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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 19,Apr,17 15:52 other posts 
I thought I'd post this guy's response to his topic here, in case he deletes it on the topic page.

Started by newwt10 [Ignore] at 13,Nov,12 13:02 other posts

Would anybody like to suck my cock?

By andrew999999999 at 05,Nov,14 15:39 other posts


By newwt10 [Ignore] at 18,Apr,17 18:01 other posts

No to yours also mate!

By andrew999999999 at 19,Apr,17 14:02 other posts Edit

Took you 3 years to finally reply, guess you were giving a lot of thought as to whether or not you'd suck my cock. If you can't handle someone saying ''no'', don't ask the question. I didn't ask if you wanted to suck mine, and besides, why would you think I want you to?
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,17 22:58 other posts 
Hi andrew, just an f.y.i., the ONLY person that has the ability to delete comments in a forum thread is admin.

The fact that it took 3 years for the member to respond to your post is rather humorous!
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 20,Apr,17 13:01 other posts 
Ah, ok bella! Some people just can't handle rejection.

By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Apr,17 20:25 other posts 
I haven't been bothered by the late great John s and his insulting emails in months but I get this eerie feeling he's lurking about watching my every move as another member is it just me or does any one else feel his presence
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Apr,17 22:31 other posts 
Do you believe that there a "member" that is watching over you? Oooooo........that would be really creepy!
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Apr,17 23:14 other posts 
John s is to quiet he's up to something I got this feeling
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Apr,17 23:37 other posts 
Is the hair in your armpits growing extra fast? The hair on the back of your neck standing up? Are your feet really itchy? JohnS gives me the creepy crawlies and I can only imagine that there are many more indications other than those!

By #460385 25,Mar,17 18:48
Some of us are blessed with good health and some are blessed with a great job that pays for our medical, dental, vision, and life insurance as I am. But there are less fortunate out there. Miami is an overflow for homeless people. None of which could afford Obamacare. I mean for real, the live on the sidewalk and under bridges. Thankfully, we have Jackson Memorial hospital. A publicly funded hospital in partnership with the University of Miami. They care for the homeless insurance or not. Then you have a population of people that are stuck in the middle. My b-rother was laid off 6 months ago from a good job. While already having a wife on unemployment. Along with being laid off his insurance was cancelled 30 days later for him, his wife, and 12 year old daughter. After 1 month he found a new job. He would then be eligible for insurance at his new job after a 30 day probationary period. Well, during those 2 months of not having insurance this past year and obviously not having the money to supplement those 2 months with Obamacare. Him and his wife now have to pay a penalty on this years income taxes of $1,200 each. Now if they had the money to cover those months with Obamacare they would have. But they were broke at the time. This is the area no one ever talks about. Whether it's Obamacare or Trumpcare I could care less. But fining people $1,200 who don't have that kind of money is crazy. What are they thinking. If a person can't afford the Obamacare what makes them think they can afford the penalty?
By #511804 25,Mar,17 20:42
No they do not, please check again, the tax mandate is not being enforced. This came from an executive order on election day. One of the many things the press has not reported about Trump. Day one the tax mandate was neutered
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By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Mar,17 22:20 other posts 
I pay it but I have a good tax lady and my years as a business man we get it back fucked Obama and all he stands for
By _avg_ [Ignore] 25,Mar,17 23:55 other posts 
"Obama" doesn't need your penalty money. Your fellow Americans need you to be insured so that they can afford their own insurance premiums, and thus the healthcare they need.

You 'fucked' your fellow Americans. How patriotic of you.
By #511804 26,Mar,17 07:09
I do not believe in government wealth redistribution, I gather you do. It has to do with Insurance, not health care.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 14:59 other posts 
Have a Google for how many companies receive subsidies from federal money...Aka government wealth distribution...Without government bailouts the banking crisis of 2008/9 would have left Americans in the shit....So it is ok for banks to be reckless with their lending and expect a handout when they can't operate properly but not ok for someone who has an illness that makes them unable to work shouldn't get a handout...Wait until trump deregulates all the banking reforms...See who benefits?...Not the majority of the people who voted for him....
By admin [Ignore] 28,Mar,17 19:04 other posts 
This is one way to look at it. Other way is:

- government makes a lot of banking regulations to protect customers i.e. you. all looks good and right for a regular Joe

- regulations become so harsh and complicated that only large financial corporations can meet them. i.e. they kill most of the competition

- only huge banks survive, no new small players can enter. if a huge bank fails, millions of customers will lose money - there will be social unrest and unpredictable consequences, government can't allow this. So if huge banks fail, government saves them.

- as a result you have several huge banks that may raise tariffs as they want, lower quality of service, do various shit and fuck their customers over for long periods of time (see past September scandal with Wells Fargo for example) and government at most fine them.

If you followed all this chain until here you now can see that by supposedly protecting people from corporations government actually enslaved people to corporations.

With the healthcare it's much more complicated and sophisticated but at the end pretty much the same. I won't analyze it here though, it's too big of a labor.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 12:58 other posts 
I don't see it that way I refuse to pay 400 dollars a month for some thing I may or may not use and our government should not try to **** it on me and I am patriotic many members of my family fought so you and I can be free
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 13:51 other posts 
Do you pay vehicle insurance?!!!... insurance means just that you can get help in case shit happens..So if no-one paid vehicle insurance in case of an accident,the costs of repair go up for everyone....
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 17:09 other posts 
I pay way more then my fair share of insurance what with shop liability tow truck and shop truck insurance and then there's my car my truck and my antique truck and my home owners insurance and my life insurance so there's to much insurance there's nothing left so lf I get really I'll they should just let me die I'm done
By #511804 26,Mar,17 18:56
I am not forced to buy vehicle insurance unless I drive. Your logic on companies carries no water, they just pass long tax increases and tax cuts. Free markets will reduce the cost of care, thus insurance. Mandated health care tax is not what they promised. Grubber counted on people like yourself, you swallowed the lies. At least for 4 years there will be no mandated tax to pay.

Have you looked at the quality of care Vets get and what amount that costs? Malpractice at the highest levels.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 19:35 other posts 
At some level someone has to pay for those that are not insured...Free markets increase shit products not the best,you may have more choice but the quality of the product will be inferior...I haven't swallowed any lies, I'm English,not American, I'm just pointing out some flaws in what you say..Tell me how free markets really exist,there is no such thing,otherwise you wouldn't pay tax on anything...It would be a free for all where only the rich can survive....At some level the government subsidies everything that's a fact,whether it be through a tax break/return....
By #511804 26,Mar,17 19:48
You are correct in one thing, only people pay taxes. The taxpayer has to pay for the unproductive, and there is nothing to say government is the only answer. NHS is running out of money and who pays the bill when it does, immigrants?

Free markets only produces what consumer want, if you like crap buy crap. It allows choice, government does not like choice, they like control. At one time people use other methods to provide for their fellow man. Governments has not always been the answer. Government doesn't have any responsibility, only people have responsibility.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 19:59 other posts 
NHS is not running out of money,it's just spent where it's needed now,no free for all healthcare..Before if an obese person went to the doctor the doctor would have to treat them,no the doctor can say,you need to loose weight before i can treat you(depends on the condition obviously),also there is private health coverage for those that can afford it....What do immigrants have to do with it anyway,not sure what you are getting at there ?....Consumerism overrides free markets...So I don't honestly believe you can have a free market when there is government taxation...
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

And on the NHS, it's hospitals that are under pressure,not local practices,and that's cuz people turn up to the hospital with a headache or some dumbass crap...Like most hints it's good and bad depending on where you are located...
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

The only free market that I can think of,is the dr_ug trade...No government taxes or regulation in that unless it's a corrupt government..
By #511804 28,Mar,17 18:11
NHS is not running out of money,it's just spent where it's needed now,no free for all healthcare. = Death Panels
By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,Apr,17 16:04 other posts 
Nope,not death panels,just better allocation of funds,you used to be able to get boobs implants,some cosmetic surgery too...Would you not agree that if you are offering socialised medicine some things are not right to be charged to the taxpayer?...IVF treatment is more rationed now..Some couples could get two or three attempts to conceive where others would get one,so now it's just one attempt per couple at conceiving otherwise you pay yourself...Plus food wastage at hospitals is disgusting...A lot of money is just poured down the drain through wastage...So like I said,more common sense.
By #511804 09,Apr,17 19:15
treatment is more rationed now. = death panels

You can call it what you wish but a pig with lipstick is still a pig. Once someone starts eliminating care where does it stop? Next guess, would be age factor, to old for care.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Apr,17 19:53 other posts 
and ignorance is bliss...Why are you putting lipstick on a pig anyway?....But yeah thanks for adding to the debate by just repeating what you said earlier...The cost cutting i mentioned is going towards better care for the elderly...But you just see death panels....Is that like a sixth sense you have?...Or am i just seeing pigs with lipstick.
By #511804 10,Apr,17 05:46
I keep repeating because you keep using the same ignorant comments. NHS is running out of money and in order to save money they cut health care. The term of the pig and lipstick is to show you the stupidity of you repeating the same thing different ways. Someone has to pay for health care. The NHS has tapped out the taxpayers so now they choose to limit coverage to whom ever they deem it is not needed in the bureaucrats eyes = ( death panels )
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Apr,17 10:27 other posts 
shit...IVF,cosmetic surgery were available for no charge on the NHS,so there was wastage...So they have reduced those services for real needs...So not a death panel....And i know what the term lipstick on a pig means...Doctors deal with death everyday,they make those choices not the NHS...The doctors are employed by the NHS....Anyway....Keep repeating your death panel mantra, and i will point out that so called free market health left millions unable to afford healthcare.....The NHS hasn't tapped out Taxpayers....Otherwise it wouldn't exist..... There's private health insurance too.....IVF treatment costs are not going to be met by the NHS so that's death panels in action... IVF is a private choice ,cancer affects everyone...so I'm happy with so called death panels...
By admin [Ignore] 10,Apr,17 14:17 other posts 
Death panel is a bit of exaggeration, but no matter how you call it, when they run out of money they will have to decide whom and what to treat and whom and what not to or whom to move to the end of the line.

I remember USSR where they did not have basic drugs (even locally produced) and equipment in most of hospitals, but ruling elites always received the best - they were treated in select few hospitals with modern western equipment and drugs. Damn, sometimes they did not even have sheets and bandages in hospitals for ordinary people and told you to bring your own. And this is where people were actually dying for lack of medical attention. This is how you imaginary social paradise with unlimited healthcare for everyone usually looks in reality.

Though I already know you will not understand it until you experience it yourself. Regrettably most will not understand even then. Your country is still rich and this does not happen overnight. Service will decrease steadily over decades and when it's really bad you will probably not even remember how it was and will still be repeating things like "at least they don't push your sick mama from the cliff as evil capitalists would do".
By #511804 26,Mar,17 07:09
If your tax lady s good why are you paying this tax?
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 13:03 other posts 
It looks good on paper but I get it back one way or the other
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

Cut me a break I'm a rebel I h a t e any thing the government tries to **** on me John s was right in am an old red neck
By _avg_ [Ignore] 25,Mar,17 23:50 other posts 
I realize that this is a thread for 'Random BULLSHIT' but there are several inconsistencies and factual inaccuracies in your anecdote which need addressing.

1) Public hospitals can't refuse coverage for uninsured persons since at least 1986, especially in emergencies:
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2) 'The homeless' and other persons who's income is considered too low to afford coverage are exempted from the personal mandate:
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3) If your coverage lapse is 2 months or less, you do not have to pay a penalty:
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4) The penalty is calculated at 1/12th of the average national cost of the lowest level (Bronze) package sold through the Marketplace for each months not exempted, and according to the IRS Estimator tool the penalty for a married couple filing jointly with a household income of $50000 and 2 months of lapsed coverage is $0; four months amounts to $463 per person:
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5) Even accounting for that, there are numerous hardship exemptions a person can seek to avoid paying the penalty:
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6) In the end, there are no 'fines', liens, levies or criminal charges for failing to have health insurance or paying the penalty, it is simply withheld from current and/or future tax returns:
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Finally, I don't know where the notion comes from that "no one ever talks about" the personal mandate and associated penalties: it was arguably the MOST talked about aspect of the Affordable Care Act in the roll-up to it's implementation, and is why the architects of the bill wrote in so many carve-outs, subsidies and exemptions to protect the most vulnerable of affected citizens. To misrepresent it, even anecdotally, is irresponsible at best and disingenuous or downright malicious, at worst.

Look, we absolutely need to address the shortcomings of the ACA and the underlying need for it -- ie. the staggering cost of healthcare in America (almost 3x greater than OECD nations, and twice that of other developed nations only registered users can see external links and the abmyssmal overall health of the average citizen -- but that begins with a sober conversation about those realities. There's no room for the bullshit.
By #460385 26,Mar,17 00:55
You all can post what ever you want. I'm telling you it's a fact. My b-rother paid a fine of $1200 on his 2016 tax return just this month. Now unless HR Block stuck it up his ass. I don't know what else to say.
By #511804 26,Mar,17 07:19
It is not a penalty it is a tax, you can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. SOTUS ruled it a tax to be constitutional.

It is a bad tax law, it is imploding. Free market based systems always work far better than socialized medicine. Ask a Vet who has to use the VA hospitals.

Free market systems work like atlas.md and backed up with high deductible health insurance which Obamacare does not allow.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 18:04 other posts 
Avg can post all the crap he wants from the Internet I for one don't believe every thing I see in the media the Internet and I damn sure don't believe every thing our government says I fucked no one but my self the root of the problem lies with our doctors and hospitals and what they charge we need a cap to keep them in check if I go to the doctor as a self pay with no insurance it cost 35 dollars per visit but my elderly father with medicare would be billed to his insurance as 95 dollars per visit
--------------------------------------- added after 15 minutes

It's our doctors and hospitals screwing our insurance companies that drives our insurance rates through the roof my father was in for a simple gull bladder operation and I received a copy of his bill from his insurance it was astronomical and they bill in code that you or I can't read but I have a friend that can they charged 500.00 dollars for a nurse to give him two asprins and we found they charged him for a home pregnancy test kit in my eyes this is the fleasing of America that's why our health insurance is out of reach to most
By #511804 26,Mar,17 18:59
I make no excuses for doctors or hospitals, the costs are based on liability insurance, tort reform is needed badly. Their lobbyists kept that out of the UACA
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 19:12 other posts 
I agree
By #131063 16,Apr,17 16:59
For those who cannot afford health insurance, there is already free coverage and there always has been. In Califonia it is called Medi-Cal. I know, I have it.

Also, I always get angry when I see people use the term 'homeless' as a blanket description.

The truly homeless know there are services available and do try to improve their tragic situations.

Sadly, what we see often on our streets are not true 'homeless'. They are vagrants; criminal transients; substance abuse addicts and alcoholics; mentally and psychologically unbalanced; psychopaths or schizophrenics (who refuse medication); methadone patients that now abuse their new 'free' high and those others who avoid available resources and treatment because they refuse to 'follow rules'.

I believe in compassion for the 'truly homeless', but I believe in zero tolerance for all the rest of these scumbags.

By #460385 26,Mar,17 09:23
We were blacklisted by another member for asking him to remove the internet pics off of his page."Baller10" blacklisted us after a polite conversation in which I was led to believe I was chatting with the girl. (I ain't that dumb) The conversation ended with her (him) saying, I don't know how my pics got all over porn sites. Then she (he) was going to speak to her boyfriend (Baller10) and possibly get us a verification pic. Which I knew that would never happen. Then she (he) said they would just remove all the pics that were on other porn sites. Well neither removing the pics or sending a verification pic was done. He simply blacklisted us. Which is what the fakes do now. Because they know we can't get to their page to report them or even see the pics. This was my last attempt to be nice and ask a member to do the right thing. I will report them first and ask questions later.
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By bella! [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 14:12 other posts 
I believe that you and I discussed this before, either in this thread or by way of private message(s), this is the nature of the be@st. No matter how kind your message or conversation is, contacting a member and requesting that they remove internet pictures posted on their page can be the reason the requester is blacklisted.

Just my opinion, requesting and giving a member the opportunity to remove an internet picture(s) from their gallery is a kinder approach than just deleting them without warning. Since it is now impossible for any member to visit or report a member who has blacklisted them (for legitimate pr not legitimate reasons), I wonder if admin has a "work around" to address this type of concern.

Hey, on the upside, countryboy, you are still on baller10's "friends" list.
By #460385 26,Mar,17 15:32
That's hilarious. Well we did not blacklist him so he is welcome to view our page. I agree with you. I only asked him about removing the pics instead of reporting him cause he is a long time member. I do use common sense when I report someone.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 16:16 other posts 
I know you use "common sense" and are very thorough when you submit a report and it wasn't my intention to make you feel otherwise.

I've noticed that there is a voting member who seems to always votes NO ABUSE (even when the report seems solid) and plugs in a comment that the member should be given a "warning". The comment makes me chuckle and I've reached out to that voting member to ask if he's contracted the reported member in order to "warn" them? I guess he thinks that SYD/SYC has a designated "warning fairy"!
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 16:33 other posts 
Is the Warning Fairy a cousin of the Pissy Rant Fairy?
By #460385 26,Mar,17 20:20
Oh yeah. There is someone giving reported members a heads up. Many times I have reported members and a few hours later the pics have been deleted and I have to cancel the report.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 20:59 other posts 
I acknowledge that I've given members the "heads up".

If a longtime member is referred to the evaluation panel for deletion for posting internet pictures, I will vote NO ABUSE and contact the referred member and request that they remove the pictures.

Some time ago a member by the name of rachey, /member.php?w=473286 , was referred to the evaluation panel for deletion. I contacted her and said something to the affect of, "your profile was referred to the evaluation panel for deletion because you have posted internet pictures. Please consider removing any and all internet pictures otherwise your profile may be deleted." That should be no surprise to you as I recall sending you a screenshot of my private message to rachey.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Mar,17 21:23 other posts 
They probably just look at the abuse page cb54...Any member who has the link to the page can view the reports....
By #460385 26,Mar,17 21:35
I wasn't sure if a reported member was able to see their own report.
By #487013 14,Apr,17 20:55
Some Fairies are awesome... Just saying.
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Apr,17 22:47 other posts 
This is true. Some Fairies totally kick ass.

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Apr,17 13:08 other posts 
Okay, this is a question that pertains to both male and female, what sock or leg of pantyhose do you put on first?

I always seem to step into everything left leg first, I don t know why, I just do.

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Apr,17 18:03 other posts 
Here's something to ponder, does a penguin have knees?
By #528358 08,Apr,17 22:02
No need to ponder, they do have knees.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Apr,17 00:58 other posts 
Thank you for your response. If they have knees, why do they waddle?
By #528358 09,Apr,17 21:36
Their knees are located in their torso, so it looks like an invert L. That's why they waddle.
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Apr,17 22:15 other posts 
Yes. They are just very shy about showing them off.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Apr,17 00:59 other posts 
Shy? How do you know?
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Apr,17 16:44 other posts 
I ask a lot of questions about a lot of different stuff.

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