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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
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New blog up!
"Lmfao you steal pics from your daughter to try to mock me?"
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_AxCx_ wont accept msgs on her page. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black:
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You win, Sir-Skittles. You, your family, and your friends, are little more than cow shit. I’m leaving the site. You are a troll, just like your fellow members. 💩💩
Carolyn Osorio
Between keyboard warriors and comments sections, you might have noticed conflicting (and sometimes even downright incorrect) information about how, exactly, gas prices work in America today. While some popular opinions involve blaming whatever the current administration is for increases in gas prices, the issue is far more complicated than any singular person or even any singular government. In fact, the Energy Information Administration identifies four major factors that directly correlate to the cost of gas (and none of them are the president). These factors are crude oil prices (which are set by oil-producing countries), refining costs (which are increasingly impacted by natural disasters and climate change), distribution and marketing costs (which depend on the individual retailer you purchase gas from), and taxes (federal, state, and local taxes and fees).
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Ok, 1, crude oil prices set by producing countries.
IF we were able to use our own oil, we could set the price of our own oil and not be affected by other countries.
2, refining cost, are directly linked to climate change prompted regulations as well.
Distribution and marketing, if if gas was regulated like electric and telephone, the cost would be steady and easier to budget each month because the cost would be predictable.
4, taxes, again, the government could change it's tax schemes to help the people. the 3 reason is the only 1 that at the moment can't be fixed directly by ANY administration in power at any given time.
DITCH OPEC and use our own damn oil.
Taxes are needed to maintain the infrastructure. The alternative is paying a higher income tax if you have a driver's licence.
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Phone and electricity costs are local or semi local. Can you imagine finding a way to charge for gas? It's ludicrous.
And what the hell are democrats trying to do? finish killing off the economy? we need affordable gas to keep the country moving.
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The bottom line is, if you don't like what's happening in this administration, vote them out.........but, if they get reelected, THEN more agree with them than not. I think and hope they win. The Clown is not an option.
at the moment,Trump is the only thing we have to choose except for biden,and I would burn down the voting booth and go to jail before i would vote for that man
It is time for answers, And frankly the short answer at the moment is no 1 wants the job that you would approve of other than a liberal democrat because of the way Trump is being treated. Would you put yourself up on a podium to be treated like he is right now?
she also sold a bunch of state owned land to the chinese, boy talk about a real patriot.
Neither group wants to a leader to call, on his own, whether an election is fair. Nor do they want to allow the military to be the enforcers of presidential power. Neither wants to have the government to monitor pregnant women’s pregnancy. Neither wants mass deportations of MILLIONS of illegal immigrants, at the expense of the taxpayers, may I add.
That is what we, the public, want. Sensible leaders who can be chosen to actually LEAD following the rules of law. From either group.
Don't let the illegals in, and you don't have to figure out how to get rid of them.
Kinda like preventing cancer,don't smoke and that will greatly reduce the chances of getting it.
The NAFTA agreement says that any oil that Canada sells to the US or Mexico has to be the same price as we sell it to other Canadian refineries and vice versa. A lot of his oil may now leave the country by way of this new pipeline which opened this week.
Alberta oil is in a landlocked situation and getting it to tidewater to ship overseas has been a desire of ours for decades.
This pipeline is huge to Alberta. It triples our tidewater shipping capacity from 300,000 barrels per day to 890,000 barrels per day. If the US is no longer receiving some of this oil it could very well affect the gasoline prices in the US because that oil will have to be bought somewhere else at world prices as opposed to NAFTA prices.
Where Alberta oil goes has always been a very contentious issue in Canada. Alberta (and the federal government) wanted to build this pipeline east (Energy East) instead of west to supply Ontario, Quebec and our Maritime provinces but Quebec said no so we went west and will sell it to the world (Asia) at a higher price.
Every time oil prices change by one dollar it affects the Alberta economy by $100 million.
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I will have to read thru it later
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jealous of his intellect?
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I will try again.
Adam Schiffs luggage is stolen from his car in san fransisco.
Perhaps a uk paper will have a page?
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I just find it so ironic that soft on crime democrats are getting socked in the wallet just as everyone else by having to pay for car windows and most property to replace what was taken.
IF they kept the crooks locked up,95% of it would not be happening.
Yeah, crime exists, Democrats know that. But, just like your Republican politicians, they are all rich and don't have to care about living in the world that you live in.
Still, Democrats actually have good plans to reduce crime.
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The irony is, REPUBLICANS think 'defunding the police' will help.
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Republicans just keep telling you that tougher punishment will help.
It's nothing but bullshit for gullible people. They are incapable of doing anything useful, so the only thing they have to get voters, is lying that everything is getting worse because of the Democrats and then saying that they have the solutions.
Republicans are incapable of imagining solutions, just like you.
This is the level of your thinking:
- Mental illness? -> Lock them up!
- Crime? -> Just kill all the criminals!
- Immigrants coming for your jobs? -> Build a wall!
- Poor people? -> They should work harder!
- People cannot afford medication? -> Leave it up to the market!
- School shooting? -> Give guns to the stressed out teachers!
- Climate change? -> The earth's weather has always changed!
- Unwanted pregnancies? -> Their own fault for fucking!
- Black people protesting police violence? -> Shut the fuck up!
- Students protesting genocide by Israel? -> Shut the fuck up!
- Free speech? -> My right to say the N-word and be a douche online!
I wouldn't want to straw-man you, so tell me if you don't agree with any of them.
In any case, it's the thinking of primitive people, and it's what your mind is reduced to, when you only watch right-wing media.
Republicans have a House majority. It's their responsibility to create laws to provide those solutions, even if they are your stupid solutions. But they have not! None of the problems ever get solved when a Republican is in power. They stop talking about those problems when a Republican is in power, but as soon as a Democrat enters the White house, all those problems are back, the day after. What happened?
Didn't your president solve those problems?
Sure, your House majority has to work with the Democrat majority in the Senate, but they didn't even try. There has never been a House this ineffectieve ever. They are only fighting among themselves, because some of them want to do nothing and shut down the government completely and others want to keep the country running.
None of them actually want to do anything USEFUL.
so why would anyone disagree with that 1?
You are not 100% wrong in most of your thinking,the problem is you don't realize, there is NO FIXING alot of the people out there that are on drugs or that commit crimes by habit.
You waste time and money on rehabing someone and the next day after they are free from jail they are right back in.
Dope heads, they are hooked, and it is their fault for the most part,no one held a gun to their head and said,"take this". they took it on their own.
Work earns a wage, it does help poverty.
You are tricked by 'populism'. It is a belief in simple solutions to complex problems. Some of those problems are real, but they always misrepresent the causes.
When people don't understand the causes, there is no possibility of introducing real solutions. That's why populism always fails in solving the problems.
In fact, mostly the problems will only get worse. It always fails, but keeps pointing
to others for their failure.
"When populism runs out of road, it blames the road."
You keep blaming people. How come that your people suck so much then?
Americans are the hardest working people in the modern world. Then why are there so much more poor people in the US, than in most of the modern world?
It just doesn't make sense.
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THe definition of "hard work" has changed drastically over the years.
Hard work is going down in the coal mines , hard work is welding pipe lines, digging ditches. Used to be that running heavy machinery like bulldozers was hard work but now they are enclosed ,air conditioned, gps navigated and so on to a point it is hardly more difficult that driving a Toyota.
Young people think working 8 hours at Mc Donalds is hard work, and that type thing is what skews the numbers to the benefit of the stats you read.
You worked hard, when you worked. You know it didn't pay well.
I sit on my ass all day and that pays a lot more.
That hard work, you are supporting, is terribly inefficient.
Machinery makes working much more efficient.
That bulldozer required a hardened man, now any woman can do it.
That's why productivity has gone through the roof and is still climbing.
That's creating more value with less people. That added value is just mostly going to the wealthy. That's why the middle class, doing the actual work, is declining and why the upper class, who don't do any hard work, is more wealthy than ever before.
If you value hard work so much, why do you like the wealthy so much?
None of them are shoveling coal or welding pipes.
Also I was thinking and was coming back to mention another point.
Do these charts and specs take into account what is considered wealthy in other countries compared to the US?
Jeff bezo's is wealthy in the US, but Strive Masiyiwa is considered wealthy in zimbabwa.
BIG difference in the amount of money
I have no beef with megazillionaires, but, they did make their money on the shoulders of the common people.
How many pick handlers do you know off that could develop penicillin or a polio vaccine? How many welders do you know that could invent a transistor ? How many rednecks do you know that can design a space vehicle of any kind? How many blue collar workers do you know that can calculate the monthly payment of a loan at 6% for a period of 3 yrs?
I’m not putting down those other people that do those jobs you’ve mentioned. My Dad was a redneck and proud of it. He worked construction out in the Florida and Carribean sun all his adult life and before that he was in the Army Air Corp.
There’s no way to define “hard work” except to say it’s an activity a person tries hard to do.
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