance.
By #610414 23,Jan,22 10:48
Mail in ballots have been used for years without any problems. There’s no reason to believe that the post office would get so many wrong deliveries. However, credit and debit cards are mailed every day. They use I’d to activate. The election department could send, by separate mail, a code to be placed on the ballot. Since these ballots are electronically read, the wrong or missing code invalidates the ballot. I, too, believe in ID. My beef is that the cost should be shouldered by the Feds.
The only reason Republicans want to make it harder for Afro-Americans, non-white and poor people from voting since these groups tend to vote Democrat
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jan,22 22:27 other posts 
The cards I get in the mail just require a phone call and some numbers that a part of a bigger number.
A mail in ballot for a old person or someone wheel chair bound has never been a problem. They mailed out ballots last election because people were to lazy to stand in line and blamed covid.Although they don't mind standing in long lines and lining up their cars for covid testing and sit for hours,they want to vote laying on the couch.
By #610414 24,Jan,22 08:23
Again, are you thinking out what you are posting?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 09:37 other posts 
Yes, I am gleaning a possible solution to a problem from the handling of another problem.
We have to think out side of the box on some issues.
You can google covid testing lines and see photos of people standing in line as if they are waiting on Walmarts to open on black friday for covid testing.Hell if they weren't positive when they got there,they will be in a couple days.
A friend of my aunt is responsiable for setting up the machines to run test in a local county.She got a call that at 1 site all test were coming up positive. Turns out the folks at the testing site were NOT CLEANING the machine after each test. So once it got a positive samples contamination on it,it just kept giving positives. something to stand in line for eh? A false positive.
By #610414 24,Jan,22 10:52
Shoot the mothers
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 11:05 other posts 
but you are against guns... stupid old cat cunt
By #610414 24,Jan,22 11:51
Sigh. You are stupid, aren’t you?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 25,Jan,22 18:48 other posts 
I did not know they required an SAT for entrance in to medical bill clerk school!


And when you had a chance to be a bagger at the local Publix
By #610414 25,Jan,22 20:24
Like I’ve said, “You are stupid, aren’t you?”
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 11:09 other posts 
Now hold on missy in the last presidential election my father received a mail in ballot he was 93 and has been dead for 5 years and my mother received her mail in ballot and she is dead over 20 years and even though I threw them away I could have filled them out signed their names and sent them in and it would have worked all i was missing was their signature and I write just like them maybe this next election I won’t be so honest as I know our government will fuck up again and send both of them a mail in ballot
By #610414 24,Jan,22 11:46
No, Mountain Man, you hold on. There will always be “irregularities”. The question is, “How many times will this happen and will it make a difference. What you suggest would need a conspiracy involving thousands of people and the postal service knowingly delivering these ballots to the conspirators. You honestly believe this can happen? There are over 3000 counties in the US. Each has their own Election Dept. What you are suggesting would need a brand new Federal Department. And you? Well, I guess the Feds might start looking for you. It won’t be the “ revenooers” this time.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 19:21 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 20:49 other posts 
Yea my neighbors mother in law and father in law both got stimulas checks,both had been dead several years. they were sent back but some folks would just think "free money" cash them and move right along.And that is why there is such a fuss over voting rights and such.Because of that type of person.
By #610414 24,Jan,22 21:06
In my neck of the woods there’s always news were someone gets pinched for grand larceny against the Feds. A one-off probably won’t be noticed but continued stealing will
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

But, tell me. Can you calculate how many fictitious votes it would have taken for Trump to carry Georgia? Lots of bogus votes, right?
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jan,22 21:17 other posts 
Ahhhahaha he seemed to take Florida with no problem
By #610414 25,Jan,22 08:17
We also have alligators in pools. It’s Florida
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 25,Jan,22 21:50 other posts 
post a picture of Charlie... now without his legs!

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