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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 26,May,22 13:23 other posts 
OMFG, here we go again with this gun shit. People listen, it's not the gun collector, or the concealed weapon permit holder, or the honest hard working gun toting American killing for fucks sake. It's psychos, head cases, drug addicts, mentally ill who can pick a handgun or a rifle up for low low price on any street corner in any big American city. IT'S NOT THE GUNS FAULT. Let me run something by you all. I'm almost 6 foot, 200 lbs, grown ass man with a military background. Do you not think someone of my size could have walked into that classroom full of innocent small children and a defenseless teacher, with a baseball bat, knife, crowbar, or any other weapon and had the same outcome. Because if you think so, you're an idiot. People drive vehicles into crowds, should we put a restriction on how many cars you buy. These are bad people that give guns a bad rap. Start looking at the real problem. Why was that bad person able to walk right through the front door of that school. I mean come on, let's put blame where it should be. Secure the fucking schools better. Stop budget cutting school police officers. This is bullshit everytime this shit happens that it's the guns fault. Fix the real problem President Biden. You useless piece of skin.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,22 13:29 other posts 
The U.S of A is populated with nothing but gun toting "psychos, head cases, drug addicts, mentally ill".... I'm packing my bags and moving to Europe, possibly the Netherlands where I don't have to break a sweat and/or work hard and where the government and officials work hard to make my life easy and take care of me.
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 22:32 other posts 
I wonder if you could move in next door to ananas?

it seems to be such a watery wonderland over there. The whole damn country is flood plain. Tax rate is only a measly 37 percent. and they apparently have a great health care system and some how everything gets done although they only work like 2 days a week.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,22 13:33 other posts 
On the real side, I wonder just how easy it is to buy a gun?
By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 26,May,22 18:37 other posts 
As easy as it is to buy weed. Most of your drug dealers will find whatever your looking for. It's like a flea market of products. Guns, crack, Viagra, or any other shit
By phart [Ignore] 26,May,22 21:07 other posts 
The 2 rifles this 18 year old bought were 1800 bucks each according to what I read .plus the cost of ammo.
Someone helped him buy those guns or he stole the money from his grandma and that is why he shot her or something.
But yea,he walked right into the building just like going to Walmart on a monday morning.
The cops waited 40 minutes or more before storming in,as parents heard gunshots, perhaps the very shots that killed their children while the cops huddled.I am not a cop,don't want the job,and I would hate to see what the world would be like without them,but damn at the same time,what good were those cops on that morning?other than to fill out history reports??
The school was unlocked,the cops were slow, hold all accountable and quit blaming the gun.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 28,May,22 11:30 other posts 
The pyschos and nut jobs could not do what they do if guns were not so incredibly easy to obtain. Yes it is the pyscho who is the killer but the NRA and its supporters 'gave' him the guns he bought.

Actually new gun control would not achieve much as there are 400 million guns in the US, over 1 per head of population, and gun control will only affect new purchases and not weapons already held.

So the US has to just do what it does and accept that children are going to be slaughtered on a regular basis and do absolutely nothing about it.

There have been 200 mass shooting in the US already this year, but that's OK because guns are not the problem.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,22 11:57 other posts 
You know, when you posted that there were 200 mass shootings in the United States, I thought you were talking crap. For real, how could that be? Only five months into 2022 and we haven't even finished up the month of May! I Google'd it and sadly you are absolutely correct.

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By Andthisisme [Ignore] 28,May,22 12:20 other posts 
I really wish that I had been talking crap.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,22 12:41 other posts 
Yes, me too.
By #610414 28,May,22 12:42
It really is insane, and yet, people like CC54 and Phart feel that guns are not to blame.
By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 12:47 other posts 
It is really insane that you see banning guns as the only solution to dealing with wackos.
The desire to kill is the problem.
By #610414 28,May,22 12:59
Phart, all I want is to ban SOME weapons. I also want more regulations. Driving a vehicle is regulated. Flying is regulated. Health issues are regulated. Banking is regulated. Why not guns?
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Wackos should not have access to guns of any kind but least of all, semi automatics. Same with knives, bats, hammers or sling shots. Good luck with that.
By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 15:48 other posts 
I can't get a machine gun now can I?
Why? Because wacko's used them in chicago back in the gangster days.
They have strict gun laws,they also have alot of killing going on to. So that should indicate something to you.
By #610414 28,May,22 12:39
The other obstacle is that there are thousands of gun shops. I just don’t see us getting rid of all guns.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,May,22 14:35 other posts 

100% agree with CC54
By tecsan [Ignore] 26,May,22 21:00 other posts 
I have to agree with the last sentence. The rest I will not comment on right now.
By #574505 26,May,22 21:11
By #610414 27,May,22 11:55
CC54- do you listen to your rhetoric? 21 people, nineteen where babies, and you come up with OMFG? You are telling us that you are defending the use of a gun because you can k.ill with a bat? Are you so in love with your weapons you are willing to put this tragedy aside? The REAL PROBLEM Is not school budgets, presidents that can’t get their shit together, or anything else. It’s people like you that are not willing to, at least, compromise a little for a bit of safety. YOU AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU, people that think owning a firearm is your God given right, are the real people responsible for all these mass shootings. IT IS NOT THE GUN’S FAULT. ITS YOU AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT WANT TO HAVE A TOOL THAT ITS SOLE PURPOSE IS TO END LIFE.
So is the state of our country. The only country in the world where this happens over and over again
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 13:35 other posts 
Are you reading what you type?
Should you get your tubes tied because your neighbor has to many babies?
Should I get castrated because my neighbor has to many baby mama's running around?
Should we give up our guns because a few wacko's kill people with guns?
Should we park our cars because a terrorist drive them into crowds?
Read your own rhetoric and try to figure it out before you start talking crap about what other people are saying.
Gun control won't work anyway.
Most Americans will become outlaws.Because the terrorist wacko's won't respect the gun control measures and we don't want to be defenseless. Especially since the police and feds have shown to many times already they are inept to protect us.
By #610414 27,May,22 16:01
And, yet, over 85% of the American public want more gun regulations. BY THE WAY, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT GUNS. Why can’t you accept some compromise.
Jesus Christ you are so fucking sour. What in the hell are you talking about? I'm saying a mentally unstable man with a bat, knife , pipe, machete, etc.... Would and could have done the same damage. Watch the news, the first 911 call was at least 20 minutes before police showed up. It's been confirmed that both main doors to the school were unlocked as well as the door to the classroom. WHY?????? Secure the fucking schools better and we might stop this shit. If not people like you will continue your blabbering bullshit. You don't even make sense.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,22 18:00 other posts 
In the big picture of things, it's really sad that our children, our schools need police presence to maintain their safety. It's really sad that the outer doors and classroom doors need to have locks and remain locked while the children attend.
By #610414 27,May,22 18:27
Really CC54? Name one instance in the last 70 years where a man took a bat and killed 21 people. And, if so, did he go to a sporting goods store and bought 3 Louisville Sluggers to have “extra” batting chances? And if not bats, how many used knives? Perhaps guns? Yes, baby, you DO make sense
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 19:15 other posts 
Really, Compromise? Your idea of compromise is to take away millions of Americans gun ownership right,only for the crooks to go buy their stuff on the black market and have even more soft targets to choose from.
Regulations have not kept the fentanyl from coming in from mexico.But yet I never read of liberals wanting to ban it, they love it because they are the 1's buying the shit.
Regulations are abided by honest ,sane people. Not wacko's, freaks, terrorist. They thrive when people like you cat are chopping away at our makes the game alot more fun for them.more victims. My guns have killed no one.
I have no desire to kill, I am sane,I value life. It may because I was disciplined as a child and had some religious influence to help understand the value of life. Something atheist want to destroy.

How can liberals push for the right to kill a baby ,then push for the loss of a right to defend life?
By #610414 27,May,22 19:43
We push it because we see other countries, major countries, either bann guns or have tough regulations and their homicide rates have gone down. No one in those countries decided to hijack the government. You are not defending any lives. As far as I know, not one gun owner ran to this school and exchanged fire with the shooter. You are in love with your gun and the only thing you gun owners want is to be able to caress your guns. Try masturbation. It’s safer for the public.
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As far as fentanyl, prove to me and others that it gets a pass by the liberal well to do. I would love to see fentanyl and other hard drug users arrested and sent to a clean out clinic with no chance of getting out until they are clean. All these drugs that get “imported” is because we, as a nation, are fucked up and looking for relief in drugs. WE ARE TO BLAME.
By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 27,May,22 20:51 other posts 
It's all good Cat. You go on with your thinking of life and I will do the same. Not everyone will or ever see eye to eye. I do what's best for me and my family as you should do the same. I just hope you and your family will be able to protect themselves when the time comes. And they just don't end up another casualty.
By #610414 28,May,22 12:53
CC54, thank you for your concern. Now, tell me, how many gun owners were able to protect themselves in the 200 mass shootings this year. Better yet, in your lifetime, how many times have you had to pull your gun out in fear of your life? Besides military service, when was your weapon fired in anger at someone. Your son, who is part of law enforcement, probably has had to pull his weapon more than once, perhaps he had to shoot. How does he feel knowing anyone in his range of vision could have a weapon that could end his life? How do you feel knowing one day might be the last time he leaves the house because some waco can purchase a military style semi automatic that not even his bullet proof vest can protect him from?
By #610414 27,May,22 20:55
Sure there were other factors but, the main one is the military grade semi automatic. A weapon that can shoot a bullet at 3000 feet/second, can go through a bullet proof vest the person wearing it and out the rear of the vest. And,,baby, I’m not blabbering BS. 85% of the people in the US feel as I do, so, you keep telling yourself all those lies the right wingers and the NRA told you. Live your lie, but, we will eventually win and if you don’t compromise, we’ll walk all over you.
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 21:34 other posts 
NO, you will be walked over. No war was won without a battle. And all battles the past couple 100 years have had guns involved.
All these other country's you speak of with lower death rates ,what are their populations compared to ours?
And have you bothered to check on killings by other methods?America has problems and guns are only a very small number of them.
By #610414 27,May,22 21:39
I think you pretty much made my point. Collectively, all those other countries have more people than us and they don’t die from gun violence like us. We have many problems but guns are one problem that kills
By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 27,May,22 22:28 other posts 
Yeah, the same 85% that voted for Biden. LMAO. You need to face reality. Biden has fucked up so bad, worse then Obama. There is no chance in hell that any Democrat will ever be president again. So I can thank Biden for that. We'll see how true your 85% rating is next election. Remember I told you so
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 22:45 other posts 
I think biden might beat obama on yet another issue.
obama is known as 1 of the best gun salesman in the world.
biden and his cronies might beat that record.
By #610414 28,May,22 06:53
That 85% includes Republicans and gun owners. What happens politically in 2022 or 2024 doesn’t change the fact that guns are a problem in this country. Old Joe did not get anywhere near 85% in the 2020 election. The vote was close. Old Joe just got a little bit more. I expect for the Repuckers to gain seats in Congress in the midterm. If they do and get nowhere for the next 2 years, then the Democrats have a good chance to win the 2024 election. Good luck, CC54. I will remember and bring it back then. But, right now, I will work hard to get Congress to ban military style semi automatic long rifles. I will work for national age restrictions and cooling off period for mandatory background checks. Notice that I’m not trying to get ALL GUNS confiscated, just the high power, semi automatic ones.
By #610414 28,May,22 13:37
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Please show me the proof that 85% of Americans side with you over semi or automatic weapons. I bet my ass your way fucking off. We're talking about American citizens, not politicians.
By #610414 28,May,22 07:14
CC54. I don’t pull statistics out of my ass. Every major news outlet and talk show is quoting this. Some are saying the numbers are higher. All I had to say was that a majority wanted more gun controls and I would have been right. I was surprised the numbers where so high. BTW, these #’s where quoted by national political and police departments.
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,May,22 00:30 other posts 
This is how some other countries try to resolve their mass murder with guns issues:
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By #610414 28,May,22 13:43
Kebmo it’s worth doing some copy/paste here.

On April 28, 1996, Martin Bryant, a disturbed twenty-eight-year-old Australian who had been bullied at school, walked into a café in the city of Port Arthur, a former convict settlement in the state of Tasmania that is now a unesco World Heritage Site. He pulled a Colt AR-15 rifle from his duffelbag and started shooting. After killing more than twenty people in the café and in an adjacent gift shop, he reloaded his weapon and roamed around the site shooting at random. A carjacking and a hostage negotiation followed. By the time he was arrested, he had killed thirty-five people and wounded another twenty-three.

Australia, like the United States, is a federalized former British colony that has long styled itself as a rugged, individualistic nation. Hunting and shooting are popular there. Unlike the U.S., though, Australia has a political system that is responsive to popular opinion. Its legislatures do not have filibuster-like rules that allow a minority of lawmakers to block legislation. Within two weeks of the Port Arthur massacre, the worst in modern Australian history, governments at the federal and state levels had agreed to ban semi-automatic and pump-action firearms. The federal government also introduced several other measures, including a buyback scheme to compensate owners of the newly banned firearms, a centralized registry of gun owners, and a public-education campaign about the new laws.

Just over a year ago, Australia marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the transformation brought about by the Port Arthur rampage. In a country of roughly twenty-seven million people, there are still a lot of guns in private hands—in 2020, there were an estimated 3.5 million. But the number of mass shootings, defined as attacks in which at least four people are killed, has declined precipitously.

By kebmo [Ignore] 28,May,22 22:23 other posts 
Canada, The UK, Australia, New Zealand and MOST other countries in the world also have people that suffer from mental illness.

By #574505 28,May,22 11:52
Can you blane the police only registered users can see external links
By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 12:53 other posts 
Yes,I can.
I can not imagine what it felt like as a parent to hear gun shots, shots that could be killing their own kids at that very moment, and watching police with guns, bullet proof vest ,and so forth stand around with their thumbs in their ass's.
And folks like Cat and the rest of the liberals want those kids to grow up trusting cops with their safety and not have access to guns or other protective technology.
That little girl did not even trust a male reporter enough to talk to them after what that 18 year old punk did to her and her friend's and teachers.She has already faced death,had to get close enough to a dead body to get a cell phone,at 11 years old.That took courage for someone that young.
She will never trust cops or males for that matter.can't say as I blame her,they both betrayed her
By #574505 28,May,22 13:16
I agree with everything you said.
Such young girl to go through all what went on make me sad
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By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 12:45 other posts 
I can't help but notice cat has ignored this news clip I posted on her thread.
A good gun stopping a bad 1.
I guess it does not fit the liberal narrative
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By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,22 10:10 other posts 
Can your dog do this?

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By #610414 27,May,22 16:56
JustWill, I try not to interact with you but you are an ass

That member getting booted from the site WAS a "special site event"...
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Bella, I’m surprised at you. Still, to this day you keep it up?
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,22 18:24 other posts 
Um, you choose to call JustWill an ass because of how he feels? Perhaps he and others would not feel so much disdain toward you if you owned your prior actions but you continue to deny, deny, DENY.
By #610414 27,May,22 18:58
And you continue to not believe , not believe, not believe. I’m sorry I ever allowed anyone to use our house internet, but, it’s done and gone. JustWill is an ass because he chooses to make decisions on false information. Personally, I don’t care what a homo teacher thinks about me, especially since he’s about pertinent as a head of cabbage. You, well, as you have figured out, I use your thread more than mine because, no matter how much I argue with the members that flock to your thread, they are all good people. You are what I have to put up with to be here.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,22 21:18 other posts 
No need to compromise your sensibilities, why not stay out of my way?
By #610414 27,May,22 21:35
I don’t want to but you jump in my way all the time
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,22 22:03 other posts 
Again, your need to be seen, heard and feel "relevant" at any cost. There's no jumping or otherwise going on by me.

This will be the last time I will mention this, I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT AND RUDENESS IN THIS THREAD. Got it? You will not use this thread to call members "ass" especially those members that do not even speak to you or about you. You will not use this thread to use disparaging terms regarding another person's sexuality. Got it? If you cannot edit your nasty attitude and choose to continue to post your offensive posts, I will be forced to delete your posts and if that doesn't keep you at bay, I will be forced to blacklist you. Got it?
By #610414 28,May,22 09:45
And again, you sucker punch someone and when they react, you deny your actions. All right, Madam, in the interest of peace in your thread, I will take this to my thread. You can delete any post you want but this whole chat is copied in my NOTES app.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,22 10:06 other posts 
Super! Whatever it takes. If having a copy of "this whole chat" will help you remember, it's win/win. By all means, you can refer to your NOTES as needed since you seem to exhibit memory issues.

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