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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #610414 06,Jun,22 17:58
Illegal Images Member Gersub Reported by RedWing
This is in the abuse section. It looks like the pic is of a minor, but, there are no explanations. Also, the vote was frozen but it doesn't say by whom.

???? what's going on?????
--------------------------------------- added after 82 minutes

It's gone?

By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 15:15 other posts 
Well I wonder how Nigeria's government will respond to this shooting? More gun laws perhaps?
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By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 20:43 other posts 
Has anything been published about Nigeria facing a gun epidemic?
By #610414 06,Jun,22 04:45
Lagos, Nigeria, Africa, shades of Matthew McConaughey’s Sahara. As I understand it, the government is having a spear buy-back.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jun,22 06:14 other posts 
And poisonous ☠️ blow dart guns
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And I think they are selling there shrunken head kettles
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,22 12:55 other posts 
Spear buy back! I needed a laugh!

By #610414 06,Jun,22 10:35
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More gun violence in America.

By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 06:49 other posts 
Well the police chief is getting off scot free.just shows how little justice really matters to liberals.
Blame the gun and let the men that fuck up run free without accountability.
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By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 07:37 other posts 
phart, I'm just thankful that I'm not in job that requires me to make decisions of this magnitude and/or that the decisions that I make are scrutinized so heavily.

How would you have handled the situation?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 07:52 other posts 
Follow agreed upon training, which were established after Columbine to start.

He is a horrible leader at best.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 08:13 other posts 
Basically speaking, the protocol established because of the Columbine massacre is to go after the shooter. Surely that can't be the answer for all situations.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 10:57 other posts 
Agree, but when there is an active shooter that is really the only play... Versus, negotiating or containing an incident.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 11:23 other posts 
I'm just saying it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
By #610414 05,Jun,22 07:50
Phart, I’m with Bella on this. Eventually all will come out, but, having the responsibility of saving lives in such a violent situation can be daunting.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 10:09 other posts 
Well that is kinda what is required of his job.Making tough decisions that could cost him his life. And bad decisions have repercussions. I certainly HOPE he has the common decency to leave police work and go drive a trash truck or something .He is NOT man enough to protect lives.
To leave those kids to die or watch others die in pools of blood, and willing to sit back and do NOTHING or allow anyone ELSE to any thing, is just barbaric .When I first heard about this,I briefly wondered if he was not in on the attack but I have since decided that was not feasible.
I read they even put handcuffs on 1 lady that saved her 2 kids and threatened to put her in jail for doing THEIR JOB>
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 10:32 other posts 
phart, I'm really not sure there's a "one size fits most" answer to these types of situations.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 10:42 other posts 
I can agree with that,and I am not saying you or cat are "wrong" either.
Once he saw so many others wanting to go a different route,he should have deduced that he was in the wrong.
When the majority is wanting to go in,and kids are at stake, it may be best to at least consider their feelings on the matter.
Part of being a leader is accepting input from others and using it to improve your ability to lead
By #610414 05,Jun,22 11:10
Phart, my post stands. It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. If, after the investigation, this Chief is found wanting, then, by all means, he has to go, but, till then let’s give him the benefit of the doubt.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 11:18 other posts 
And if the police stormed in causing more than 21 fatalities, then what? Would we be commending him for following his training?
By sherryann [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 17:05 other posts 
Phart, in your link, the mention of parents running in while police detained them is standard police procedure in that type of situation. If they're handcuffed they evidently didn't obey the police command. I have no opinion one way or the other, but it's another situation where people ignore law enforcement who have an incredibly hard job nowadays.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 17:16 other posts 
Well if it were my kids in there, I guess I woulda been cuffed and stuffed trying to get them out if i had watched those police just stand around with their bullet proof vest and shiny badges doing nothing to save my kids lives.I understand what you are saying about respecting the police.BUT there comes a time when lives matter, seconds matter, and they are minutes away, sometimes they can't help that fact .but this is a time they could a done better.
By sherryann [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 19:12 other posts 
I understand
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 20:32 other posts 
Amen, sherryann, amen!
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 18:03 other posts 
Somehow,I don't think "stay back and shut up" is a good answer either.
This man has to live with the fact he coulda stopped the shooter.
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By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 20:59 other posts 
Angela Gomez was the mother cited in your article, that defied police and entered the school to save her children. I found this interesting;

"Gomez said that since the attack she received a call from a law enforcement officer who warned that she could face obstruction of justice charges if she continues to publicly speak out about what happened. Because she’s on probation for something that took place over a decade ago, she said she heeded that officer’s warning until a judge overseeing her probation told her that she did not face any new charges. The judge instead said that her probation would be shortened because of her bravery."

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By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 22:16 other posts 
yea, I read that. Is that not a violation of freedom of speech asking her not to speak about it?

By #574505 05,Jun,22 12:56
"Florida Man Allegedly Crashed Into FedEx Truck While Receiving Oral Sex" only registered users can see external links. Who likes to drive like that.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 14:25 other posts 
The Saggy Granny was turning a trick.. and the trick turned the wrong way!

Bitch has to earn her money!!


By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 14:26 other posts 
Hahaha you gotta love Florida hey cat we’re you riding in that fed ex truck
By #610414 05,Jun,22 14:44
Missed that one
By #574505 05,Jun,22 14:52
I wonder if she bite his cock off ..
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 15:13 other posts 
I posted this 2 days ago, links to the written article as well as the new report on WPLG, after I saw the post in CAT's thread. The problem with her post was the link didn't work. You snooze, you lose!

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By #610414 05,Jun,22 15:43
Actually, I just went back to my thread and the link worked. It’s to an article in SmartNews, not a video on YouTube
By #574505 05,Jun,22 15:48
Sorry I didn't see it
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Don't have the app news
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 17:11 other posts 
If Cat is involved.. you can assume it is broken, not accurate, or filled with bad grammar! A true site genius

By #574505 05,Jun,22 17:45
I'm don with my coms
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 20:31 other posts 
No, no bad grammar, it was a copy and paste.

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 08:55 other posts 
I wonder if the saying; "The apple doesn't fall from from the tree" applies to Hunter and his parental units?

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By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 10:06 other posts 
By #610414 05,Jun,22 11:27
Apples don’t fall far from the tree, but, it can get worm infested once it hits the ground. I think I can safely say that almost every family in America has had to deal with some form of substance abuse. My oldest son went trough a period in his late teens and early twenties where he ran with some lowlifes. It took a great effort including Baker acting him. Six months in county jail finally cleaned him out. He’s been clean and proper since then.
I won’t act like a goody-two-shoes. I do, still, like to have an occasional toke. Never, ever, in front of my kids or grandkids.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 18:35 other posts 
Up in smoke that’s were my troubles go I take a toke and all my cares go up in smoke
By #610414 05,Jun,22 19:57

By #574505 03,Jun,22 16:42
Hold on to your pants cody8789 ' cat countrycouple54 and any body else only registered users can see external links
--------------------------------------- added after 71 seconds

Hope all your safe.
By #275407 03,Jun,22 17:34
Compared to past storms, this is just a rain event, winds won't be a problem.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,22 22:13 other posts 
So none of those whirly gigs or flooding I hope?
We had some small tornados locally a few weeks ago. I saw a tree that had fell beside a house, damaged the porch. Tree was HUGE and had it moved a foot,it would have crushed the crippled woman in the bedroom on that side of the house.Very close call.--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutesIf you ever see this in person,it is much scarier. I watched 1 form right over my house,it wound up about 20 miles away only registered users can see external links
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 07:53 other posts 
Cody8789 use Bjuk as needed to help. He can be your storm task rabbit
By #275407 05,Jun,22 13:00
Since there will be no wind in this storm, I'll need Bjuk to do all the blowing
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 14:24 other posts 
By #610414 03,Jun,22 17:35
Thanks Jamie. Is it ok if I hold to my PANTIES instead?:x But Cody is right. Lots of rain, some wind, but that’s all
By #574505 03,Jun,22 17:39
Cat no don't hold them. 😀
By #275407 04,Jun,22 01:31
I just looked out my window of my house and saw cats house floating down the street
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jun,22 02:45 other posts 
How do you know it was her trailer? 😳
By #610414 04,Jun,22 10:36
My house has no wheels


By #574505 04,Jun,22 10:38
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jun,22 13:52 other posts 
I would like to see that wood cook stove restored,UM BEANS! Beans taste good cookded on a wood stove
By the way,in a hurricane,your house needs WINGS don't it?
By #275407 04,Jun,22 16:31
Not here in Florida, the building code for homes being built are the strongest in the nation. Brick homes with extra roof tie downs and huricane code Windows built to withstand 120 mile an hr. Winds. Extra sturdy garage doors and Rolodex shutters. With all those add ons, it even lowers your house ins.
By #610414 04,Jun,22 16:51
It’s true. My old house went through every hurricane since 1947 without any major damage. It still standing.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 10:13 other posts 
Well it has passed now so are all ok?
By #610414 05,Jun,22 11:13
Drying out, Phart. No flooding in my area, but, some areas look like lakes.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 11:15 other posts 
By #610414 05,Jun,22 11:29
Misery is always less when someone is concerned and shows care and friendship. Thank you, friend.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jun,22 14:23 other posts 
I really should watch the news more often I didn’t even know anything was happening down there but the news is so depressing anyway I’m glad everything is ok down there
By #610414 05,Jun,22 14:43

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