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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #666999 02,Sep,22 15:28
I've been rereading John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" and came across this, in the introduction:

"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right. These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with him, or persuading him, or entreating him, but not for compelling him, or visiting him with any evil in case he do otherwise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him, must be calculated to produce evil to some one else. The only part of the conduct of any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."

I then got to thinking how this could/should be applied to drug legislation. Should, as Mill seems to indicate, the State decriminalise all drugs and go on to treat addiction as a medical, rather than criminal, issue? Would this remove the shadow of organised crime from the production and distribution of substances?

Given how some US states have started down that route I wondered what other opinions are out there.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 15:35 other posts 
I think a side effect would be a influx of new users since it would be legal. the abc store hasn't reduced drunk driving or domestic violence, I doubt legalizing the drugs would do much. There would still be the black market.
The regulated drugs would be costly the dealers could sell cheaper as no tax and so forth. Again, nothing wrong with looking for a solution, but this may not be it.
People still get arrested for making moonshine.just not on as large a scale as it used to be

By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 15:31 other posts 
What are these kids thinking?
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Sad,very sad.
I know a neighbor lost his son about 12 years ago to some similar shit. It was sad, his 15 year old son went in the bathroom and stood on a chair,was jurking off with a belt around his neck looped around a hook over the door,the father and mother heard a loud noise and the father had to really struggle to get the door open,only to find his son dead,with his dick in his hand and a broke neck,
What the HELL are people thinking pushing this sort of thing and why is it even legal for it to be on the net to learn in the first place?

By phart [Ignore] 27,Aug,22 11:37 other posts 
I don't understand something.
It really makes no sense. When I went to get a associates degree in electronics, there were jobs available that would recoup the cost of my education.
After a few years in the trade I went a different path.
But I can't understand these folks that went 4 years+ to get a degree in something that there are not enough jobs in that field and the pay is not high enough to recoup the cost.WHY would anyone go thru the trouble of getting a useless degree knowing they couldn't afford the cost in the first place?
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Aug,22 12:38 other posts 
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By Andthisisme [Ignore] 28,Aug,22 16:51 other posts 
There are certainly degrees listed in that link that are questionable, in that the number of careers within that field are limited and some really have little academic merit - for example 'Film, video, and photographic arts'. However, there are others that while maybe niche are of academic merit - Languages and Music being two.
The point is that students should be making an informed choice and realise when the degree that they want to take offers no real prospect of employment. If they realise that and still want to follow that line of study then that is fine.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 14:43 other posts 
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By Andthisisme [Ignore] 28,Aug,22 16:43 other posts 
I don't know the answer but for a long time over here in the UK there were lots of students doing exactly that same thing. The government is now trying to put pressure on Universities to offer degrees that are 'saleable and useful' for people's careers and also benefit the nations economy.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Aug,22 22:10 other posts 
Most intelligent thing I have heard of coming from the UK in a long time.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,22 22:35 other posts 
I'm curious, what has originated from the UK that you found to be bothersome?
By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 09:38 other posts 
Well nothing comes to mind at the moment, but I do get sick of having their "royalty" plastered all over the news when i am trying to learn about things that happen here in the US that actually affect me.
Why are there so little jobs for electrical engineers in the US?
There is no shortage of jobs for them here. I checked a job offer site and within 20 km there are 297 job offers, with salaries ranging from €2400 (for an apprentice) to $8340 per month (for a project leader).

I need an electrician to convert my fuse-box from 1-phase to 3-phase and I get no replies to my emails, because they are all overbooked. They ask $300 for 5 minutes of work and up to $1100 if they actually have to pull some cables, so I imagine they could pay off their study debt pretty quickly.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 10:47 other posts 
It is difficult to get anyone to do any kind of work around here as well.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 hours

I tried for the 4th time today to eat at the new local arbys restaurant. Staffing issues prompts the doors to be locked.
average of 12 to 16 cars in line at any given time at the drive thru. Nope not interested in a picnic lunch.had enough of that shit during the plandemic.
I want to sit down,and eat like a normal American.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,22 14:43 other posts 
Well it is income to some degree so,maby this will fix the problem for this state.Making up some of what it is costing the tax payers to forgive the debt.
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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 16:44 other posts 
Stupid is knowing the truth,
Seeing the truth,
But still believing the lies.

By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 16:48 other posts 
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

also -unknown-
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 17:37 other posts 
Carnival games are stupid!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 17:47 other posts 
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity;
and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
By #275407 25,Aug,22 17:55
Stupid is as stupid does ( forest Gump quote )
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 18:12 other posts 
"Stupidity is a talent for misconception." - Edgar Allan Poe
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 19:42 other posts 
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

-Albert Einstein-
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 19:47 other posts 
As long as we are quoting Forrest Gump....

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.”

-Forrest Gump-
By #275407 25,Aug,22 20:38
Ok, last one from me... Life's tough, but it's tougher when your stupid... John Wayne
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 06:04 other posts 
“Stupidity is the same as evil, if you judge by the results.” - Margaret Atwood
By #666999 29,Aug,22 09:21
“Idiot America is a strange, disordered place. Everything is on the wrong shelves. The truth of something is defined by how many people will attest to it, and facts are defined by those people’s fervency. Fiction and nonfiction are defined by how well they sell. The best sellers are on one shelf, cheek by jowl, whether what’s contained in them is true or not. People wander blindly, following the Gut into dark corners and aisles that lead nowhere, confusing possibilities with threats, jumping at shadows, stumbling around. They trip over piles of fiction left strewn around the floor of the nonfiction aisles. They fall down. They land on other people, and those other people can get hurt.”

Charles P Pierce
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 11:44 other posts 
Thanks for your post!
By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 13:54 other posts 
we are all born ignorant but one must work very hard to remain stupid.
ben franklin
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 14:05 other posts 
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance.

Martin Luther King Jr.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 14:23 other posts 
Everything will kill you so choose something fun!

By #666999 01,Sep,22 14:51
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”
― Aldous Huxley
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 22:00 other posts 
I had to google to see if that was a real person,
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Huxley was a pacifist
In 1953, Huxley and Maria applied for United States citizenship and presented themselves for examination. When Huxley refused to bear arms for the U.S. and would not state that his objections were based on religious ideals, the only excuse allowed under the McCarran Act, the judge had to adjourn the proceedings.[41][42] He withdrew his application. Nevertheless

Now this little tidbit, he actually may be making a bit of sense.
Huxley outlined several major concerns: the difficulties and dangers of world overpopulation; the tendency towards distinctly hierarchical social organisation; """the crucial importance of evaluating the use of technology in mass societies susceptible to persuasion;""" the tendency to promote modern politicians to a naive public as well-marketed commodities.[
what I have in triple quotes is a viable issue that should be addressed.Facebook for example .
By #666999 02,Sep,22 10:40
You had to Google to check that Aldous Huxley was a real person? Fuck me, you really are a dumbass.

At least you've educated yourself I suppose. A pacifist, huh? Now isn't THAT interesting.

So you, phart, brag about bombing other Nations back to the Stone Age and Huxley, a well-read intellectual, was a pacifist. Hmmm, who to agree with? Tricky, huh?

PS. Did you know that Huxley (and C S Lewis) died on the same day as JFK?
PPS. Don't Google "C S Lewis", I made him up just to see if you're paying attention!!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 11:10 other posts 
I was not aware that all three men, Aldous Huxley, C S Lewis and John F Kennedy died November 22, 1963. It's very interesting what can be learned on an adult website, thank you for sharing.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 19:06 other posts 
Pull my finger!!! -unknown-
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 20:42 other posts 
Really? That's the best you can come up with!?
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 22:01 other posts 
Hay yawl,watch dis! unknown
By #574505 01,Sep,22 22:07
[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 22:10 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 10:46 other posts 
Jamie is that yer gato ???
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 23:58 other posts 
"Hay yawl,watch dis!"? Um, did you borrow mr_blue's book of "Kuntry Kwoutes"?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 09:24 other posts 
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 12:33 other posts 
That is a stupid game...
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 14:08 other posts 
Really? Pull my finger is considered a "game"?
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 12:32 other posts 
Not my circus, not my monkeys. ~ probably some random Polish person
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 14:03 other posts 
Ha! I should know better, you didn't just pull this gem from your lexicon or from the back of your head, it's an actual saying! I Google'd it so I know you weren't pulling my chains! According to Google;

"What does the phrase not my circus not my monkeys mean?"

There's a Polish proverb which millennials often use today: “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” It's a way of saying, “Don't drag me into your drama and your issues—I'm not getting involved.”

BOOM! And you were spot on with saying the author being a random Polish person. JustWill, have I told you lately that you amaze me!?

By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 00:53 other posts 
Oh no, say it ain’t true!! Sarah Palin (endorsed loudly by Trump) lost. The last time a democrat held this seat was FIFTY years ago!

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By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 10:18 other posts 
I would rather have had her than any democrat.but still,her cheese is slowly sliding off her cracker
By #666999 01,Sep,22 15:46
You don't half talk some shit, old dear!

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Just for giggles WHY would you rather have someone whose "cheese is slowly sliding off her cracker" than a Democrat? You may disagree with their ideology, but do you really think that NONE of them are well-meaning people with a thirst for public service? Fucking hell, dude. If I was a bot aiming to show that I was an ignorant cunt, with no regards for data or evidence, I would struggle to be more ridiculous than you're being.

Did a naughty Democrat abuse you as a kid or something?
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 16:04 other posts 
I do not give a damn what you think of my feelings on any topic.
Democrats can not be trusted to take care of money or maintain anything. Go read the thread in reference to that shit hole town in Mississippi and see what democrats do.
Place has been fucked over by democrats since the 60's.
By #666999 01,Sep,22 16:16
"Feelings"? That's about right - you have zero evidence to back up most of your, half-baked, assertions.

My favourite phartism goes along these lines:

Phart: "I read online that there's definite proof that x happened. Of course, if you Google it now there's no trace of the article I DEFINITELY read. Probably deleted by Democrats." You're a fucking idiot.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 16:47 other posts 
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Watch this,
I can agree with the people not wanting low income housing ruining their neighborhoods BUT to preach affordable housing and then fight it,is kinda hypocritical.
By #666999 02,Sep,22 07:53
The video YOU posted shows this: getting stuff done in the US, regardless of whether a State/City is governed by the Democrats OR the Republicans is tough. It's actually (despite the title) a pretty balanced and nuanced video. It also shows that politicians can be prone to over-promising and under-delivering. Surprise fucking surprise!

"The situation remains resistant to change". "It's a small step in the right direction" - all quotes from YOUR video. Listen to the 13th minute of the video again.

Do you think that, if Republicans controlled California, the housing situation would be demonstrably better? If so, I'd like to see how your reasoning could lead you to that conclusion.

I'm no fan of either of your main political parties. They both support capitalism. They are both in the pockets of big business and lobbyists. They are both "led" by old clowns. However, I'm not so myopic to think that one party is shit and the other is amazing - which is what you, and all the other "threats to democracy", seem to espouse.

As an aside: you still haven't answered any of the points I made about patriotism and foreign policy. Oh, and you're still a fucking idiot. It must be true because I Googled "Phart is a fucking idiot" and there was a whole piece by some US newspaper that proved it. Of course, if you try to Google it now that article has been deleted by aliens/ultra Republicans/the KKK or some other reactionary force!!
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 18:01 other posts 
phart doesn't even have a cracker for his cheese. It was eaten by the "squirrels in his attic", so the cheese is now just lying on the dusty floor in a little, moldy clump.

As proof, I offer his "it is obviously an FBI setup because the picture of the TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS Trump stole is of them in a not very neat pile on the floor" rant over in his "feelings" thread.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,22 22:11 other posts 
You uh, don't see the possibility of a fake setup? Regardless of who they are after,taking a photo of so called important papers scattered over the floor is kinda tacky and unprofessional.
By #666999 02,Sep,22 07:55
Phart, you're nuttier than squirrel shit.

If you believe that the Feds would raid Trump's "palace" without pretty convincing reasons for doing so, you're more of a fucking idiot than I gave you credit for.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 09:24 other posts 
then why is he not already in jail? They had time to black out the press release,so they have had time to read the documents they took.
By #666999 02,Sep,22 10:34
How the fuck should I know?

Maybe they're still in the evidence-gathering stage?
Maybe they want the old cunt to surrender documents he shouldn't have, so that he doesn't go to jail?
Maybe the evidence wasn't quite as incriminating as they supposed it would be?
Maybe they're waiting for him to instigate another insurrection before they slap the cuffs on?

Why don't you ask Alex Jones, or one of the other super-reliable sources that you normally rely upon?

Occam's Razor would suggest that they raided his home because they had a fucking good reason for doing so. All
your nutty conspiracy theories will not obscure that.

PS. I suspect, nevertheless, that Trump's boiler suit will colour match his complexion at some stage.
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,Sep,22 12:27 other posts 
1. You, uh, don't see the possibility that there were so many documents in the huge batch that Trump stole that the floor was the only spot large enough in the room to spread them out and photograph them all together?
2. I am not going to take the time to explain to you why calling it a "fake setup" doesn't mean what you think it means.
3. They aren't "so called" important papers, they are ACTUALLY important papers. The fact that they are clearly labeled TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED sort of gives that away.
4.Relax, they are stolen DOCUMENTS, not slices of ham. Putting them on the floor won't contaminate them.
5. So, your problem with this whole deal is that the FBI photo was "kinda tacky" and not with the fact that Trump stole (and lied about having) documents that he wasn't legally supposed to have? Seriously?

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