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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #551147 25,Sep,20 13:07

Was it one of your deranged kinfolk that tried sending the President poison? If so, your not gonna see her for quite a LONG time. In this day and age one of the stupidest fucking things a person could do, in my opinion. So much for them
"smart Canadians".

Speaking of "smart Canadians", I stumbled across this jewel.
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3 mins.

That was refreshing! Gave me a lil flicker of warmth for our northern neighbors.

Hey Mr.Phart, Mr.DGraff, Tecsan Did you hear of this story? A most brazen Canuck tried to kill our President.

🇺🇸 Keep AMERICA Great - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 09:04 other posts 
I am not a US citizen and so I do try not to post in threads relating to the US - well most of the time. However, reading the recent threads and watching video of US citizens offering their opinions on current issues I am forming the opinion that the 'United' in United States is no longer appropriate.
This is not only true in the US but it is more plainly visible at the moment.
Up until recent years, throughout most of my life, opposition politicians would hold opposite views on issues but accept that their opponents held valid and genuinely held opinions on issues. So there was some respect.
Today - not only but most obviously in the US - if a person does not agree with your particular view or opinion they are targeted for the most appalling abuse. We see that in a number of eastern European countries more and more.

Anyone who thinks that after the US election on November 5th that there will not be rioting and violence on the streets of many US towns and cities is deluding themselves. Both sides will cry 'FOUL!' if the result doesn't suit them and the weirdos will take to the streets.

God help the USA.

OK, I have my flak jacket on...
By phart [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 09:57 other posts 
I don't see the need to give you any flak,you are telling the truth. The "virus" is being used to alter our entire election process and everyone is upset.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 10:13 other posts 
I appreciate that, thank you. Alas I don't think it is just the virus that is the cause of this breakdown, although clearly it plays a part and is being used by both sides. In a number of Eastern European countries they are using 'immigration' as the issue. Society had rapidly become aggressively devicive over recent years, fueled by populist politicians..
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 15:19 other posts 
I'll be voting on November 3.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 15:53 other posts 
Ah, yes, having written my message I did think that I should check that I had the date right. Thank you for the correction.

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 09:06 other posts 
Easy come, easy go!

I'm ecstatic and posting about receiving 30 points from Play Ball!. Woo hoo! This morning I took the ball from another player, got sidetracked and didn't pass it within the 60 minute window. I'm now minus 10 points! Doi!
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 10:24 other posts 
Hahaha oops
By phart [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 17:08 other posts 
Ok I put 20 back in the kitty.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 18:27 other posts 
Well aren't you kind! I use my points and right now, I'm "sitting on" 18 points after receiving your gift of points!
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 18:29 other posts 
--------------------------------------- added after 61 seconds

I think I have 2 points
By phart [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 18:48 other posts 
No way of knowing you alls points cause they are hid!
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 21:12 other posts 
I blow all mine in the best image member bid
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 21:38 other posts 
Me, I'm going to vote for 2nice in the BEST IMAGE/MEMBER TOP and receive +3 points! Look out boys, I'm going to zoom up and close out today with 21 points. I hope when I wake up tomorrow I'm at 400.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 22:59 other posts 
I vote on the ladies side
--------------------------------------- added after 43 seconds

There is a method to my madness
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 23:02 other posts 
Bad boy!
By #460385 24,Sep,20 12:05
Us too. Just to keep lix out of the top spot.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 14:46 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 17:05 other posts 
i posted this elsewhere but maby others can see it here that can't see it there.
I would love to read some senseable answers.

Just what in the liberal mind is proper punishment for commiting a crime? Time out? Well,that is sorda what jail is you know?
Stand in the corner? Write," I shall not kill" 4 million times with a quill pen on canvas? I mean really,to read and hear liberals talk and type,you would think the crimminal has more rights than those of us that try to behave.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 18:24 other posts 
In my opinion, your post is too vague. A crime? What type of crime? Larceny from a building or are we talking about hardcore crime, ie murder, r@pe, child m0lestation?

I lean more toward being conservative, jail/prison would be appropriate. But other things would have to be factored in, as well. You are asking this of a liberal minded person so I am unable to speculate how that type of person would think or view things.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 18:35 other posts 
I’m pretty much anti government there would be way less crime of any kind if we brought back public hanging in the square of our towns
By phart [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 18:48 other posts 
Murder,r@pe,that sorda thing.
But first offense of say,theft of a low value item,there is room for a second chance with maby just probation .But the question was ask because of the thing Bloomingidiotburg is supporting in Florida right now,paying off debts of criminals so they can vote again.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 21:45 other posts 
Bloomingidiotburg? According to a post today, made by CountryCouple54 , LeBron James has gone public, offering to pay fines of criminals, in order to allow/permit said criminals the opportunity to vote.
By #460385 23,Sep,20 22:00
Bloomberg has been
doing it also.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 22:15 other posts 
Thanks, I was unaware that multiple, filthy rich, Americans have offered to make it possible for criminals to vote.

I'm listening to and watching Sean Hannity, Fox News. Calm night in Louisville, KY, only two police officers have been shot tonight after the announcement of the 12 million dollar settlement to be paid to the family of Breonna Taylor. National Guard are protecting the hospital where the two police officers were taken.
By stiffone4u [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 22:30 other posts 
Should those criminals not have to pay taxes? I thought that one of our founding principals was no taxation without representation? So we should not let them vote but not allow them to elect a person that may challenge the crime they committed? Lets ay that being a liberal was a crime and a felony, how would that play out? As of today the jails are full of pot selling felons. Yet its legal in many states.
Not so black and white is it?

By phart [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 16:54 other posts 
You know,dogs lives matter to.But look what this zero did.
1000 dollars bail. Oh boy,I guess that Mr James guy will take care of him. All lives matter.I hope someone adopts that poor dog.Nieghbor just got a pit bull mix and it is the most lovin dog,playful and thinks it is a puppy.
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By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 18:08 other posts 
I believe that in the court system, animals are viewed strictly as property. It doesn't matter if they are living, breathing things, they are property, a bowling ball and a dog are basically the same. The only difference being, you can probably do jail time for hurling a bowling ball from an overpass and onto a highway.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 21:16 other posts 
True that

By #551147 23,Sep,20 05:03
New video evidence has been released about that young man (Kyle Rittenhouse) of Kenosha, Wisconsin.

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12 mins.

Kyle SHOULD be freed until his trial comes up. What they are doing to that young man is despicable! Charging him in less than 48 hours with 6 crimes and placing a $2,000,000.00 bond is abhorrent.

In this current backwards ass, upside down world. REAL criminals are released back into society, and too often lauded as victims or heroes. Too often of late, with NO bail money posted whatsoever, as long as your Black.

A friend of mine just told me a few days ago, about her nephew who was arrested for burglary, with people in the house, and released in less than 48 hours. When I asked her how the hell that happened, she told me about a bail fund EXCLUSIVELY for Black folks. Much to HER dismay, the organization posted his $36,000.00 bond and he was released.

Look at how Kamala Harris, the Democrats Presidential nominee, visited with Jacob Blake and told him "she's proud of him". WTF! For what exactly? Cause I damned sure would like to know. Have we all slipped into some alternate reality?

🇺🇸 Repeal the 22nd amendment 🇺🇸
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 05:45 other posts 
Good clip we need an army of Kyle ritten house in that city and many more cities
By #551147 23,Sep,20 14:37
I still disapprove of him being out there at that age, but admire his courage. Fortunately, he has a phenomenal attorney representing him and most likely will beat all charges, as he should. 🤞
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 15:30 other posts 
It's apparent that Kyle was in Kenosha to be protect and lend first aid, if needed. The people who are now dead, appear to have been in Kenosha with less than good intent. Yes, Kyle is 17, but he did kill two people and wounded others. If he shouldn't be in jail, his parents should. That BOY should never been allowed outside of his home, with all the shit going down in Kenosha. AND, he shouldn't have been carrying a weapon.

By #460385 23,Sep,20 10:51
Isn't nice that LeBron James has offered to pay possibly millions in fines, fees, and penalties of convicted felons. So they can go vote. These are rapist, murderers, child molesters, bank robbers, drug dealers, etc..... He's such a great guy. only registered users can see external links
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 10:55 other posts 
He truly earned the title of king!
By phart [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 13:56 other posts 
Gee yet another deterrant from commiting a crime done away with.Before you know it, crime will ACTUALLY pay!
By #460385 23,Sep,20 14:14
It's amazing that they will stand behind criminals. That they will wear the names of criminals on their jerseys and helmets. I like to see a few of them be more like Villanueva for the Steelers as he put a piece of tape across the criminals name that the organization was so kindly to pick out for him without his consent. And he wrote the name of a fallen soldier he served with in the military on the back of his helmet. Dead or not how do you support convicted felons. Unless you're a piece of trash yourself. Hey LeBron I think I just answered my own question.
By #460385 23,Sep,20 14:21
When you're a six-time convicted felon and more than likely you're going to be in prison another six times before you die. You don't deserve the right to vote. You get to vote for who your daddy is gonna be in prison. That's the only right they should have.

By #551147 23,Sep,20 04:23
Once again, Crime Pays!

Breonna Taylor family paid $12,000,000.00 by the city of Louisville. Makes ZERO sense to me, why sums of money like this are continually paid out to criminals and their families. In my opinion, it outwardly appears as an admission of guilt or negligence on the part of law enforcement. Further emboldening the criminals within our society. Or even worse, giving credence to that whole "innocent black woman gunned down by white police officers", bullshit. It's nauseating and disgraceful!

If that wasn't sick enough, the city called for a "state of emergency" and rolling out the national guard, in preparation for an "announcement" from the prosecutors office, in regards to whether or not they intend on charging the officers with crimes. I wonder why...
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 05:49 other posts 
It seems that crime now pays and pays well so why are you and I working our fingers to the bone to survive
--------------------------------------- added after 53 seconds

Maybe we need to rethink a few things
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 09:00 other posts 
Wow! I'm surprised that the City of Louisville was inclined in resolving the shooting so quickly. Apparently, the City of Louisville firmly believe that their officers actions were wrongful.
By #188992 23,Sep,20 10:07
I haven't followed this case that closely. One question:

Given the old maxim about being innocent until proven guilty, who are the "criminals" in this case you are referring to?

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 17:12 other posts 
I believe that I heard on the local news that Minneapolis has decided to name a street after George Floyd! WOW!
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 20:49 other posts 
Yeah it’s probably a dark ally in the center of Minneapolis with heroine addicts and crack heads drunks and homeless people lining the sides and a few 55 gallon drums with fire in them burning in the center definitely not a place to walk your date through
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And after a while it will be forgotten by society as has george Floyd
By #551147 23,Sep,20 06:04
Surely your NOT really surprised, are you?

A monument was also put into place for Michael Brown.

The name of a terrorist organization has been painted all over the streets of New york, outside the White House, Football stadiums, Basketball courts, and countless other places.

Maybe next they can start the Jacob Blake fund for battered and sexually assaulted women. Why not!

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 08:21 other posts 
A monument or a plaque? And was this paid for by the City of Ferguson, to memorialize Brown's death?
By #551147 23,Sep,20 08:50
Hell if I know! Last I heard (about 2 months ago) on the local news, "they" were trying to decide on the pose and look for his statue. Certainly you don't think the family used THEIR money for the plaque, monument, or statue do you? I would wager a bet it was paid for by taxpayers or the city since it is on city property. But, what do I know...

I'll tell you the part I DO know. The actions of the police officer were found to be justified by the local prosecuting attorney at the time, Obama's attorney general Eric Holder, and a new, recently elected Black prosecuting attorney, looking into it, AGAIN! The police officer's reputation and career was destroyed, they had to move out of state because of death threats etc. and then despite the officer being exonerated, and cleared, the city gave the family several million dollars. Crime and being a criminal sure pays off.

One might think there would be more outrage amongst law abiding people. You work hard your whole life to achieve whatever goals you desire and along comes degenerates getting paid MORE money than most people earn in a lifetime.

Meh, fuck it! Who cares, right?!

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 07:57 other posts 
I woke up today and was 30 points ahead of yesterday, thanks to Play Ball! Yep, I stole the ball from a SYC member and passed to soulpioneer , who passed to Archie8inch , who passed to QuietStorm , who passed to Badboy1991 . Sadly, the rally stopped there when Badboy1991 made the decision to pass to a SYC member that loves to swallow. The play stopped there, most likely, she was otherwise engaged and not only had her hands full, her mouth, too!

By #460385 21,Sep,20 21:30
We had to put our Shepherd down tonight. She was almost 14. She was a beast, a work horse, she protected our property like military. She never gave up, kept rolling, and never showed weakness. I held her head as she went to sleep. I'd rather watch a human die.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 21:41 other posts 
For sure MR cc I’m an animal lover to and I feel your pain
By #460385 21,Sep,20 22:06
When you look into their eyes as they are going to sleep, you don't know if it's a look of helplessness, a look of please help me, or a look of thank you I'm tired of hurting. It fucking sucks. 2 of our dogs in a year.😪
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 22:25 other posts 
Yeah I know it sucks
By phart [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 22:26 other posts 
My nieghbors chocolate lab got real sick a month or so ago.I loved that ol dog,120 pounds of puppy.he was about 12.Don't know what happened. But we had to load him in the car and the vet was baffled,but said she could do nothing for him. He had to be put to sleep.Was not even my dog,but I had spent alot of time with him over the past several years and I cried more than the neighbor.Only time I have worn a mask in public was when i went inside the vets office to be with the pup for a minute before we left and they put him to sleep.Sucks.My lab is getting to be about 10.I know the time will come and I dread it.Right now he is just grey and a bit slower than he used to be.
By BirdDog [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 23:36 other posts 
Sorry to hear of your loss, CC54🙏
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 01:37 other posts 
I know you gave your baby a good life, filled with lots of lovin' over those almost 14 years. And when a pet is loved so much, they are no longer "just a pet", they are family.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 05:54 other posts 
Absolutely if it came down to either muggsy eats or I do muggsy eats first
By #551147 23,Sep,20 03:54
Sincerest sympathies for your loss.
Pets are often just as loved as any other family member and will live on in your hearts. Best wishes! 😔

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