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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 03:10  other posts
Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 08,May,24 00:14 other posts 
How is that NY court looking now Ananas2xLekker?

A fucking clown show.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,May,24 10:50 other posts 
Actually, I haven't heard about his business fraud case in a while. Last I heard, they accepted his $175 million bond, so he could appeal the court order, without his assets being forfeited. They should never have accepted that $175 million bond, because it violated all kinds of rules. The prosecutors were working on that, but I haven't heard any more. Everyone is now focusing on the election interference case, with Stormy Daniels.

Meanwhile Trump is begging for money from anyone, to pay for his legal fees and fines. That is making him a big target for quid pro quo. You think Don Hankey is giving Trump $175 million, just because he likes him? He knows Trump never pays his debts, so he is getting something else for it. That alone should be a reason to ban Trump from running for office.

If you don't want a clown show, you shouldn't support a clown.
In fact, you lot voted for a clown INTENTIONALLY, to "shake things up".
This is the result, if you do such a thing; a fucking clown show. Happy now?
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,24 21:23 other posts 
We don't want a clown show from anyone, but we sure as hell don't want anymore of biden. Trump is the only feasible choice at this point.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,May,24 09:53 other posts 
I know you think that, but it's just sad that you can consider Trump better than literally anyone. He is both the worst and most criminal president your country ever had.

When I ask you to explain why Trump is better, you come with nonsense about the economy (which was much worse after Trump and is doing pretty good now) and legitimate concerns over his mental health, which would be a good point if Trump was not the alternative, because Trump is suffering even worse mental health issues and he is ABSOLUTELY DANGEROUSLY CRAZY.

Come up with a reason that I can agree are actually in line with your opinions,
in stead of reasons that are not in line with reality.
What do you think is so important, that makes you consider voting for a narcissistic, pathetically petty, treasonous, raping, fornicating, lying, dumb-as-dirt, mentally declining, wannabe dictator, who has no intention to give you anything you consider important, but only wants to run for president to pardon himself for all the crimes he committed and to extract more donations from his gullible followers and scrape every cent from the Republican party that is crumbling under his mismanagement?

By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 08,May,24 13:02 other posts 
[deleted image]

Registered democrat.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,May,24 06:53 other posts 
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Trump's Pecker Problems Persist
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,May,24 06:26 other posts 
While the National Enquirer killed negative publicity for Trump about him fucking porn-stars and models, they also posted whatever fake-news they could make up on Hillary.
This is all admitted to in court by David Pecker, owner of the National Enquirer, calling it "checkbook journalism".

But, sure the liberal media is 'fake news'.

By tecsan [Ignore] 07,May,24 00:50 other posts 
Just wondering if the story is true about biden shitting his pants on national tv?

By White_Mamba [Ignore] 04,May,24 21:51 other posts 
Here is an explanation on truth. An analysis of the true nature of the political rational based on the left's struggle for power. They can't win at the ballot box and they know they are being watched for cheating. The violence and protests of promoting violence towards Israel and Jews world wide.

Racism is the ace under the table term using to attempt im maintaining political power. The ace under the table of racist. zionist, genocide has been used since the turn of the 19th 20th century. You want to know the truth? Here it is.

Ananas2xLekker, CAT just like the numberous anti-israel-Jews that infest this site are fakes, liars and bastards propagating nazism and hatred for the Jews in this domaign.

Here is the Truth. only registered users can see external links

By White_Mamba [Ignore] 04,May,24 13:41 other posts 
only registered users can see external links Ananas2xLekker is a lying piece of shit no good mother fucking liar fucktard nazi. Be careful of this garbage.

By phart [Ignore] 04,May,24 08:44 other posts 
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By White_Mamba [Ignore] 03,May,24 17:44 other posts 
only registered users can see external links UPdates on Jewish war with radical islam of iran.

By White_Mamba [Ignore] 03,May,24 13:36 other posts 
Biden's margin of loss contues to distance. Barring cheating which I think he will try getting illegal aliens to vote it appears to be less concerning. If you can watch thoroughly of them counting multiple segments of the same vote or the same illegal vote with decertifying the election with cheating if they do cheat I don't see a path of victory for Biden.

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Apr,24 10:09 other posts 
A wise man once said: "Wealth should represent greater access to luxury,
not greater access to necessity."
By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,24 16:22 other posts 
Um, not really getting what that means?
Wealth should represent greater access to what ever the earner has interest in, necessity or luxury.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 07:52 other posts 
Society has evolved far enough to provide the necessities to everyone,
if we only share the resources a bit more equally.
We can do that, so we should do that.

I value that opinion of the basis of human rights.
On what value do you base your opinion?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 14:05 other posts 
Who granted humans these "rights"?
Where are they written?
If you want more than air and water, you need to be productive.
That is why democrats and atheist hate religion so much.
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"" For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you,
nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you.""
NOT BE A BURDEN TO YOU< wow what a concept.take care of 1's own needs!

Straight up, I get so sick of people thinking those that bust their ass's every day,pay taxes, and take care of their family's ,should give up even more than they already do for some no good ,no working sumbitch that has 42 baby moma's running around.

The motivation behind getting educated and working hard is to have more than you need and not to ever have to worry about anything money and labor can acquire.
why liberals think that is a terriable shape to be in I don't know.but they do everything they can to bring down the wealthy.

teach the poor to work, teach the poor to do for themselves. once that is done, there will only be a few that can't help them selves. Then, the folks that have extra will give willingly, volunteer ally, to help them.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 16:24 other posts 
You are born with them, because you are human, just like me.
They are written down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights
of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace
in the world"

I am so sick of people who think everyone should bust their ass's every day just to survive, while other people sit on their ass, taking millions per day for just owning everything, because stupid people gifted them control over all the money.

End poverty, end the ridiculous system of exploitation to serve the wealthy, change the horrible culture of worshiping money and mindless consumerism, and reserve the time we are spending on this earth for providing everyone with the necessities of life, creating actual value for the progress of humanity and the preservation of nature, instead of producing harmful, waste creating crap, with the only reason to further enrich people, who have more than they can ever use and only spend in the pursuit
of even more for themselves. They are sick of greed and they need to be cured.

Lets be free of these tyrants, who steal our lives and our freedom.
Power to the people!
By phart [Ignore] 23,Apr,24 18:04 other posts 
When you take away the incentive to excel, as in become wealthy or become higher educated, you are making yourself dependent on everyone else around you, as you will never have everything you need without someone else having to provide.

We are always that way to a extent,we don't have a oil well or a way to make cloth for clothes,etc.
But the system you propose ,making everything and everyone equal, would be a population of bored, depressed drones. not just part of them as we have now, but all of them.

Can't you see past the "idea" of wealth and greed being 1? It's not.

Strange, this document was written in 1948 just about the time Israel came about ,but yet you don't think Israel is real and shouldn't be there but this document is of greatest creditability?? Really?
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Not arguing that it is wrong ok? BUT,

Who are those people that wrote it? Why do you or anyone else give them more creditability than anyone else?
Just wanting to know how you feel comfortable letting them decide how you are treated and can expect to live?
Could it be because you agree with what they wrote?
What if you didn't agree with part of it?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Apr,24 07:50 other posts 
Providing people the necessities to live is NOT taking away the incentive to excel! It's providing the exact opposite; it's taking away the stress to survive, so people have all their attention on developing themselves and humanity.

Stop thinking that everyone is lazy and bad.
Given the opportunity, most people are awesome.
The people who are not, will never excel anyway.
Even if you threaten their livelihoods, the most they will ever achieve is survival.

Also stop thinking that I want to provide others with what they need,
I just want anyone who contributes to EARN all the necessities to live.

I'm also not talking about making everything and everyone equal, read my first comment. I propose a system in which the people have DEMOCRATIC power over public capital, to invest in opportunities to improve the lives of everyone, instead of letting a tiny group of elites, born with a silver spoon in their mouth, control all the money in a DICTATORSHIP, to serve only themselves.

Because EVERYONE thinks that skills and effort should be rewarded, we will do so with that DEMOCRATIC power over public capital. No one would vote to give everyone the exact same income. You certainly wouldn't and I wouldn't either.
That's still a million times different than the inequality of the current system.

Why is this so hard to understand? You keep misrepresenting my ideas.

Why do you believe that normal people deserve at maximum the necessities to live, while you think a few wealthy people deserve to live in ridiculous abundance?
It really sounds like you think those people are gods. Sorry, they are not, they are very flawed human beings. They have some skills, but at least 95% of them had wealthy parents and the rest had a shitload of luck. They are no more exceptional than the people who took a risk and failed, they were just in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. Often after their success, they get a brain-worm thinking they are awesome, and their brain turns into mush. That doesn't matter, because once they are wealthy, your stupid culture of worshiping the wealthy, protects them from failure, even if they try their hardest.

Who wrote your opinion then? And why is that credible?
Can't you just look at the world, and see it's flawed as fuck?
And you then think treating people with respect for their humanity is bad?
I think every problem in the world is caused by lack of that respect.
Why don't you agree with that?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Apr,24 11:09 other posts 
Of course there is lack of respect .Few people do anything to earn it.
You still didn't tell me why the people that wrote that "rights" bill in 1948 were creditable. You are treating them as Gods because you are bowing to their ideas.

If you are wanting people to earn their way, then I apologize for thinking otherwise.
Excelling is not working inside the box. you have to try to be more,
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Apr,24 08:15 other posts 
The only conclusion I can make, from everything you are saying is that you think too many people are happy.

You are living in a country, where most people are living paycheck to paycheck and you think: "That's not right, they should be working harder, to even survive.".

I understand why you hate my ideas now:
I'm a guy, who 'works' (sorry, even with the quotation marks, I cannot help but laugh, about the idea that what I'm doing is working) only 40 hours a week (while being distracted for about half my time) and my supervisor is satisfied with the things I'm delivering. I'm home alone, because my girlfriend is at her mother to help around a bit and celebrate kings-day together. I though, that's a good time to take two days off. At work, I'm waiting for other people doing their part, I can fill my time, but I have lots of days left, so lets have some me-time. I have some work around the house, so that two days off gives me more time in the weekend. I'm gonna do a lot of gaming. Normally, I have a few hours now and then, but now I can make working-day hours on it. Still, enough time to waste even more. I literally spend several hours downloading porn and jerking off to it. How more useless can I get? Well, I'm doing it now. And yesterday, for my hard work ( ), my wage was transferred. I had several hundred Euros (= 1.07 $) left from last month, on several accounts, so I kept at least € 500,- as a buffer and throwing around money, on my own account, dropped the rest in the fixed charges account and dropped € 1000 in the savings account. There's now € 6000 in the quick savings account, collecting almost no interest, but I like having some money for easy access. When it's getting ridiculous, I'll think about if I want to throw it in the slow savings account, in the stock account or pay off some more of our mortgage. My girlfriend got her wage too, but she said she wanted new shoes, so I advised her too keep a few hundred throwing around money too, because were fine on the fixed charges account. I'll throw the rest in the quick savings account too. Later today, I'll continue a job still waiting for me; I have to do my tax returns. It took a while this year, because we had thousands of Euros in medical expenses. Our insurances don't pay for everything. There are insurances who do, but those are not worth their money. If you have money laying around, you're cheaper off paying those costs yourself, when needed. Now I have to calculate the exact costs we had, which is easy, but also all the traveling costs, which is more difficult. So, alright, my government wants to reimburse part of those costs, so I will spend some hours calculating. I think I earn my money easier by 'working' for my employer.

When I wrote that, I though: "Yeah, I'm hating me too, right now.".

I'm excelling at maximizing my working hours into results.
I could do more, but I don't want to. I spend my time at work on the things that motivate me, things that I consider to be good for my colleagues and the patients who use our products. Then I'm working with more energy and my brain at full capacity to think of the right improvements. When I'm doing less interesting stuff, it is at less than half my energy and less than half my brain capacity. It's getting done well, but slowly. Meanwhile, I'm looking for possible improvements; What problems am I seeing in the data that I'm analyzing, what are the causes of those problems, how can I eliminate or reduce them? Then, I see an incident that could have been prevented. The operators just didn't know how to predict the problem. In my time as an operator, most of us had that knowledge, but high turnover erased a lot of experience. So, I discussed the solution with them, they didn't know about it, so we decided to make an instruction for it, in their procedures. I spend half a day at drawing a clear schematic, which they only need to train once to understand it. Every new employee will be trained in it, so I'll hope that eliminates or reduces recurrence of the incident. When I'm doing something like that, I'm energized and happy. It also reduces lots of expenses, because incidents are very expensive. Several people spend their time in correcting the damage and sometimes we are forced to throw away tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of Euros worth in product.
Sure, I could work harder, I could be more effective, but for what? The sector I'm in makes ridiculously high profits. Those profits are mostly going to the owners and/or large shareholders. They live in ridiculous luxury, while doing nothing useful. They have their board members to make sure the company is doing well, the CEO is making enough money for them and they have other people looking around what companies they can buy, for the billions they are taking from their other companies. They have no idea how to spend their billions, but people like you think they deserve to have those billions. Those people are not trying to be more or trying for society to be more, but they are the gods that you bow to.
But, you hate my idea, that I have a right to a nice life too.
You even hate my idea that you have a right to a nice life too.

I'm not living to work, I'm maximizing the time I spend in the capitalist system, TO LIVE. Because, I only have ONE LIFE. That capitalist system provides my means to live, but it's still affected by the useless owner class, exploiting everyone around me, only to own more.

You think that owner class is necessary, because they invest in the economy that we all rely on. Right? .... Are they? Why are they necessary? They are not investing their money, people who work for them are investing their money. They do make the final decision what to invest in; "Do I invest in oil, cluster bombs, cigarettes, fast-food chains, natural resources, payday-loans, medicines, rockets to go to Mars, more lobbyists who help me keep my PFAS factory and my ability to dump toxic waste in the rivers, or is it smarter to invest in solar panels, electric cars, wind turbines and innovation? How can I make the most money now and long-term?".

What I say is: "I don't like those people deciding that, I prefer democracy.".
Why should a few wealthy people have all the money, that everyone else creates with their labor? Why should they have the choices on how to spend it?
We, as a people, are creating that money, so I want society to have PUBLIC capital and democratic control over how to spend that public capital, by means of elected representatives supporting and voicing an opinion on how to spend OUR money, and then keeping their promises when we elect them.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Apr,24 14:42 other posts 
I have had a terriable day so far dealing with a minor emergency with my dad but the quick observation of what you have wrote is, why aren't you going out and giving your extra money to house the homeless, or feed the stray cats? Why are you expecting the owner class, the 1's making your comfy lifestyle possible, to do all the giving? your mindset is you or me or them not having any more than anyone else.
Now suddenly you are bragging about how comfy you live being frankly quite lazy.
No wonder you can think the way you do, you don't do any real work.
Trust me, I would love to see you do the job I did every day for a couple years, you probably wouldn't last a week.
it was WORK and brains both.

No ill well intended, please forgive,just having a rough probably being a bit to blunt
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Apr,24 19:27 other posts 
Sorry to hear about your dad, I hope he's fine now.

I have no idea how you can summarize what I'm saying with "why aren't you going out and giving your extra money to house the homeless".

I'm lucky to be able to use this capitalist system to my benefit. Too many people are not. Funny how you accuse me of being lazy, for doing not a lot and still having a comfy lifestyle. Why don't you care about the owner class doing absolutely nothing and living like gods? They don't even know what real work is. I have worked a demanding job for 10 years in shifts. I was making a product. Is that a 'real job'? I just developed my knowledge and skills, so I could work from a desk. I'm not directly involved in making that product, but without people like me, that product could not be sold. That product wouldn't even exist in the first place, because people like me create the process to make it. At least I'm still doing things myself, instead of ordering people around. If I was doing that, then you would grovel for me, because those are businessmen, the class of the gods. Those are exactly the people who can go away for a year and no one notices; business goes on. One operator calling in sick is affecting operations more than all of upper management calling in sick. And they are so much easier to exchange too. Any manager can step in and do the job in a few weeks. An new operator requires at least six months of training before they can work independently. Half of my job takes about the same training time, but the other half of the job just requires experience. That's why most of my direct colleagues are former operators just like me. But, of course that's not a real job. I need to become really useless and become management, to deserve your respect.

I would challenge you to think about the goal of life.
What are all those hard working people actually achieving?

Productivity is higher now then ever before and still going up,
the GDP of mostly all developed countries has gone up and up and up,
but are more people benefiting from that?
There are people working full time who cannot make ends meet.
Especially the people doing those 'real jobs' are getting poorer.
But the wealth of the owner class is growing harder than ever before.
If we believe your ideas, then that would benefit everyone, but it doesn't.
There are even homeless people with jobs, sleeping in their car on the
parking-lot of the company they work for. Are they just lazy?
It's up to you to explain this, because the world is using your system.
Why do you keep supporting that system, when it so clearly doesn't work?

At least, it doesn't work for the majority of the people, I'm an exception.
Also, I'm living in The Netherlands, a less brutal capitalist country.
And I grew up when my country was much more socialist.
I had free healthcare, affordable education and affordable housing.
What my father had on lower education and I have on higher education,
most young people with even university cannot afford anymore.
Meanwhile we have more millionaires and billionaires than ever before.
And I have seen politics move from far left in my youth to far right now.
You tell me how you interpret all of that.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Apr,24 21:07 other posts 
A group of men build a bridge. They can stand back and see their accomplishments. They go to bed tired each night.

Another group of people punch numbers all day , get a check in the mail or direct deposit. how can they feel a sense of accomplisment? what are they tired from? walking from the bus stop? Where is the sense of accomplishment in a job well done when you did little?
As for the owners, they invest ,they take risk. their employees risk little and get paid the same unless something terrible happens and the company goes bust. The owers could loose millions in a weekend, the employees, would probably still go to work the next monday morning.
ALot of difference there, it all comes down the risk.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 16:48 other posts 
A feeling of accomplishment isn't limited to seeing something built with steel or concrete, with physical labor. I agree that punching numbers all day is not rewarding, but it's your lack of understanding that makes you think an office job is just punching numbers all day. Fortunately, those jobs are long replaced by computers. The office job I have now is much more rewarding than the hands-on job I had before. That job was rewarding by getting the tasks for the day done, but not more than that. I started doing little projects on the side, because my job wasn't rewarding enough. A good colleague helped me see that being an operator wasn't fulfilling for me any more and I needed to do those projects full-time. I started with an internship of a half year, extended that a few times and then transferred permanently to my current job.

You have the idea of the owner class that is applicable to the owners of at maximum one company or a few restaurants. I don't have much of a problem with them. Those are just the average rich people. I'm always talking about the WEALTHY people, who have many billions. They are beyond risk to themselves. They are too big to fail. When some of them fail, the government even bails them out.

Do you think that Elon Musk would be poor if X goes down the drain? Or that Jeff Bezos has to sell his houses, if Amazon somehow turned belly up? Of course not, their wealth is permanent. They could loose many billions in stock value, sure, but they have transferred so much of their profit into other securities, that they are set for life.
Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are the faces that we know. That's because they still do SOMETHING. We don't even know the real owner class. They just own big parts of many companies and only show up for some board meetings. They own your media and your politicians, and tell them to tell you those fantasies, that you are telling me. It's just propaganda for the wealthy.

Imagine it like this: if you bought 3 different stocks with all your savings, then you are risking something, because that's a gamble. People who own millions have many stocks and other securities. Their assets go up and down with the economy, but because it's diversified, they have much less risk than you.
The real owner class has thousands of times more than those millionaires, who already have low risks. Their assets are so widely spread, that buying a company, even a big one, is no risk at all. They don't even feel the pain of a crisis like Covid-19 anymore. They just scooped up all the stimulus relief packages and added billions to their capital. They bought lots of houses from people who couldn't afford their mortgage anymore. They win when the economy goes well and they win when the economy goes down.
They win, when you suffer. It's them who decided to raise all the prices of the products of the companies they own, and call it inflation. They made record profits, while people like you suffered for them. Stop sympathizing with those people, they don't deserve it. They already have everything and they took it very easily, because you think they are entitled to it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 19:26 other posts 
Why should society provide necessities to everyone people should work hard for the things they have no one ever handed me a damn thing and that is how it should be
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 06:58 other posts 
Why? Why not? Because we can! Because it improves everyone's life.
Because civilization has progressed enough to make that possible.
Because taking away the struggle to survive, changes people's perspective.
Instead of confusing on survival, people can focus on what is important.
Phart just asked: "how can they feel a sense of accomplishment?".
By doing things that actually accomplish positive things.
Most people are doing work, only to keep the cogs of capitalism turning.
They don't feel a sense of accomplishment, because they are only a cog in the machine. They are only making money for the wealthy, to get a small part of it for themselves. They are working to screw other people out of their money, or they are making harmful products, or they are polluting nature, etc.
You are only telling me "people should work hard for the things they have", because that's what they told you all your life. They told you that, so all that hard work, for just surviving, makes trillions of dollars for the wealthy.
Everyone IS working hard, except for the people who have the most.

I'm not working hard, but people who work with their brain never worked hard. People who had my sort of job, when I was young, were working less hours for more money. You just don't know about them, because they didn't live in your neighborhood.
Not in my neighborhood either, but I went to school with their children. I played at their homes sometimes. Those houses now cost at least $1,000,000. Phart seems to think that my income is exceptionally high, for someone who just sits behind a desk, but people like me were living in villas and driving Jaguars, when I was young.
And they had a stay-at-home wife and several children. My girlfriend works.
I didn't want to put children in this decaying civilization.

You are wrong about no one ever handing you a damn thing. You grew up in an America where your taxes still paid for a good education, where the wage of a father working at the post office or a factory could house and feed his whole family.
Why do you thing the slogan 'MAGA' caught on? Because you all know you are getting screwed. That America was treating workers better when you grew up.
That's why you want to Make America Great AGAIN. It refers back to the time that a simple worker could actually survive on his wage.
Did they not work hard? Sure they did, but people are still working hard.
Now a job at the post office or a factory doesn't pay enough to survive on.
Am I wrong there? Aks yourself what your father did for a living.
Are people who do that job now, or something similar, supporting a family?

My father was a mechanic and my mother worked one day a week at a pharmacy.
I grew up in a terraced house with three floors that is now worth at least $500,000.
We always had a car and we went on vacations every year. I was able to get a higher education, with about $25,000 student loan. My father retired at age 62. He's 80 now.
You show me a mechanic living like that today.

Stop thinking that socialists like me want to 'hand you' a damn thing. Fuck no!
I want people to work too. I just want that work to MATTER.
I want everyone to do USEFUL jobs, that provide society with what people need and what improves society, in the most efficient way to provide those things. I want people to be rewarded for doing a job, not just survive on it. And I want people to have a LIFE besides working. They should have time for themselves, to enjoy life, to spend time with people they love and to be a parent. Parenting is important. When both parents are working full-time, just to survive, they are not parenting. That's creating all your criminals.

Give me reasons, when you say "that is how it should be".
The problem is that you never think why is should be like that.
Or do you think that no one should ever have it better than you?
Then understand that it's better for you too, when everyone is doing well.
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to live in a world with happy people.
It's a better world to live in, than one where everyone is struggling to survive.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 12:23 other posts 
Your system has everyone being a cog in the wheel as well, just less control over their own destiny because they are fully dependent on everyone around them.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 08:30 other posts 
That's just a lazy flip. First of all, are you referring to the type of socialism that I support, to the socialism in the way your misrepresent it or to the current system of my country, which is one of the most capitalist systems in Europe?

'A cog in the machine' is a term for a member of a large organization whose job, although necessary, makes them feel as if they are not important. The question is then; when do people feel that they are not important? I would say, when you are disrespected for the work that you do, when you can get fired and replaced on a whim, when you have no control over who is in charge of your organization, when you have no control over how your organization acts in the world, when what you do doesn't provide anything of use to society and when you don't get rewarded for what you do.

In capitalism, most people work for an organization that is controlled by one or a few authoritarians at the top, the owner or board of directors of the company. Everyone under that leadership does exactly what that leadership wants. Even if most employees hate that leadership, some of their decisions or the general behavior of the company towards employees, customers or the responsibilities towards humanity, the only thing employees can do is leave. There is no democracy in capitalist companies, because the control is with its owners. In most democratic capitalist systems, democracy ends, as soon as you enter your workplace, which is effectively the most important community you are engaging in. People spend most of that time in that community and that community supports their survival and determines their living standard. It controls people's lives in almost every way, but it is almost completely out of their own control. In the American version of capitalism, those owners of big companies even control democracy itself. Many studies show that the preferences and demands of American voters play an almost insignificant role in the actions of the politicians, when comparing it with the preferences and demands of the donors to the politicians. Both parties basically do what their donors ask them to do. Voters either like it or vote for another candidate. However, the candidates who are preferred by the parties get so much more money and media attention, by the media that is taking money from the same donors, that American politics cannot be called a democracy anymore. That makes Americans a cog in the machine of the economy and its political system.

I support a system of complete democracy; not just rooting out all corruption, by eliminating campaign funding for companies, kicking out all lobbyists and reorganizing the funding of the media to make them independent again, but by democratizing most of the economy and investments. No longer will a few very wealthy people own the system of production and no longer do they control politics with legalized bribes and by sending an army of paid representatives to argue for their interests. Companies should be owned by the people and the employees. Private investments are still allowed, and will give a good return on investment, but it will be a temporary loan, like a mortgage. Ownership of a company will not be permanent, because everyone who provides labor for the company will acquire ownership of the company, in the form of stocks. An investor who doesn't also provide labor for the company will slowly lose all stock, lose all ownership and lose all access to the profits. Employees will acquire stock, for their retirement. That stock also provides them with voting rights. That stock also depreciates over a long time during retirement, because active employees are acquiring stock. However, all people also acquire government stock, and that will constantly increase in value, because public capital is the main investment in most companies. The profits of those companies then mainly flows back into the public capital. That ownership is also not permanent. A company that exists for a long time, in the end is only owned by employees, people who provide labor. Still, all profit is taxed, because the public capital provides infrastructure, education, healthcare and other necessities for its employees and its continued operation.
The public capital is organized by elected representatives, shaping the publicly owned economy on principles established in party programs and leadership mandates. There actions should be very transparent and voters have an incentive to keep them in check, because they control their personal investments. Companies are also managed by elected representatives, shaping the employee owned / publicly owned company on principles established in leadership mandates. Managers who do wel for their employees get reelected. However, since the company is also publicly owned, the government representatives have voting power in the companies. Transparently reported to their voters of course. They should however also do well for the whole community, to get more investments from the public capital, to grow.
In this way, companies are owned and controlled by everyone, and not just a few wealthy people. People therefore are responsible for the success of the company the work for and the success of the whole economy. They are also responsible for deciding between short term gain or long term success, between profit and pollution, health or money. Instead of wealthy people and politicians controlling their life, they have full democratic control over everything that is important to their lives.

Every individual is a cog in the machine of civilization. In capitalism, you are a cog in the machine for enriching a few people with money and power, who control you. In the system I support, you have shared money and power. That makes you less of a cog in the machine and more part of the community.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 11:19 other posts 
Gee, your idea of stocks, it has been in place for decades, you work, you invest part of your wages into stocks and you use the dividends for retirement income. those big companys you hate have been doing that for decades.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 10:59 other posts 
If you read my ideas better, the plan is that employees just get them, not that they have to buy them. The plan is that everyone gets an equal share per hour, from the cleaner to the most important strategy specialist. That's the base though, on top is a wage that is dependent on the value people bring to the company. There's still a big difference there, because people's wages would be democratically decided and not by the few on top giving themselves what they thing they deserve.

I also propose differences with the stocks you know. The term 'stock' or 'share' just means a part of ownership and right to a part of the profit. I propose that those stocks are not tradable. Then they don't have a value, they just represent ownership and rights to profit and voting.

I don't hate companies, I dislike the system and I prefer a better system.
What I'm proposing is my optimal goal for a better system. I realise that this is unobtainable right now. It will probably not happen in my lifetime. Still, your type
of capitalism is heading to a cliff. There are many ways to improve it and make
my optimal goal unnecessary. Capitalism can work well, if combined with social benefits, progressive taxation and real democracy. It has worked well before,
you just fucked it up. It will either destroy itself or it will destroy humanity.
I'm thinking for better solutions, for when it destroys itself. If it destroys humanity, there are no second chances.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 11:52 other posts 
Well, help me out, what is the difference in getting 25 dollars a hour and the company matching what you spend to buy stock in the company as opposed to you getting 20 dollars and a hour and being given the shares outright?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 15:56 other posts 
That's not the idea. The idea is that ALL of the profit of the company goes to the employees and back into the public capital. That's the profit after people
got paid, of course.

Another difference is that the price of the products the companies make is also determined by democracy. A company that makes vital products, like medicines, would not be allowed to make as much profits as they are making now.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,24 17:30 other posts 
then how do you propose earning raises? How do you propose trimming budgets to make more money? business is in bussiness to make money, the product is secondary.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,May,24 10:52 other posts 

"business is in bussiness to make money, the product is secondary."
In capitalism, exactly! That's the whole problem. That's why the world
is turning to shit, because money is all that people care about.

Money should only be a tool, to make life better, not the goal by itself.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Apr,24 21:30 other posts 
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an advertisement,but just mentions a couple good points

“Whatever abilities you have can't be taken away from you,” says Buffett, “The best investment by far is anything that develops yourself, and it's not taxed at all.”
That's coming from a rich guy. Does that sound like the villain you try to make rich people out to be?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Apr,24 10:08 other posts 
OMG, he gives you some basic advise, so he deserves all his money and power?

Do you think I need that advise? Investing in my development is how I got where I am.
You think 'hard work' will get you anywhere, but that's for rubes. You got to wise up and hack the system, like I did. Be efficient in creating added value. Employers like that.
Working hard will just provide them turnover. It's just as valuable to them as the wage they are paying, which is the minimum that they can get away with. Even if you learn how to do the job 2 times better than everyone else, your still adding only a fraction of their turnover. I'm trying to make everyone else 2 times better, while I'm sitting on my ass. That's adding value. Learning how to add value is the best skill to develop.

By the way, they tell you to invest in your own development, and then that website
is full of links to 'investment opportunities', to 'master the markets'.
If you want to make money, you need to learn the skills to make money.
That's not trusting some company of some wealthy person to make money for you.
That's not how you get rich, that's how people like Warren Buffet get rich, FROM YOU!!! That's how they get the rubes to make them rich. So why do I even need to trust the story on that site?

You don't need them, to make money by investing, you only need a cheap stock account, save some money to invest and then use some freely available information, to buy some stocks when they are at a low point and all the big finance specialists give them a buy advise. You can even follow Warren Buffett's example. Not that he's always right, but just because everyone thinks he always right, those stocks will do well just because everyone buys them.

I never said all of them were evil monsters, I am trying you to understand that they are not a million times better people than the rest of us, so they don't deserve to have a million times more money and power.

Sure, Warren Buffet is not the worst human being who has that kind of money.
He thinks the rest of us deserve some money, happiness and freedom too.
He is even OK, with a bit more taxes for the rich, to help poor people.
He's even doing some charity and supporting liberalism towards politicians.
Maybe that's because he is a LONG TERM investor and he understands that people who have money, happiness and freedom are better consumers, who keep the economy going, so his investments will do better.
He's not a villain, but he definitely uses his power to protect his wealth and keep the system of inequality alive.

There are still lots of rich people who are villains, in my opinion;
they go on your right-wing media to tell people that wages are too high and poor people are selfish, that people don't deserve retirement, but should work until they die, that climate change is a lie and that regulations against pollution are bad for innovation, that fraud is acceptable because they all do it, that the Covid pandemic should have been allowed to wash over the “human capital” to root out the old and weak ones who just cost him money, who cry on TV over just the idea that he should pay some more taxes, who are funding your worst politicians and your worst media, to keep indoctrinating you with this bullshit, that serves them and only hurts you.
Those people are villains, because they are not interested in the long term optimization of the capitalist system, they are only interested in making as much money in the shortest amount of time, by maximizing exploitation of their employees, politics, humanity and nature. They are often old as Methuselah, are not even able to enjoy their money, but they are stuck in a spiral of greed that they can neither end or enjoy. That whole idea that their power comes with accountability to other people sickens them. They believe that they are entitled to everything they take and everyone they take from deserves their contempt. You worship them like gods, while they would not even piss on you when you are on fire. You are nothing to those people. Have you not listened to them? Actually, I know you have, because you are parroting what they say to me.
You think they are talking about the other people, but they disrespect you the most,
for believing their stupid act.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Apr,24 05:53 other posts 
Oh come on, is Trump_Supporter_# kicked again?
He's now showing as #712828.
He didn't even say goodbye.

By #712828 13,Apr,24 19:07
"12 score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

"Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

"But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Apr,24 03:18 other posts 
Why does anyone support and vote for idiot biden?

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Apr,24 06:14 other posts 
Congratulations, the Tennessee Senate passed a bill allowing teachers to carry guns.

When some lunatic is walking around in a school with an assault rifle, killing children,
now a teacher is allowed to protect the children with their handgun, while dozens of police officers with bullet proof vests and assault rifles, stand outside to keep the concerned parents at bay. What a great day for America!

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By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Apr,24 07:18 other posts 
I think everyone should carry a handgun i wear them proudly like jewelry sometimes i carry a different one each day of the week and sometimes i carry 2 one in my shoulder holster and one in my boot 🥾 that’s what is great about America 🇺🇸 we have freedom of choice
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Apr,24 08:53 other posts 
They should? It's a right, I agree you have that right, but it's not an obligation.

Consider the results, when all teachers carry guns.
1) Some lunatic is coming to a school in full riot-gear and assault-rifles modified to
full-auto, because he expects some resistance from teachers with handguns.
Not even the first 15 cops can stop him and he kills 150 children, teachers and cops,
before he finally gets taken out by riot police, teaming up and spraying 300 bullets through the window of the last classroom with kids, killing 23 children with him.
2) Some student accidentally blows up a flask, creating a loud bang in a physics-class. Teachers think it is a school-shooter, take out their gun and go investigate the noise. They meet another teacher with a gun in the hallway. It's stressed out Mr. Wong,
who gets so much crap from the students that they fear he might kill one some day.
They asked him to let his gun at home, but he's too scared and it's still his right.
So, Mr. Burr shoots him on sight. That is seen by 'crazy' (anger issues) Mrs. Willis,
who now thinks that Mr. Burr is the school shooter. She empties her whole clip in him.
She got him with the second bullet, but all the others go right through the thin,
cheap wall, used a lot in school buildings, killing 3 children in the classroom behind.
I can go on, but I think I made my point.

Teachers have a hard job, the classes are too large, with students who grow up
on the streets because both their parents need to work way too many hours to get by, but you want to put a gun in their hands to protect their students, while most of them don't want it. That leaves the ones who do want to bring a gun to school, for some reason. Unless all teachers agree to disregard this incredibly stupid idea, I expect it won't take long before it claims it's first victims.

This is the only freedom of choice you have or support. Don't kid yourself.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Apr,24 07:15 other posts 
Supreme Court picks up the pace, tells Jack Smith to respond in 7 days
to Trump's request for stay
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By #712828 11,Apr,24 01:54
At first, President Joe Biden was in jeopardy of not being on the Ohio 2024 presidential election ballot – now he might not be on the Alabama ballot as well. According to Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen, Biden’s campaign team will miss the deadline for certifying the President as the Democratic nominee for 2024. The Sekulow team discusses the possibility of Biden being off the Alabama ballot.
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Apr,24 02:14 other posts 
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He’ll make it happen.

By #712828 09,Apr,24 23:15
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The hand. the mind and the heart when in unity creates perfect harmony. Such as the United States of America and its constitution. United States of America, what a beautiful idea. When in unity it too creates beautiful harmony. One Nation Under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Perfect. I'm humbled.

A message from God through the sound heart of Arnold Schwarzenegger, an Austrian as a boy whose father was a nazi.

With love. Thank you Arnold. We love you.

By #712828 01,Apr,24 03:30
Trump is winning so they hired some juvenile shoot up a strip mall in Indianapolis then blame it on gun violence to take away normal people's guns.
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Apr,24 04:14 other posts 
Of course they did there are more conspiracies go on in our government than i care to think of all of them against the people that pay them just ask Jessie Ventura if they didn’t off him yet
By #712828 01,Apr,24 05:35
If these are the arguments of your side, to convince people to vote for Trump, Biden will coast to victory, because only a minority of fringe idiots like you believe that shit.
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Apr,24 06:26 other posts 
Well Dutch boy if we wanted your opinion we would have squeezed your head until it oozed out your ears
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Apr,24 08:03 other posts 
It's not my opinion you should worry about, I don't get to vote in your country.
You have to consider whether those arguments convince anyone else,
besides the people who already will vote for Trump.

Unless you don't care about Trump winning, because you expect him to try to steal the election again. Then you should only care about keeping the cult alive and strong,
so you lot can again pretend that he won and try to succeed in the next insurrection.
By #712828 01,Apr,24 10:35
You have'nt looked at the polls.--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutesDonald trump is projected to get 315 electral votes because joe biden's approval rating is 35% BY CNN. NO INCUMBANT PRESIDENT HAS EVER BEEN RE-ELECTED WITH UNDER 50% APPROVAL..YOU FUCKING IDIOT. WORY ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY. YOU'RE ABOUT TO BRING BACK DUNGEONS.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Apr,24 08:15 other posts 
No incumbent president has ever ran against Trump,
a candidate who tried to steal an election and is found liable
of sexual assault and fraud and is still facing 91 other felony counts.

I'm not saying that I trust the American people to make the right choice,
but if your stupid arguments are all you have to convince other voters,
then I feel confident that you'll lose, because only a tiny minority is THAT stupid.

I am worrying about my own country and the world; Trump getting another chance to destroy your democracy, ending NATO, allowing Putin to easily conquer Ukraine,
allowing Netanyahu to murder every last Palestinian and ignoring climate change,
is an evil that will affect everyone on this already suffering world.

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