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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By bella! [Ignore] 10,Sep,17 13:18 other posts 
It's JeffinKS birthday today, a significant one at that. Why not swing by his page and wish him a happy day!


By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 21:38 other posts 
Weird observation:
If you watch a video of a penis ejaculating played in reverse, it looks like an anteater drinking milk...
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 23:14 other posts 
Your mind is so freakin' weird!

By #460385 09,Sep,17 19:08
Just an update. We are safe. Wife and our oldest son are safe at work and we have contact with them. Me and the youngest are safe at home. We are dealing with tornados right now. One has just passed by Sawgrass mall which we are are 3 miles from. Another one is coming behind it taking the same path. Another is coming the same direction from Ft

Lauderdale airport heading towards us. We will get hurricane winds starting at 7 am tmrw morning. With wind speeds of 60 mph to 100 mph until late tmrw night. Gusts will he over 100 mph for at least 12 hours they say. 3 more tornados just reported at Homestead race track, Key Largo, and Miami. This is common for tornados during hurricanes. But not this many at one time.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 19:30
Glad y'all are safe! I hope it stays that way!
And hopefully those tornados bugger off.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 21:28 other posts 
Stay safe! I would like to know what kind of damage you have in the Ft. Lauderdale area. My cousin is staying with me as he evacuated from Ft. Lauderdale several days ago. Please stay safe!
By #460385 09,Sep,17 21:47
The storm surge is getting bad. A1A is flooded. They have pulled all emergency personel and FPL personel off the road. About 25,000 people out of power in Broward county. So far a Holiday Inn express has partial roof collapsed, storm shutters along store fronts next to the Elbow R
oom have come down, and lots of trees down. The worst is to come by 7 am tmrw. 3 tornados came off Ft Lauderdale beach down Sunrise Blvd passing west by Sawgrass mall.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 22:18 other posts 
Thanks! Please keep us posted! I know it will be difficult but we all are hoping everyone will be okay!
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 21:33 other posts 
Sending you and yours positive thoughts!
By #537944 09,Sep,17 21:44
If a dolphin hits your house, don't go outside to check on it. It's how hurricanes trick you.

Stay safe.

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 09:13 other posts 
Just my opinion, some men look super sexy with facial hair and some, not so much.

And on the flip side of the coin, facial hair on a woman, NEVER! There's nothing sexy about a woman with facial hair.
By #487013 08,Sep,17 13:32
True but the walrus still got potm, so some probably do like facial hair on women.
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 14:24 other posts 
Too bad that traveling Carnivals no longer have Freak Shows...

"One of us, one of us"
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By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 16:09 other posts 
I was not speaking of anyone specifically, just women in general.

There's a couple of women at work that seem to have a full blown goatee going on and I just wonder why?

Now if I was talking about someone specifically, I would probably say something about the jacked up grill.
By #487013 08,Sep,17 16:42
By #358797 08,Sep,17 18:11
I agree. I always wanted to join the freak show. I still would if I had a chance.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 18:49 other posts 
Just what do you feel your "freakish" quality is?
By #358797 08,Sep,17 20:33
I swallow swords as a hobby. Been doing it for years.
By #536760 08,Sep,17 21:50
I think i love you. more than words could ever say.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 00:24
I'll take that as a compliment.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 23:43 other posts 
Arexa, are you serious?
By #358797 09,Sep,17 00:23
Entirely serious. It's been my oddball hobby for over a decade now.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 00:33 other posts 
I have to ask, are these smaller than average sized swords or at these the big kind?
By #358797 09,Sep,17 00:36
I've got a small collection of swords ranging from 12-20 inches. They're all pretty thin, the widest one is a little over an inch wide...
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 00:49 other posts 
Geez, that's too big for me! Maybe I could do one of those "cocktail" swords but I doubt anything bigger.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 01:12

It does take quite a bit of training and practice. I used to gag, but now my gag reflex is rather weak.
By #517356 09,Sep,17 02:58
Wow ... I am nighty impressed to learn about you swallowing swords!
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 01:46 other posts 
I remember you saying it caused some kind of problem, or made something harder for you...

About facial hair, is that the only other masculine thing you like? I shaved mine off and I look 20 again. It'll be back soon though, in a week or so.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 01:57
Once in a while I nick a tonsil and get a sore throat for a few days, but it doesn't happen too incredibly often. Other than that it's just destroyed my gag reflex for the most part.

I'm OK with facial hair on men... As long as it isn't douche straps, cuz I ha.te those fuckin things.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 02:02 other posts 
I was trying to remember what you called 'em, I knew "douche" was involved... Yeah, they're terrible, especially the really thin ones.

Wait, destroyed your gag reflex? Tell me more, please... I've never had a girl without one.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 02:10
I still have one... It's just not the greatest.
By #537944 09,Sep,17 08:35
There's so many missed jokes on this thread now.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 09:21
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 18:22 other posts 
I've just been "inserting" my own as I read it. I certainly wouldn't ram my opinion down your throat but I don't' think I would get into sword swallowing. Sometimes I get really cocky and my friends get choked. etc. etc. etc.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 01:57 other posts 
@Will - Freaks? I loved that movie growing up... classic.
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 10:42 other posts 
Directed by Tod Browning--the same guy who did DRACULA. The movie was so reviled at the time it was released that it essentially destroyed his career.
By #487013 09,Sep,17 10:20
I like that freak show a whole lot better than the one with Jessica Lange aka Caitlyn Jenner.
By #358797 08,Sep,17 18:04
I know a lady with a full beard, she's weird about it, and grows it out. Looks like pubes on her chin, but she refuses to trim it cuz it makes her 'unique'.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 19:02 other posts 
The women that I'm speaking of are women of color. I have always admired women of color because they don't seem to show their age like Caucasian women do. BUT women of color do seem to have an issue with hair growth, ie mustaches, goatees, hairy arms and legs as well as an abundance of pubic hair.

One of the gals said that their husband finds her facial hair rather sexy. Oh, well, to each their own......
By #511804 08,Sep,17 20:32
Does Bella pluck?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 21:12 other posts 
Yes....... I have 5 hairs that I'm very conscious of, but I'm not sporting a goatee!
By #536760 08,Sep,17 21:55
So natural is not for you? Some might call it vain. or just following the rest of the sheep. What do you think?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 23:46 other posts 
I pluck my eyebrows, I pluck the 5 hairs in my chin, I shave my legs and underarms and I keep my lady garden tidy. If that's vain, call me vain.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 21:37 other posts 
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 05:24 other posts 
I am afraid I find facial hair on anyone at all 'yuk' . I could never vote for a man with facial hair. But I reserve a special place in hell for designer stubble. Wtf !!!! But then I am a grumpy old man.
By #536913 09,Sep,17 16:21
I tend to feel the same way, but I find that a rare few look strange without some facial hair. That's not to say it looks good, but that they would look worse without the hair. Some faces are, let's say, 'unique' in that regard.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 18:59 other posts 
I suppose there is that to think of.
By #536913 09,Sep,17 16:18
I'm pretty sure I shouldn't say anything, but is there any way to approach that subject with a woman who has facial hair? I don't mean some random woman, of course. There's one who I get along with well who except for the little hair on her lip is otherwise a rather cute woman. I just wonder if there's a way to bring it up without sounding like a total jerk. Even talking about it here feels insensitive.

By #460385 07,Sep,17 22:22
Been in South Florida for 40 years. Been through many Hurricanes. We've never seen it this bad. 1.4 million people have been evacuated. 7,000 National Guard have been deployed. Some of our friends have already left to Georgia and Alabama. Airports and Ports have closed. Over a million more evacuations expected by tomorrow. It's almost like they know something they're not telling us. Hurricane Andrew was devastating in 1992. It wiped out entire cities. Some have never been rebuilt to this day. Andrew was a category 5 same as Irma.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

[deleted image]
By #537944 08,Sep,17 00:09
Not to be a dick, but a million evacuations and the news saying it's going to horrible kind of says it all.
By #536760 08,Sep,17 00:38
Are you staying? Country.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 02:31 other posts 
Yeah, Country, what's going on? And did you sandbag?
By #460385 08,Sep,17 12:17
We have to stay cause of our work. Wife and our oldest already reported to work this morning where they will be on 12 hour shifts. They will be sleeping there until they are released. I am on call starting Sunday. They will call me in as soon as the winds get below 50 mph. But I will be at home with our youngest until then.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 14:07 other posts 
countryboy, I know you've mentioned either in the forum or by private chat, what your job is, may I assume that your Mrs. and eldest son serve the public in some fashion? Police, EMT, healthcare field, etc, I mean, why are they reporting to work?
By #460385 08,Sep,17 15:52
Our oldest is a police officer. My wife works in records for the same Dept. I am a union crane operator and we have the account with FPL. Which is our electric company from the middle of the state to Key Largo. We set and replace all of the power poles, electrical lines, transformers, etc... with our cranes. The dept they work for also have depts in Okeechobee, Big Cypress, and Brighton/Tampa. So unfortunately, wherever this thing hits we will be working 24/7.
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 16:10 other posts 
I just read a great idea. Unload your dishwasher and fill it with things you want to save from the water like photo albums and important papers. It's waterproof, it's built in to the cabinetry and will be very likely to survive the storm intact.

I just read on that this idea doesn't work. A DW is not waterproof in it's own right. A repair guy said that he dealt with a lot of flooded dishwashers after a big flood. Someone else said that she kept her valuable dishes in it during a flood. They got wet but didn't break.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 16:13 other posts 
Sounds like a great idea! Too bad that the inside cavity of a dishwasher is small.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 00:56 other posts 
How are people even evacuating at this point? I thought the highways are packed! Are the roads "flowing" forward ok at a decent pace, some of them?
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 01:32 other posts 
I hope the people that choose not to leave The Keys have respect for the emergency responders that did leave. They have families too and leaving is in their family's best interest. They are also under orders from their superiors to evacuate.

"It's almost like they know something they're not telling us"??? There's a monster fucking storm on they way and they've been telling you for the last week! As I understand it, the message is GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!!!!! I would have done exactly that.

Hold on tight, she's a gooder. I wish you a safe weekend.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 04:47 other posts 
From what I'm seeing max the high ways are still flowing but there having trouble keeping fuel at the pumps
By #460385 08,Sep,17 16:05
Turnpike is a cluster fuck. It is an 8 hour drive from here to Orlando which usually takes 3 hours. Our neighbors left to Georgia. Took them almost 2 days getting stuck in Ocala and Jacksonville with no fuel. My mom is in Alabama. For a 200 mile radius they told her there waiting still on fuel deliveries and no generators. This is what happens when storms come back to back. Everything has been shipped to Texas right no. This happen years ago when Hurricanes Charlie, Jean, and Ivan came through within 2 weeks of each other.
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 10:23 other posts 
Although they are both category 5 storms, Irma is a MUCH bigger storm and will affect a much larger number of people.
By #526776 08,Sep,17 16:04
I've been in Florida on business.. have a flight out tomorrow.. in the panhandle, so Praying I don't have a problem getting out. It's so beautiful here today it's hard to imagine the ferociousness that's coming. No evacuation orders in this part yet.. but God Bless my Friends & Family & Everyone who are in the middle of this. Stay safe Countrycouple!
By #487013 09,Sep,17 10:00
Best wishes to you all and hope you stay safe. Were getting a lot of people coming this way from Texas. Sad how where I live it's in one of the worst droughts but places that don't need the water are bombarded.

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