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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
New Comment Rating: 3 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.STUFF, JUST STUFF 3.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 4.A Forum Topic 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II Comments: |
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Can you imagine what this would do to the health of our people especially our children? What kind of uneducated a..hole would push for this? This is the type of President MAGA wants? They might as well to take one of those 2nd amendment guns and put a round into their brain.
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this link talks about the cases they stopped.
what about the "gotaways".?
Last I read Supertech is made by Puralator. But store brands are made by contractors. So it is usually Wix or puralator.
BUT what pissed me off monday so bad,I went to pay the money for a wix filter to put on a zeroturn that the owner is very picky about using good quality parts. Says wix on the box! Says something else,wix under that and MADE IN MEXICO on the filter it's self. I all but took that sumbitch back.
And that my friend is why America is weak all the other countries don’t care about this greeny weeny crap 💩
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Oh and we make plastic bottles the very same plastic bottles that pollute the earth
So MR Biden what does your greeny weeny package have in it to deal with that problem most people including myself just burn 🔥 the bastards putting that toxic shit into the air so how can the EPA think that is safe for our environment
Stupid greeny weenies
The bottom line is that no one cared what the consumer thought. It was when money, that's profit margin to you, could be increase, that the Repuckers changed the system. You guys made it happen, now get rid of the EPA and die.
And, besides, it’s a business decision. The only way to reverse it is if local government forces them to do so. Nationally, you would need the EPA to get involved. Oh, wait, that’s a dirty word according to Dgraff
Besides,some states make you return bottles and such for a credit even though they are no reused.
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So the only extra step for them is to haul them back to the company to wash and refill instead of hauling them to recycle.
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BTW. I don’t care if we go back to the old system. I used to throw them away anyway.
so yea,toss them my way, free money!
I'll tell you what they prefer to do. They prefer to move operations out of the country. And who are these people? Conservative Repuckers. And who let them take their operations out of the country? Repuckers, that's whom.
It's easy to fix. Pass a bill in Congress that puts a tariff to import any product previously manufactured in the US at 300% of the MSRP of the product. I bet the Repuckers in Congress would vote it down. Of course, you'll bitch prices of goods would go up.
You guys make your bed, now you don't like it.
--------------------------------------- added after 31 minutes
It was tricky Dick December 2 1970 no wonder he was impeached
--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours
BTW, President Nixon was never impeached by the House or subjected to a trial in the Senate, his conduct exemplifies for many authorities, scholars, and ...
As always, you did your research.
How much noise do windmills make?
So just how noisy are these turbines? The closest that a wind turbine is typically placed to a home is 300 meters or more. At that distance, a turbine will have a sound pressure level of 43 decibels.
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That’s about the noise a home refrigerator makes.
In reading a link Bella posted, I found this most disgusting story.
Child safety is the responsibility of the same government that is responsible for our safety.in the air, on the hwy, in our homes.
They essentially ignored what was happening to this poor boy.
And I am supposed to trust the police, the state ,the national government with my safety as a adult enough to give up my guns and they can't even protect a child??
Folks that are anti gun, really need to observe case's like this that clearly indicate the "system" is broken.and can't be trusted with anyone's safety.
Granted, a gun would not have helped this child. BUT the same system that failed this child fails adults everyday when they deny women police protection, ignore threats to schools from folks calling trying to prevent harm.the state knew this child was in danger,and did NOTHING.The same state probably leaves adults to fend for themselves to from abusers
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People that are anti-guns are anti-guns because no one wants to REGULATE gun ownership. Think about that.
So just how noisy are these turbines? The closest that a wind turbine is typically placed to a home is 300 meters or more. At that distance, a turbine will have a sound pressure level of 43 decibels.
Are wind turbines friendlier to birds than oil and gas drilling?
Historical data on bird populations around wind farms and around oil and gas drilling sites have been compiled and compared. The result is a negligible impact to bird population in wind farms compared to a 15%-25% drop in oil and gas production sites.Jan 17, 2024
Across the United States, between 365 million to about 1 billion birds die each year from colliding with glass in skyscrapers and low-rise buildings. Window strikes are the second-leading cause of bird deaths, behind cats.
We should tear down all skyscrapers and kill all cats. 🤣🤣😈
That was New Yorker's Susan Glasser's takeaway after watching Trump hold court with his MAGA supporters at a rally in Rome, Georgia after clinching the Republican delegates needed for the GOP's presidential 2024 nomination.
"On November 5th, the curtain closes on Crooked Joe’s corrupt reign, and the sun rises on a brand new day for Georgia and for America, right," the former president said.
Glasser's story described Trump's nearly two-hour stump speech as "rambling, unhinged, vituperative, and oh-so-revealing".
She then appeared on MSNBC to discuss it in depth. Trump's vision, contrasted with his previous runs in 2016 and 2020, came off as dire and it disturbed her. “There is something, you know, different this time," she stated before continuing, "It is not just the level of grievance and revenge and retribution — it's actually the dystopian hellscape. It is much worse and darker than even the American carnage speech frankly." That speech took place in 2017 when, fresh off his victory, Trump was inaugurated and claimed: "This American carnage stops right here and stops right now." Glasser was also struck by Trump's struggle with the truth and the English language. She said his "lying, rambling, ranting, much of it doesn't make much sense as you know for years he's struggled with the basics of a verb and a period — you're not going to find a lot of those there." There is also a sense that fatigue and his 77-years in age is kicking in. “Even beyond the delivery and certainly when it comes to age, you will come away from a performance like this," said Glasser. "And this is a guy who really struggles with his words, who is visibly diminished in his vocabulary and his delivery, just in the last few years."
The Clown’s brain is fried. His dementia is getting dangerous.
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"Biden's own Justice Department would decline to prosecute him on different charges because they considered him mentally unfit to stand trial."
It's a better defense than anything he has tried so far.
Well, actually he is not even trying to defend himself, he's just trying to obstruct
and delay, until he can steal the presidency and pardon himself.
Strange, right? If he's innocent, he would have some defense.
He used to say he didn't take any documents. At least you know now that was a lie.
Then he had his lawyers lie for him. That's worse, Biden didn't do that. Right?
Then he tried to destroy evidence showing that he had them. Did Biden do that?
Why wouldn't he just have given back those documents, when they asked? Biden did.
For a 'mentally unfit man', Biden was a lot smarter about it, than Trump.
So yeah, pleading insanity is not such a bad idea, for Trump.
But, I guess that would make him unfit to run for president. Right?
Even in 1950's red rural Christian areas, some women didn't want to be men's pets.
If a woman says a man does something to her, she is believed by all and the man is convicted by society and the law with little to no way to defend himself.
Let a woman do something to a man he is offended by and he is just laughed out, given no creditability.
For equality to work, both should treated the same by the law.
I think it is time for a AI president."someone" in a box that we all report to, bring sacrifices to.
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A little girl does not feel comfortable with a old adult male sniffing of them.
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An adult woman could,if they are woman enough, slap the hell out of a man for grabbing, or sniffing. A kid can't.
That's 1 thing that urks me,is what happened to women just slapping the hell out of somebody BEFORE things go to far?
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Connie Ogle
Miami Armageddon was averted Friday when thousands if not millions of hungry Pollo Tropical customers were at long last able to order black beans again.
‘Officially in crisis mode’: Miami Pollo Tropical restaurants ran out of black beans
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Another charging station manufacture filed bankruptcy this week. how can you charge your car if you cant find a charger?
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