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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 16:18 other posts 
Have you ever noticed and possibly wondered why so many profiles that indicate that they are "straight" males will only befriend other men? Yet the profiles of the members that indicate they are "gay" will befriend both male and female. Why is that?
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 21:35 other posts 
My guess? People are weird. Just that simple.
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 22:18 other posts 
One group is being honest and one is not.
By Cox4you [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 22:16 other posts 
its odd but maybe some guys feel it's easier to talk about certain issues with another male perhaps. Idk.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 23:19 other posts 
Maybe so. Being a guy, what do you think the "straight" guy conversation is about? Do you think it's the typical, "does my butt look too big in these trousers?" kind of stuff???
By #517356 10,Sep,17 03:02
Im not 100% positive ive had a straight guy pm me yet! Had plenty that clearly arent, they start out discussing pictures of women and eventually end up asking about me and what i'm ' up to ' . I usually politely point out i am straight and then they disappear. I guess for them to even approach a profile that says straight then they must have had some success!
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 08:24 other posts 
Yeah, it seems like they've had enough success to be surprised when a guy with a page that says "straight" really is... After all, they're bisexual and their page says straight, why wouldn't there be a good chance of it with any other guy whose page says that?

It's one of many reasons why there's so many pictures of tits on my page and so few dick pics... It's had a major effect on the kind of guys that PM me. Sometimes they're bi, but it seems understood now that I'm usually not all that interested in talking to guys I don't know about anything besides tits.

I'm pretty sure the truth is, most of the non-straight guys that have "straight" on their page are either in denial of being bisexual (saying that oral sex doesn't count, or whatever else), or they're confused about the difference between sexual preference and romantic preference. Being bisexual doesn't mean that you'd be interested in a lasting romantic relationship with either sex. But some guys think that if they'd only want that with a woman, it means they're straight.
By #529463 11,Sep,17 11:43
Post deleted wrong post replied to
By Cox4you [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 13:31 other posts 
never had any guys ask that about jeans etc. most are curious. Example. An uncircumcised male will ask things about being circumcised.

I think if boundaries are respected and it's known what each members profile clearly states Their sexual identity. I don't see why a straight man cannot be friends with a bisexual or gay male.

With that all said. It is hard to find many women on this site that will truly engage in too many conversations.

They are out there it just seems the men are more open in talking about pics. Their bits. Stories of sexual encounters etc.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 15:04 other posts 
My straight conversation with guys have been mostly about our experiences with our uncut cocks. (Yes, most of the "straight" men want to know about my uncut cock since as a **** and in high school it was a rare sight).

I've had a few guys who claim they are straight say they wanted to chat about their sexuality, I guess being "curious". I tell them I am straight and have no interest in cocks. They seem to go away after that.

There was one guy on here a couple of years ago, who, as far as I could tell was really sincere about his sexuality. He told me he was a closet gay man, married with kids, and wanted desperately to talk to men. He never wanted anything but to talk to me about how he was feeling, his desire for men. He really only wanted to talk. I did spend time chatting with him over several weeks and then he disappeared.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 18:18 other posts 
You are a good guy, veryshyguy!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 20:01 other posts 
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 06:23 other posts 
That is strange. I am a straight male and I am aware that a lot of guys on here are either gay or bi but I have no problem accepting them as friends. Some of the straight guys I do wonder about though.

I have always endeavoured to 'meet' female members and have always taken the opportunity to befriend them when the opportunity arose. That is not as easy as it sounds as with so many men and so few women it can be hard to get noticed.

I have occasionally come close to being been misled by a fake female. We know there are many 'fakes' on here, maybe some guys just steer clear to avoid that.

A final thought, I have spoken to many guys who say they are straight but who do have a really inordinate interest in dicks. Maybe there is a lot of self denial, and that is the basic truth here.
By #517356 10,Sep,17 07:59
Totally agree with all you've said, I too try and make friends with the ladies when the time arises, but as you say , amongst the plethora of males on here and the lack of ladies ( even more so the ones that dont even acknowledge you ) then it is very hard! I dont get fakes .. meaning i just don't understand what they are trying to do and again i have no issues with being friends with males as long as if they are of a different sexuality than myself that they don't ' push ' the subject, not homophobic , just not interested!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 16:49 other posts 
I have exchanged messages with quite a few gay guys - I do always say right away that I am straight to avoid those cases where guys dont read my profile - and have had no problem at all, just regular conversations with great guys.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 18:18 other posts 
Welcome to the club, you weren't the only SYD member that was misled. Apparently, there are have been a number of POPULAR SYC members that were not SHE they were HE.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 14:58 other posts 
I've noticed that too. Don't have any idea why.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 11,Sep,17 07:54 other posts 
The logic always totally baffled me. it can't be for the pics as the guys on here post for all to see. Maybe they get some sort of enjoyment from fooling an unsuspecting guy.
There was a female on here who I spoke to for a while, just normal conversation. As always I was on my guard but no alarm bells rang and no red lights flashed until one day the tone of the conversation changed and became seriously weird. That was it for me, end of contact. Was it a He or was she just really weird - I don't know and wasn't interested in finding out.

I have also come across fake couples. One guy sent me a photo of his wife, I am not sure now if he had posted these. Unfortunately for him I was familair with the model and had seen the photo before on a 'respectable' subscription website. Again, wierd!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 11,Sep,17 11:18 other posts 
Speaking of models, every once in a while I see a profile with pics pop up with pics from nude models. Some are easily recognizable as they are just so obvious. But they really don't stay around long.
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Sep,17 03:24 other posts 
If you want to know what someone really likes, take a peek at their favourites list.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 11,Sep,17 03:32 other posts 
Great advice! No peaking at mine, though... Girls have said that from looking at it, they can see that I'm truly an expert when it comes to awesome tits. That it was an honor for me to compliment theirs. (Note that some of the biggest ones aren't included for most.)

So yeah, if they're "straight" and all their favorite pics are male ones, it's a safe bet they're not really straight.
By #529463 11,Sep,17 12:00
Yes! I said that to you. Your favourites show that you have impeccable taste when it comes to beautiful breasts, they're better than what I've seen in anyone else's. So it felt very good what you said about mine.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 12,Sep,17 14:04 other posts 
Thank you so much. Despite only showing the left one on your page, your tits are definitely beautiful.

By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,17 22:55 other posts 
How are our neighbors, our fellow Americans managing in Texas and the Gulf states?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,17 06:53 other posts 
They voted for Trump who denies global warming.
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Fortunately, Trump is visiting them to build a wall to stop the waves that are caused by Mexicans.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,17 09:15 other posts 
This is a serious and sincere post and I had hoped to hear from "fellow Americans" regarding their wellbeing. There are other threads where you can insult our government and/or leadership.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,17 11:56 other posts 
The first part of my posting is a fact. Facts are not insulting, by definition. The second part is cynical but it says that the huge problems caused by mother earth, reacting to our industrialization, are not going to go away by ignoring them. Alas, we're doomed. Our fellow Texans and, today, our fellow Louisianians, yesterday our fellow Thai, and tomorrow our fellow Venetians. The human suffering will be immense.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,17 21:24 other posts 
See Bella Leo's response is exactly what I'm talking about you try to bring up some thing important and all you get Is a bunch of Google bull shit from a bunch of smart asses
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,17 21:58 other posts 
What offends me is that he takes ANY opportunity to jab Amercan leadership.

Yeah, I wish he concentrated on contributing to the topics that interest him, you know, "finger-fucking a cunt" OR everyones favorite, "COME VISIT MY PAGE, I LOVE MEN AND COCK, EVERY ONES WELCOME!!!!"
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,Aug,17 05:22 other posts 
My best friend on Syd lives in the small section of Alabama that borders the Gulf and even there streets are flooded due to hurricane Harvey thank God he lives on the second floor apartment
By milesbferry [Ignore] 01,Sep,17 20:41 other posts 
Leo is an idiot, he thinks he's clever, but he isn't. See his post about us taxpayers providing brothels for young men! Ha ha!
By #536760 01,Sep,17 21:13
"COME VISIT MY PAGE, I LOVE MEN AND COCK, EVERY ONES WELCOME!!!!" Why is this your favorite ? bella
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,17 22:44 other posts 
Somebody must have reading comprehension issues. I mentioned "Finger-fucking a cunt" and everyones favorite, "COME VISIT MY PAGE, I LOVE MEN AND COCK, EVERY ONES WELCOME!!!!" as being two of the many threads that leopoldij is a BIG contributor to and my post was directed to leopoldij.
By #536760 02,Sep,17 04:12
Yea. He is a bit of a dick.
By #460385 31,Aug,17 07:15
Just as I thought. Hurricane Harvey was Trump's fault.
By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 31,Aug,17 15:16 other posts 
Oops, I just Farted! CNN is coming around the corner as I speak to do a "news piece" that it's all Trump's fault
By #534574 31,Aug,17 22:47
By #525562 04,Sep,17 20:40
If I am not mistaken the area that was flooded had a large Hillary vote, Charlie Hebdo got it wrong and I have to wear that as a black eye,I say either help or be an ass.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 02,Sep,17 00:37 other posts 
I have no relatives or friends in that part of Texas. I feel for everyone there. It is going to be a very long recovery for them, maybe even years. Housing is going to be one of the critical needs for these folks as most of their homes will not be habitable for quite awhile. Mold will be a huge threat in their homes.

I am hoping that the next storm coming in from the Atlantic does not take a path towards them they don't need a double whammy. But I hope it doesn't take landfall on the eastern coast of FL or we'll have real problems dealing with 2 major natural disasters.
By #511804 02,Sep,17 08:38
I have friends in Houston that have a large business, it has been devastating to their lives and future income. When the levee broke that sent many untouched areas under water. This is a family with five men and families.

On my trip to Europe and UK I found it interesting how many people in the UK and Europe like what Trump is doing, they are just much less vocal and more informed than the people that **** the man.

Sone Americans on the cruise we over heard talking about the haters and how no matter what he does the haters, ****. I had to watch CNN which is a hater network for the whole cruise. One of the Americans said if Trump cured cancer the haters would say it took him too long.

Leo is one of the people that loves to **** and it is fueled by the filtered media. Nothing will change his views. No reason to even try. Haters will just keep hating Trump.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 03,Sep,17 09:03 other posts 
Where do you get your news from ?cuz I don't buy the bit about people in Europe and the UK liking what trump is doing,simply cuz trump hasn't really done anything, except tweet...
American media is full of opinion and few facts....I watch American media and just sit there in amazement sometimes at the things that are allowed to be said....but I guess that's a basic right of Americans to have free speech....

And I'll go back to something I've said before,there is no balanced news reports anymore,all the media have an agenda to push... whatever side you sit...

Do I like trump,nope,I think he is an idiot.... doesn't mean I take all news about him to be accurate....
By admin [Ignore] 03,Sep,17 09:35 other posts 
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From my point of view Trump is a wise person. To start with, I don't know how anyone who knows about life can say that a developer who successfully operated in NY, one of the most regulated cities in USA, can be an idiot. It's hard politics, a fool could not have done it. Let alone that in past Trump convinced multiple powerful people to be his partners and investors, he never operated on his own capital. People don't give millions of dollars easily. He may not be an intelligent person science-wise, but he definitely knows a lot about how to negotiate. And that is one of most important skills in human society.

He also ran a successful TV show. He was actually one of the most well-paid hosts in history of TV. He gets masses. I'd say he successfully pretends to be a fool, rather than being one.

And although Trump is not my ideal candidate for presidency, I definitely think Trump is better than corrupt hypocritical Clinton. I don't know how so many people could not see her for what she is. That is what really scares me. So many people first voted for naked king Barak, and then for Clinton, who is so obviously for building another animal farm where some anim@ls are more equal than others.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 03,Sep,17 09:42 other posts 
NEWS regardless from where ever it evoles is A Form of
Propaganda..... simple. The thirst for knowledge undermines what is and what is projected
By mr_blue [Ignore] 03,Sep,17 09:52 other posts 
As I said,do I like him,no...but I'm not stoopid to think he can do some things for good....but his money came from his daddy same as his property empire... he didn't do it he is lucky rather than smart to me.....
Making money when you have millions is it from scratch and you'll see you need connections for a line of credit...that what trump has, connections....
As for Clinton,pfft...shallow bitch...
By admin [Ignore] 03,Sep,17 10:10 other posts 
This is not what really happened. This is just what Trump's haters repeat.

His father sure taught him some things and gave a relatively small sum to start with, also borrowed money to Trump on several occasions but those were loans, not gifts. However his father never built anything even close as expensive as Trump's tower. His business model was completely different. He rather invested in low-level apartment buildings, steadily increasing his assets over many years. Sometimes they had problems collecting rent and had to go door to door, since many of habitants were below middle class. And he died in late 90es when Trump was already successful, leaving 300 millions of assets, which was less than value of Trump's tower alone.

Also, you may not know that Trump's older br0ther (which would naturally get more of fathers favors) died of alcoholism. So much for fathers money.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 03,Sep,17 10:33 other posts 
Ok,so he still got a leg up from his millionaire daddy...
That's all I'm really getting at...he was entitled to do what the fuck he wanted with that money....and yes I can understand not everything is as it's reported.....but he is not smart by being able to make millions from millions....
And I did know about his sibling, it's why trump doesn't drink alcohol...
And I'll repeat myself,I don't like him, doesn't mean he cannot do some good for America....with Trump it's more a case of not what he does,but the way he does it...
He is fear mongering...
By #517356 03,Sep,17 12:27
I agree with you Alex , he is indeed fear mongering, using social media to his advantage. I did know a little of his history but didn't know about his br0ther.
The thing we always need to remember is at the end of the day he still hasn't got the his ' finger on the button ' .. too much red tape for that. So far he has tried to do everything he has promised, which for a politician is amazing ( whether you agree with what he does or not )!
How he deals with North Korea could be interesting , but I felt he dfealt with Houston fairly well, not a lot he could really do personally
By milesbferry [Ignore] 03,Sep,17 18:00 other posts 
Well said, admin. Thank you for posting that, and your other post, above. We in the UK have to contend with similar MSM (Main Stream Media) and the BBC so-called 'news', anti-capitalist spin every day. Which is why we voted for LEAVE THE EU! But our government and political elite know where their pay comes from.
By #511804 04,Sep,17 09:05
I get my news from world wide sources.

The admin put some of the common knowledgeable points of view below your comment. I talked to many people in the UK in London and some on a cruise. Most h@ters are very vocal, seems they are not able to deal with reality. They h@te Trump if he was for Mother's Day.

Where as people we dined with mostly Brits some other nationalities. Many Americans expressed as mentioned by the admin. They just do not go around running their pie holes with support. So far many agree he is doing what he can with the deep state push back.

The over all MSM is about 85% negative reporting. I do not know where you get your news, I get it from about 25 sources or more. Try to get some balance Alex and stop h@ting the man till you have solid proof he is not trying to do what 30 states elected him to do.

Downsize government and regulations imposed by prior Potus decree. Those only last as long as he was there, most are gone already. This is what many people want as well as more local control and less Federal. Ike warned us about this mess in one of his last speeches.

Seems the UK is dealing with the issue in some ways. If Brussels keeps dicking the UK around they may lose 250 billion dollars in trade to other sources.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Sep,17 20:29 other posts 
Thank you admin Mravg2u and milesbferry for your true research there's a whole lot of people from other country's that think they know what goes on in the USA but it turns out they don't know shit and they talk out the side of there neck
By #525562 04,Sep,17 20:31
Texans are tough and community oriented people, Please donate in anyway that you see fit or comfortable and they will appreciate it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Sep,17 20:55 other posts 
I did donate 1000.00 dollars to the red Cross in graffs garage name to help the Texans out
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Sep,17 00:32 other posts 
The Canadian government sent a cargo plane last week filled with necessities for babies.

"The plane, filled with supplies including baby formula, blankets and cribs, departed the Canadian Forces base in Trenton, Ont., for the Lackland Airforce base near San Antonio."

-The Toronto Sun
By #525562 11,Sep,17 16:10
I Thank-You,

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