Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.
Ok, so just how much can you trust a democrat? let's find out?
Iran has been sending out info stolen from the Trump camp to dems and media outlets. they CLAIM to be ignoring it. Yea right. A literal elephant in the room and they are ignoring it.
This is election interference.what is being done about it since it is helping the democrats?
What the hell are you babbling about all i seen was them talking about cumala Harris stinking up the White House with her curry and by the way that’s funny because the curry smell might cover up the shit smell left behind by old joe Biden
His wife is Indian-American and his kids are half Indian-American!
If your media is spreading racist hatred against Indian heritage, that's not fucking funny. It's the man's job to defend his wife, or isn't it?
If he didn't like the news anchor talking about his wife, he should also have said so.
Next Friday it will be legal for Donald Trump to sell the shares that he owes in Truth Social. In the past six months it has lost 57% of its value and next week it will probably continue its free fall before he sells off and bails out. Other shareholders are going to expect him to sell off so they are going to try to beat him to the punch and sell theirs first.
On March 27th it sold at $66.22 and today it sold at $17.97.
My prediction is that next Friday at close it will be selling for under $5.00.
Possibly or probably. They NASDAQ halted trading twice on the stock, not sure why, but, now the Clown says he won't sell. I believe he's trying to prop up the price so he get a better return when he sells.
That you have to follow your conscience?
That's neither true or false, that's an opinion.
I hope you all do, but that is no guarantee that you make the correct decision.
Of course he doesn't like abortion, HE'S THE POPE!!!
The bible clearly endorses abortion and even killing firstborns,
but the church has hundreds of years of history of hating abortion.
That's because they are endorsing having as much children as possible.
They should stop that. It's also something you don't like. At least you said so.
Still, he cannot endorse Trump, because he's evil. Have you noticed that?
#UNTRUTH: The Psychology of Trumpism
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"In #UNTRUTH, political conservatives, psychologists, and historians share an eye-opening analysis of how false narratives, online virality, and profit-driven news media lead to anger, conspiracism, and political violence. The film reveals how politicians in pursuit of power, foreign state actors, and international oligarchs are exploiting disinformation to promote an authoritarian future that threatens the very survival of American Democracy and democracies around the world."
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I don't have AppleTV, but I hope I can find it somewhere else.
Florida is also banning books with important American heritage.
Do you support banning these books?:
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
- 23 books of Stephen King
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Just put a simple warning on a book, if warranted, and STOP BEING FASCISTS!!!
Give it up, Phart. Your tired argument doesn’t have traction. You suggest that human development be reversed.
What could be so negative about reducing hunger from our people, especially children? This is even if we have to open the government coffers to do so. With the amount of PORK that all the country’s legislatures vote in, what will a couple of dollars per year affect you?
quit taxing people so much and the pork won't be there, it will be in the pockets of the parents, then they can feed their own. why pay it to the gov and then get it back??
That’s why VP Harris plan to extend the child tax credit to $6000 is good. That’s money that STAYS in the home. --------------------------------------- added after 22 minutes
BTW, PORK is voted in BEFORE taxes are levied to pay for it.
"quit taxing people so much and the pork won't be there, it will be in the pockets of the parents, then they can feed their own. why pay it to the gov and then get it back??"
Nonsense, anytime taxes get cut by Trump or any other Republican since Reagan,
it doesn't go to those parents, but to the wealthy.
Trump's plans will massively reduce taxes for the top 0.1% of Americans
and increase taxes for the typical American family.
That's exactly the opposite of what you are proposing.
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I don't know about all that but he sure aint fit for the position of vice president. lies about his military service, and so on, what else is he lying about?
This coming from someone that defends someone like the Clown? Should we tally who lies more? Who has more convictions for felonies? Who molested more women? Who has the most fiscal irresponsibility?
BTW he didn’t lie about his military service.
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If anything JDVance misrepresented his “valorous service”. Rancid service.
What? Guilty by association? What WOODY did happened in 1984. It came out in 1989 and he paid for it from 1991 to 2001. Yet, he’s still not free. He paid much more than many murderers and will for the rest of his life and for what? Fondling a minor. No r@pe, no penetration, but, he deserved it all. I divorced WOODY in 1991. Yes, I did remary him in 2004. Love is fickle.
So what? Am I supposed to hide in shame? Stop fighting for what I believe?
Why don’t you grow a set an go after me for what I believe and stop bringing WOODY as an excuse for not having argument?
And this goes for Sir-Skittles and angelofdeath
I know who I am and I know exactly where I come from. The difference between you and me is that you act like a friend in one thread and a backstabber in another thread. I’ll point at anyone their shortcomings if they attack anyone I consider a friend or person I admire. That’s why I stood behind Lyx. She had you pegged.
it is age restricted for some reason, i don't have a account to log in. but at least you did find it, i tried after i found mention of it but could only get excerpts
Banning books about the holocaust is not 'pro Palestinian'.
That's your illogical brain feeling sorry for the Jews and then
allowing them to do the same, that was done to them.
A logical mind would understand that the history of the holocaust
protects Palestinians, by making people understand that genocide is wrong.
I think those conservatives are hiding the past of the holocaust,
to prevent people learning that genocide is wrong.
They do the same for books about slavery, that teach slavery is wrong.
They do the same for books about racism, that teach racism is wrong.
They do the same for books about sexism, that teach sexism is wrong.
bullshit.pot just leads to other drugs. Watched it happen with my own eyes to many times and watched to many lives ruined by it. Drugs are for Loosers.
the only exception i would meet in the middle on is if it is prescribed to the dying to relieve pain in their own home away from others.
That story is directly linked to big pharma funding, it is bullshit.
Cannabis competes with big pharma products, like painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, Parkinson disease medication, sleeping-pills, antidepressant drugs, spasm/convulsion relief medication, etc., and that's why they don't like it and fund the fight against cannabis legalization.
What is true is that people who are using cannabis recreationally have a tendency to use harder drugs. What is not true is that legalization of recreational cannabis increases their likelihood to start using harder drugs. In fact it is the opposite. If they have legal access to cannabis, they won't be offered any harder drugs. If you force people to buy cannabis from the same suppliers as harder drugs, the step to those harder drugs is much easier.
I don't see any difference between smoking, alcohol and cannabis.
You are just used to the first two being legal, and not the last one.
There is no benefit associated with smoking and alcohol, but those are legal.
That's BS and it was only created that way to imprison hippies and black people.
Everything you believe is just propaganda to keep it that way.
Besides the people who benefit from cannabis, I also support legal cannabis
to reduce crime and just because of FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY!!
People want it, it's mostly harmless and has benefits, a large majority supports it,
so the government should listen to its voters.
It is mind altering just like alcohol. you are not free to get high and kill with your car. you are just free to buy and drink.
My opionions are based on what i have saw happen right in front of me, alcoholism is part of my family history,that's why I have never touched,i don't want to light that fuse.
pot,i watched 2 classmates, both honor students, start smoking pot, got bored with it and started getting mushrooms out of cow shit and then started buying stronger stuff. ruined both their lives. not big pharma has to tell me anything.
I blame big pharma for the powerful pain meds being pushed and causing addicts, and the methadone clinics, government run sess pools for people addicted and in pain.
Just like alcohol, you can also not use cannabis and drive.
I don't drink either, no history, just no use for it.
That doesn't mean I want to forbid alcohol, just regulate it.
You prove my point; those friends ruined their lives when cannabis was ILLEGAL!
You have tried to restrict it for decades and it didn't work.
Cracking down on drugs never works. What does work, and has worked in several countries, is legalize, tax and regulate.
The magic word is REGULATE. Your opioid crisis was caused by medical malpractice due to lax regulation. Also, those opioid are legal, but much much more dangerous and addictive than cannabis. They are incredibly important for people who need them, but due to lax regulation big pharma used them like the local drugs dealer on the street, for their own profit and not to help people.
Addiction is a health issue, so methadone clinics are sometimes their only way out. It's a method to first repair their life, so it is easier to cure their addiction. It reduces withdrawal symptoms.
I also wish people wouldn't get addicted to drugs and alcohol, but I live in reality.
I support the best solutions to minimize people ruining their own lives, while maximizing freedom. You have no solution, other than massive control of the government over its people and and horrible punishment for people who fuck up. That kind of police state is worse than the current drugs situation in the US, which is the worst in the world. Learn from countries who do better.
Legalizing and regulating alcohol didn't work, we still have drunks and 1000's of dead because of it,1000's of unwanted pregnancy's and etc,etc.
that idea does not work either. It just furthers poverty because the alky buys alcohol instead of paying it's bills or feeding it's kids.
All legalizing alcohol did was give the government a way to make millions off it's sale.
Moonshine is illegal not because it is unsafe, it is untaxed. think about that a minute.
Alcohol was legal and regulated until the Prohibition.
That resulted in the rise of the mafia, while you still had drunks.
Alcohol is poisonous, carcinogenic, addictive and indeed causes all those problems you list. However, most people enjoy it without problems. It's the abuse that causes problems, but that's people's own responsibility. It's regulated to minimize the damage they do to other people. This is freedom and people want it that way.
Freedom is the right to make choices, even bad ones. It's the government's job
to balance maximizing freedom, with minimizing people hurting others.
You are not consistent in this; you would allow employers to create a dangerous workplace, just to make more profit. That doesn't increase freedom for everyone, but just for a few people. It doesn't benefit everyone, but just a few people.
That's not maximizing freedom and not minimizing damage.
My opinions come from basic principles that I apply consistently, that's why
I come to these conclusions.
You have good points but to allow a certain amount of death by dui or death by over dose so the majority can enjoy "freedom" to make bad choices is not a good thing.
There wouldn't be od's by fentanyl if it was not available to everyone like milky way candy bars as it is now.
Prohibition could have worked given time and more-better enforcement and education on the negative effects of the stuff.
This will explain the point I am trying to make about your idea of freedom to make bad choices
" Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths where drivers tested positive for marijuana increased 138% while all Colorado traffic deaths increased 29%.
Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana more than doubled from 55 in 2013 to 131 people killed in 2020.
Since recreational marijuana was legalized, the percentage of all Colorado traffic deaths involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana increased from 11% in 2013 to 20% in 2020."
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Peoples freedom to use increased the death rate in car wrecks alone by 138%. Innocent people died so the guilty could enjoy their freedom to get high. those that died, had no choice, good or bad, they were sentenced to death by simply trying to move along with their day.
you are educated, you explain to me how the deaths by pot, liquor and such are so justifiable so people can be "free"
Better yet, explain it to me as if I had lost a loved 1 in a accident due to a pot head running a stop sign.
Death by dui is caused by people committing a crime.
Like all crimes, they cause suffering and death.
It's not the pot or alcohol causing the damage, death, suffering or crime,
it's the people abusing it.
If your argument is to take away the tool of the crime (alcohol/cannabis)
than that is the same for gun violence, for which the tool is a gun.
Legalizing AR-15's is the same as legalizing crack; the most dangerous 'tools'.
I'm not saying take away the guns, I say regulate them,
just like I say for alcohol and cannabis. That's CONSISTENT!
Fentanyl is only available to everyone, because of the illegal supply.
People who need Fentanyl for serious pain should be assisted appropriately.
It's the inadequacy of the healthcare system that caused people to get addicted and turn to the illegal supply. They should have been supplied Fentanyl legally, as long as they needed it. It's just another example of RESTRICTING legal access turning into the problem, not the legal access itself.
Driving under the influence of cannabis is just as illegal as drunk driving, or should be. Testing positive for marijuana is not the same as being under the influence of cannabis. Those tests are positive days after the use of cannabis, while the effects that reduce driving ability wear off in at maximum an hour.
“The odds of being involved in a motor vehicle crash when driving 'stoned'
are approximately double those of sober driving, but significantly less than
the 10 to 15 times increase when driving with a blood alcohol concentration
of approximately 0.1,”
Death by overdose is insignificant for cannabis. In any case, that's people's own responsibility. You allow people to have guns too, while guns suicide is over half of your yearly gun deaths. That's 73 people dying by gun suicide every day, nearly 27,000 deaths in 2023.
Was the pot head who caused the death of your loved one punished more severely, for driving under the influence of cannabis, on top of for running
a stop sign?
That's what it means to regulate. The driver caused the accident, not the cannabis. The cannabis is not the danger, but it turns a car into a danger.
Which means cannabis abusers should get their driver's license revoked.
This is no different from alcohol abusers. Get caught driving drunk, you get
your driver's license revoked.
The bad choice that should be allowed is drinking alcohol and using cannabis. The bad choice to drive under the influence is not, and should not be, allowed.
However, drinking alcohol is ALWAYS a bad choice, because it is accepting poison for pleasure. In many cases, the use of cannabis is not a bad choice, because it treats many health issues very effectively.
That makes the justification for prohibiting alcohol stronger than the justification for prohibiting cannabis. I think both should be legal, because the freedom to use it doesn't case the damage. It's the abuse that causes the damage and that is already illegal. You are not considering the damage of prohibiting alcohol and/or cannabis. In both cases the prohibition causes crime and people going to prison for using alcohol and/or cannabis, which is not doing damage to others, by itself. Only acts that damage other people should be illegal, damaging yourself is your own responsibility.
Iran has been sending out info stolen from the Trump camp to dems and media outlets. they CLAIM to be ignoring it. Yea right. A literal elephant in the room and they are ignoring it.
This is election interference.what is being done about it since it is helping the democrats?
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and the fucking coward dodged it:
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Just lets fucking racists attack his wife. Pathetic!
Go defend your little coward, because they are slaying him in the comments.
If your media is spreading racist hatred against Indian heritage, that's not fucking funny. It's the man's job to defend his wife, or isn't it?
If he didn't like the news anchor talking about his wife, he should also have said so.
He's a pathetic little eye-liner wearing bitch.
On March 27th it sold at $66.22 and today it sold at $17.97.
My prediction is that next Friday at close it will be selling for under $5.00.
That's neither true or false, that's an opinion.
I hope you all do, but that is no guarantee that you make the correct decision.
Of course he doesn't like abortion, HE'S THE POPE!!!
The bible clearly endorses abortion and even killing firstborns,
but the church has hundreds of years of history of hating abortion.
That's because they are endorsing having as much children as possible.
They should stop that. It's also something you don't like. At least you said so.
Still, he cannot endorse Trump, because he's evil. Have you noticed that?
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"In #UNTRUTH, political conservatives, psychologists, and historians share an eye-opening analysis of how false narratives, online virality, and profit-driven news media lead to anger, conspiracism, and political violence. The film reveals how politicians in pursuit of power, foreign state actors, and international oligarchs are exploiting disinformation to promote an authoritarian future that threatens the very survival of American Democracy and democracies around the world."
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I don't have AppleTV, but I hope I can find it somewhere else.
Do you support banning these books?:
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
- 23 books of Stephen King
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Just put a simple warning on a book, if warranted, and STOP BEING FASCISTS!!!
A Huxley
No wonder White Boots DeSantis wants to ban his book(s)
we were banishing hunger from ours"
What could be so negative about reducing hunger from our people, especially children? This is even if we have to open the government coffers to do so. With the amount of PORK that all the country’s legislatures vote in, what will a couple of dollars per year affect you?
--------------------------------------- added after 22 minutes
BTW, PORK is voted in BEFORE taxes are levied to pay for it.
Nonsense, anytime taxes get cut by Trump or any other Republican since Reagan,
it doesn't go to those parents, but to the wealthy.
Trump's plans will massively reduce taxes for the top 0.1% of Americans
and increase taxes for the typical American family.
That's exactly the opposite of what you are proposing.
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BTW he didn’t lie about his military service.
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If anything JDVance misrepresented his “valorous service”. Rancid service.
Here is the difference; YOU NEED TO ASK! You only have that silly smear.
We can point to 30 things Trump lied about, in just one debate.
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only registered users can see external links
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So what? Am I supposed to hide in shame? Stop fighting for what I believe?
Why don’t you grow a set an go after me for what I believe and stop bringing WOODY as an excuse for not having argument?
And this goes for Sir-Skittles and angelofdeath
Try finding this song on youtube in it's entirety,
Justice For All Ft. Donald J. Trump & J6 Prison Choir
--------------------------------------- added after 52 seconds
YouTube is free unless you want to upgrade.
If I want to see age restricted YouTube, I need my verified account.
Do you still like Ron DeSantis now?
"Anne Frank’s diary, ‘Schindler’s List’ among titles at center of major Florida book-ban lawsuit"
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The last thing you should do if you don't support genocides,
is erase the history of one of the worst ones ever.
That's your illogical brain feeling sorry for the Jews and then
allowing them to do the same, that was done to them.
A logical mind would understand that the history of the holocaust
protects Palestinians, by making people understand that genocide is wrong.
I think those conservatives are hiding the past of the holocaust,
to prevent people learning that genocide is wrong.
They do the same for books about slavery, that teach slavery is wrong.
They do the same for books about racism, that teach racism is wrong.
They do the same for books about sexism, that teach sexism is wrong.
"Cannabis saved our life!"
Listen to someone with more LIFE EXPERIENCE than you.
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the only exception i would meet in the middle on is if it is prescribed to the dying to relieve pain in their own home away from others.
Cannabis competes with big pharma products, like painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, Parkinson disease medication, sleeping-pills, antidepressant drugs, spasm/convulsion relief medication, etc., and that's why they don't like it and fund the fight against cannabis legalization.
What is true is that people who are using cannabis recreationally have a tendency to use harder drugs. What is not true is that legalization of recreational cannabis increases their likelihood to start using harder drugs. In fact it is the opposite. If they have legal access to cannabis, they won't be offered any harder drugs. If you force people to buy cannabis from the same suppliers as harder drugs, the step to those harder drugs is much easier.
I don't see any difference between smoking, alcohol and cannabis.
You are just used to the first two being legal, and not the last one.
There is no benefit associated with smoking and alcohol, but those are legal.
That's BS and it was only created that way to imprison hippies and black people.
Everything you believe is just propaganda to keep it that way.
Besides the people who benefit from cannabis, I also support legal cannabis
to reduce crime and just because of FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY!!
People want it, it's mostly harmless and has benefits, a large majority supports it,
so the government should listen to its voters.
My opionions are based on what i have saw happen right in front of me, alcoholism is part of my family history,that's why I have never touched,i don't want to light that fuse.
pot,i watched 2 classmates, both honor students, start smoking pot, got bored with it and started getting mushrooms out of cow shit and then started buying stronger stuff. ruined both their lives. not big pharma has to tell me anything.
I blame big pharma for the powerful pain meds being pushed and causing addicts, and the methadone clinics, government run sess pools for people addicted and in pain.
I don't drink either, no history, just no use for it.
That doesn't mean I want to forbid alcohol, just regulate it.
You prove my point; those friends ruined their lives when cannabis was ILLEGAL!
You have tried to restrict it for decades and it didn't work.
Cracking down on drugs never works. What does work, and has worked in several countries, is legalize, tax and regulate.
The magic word is REGULATE. Your opioid crisis was caused by medical malpractice due to lax regulation. Also, those opioid are legal, but much much more dangerous and addictive than cannabis. They are incredibly important for people who need them, but due to lax regulation big pharma used them like the local drugs dealer on the street, for their own profit and not to help people.
Addiction is a health issue, so methadone clinics are sometimes their only way out. It's a method to first repair their life, so it is easier to cure their addiction. It reduces withdrawal symptoms.
I also wish people wouldn't get addicted to drugs and alcohol, but I live in reality.
I support the best solutions to minimize people ruining their own lives, while maximizing freedom. You have no solution, other than massive control of the government over its people and and horrible punishment for people who fuck up. That kind of police state is worse than the current drugs situation in the US, which is the worst in the world. Learn from countries who do better.
that idea does not work either. It just furthers poverty because the alky buys alcohol instead of paying it's bills or feeding it's kids.
All legalizing alcohol did was give the government a way to make millions off it's sale.
Moonshine is illegal not because it is unsafe, it is untaxed. think about that a minute.
That resulted in the rise of the mafia, while you still had drunks.
Alcohol is poisonous, carcinogenic, addictive and indeed causes all those problems you list. However, most people enjoy it without problems. It's the abuse that causes problems, but that's people's own responsibility. It's regulated to minimize the damage they do to other people. This is freedom and people want it that way.
Freedom is the right to make choices, even bad ones. It's the government's job
to balance maximizing freedom, with minimizing people hurting others.
You are not consistent in this; you would allow employers to create a dangerous workplace, just to make more profit. That doesn't increase freedom for everyone, but just for a few people. It doesn't benefit everyone, but just a few people.
That's not maximizing freedom and not minimizing damage.
My opinions come from basic principles that I apply consistently, that's why
I come to these conclusions.
There wouldn't be od's by fentanyl if it was not available to everyone like milky way candy bars as it is now.
Prohibition could have worked given time and more-better enforcement and education on the negative effects of the stuff.
This will explain the point I am trying to make about your idea of freedom to make bad choices
" Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths where drivers tested positive for marijuana increased 138% while all Colorado traffic deaths increased 29%.
Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana more than doubled from 55 in 2013 to 131 people killed in 2020.
Since recreational marijuana was legalized, the percentage of all Colorado traffic deaths involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana increased from 11% in 2013 to 20% in 2020."
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Peoples freedom to use increased the death rate in car wrecks alone by 138%. Innocent people died so the guilty could enjoy their freedom to get high. those that died, had no choice, good or bad, they were sentenced to death by simply trying to move along with their day.
you are educated, you explain to me how the deaths by pot, liquor and such are so justifiable so people can be "free"
Better yet, explain it to me as if I had lost a loved 1 in a accident due to a pot head running a stop sign.
Like all crimes, they cause suffering and death.
It's not the pot or alcohol causing the damage, death, suffering or crime,
it's the people abusing it.
If your argument is to take away the tool of the crime (alcohol/cannabis)
than that is the same for gun violence, for which the tool is a gun.
Legalizing AR-15's is the same as legalizing crack; the most dangerous 'tools'.
I'm not saying take away the guns, I say regulate them,
just like I say for alcohol and cannabis. That's CONSISTENT!
Fentanyl is only available to everyone, because of the illegal supply.
People who need Fentanyl for serious pain should be assisted appropriately.
It's the inadequacy of the healthcare system that caused people to get addicted and turn to the illegal supply. They should have been supplied Fentanyl legally, as long as they needed it. It's just another example of RESTRICTING legal access turning into the problem, not the legal access itself.
Driving under the influence of cannabis is just as illegal as drunk driving, or should be. Testing positive for marijuana is not the same as being under the influence of cannabis. Those tests are positive days after the use of cannabis, while the effects that reduce driving ability wear off in at maximum an hour.
“The odds of being involved in a motor vehicle crash when driving 'stoned'
are approximately double those of sober driving, but significantly less than
the 10 to 15 times increase when driving with a blood alcohol concentration
of approximately 0.1,”
Death by overdose is insignificant for cannabis. In any case, that's people's own responsibility. You allow people to have guns too, while guns suicide is over half of your yearly gun deaths. That's 73 people dying by gun suicide every day, nearly 27,000 deaths in 2023.
Was the pot head who caused the death of your loved one punished more severely, for driving under the influence of cannabis, on top of for running
a stop sign?
That's what it means to regulate. The driver caused the accident, not the cannabis. The cannabis is not the danger, but it turns a car into a danger.
Which means cannabis abusers should get their driver's license revoked.
This is no different from alcohol abusers. Get caught driving drunk, you get
your driver's license revoked.
The bad choice that should be allowed is drinking alcohol and using cannabis. The bad choice to drive under the influence is not, and should not be, allowed.
However, drinking alcohol is ALWAYS a bad choice, because it is accepting poison for pleasure. In many cases, the use of cannabis is not a bad choice, because it treats many health issues very effectively.
That makes the justification for prohibiting alcohol stronger than the justification for prohibiting cannabis. I think both should be legal, because the freedom to use it doesn't case the damage. It's the abuse that causes the damage and that is already illegal. You are not considering the damage of prohibiting alcohol and/or cannabis. In both cases the prohibition causes crime and people going to prison for using alcohol and/or cannabis, which is not doing damage to others, by itself. Only acts that damage other people should be illegal, damaging yourself is your own responsibility.
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