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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jun,22 02:13 other posts 
The President uses a "cheat sheet" and the President falls off of his bicycle.... Oi!

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By #610414 25,Jun,22 08:36
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By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 23:27 other posts 
I’m sure this will surprise exactly nobody.

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By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 15:28 other posts 
I doubt that this will be surprise to anyone that has ½ a mind.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 20:28 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 19:21 other posts 
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Sunbathing Walrus Sinks Boats

That 1 boat that didn't sink looks as if the walrus has just shit all over the inside of it.
Sheesh that would be rough to clean up.

By #610414 24,Jun,22 17:27
Two days, two catastrophes.

By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 14:20 other posts 
This family is prepared to fight.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 22:31 other posts 
June 21st through June 23rd is the 50 year anniversary of hurricane Agnes stalling over Pennsylvania and pummeling the state with heavy rain 3 days straight I remember it well
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 22:46 other posts 
Here's something I found via Google

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By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jun,22 05:27 other posts 
Nice thank you Bella I watched a documentary on it last night it brought back some memories for Me both good and bad

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 22:19 other posts 
Are the teens in Glendale, Arizona not taking their medication since school let out and for funsies they enjoy shooting at police?

Please Lord Jesus, don't let the summer months be crazy!

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By #610414 23,Jun,22 17:30
WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court struck down New York state’s system for issuing concealed-weapons permits, ruling that the century-old law requiring that applicants demonstrate “proper cause” and “good moral character” violates the Second Amendment.

The Supreme Court has spoken. The public can carry a weapon outside the home. Okay, I give up. If you can’t beat them, join them.
As of this date, I will advise every member of my family to buy a gun “for protection”. Charlie and I will do so too. I will also push gun ownership to all my friends and encourage them to post on Facebook and other social sites encouraging gun ownership by everyone. I’ll also push for minimum age to buy a weapon to be lowered to 16 yrs of age.
I plan to work hard to make sure every black and other minorities buy a gun. I will also push for a new association to be started, “The Black Rifle Association”. Perhaps they can help gun purchases with low cost loans.
By sherryann [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 20:08 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 21:26 other posts 
lolWow cat,you deserve a Oscar for that performance!

In all honesty though, I hope at some point before you really need to ,that you will understand and accept the facts that the world is not safe, and your safety is YOUR responsibility.

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Read this 1 line in that second link and let this sink in.
"If you need police to protect you, all you can do is hope they will."
That says alot in a few words.
Police have NO LEGAL obligation to protect you.
UNLESS they have you in cuffs.
What does that tell us?
That tells us that our safety is OUR responsibility. And in cuffs ,we can not fulfill our responsibility to protect ourselves.
Now you're talking There's already a Black Rifle Coffee company. Check them out sometime. They're all over YouTube.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 22:11 other posts 
I’ve been on social media telling people to buy guns for years and most of the blacks already own guns maybe not legally but they own them and the reason they buy them illegally off the streets is because a gun shop will not take food stamps but Graffs garage welcomes food stamps with open arms Dan love’s to eat

By phart [Ignore] 23,Jun,22 21:48 other posts 
It's not a big deal lady,just put on some clothes ok?
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By bella! [Ignore] 19,Jun,22 18:57 other posts 
And in Hollywood, Florida, a 14 year old boy is arrested and in custody for sexual battery, yes, r@pe, for attacking a woman on her way to work at 4 a.m..

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By #610414 20,Jun,22 07:34
The father is to blame for not teaching him to wank.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Jun,22 08:34 other posts 
A 14 year old child arrested for sexual battery and in this situation, it was r@pe. You have minimized crime by making a joke of it.
By #610414 20,Jun,22 10:24
just following Trump's logic
By phart [Ignore] 20,Jun,22 21:57 other posts 
Trump would probably castrate the little bastard so he can't do it again. I hope he gets time for that,but he will be handled all so gently, learn what he did wrong to get caught,and repeat.
This is 1 of those types that you put away some where safe and eliminate the threat before it becomes worse.
Just think,when he gets older and can't get any pussy,he will wind up shooting up a place for revenge.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 06:21 other posts 
Spoken like a true democrat don’t punish the little rug rat teach him to Jack off instead
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 06:44 other posts 
My guess is that the post was made only for the sake of posting on anything and everything.

You've got to wonder why a CHILD is virtually roaming around on the street at 4 a.m., where were the parents? What possessed a CHILD to commit sexual battery? I grant you that the description of him being approximately 6 feet tall and 200 lbs, he's the size of a man, yes, but isn't his brain geared toward kissing girls not assaulting women? And I'm not quite sure I understood the CHILD'S father's request for "help". Was it only because the kid's face was splashed all over the news and television?
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 07:03 other posts 
Absolutely and no **** child should be outside at 4 Am unless he is going fishing with his father other than that he should be in bed sleeping
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U n d e r a g e d
By #610414 21,Jun,22 07:50
Well, Bella, you know what you can do with your guesses. Coitus! You just like to BITCH about anything I do. Why don't you go give lovies to your on-line love child, JustWill?
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 08:16 other posts 
You have the propensity of posting on anything and everything. Sometimes you're on topic, and there's a rhyme, reason and rationale to your posts and sometimes, like above, it's just to be seen.
By #610414 21,Jun,22 08:31
Sunday mornings. What can I say? You don't have much of a funny bone, do you? Day in and day out I do battle with the great unwashed hordes of Trump supporters and right wing gun nuts. Sometimes my twisted sense of humor comes out like a little devil. It sits on my left shoulder whispering what to post. HEY, YOU COITUSES, MY APOLOGIES FOR THROWING AN M80 IN YOUR MIST.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 11:15 other posts 
The few democrats in my area don’t talk much about politics but I still know who they are and it makes me think differently about them then I use to so maybe for them not revealing themselves is the right answer
By #610414 21,Jun,22 07:27
Hahaha. This from a group where father's take their sons to cat houses so he can learn? This from a group where the pastors have sex with their parishioner kids? This from a group whose WHITE kids are the only ones commiting mass shootings in schools? Right on Mountain Man.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 07:30 other posts 
None of that crap pertains to me i was raised old school the right way
By #610414 21,Jun,22 07:45
And, yet, you broke a teacher's arm. It's a group attitude where the Marlboro Man is emulated, John Wayne is treated like a God , and a man like Trump is considered a great leader.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 08:07 other posts 
Absolutely a smart ass teacher now don’t get me started on the school system I all ready believe we should shut all the schools down put all the teachers in the unemployment line and go to cyber schooling were the kids can get a good education with out all the distractions and yes I was bored in school and was one of the distractions
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 12:04 other posts 
Who's conducting the classroom lessons in these cyber schools of yours, Rosie the Robot?
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 17:33 other posts 
I don’t know but both of my nieces cyber schooled after having issues with other students and loved it and got a good education in less time a couple hours a day no more riding a school bus in the snow to school like I said no distractions it’s going to happen eventually anyway why not now I wish I had that option you certainly didn’t think children would go to a classroom the old fashioned way for ever did you
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 18:19 other posts 
Yea, I agree with kids staying at home for school. It would be safer, far cheaper. No more school shootings! There would be no Schools!
No more sexual harassment by teachers on students, the teacher couldn't reach in and touch them thru a computer screen.
Hell, the education cost on the tax payers would be MUCH less.
mothers would be able to stay at home and make sure their kids got their lessons. No child care cost! Wow,the money saved by the mother staying at home would be huge!
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 19:35 other posts 
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 05:45 other posts 
you don't understand how harassment works!!!
And why should women stay at home ? Is that you still stuck in the 1950's again!!!!

And teaching at home comes with costs too!!!!internet that is up to speed, computers that cannot be used by non students, teaching plans, assistance for tech issues, it's still got overheads!!!! Oh,and you need a parent that is competent in every subject taught....so a specialist in science,maths, English will be needed at some point....

And what about all those sports teams that you have attached to sch00ls and colleges,get rid of them too I guess!!!!
And you're forgetting,that you learn all your social skills at sch00ls too.....

Why not just have the sch00ls like prison instead?
That way you can keep an eye on all the k1ds all day everyday, put a tag on them too so when they are rude you can shock them
...and teach them manners......
Or put the army in sch00ls .....have them teach kindergarten and the pledge of allegiance......
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 09:46 other posts 
sir,if you sit back and think for a minute, which is more secure right now from intruders in our country? A prison or a school?
The prison.IT has fences, locks, armed guards.
Who has the potential to be more meaningful and valuable to society? A child or a prisoner serving a life sentence?
So logic would indicate, we need to protect the children by whatever means necessary.
And since children are their parents responsibility, then who better to be there for them than their mothers?
Humans have babies and then walk off from them ,leaving them in the hands of potential abusers at day cares and schools to go earn money.WHich in turn means they have to have clothes suitable for the work, Transporation reliable enough to get them there,and etc.so boiling it down, the woman does not earn enough money to counter act the risk or negative affects to the child by putting them out into society's care instead of their own.
Stuck in the 50's you say Blue? How common were school shootings in the 50's? Um, could it be that kids were raised with morals and common sense by their parents instead of the village? and don't tell me there were no school shootings in the 50's because the AR-15 platform was not around ,there were plenty of guns then that could have been used to do the same thing. Remember Al Capones guys had "choppers" back in the 20's
As for the socialization Bella mentions, yea, that is important. But perhaps that would be best acquired from the sports programs that parents put their kids in. that should be funded by the parents and not the tax payers. the next county over from me has 3 high school football fields with Astro turf on them. Taxpayers money wasted on astro turf .Can't help but think how many computers or how much internet fees could have been paid with that while the kids played on natural grass.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 14:42 other posts 
It's ok phart, you still believe that women should be keep in the kitchen and be a slave to a man!!!!! World has moved on ..
You haven't.....
So that's what I mean by 1950 mindset!!!!! Not what level of shooting was prevalent then....
And most of what you talk about is just the cost of raising a ch1ld anyway!!!!!! financial and emotional.....it all costs!!!!!time v money,you know work life balance!!!!!! Pushy parents can be just as bad as absent ones......

And the AstroTurf thing is just funny as fuck,you do lawn maintenance and cannot see the benefits of an AstroTurf pitch for sports.....how much water is needed to keep a square yard of grass green! So economic value played a part in having that!!!!
And the way all your sch00ls work is that having healthy sport teams,brings money into the rest of the sch00l and counties......
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 14:50 other posts 
Something I found interesting, I Google'd if astro turf is used on golf courses and results reflect the following; "Some golf courses will at least use a portion of artificial turf on putting greens."
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 16:40 other posts 
A wife is not a slave you dipshit,she makes a commitment to be a loyal mate and partner to her husband that is also making a similar commitment. The system worked for centurys. It is only the past 75 years or so that things have gone down hill with our kids,that are not being raised proper.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 16:47 other posts 
But you still expect a wife to stay at home..cook,clean,take care of the k1ds while the man goes to work
So basically a slave to a man....cuz that's what you think a woman making a commitment to a man is.....
So you have the 1950 mindset and the more you talk the more you reinforce those ideas....
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 17:10 other posts 
and the more you talk the more it proves your mindset is what got the world in it's current condition. A fucking mess.the modern mindset does not work. look around you.
And if you notice,the only point I tried to make that you attacked was the 50's mindset thing as you call it.
You must agree it is ok to keep our prisoners safer than our children.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 17:32 other posts 
I can see that being a dictator is an issue,the same as patriarchy ,which is what you seem to be a fan of....

And you think men telling women what to do is normal,I don't know what to say to someone who cannot see how idiotic that is!!!!

Why do I care about prisoners phart? They are in prison...they are locked up,the only people they are likely to hurt are people in the prison.
I think sch00l should be a place to learn,not worry about gun wielding idiots coming in and shooting up the place!!! but then guns being everywhere just makes it more likely that an idiot having a bad day can cause carnage with a gun

You know a lot of your ideas are quite popular you know,so don't feel bad, it's called Islam btw......
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 21:28 other posts 
I care more about the kids safety, to hell with the prisoners, That is the whole point I was trying to get across. As the system is currently set up, our prisons are MORE SECURE than our schools. DUH, what part of that is so hard for you to understand?
If someone wanted to shoot up a prison they would meet with alot of resistance. BUT if they want to shoot up a school,they just walk in and pick a classroom. That needs to be fixed and quick.
The same type fences,the same type of guards and security measures need to be in place to protect the kids. As for their little ego's being crushed thinking they are to "good" to be behind a fence, take them to the cemetery's where those 19 people are buryed that were allowed to die by incompetent law enforcement.Then explain that those kids had no fence,no locked doors ,no armed guards. Look where they are now.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 21:51 other posts 
But, phart, prisons are secured for OUR safety. I understand that your concern is for the child's safety but do we really want to put them in lock down to insure their safety for the sake of "our right to bear arms"? Do we really want our children to grow up in a society where they need police protection, a helmet and a bullet proof vest in order to attend school?

I don't know the answer to this dilemma but I feel that there are way too many guns and not enough regulations to protect the innocent.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 22:10 other posts 
There are to many idiots out there to!
We have witnessed that a red flag law could have saved the shoppers in new york, but it failed.
New regulations are not the whole answer .Enforcement of the current 1's would be a great start.
Our kids need to grow up knowing the truth, and that the world is not cotton candy and unicorns. Do I want them growing up in prison like conditions? Of course not,BUT we need to do whatever it takes to deal with the saftey issues with buildings and so forth .Alot could be done without violating our constitution.
When I was younger i worked a little part time repairing fenceing. And it is a good security device. There is a modern fence called Vanquish,that a snake can not even crawl thru. Very attractive,neat,clean,and everything behind it is Very secure and safe.
By #610414 22,Jun,22 10:24
My daughter home schooled her two boys. She's a teacher and qualified to do so. My grandsons are super educated and both qualified for scholarships. I'm happy about that, but, I feel that they missed out on the most important thing about growing up. The missed the social interaction of being in a class with kids their own age. This is the age you make your personal rules about social interactions and character reading of other people. My daughter have had many arguments about this.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 08:10 other posts 
Just my opinion, school has a twofold purpose and that is to earn a certain curriculum as well as socialization. The world is full of diverse people with equally diverse personalities. An online school may prepare you academically for the future however won't it just delay the inevitable of dealing with people, personalities, your own fears and anxieties?
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 08:54 other posts 
Maybe but I learned all my people skills when I got out of school and into the real working world I became really good at reading people like a book the only people skills I learned in school was belittlement embarrassment anger and how to fight so they didn’t teach me much I learned more people skills from my Vietnam war veteran brother-in-law who served the United States Marine corps he taught me everything I needed to know survival skills he polished up my fighting skills he taught me to feel no pain and be ready for anything life throw’s at me now that’s a teacher with real life skills
By #610414 22,Jun,22 10:32
Mountain Man, your bad times in school can be laid in your parent's feet. Obviously normal school was not for you, but, there's so many alternate schools that could have made you a happy student, you could have had both, a scholastic and a technical schooling. Parent fail to stay abreast of their kids abilities and, more important, their inabilities. Yes, you persevered and made yourself a successful adult, but, it could have been so much easier. Perhaps even more.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 11:06 other posts 
I can’t argue with that but nonetheless here I am a functioning part of society and loved by my community
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With out school
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 12:14 other posts 
Similar for me. I was picked on, belittled so much in school it probably was what distracted me from studying or giving a damn about any of it.
People wonder why kids want to shoot up a school, but then when a kid like myself goes to the teacher and says, "he is picking on me, please stop him" and they do nothing but laugh or tell you to grow up, it doesn't take long for it to build up to a point of exploding inside.
The teachers acted so disappointed when my grades were low but did nothing to help me be able to focus on my studies instead of being beaten, spit at ,laughed at and so on.
If bullying in schools is as common now as it was then, considering the violence portrayed in video games, it is no wonder our kids grow up wanting to kill.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 13:57 other posts 
Good point no one on this site can say or even speak for the school system because their has and still is a broken system I was bullied by the teachers no student in there right mind would try to bullies me i was way bigger than them but the teachers thought they were protected in fact they found out I didn’t care because I was the authority figure
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 16:53 other posts 
But if phart were in charge ,k1ds like you would have been shot or locked up.....
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 17:51 other posts 
Yeah most likely
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 13:47 other posts 
Hey wasn’t rosy the robot 🤖 on the jet-sons years ago
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 18:14 other posts 
That does not compute!
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 21:01 other posts 
By #275407 21,Jun,22 09:21
Cat, I luv John Wayne for his character in movies, doesn't mean I have to like his private life. And the 14 year old from Hollywood who raped knew better even though he might have come from a disfunctional family. You do the crime, you do the time, he knew better.
By #610414 21,Jun,22 09:47
That depends if he was a white boy or a black boy. The same if the woman was a white woman or a black woman.
By sherryann [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 10:25 other posts 
What would white boy/black boy, white woman/black woman have to do with it?
By #610414 21,Jun,22 11:23
White boy r@pes black woman, he gets 5 yrs probation. Black boy r@pes white woman, he get tried as an adult and gets 20 yrs to life
By sherryann [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 12:53 other posts 
not true, not where I live, not these days. What about Soros funded soft on crime states attorney, prosecutor, in Chicago, New York etc.? Bail reform...etc etc There is very clearly a shift these days where black offenders are treated leniently.
By #610414 21,Jun,22 14:31
Sherryann, I won’t deny that there are some places in this country where, for many reasons, right or wrong, they are lenient with minority criminals. Most of these areas are in the big metropolises like Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York. I’m talking about the majority of our great country that is more rural. In these areas, and I know you know what I mean, minorities get the short end of the stick. I won’t do it, but, if you Google the makeup of prisoners in this country as opposed to the racial makeup of the United States, you will find that the percentage of minorities in prison are several times that of whites who are at least 80% of the population of this country.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 17:55 other posts 
How can you call this our great country after the mess you democrats have this country in and it only took you 2 short years to screw everything up what we need to do is bring back capital punishment a thief gets his hands cut off a guy that rapes gets his balls cut off a murderer get hung in the square of the nearest town after a fair trial of corse
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See i know how to fix anything
By #610414 21,Jun,22 19:09
Yes Sir.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 19:37 other posts 
By #275407 22,Jun,22 10:30
I would hope that if a guy gets arrested for ra&e and burglary and gets his balls and hands cut off, then they find that they arrested the wrong guy.... That would suck big time.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 11:09 other posts 
By sherryann [Ignore] 21,Jun,22 21:47 other posts 
well thanks for acknowledging that. I'd love to experience living in a rural area, but never have, but I get your point. I think the majority of blacks locked up is because they are committing the majority of violent crime. I also don't believe whites are that big of a percentage of the population, nor will they be in the future.
By #610414 22,Jun,22 07:52
This is from the 2020 census demographics. If you combine whites and Hispanic whites, the total whites is about 74%, so I guess you are right.--------------------------------------- added after 2 hoursOkay. I hear you guys, Dgraff, Sherryann, Bella! but, all 3 of you are white so the #'s would have been +3. Seriously, most people answer the census. The form is usually mailed and here's no follow-up unless you DON'T ANSWER. I googled it and this is from the 2020 census

2020 Census Response Rate Update: 99.98% Complete Nationwide.

So, if you take the total population of the 2020 census
331,449,281 and multiply it by the 0.02% that did not answer the census, that equals to 66,290 people.
That hardly would make a dent on the census and much less on the % of blacks and whites as both groups would not answer IN THE SAME PERCENTAGES AS THE DEMOGRAPHICS.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 09:00 other posts 
Oh please you can’t go by the census count I haven’t been counted in years and how many others just like me I peak at them from behind the curtains and give them the finger
By sherryann [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 09:41 other posts 
cat I agree with dgraff. I too am never counted because I never answer my door unless I'm expecting someone so they never count me, ever.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 09:50 other posts 
My rule of thumb, I do not answer the phone if I do not know who is calling nor do I answer/open the door to someone that I do not recognize.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 10:58 other posts 
Yep that’s my rule of thumb to
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 11:56 other posts 
census? What census? I don't answer no damn census.it is yet another invasion of privacy.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 12:18 other posts 
Absolutely it’s bad enough they track us by our cell phones
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 12:24 other posts 
By #610414 22,Jun,22 12:36
Track you with the census? HoneyBun if you’ve lived in your home for 10 yrs or more, they know everything about you including your underwear size, how many times a week you wank, and if you tidy- wipes are laundered.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 13:39 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,22 16:41 other posts 
Then they don't know anything worth a shit! all that hard surveillance for nothing.

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