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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 11:54 other posts 
Uh-oh! King Charles III has booted his brother, Prince Andrew, out of Buckingham Palace!

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By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 15:01 other posts 
charles is a asshole for sure. I always felt like he had Diana killed.
By #610414 28,Jan,23 09:19
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Andrew is worse.

By phart [Ignore] 28,Jan,23 08:52 other posts 
Alot of us really criticized the fact biden left over 7 billion dollars worth of weapons in Afghanistan.
Democrats thought we were just crazy and complaining about nothing.
Well gee, look who is smart enough to take advantage of the situation?


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By #610414 28,Jan,23 09:15
A lot of you did complain, but, what would you have done? As I remember, anything that could have been used by the enemy was destroyed.

By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 20:53 other posts 
A large number of American men of prime working age — between 25 and 54 years old — are not working or even looking for work, resulting in a major hole in the American economy

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Pay attention to what is said after about 6:15

also mentions schools not teaching trades any more.
By #610414 26,Jan,23 21:07
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 22:18 other posts 
You have to ask?
By #610414 27,Jan,23 08:55
Yes, I do. If people don't want to work in a crappy job, that's their business. If employers paid better and offered free healthcare I'm sure more people would go back to work.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes

Maybe, in your area, there are no trades schools. In Miami/Dade County, there's two pages of technical/trade school listings. Three of those have been in operation for over 60 yrs. They are part of the county school system and they are alternative schools to traditional high school. The one in South Dade has appliance/HVAC, auto tech (basic and ASC specialties), welding, computers, and quite a few more. The one in North Dade is almost identical in their curriculum to the South Dade one. Across from Miami International Airport there's Baker Aviation School. They are also an option to traditional high school classes. All three of these are also open to anyone that wants to learn a trade, but, there's an affordable fee for this. Our high schools also have individual classes to learn entry level skills. These are basic electricity, basic bookkeeping, basic carpentry, basic business computer skills, and, also, combine basic high school classes with part time work at participating business.
Besides all these, the county is full of private technical/trade schools like nursing or beauty schools.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 10:04 other posts 
See how great your republican governor has you guys setup most places don’t have near that good of schooling
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Let’s give a round of applause to your governor and the previous governor for a job well done 👍
By #610414 27,Jan,23 10:15
FYI all these where established during Democratic governorships. Florida has been, mostly, Democrat unt the last 25 yrs, but, the governor doesn't have anything to do with the school board. The leadership of the local school board has been, mostly, exemplary.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 10:40 other posts 
You must have forgotten about jeb bush governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007
By #610414 27,Jan,23 14:06
2023-25=1998. You must have forgotten math
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 17:32 other posts 
Oh I see you mean way back when Florida was a shit hole run by democrats
By #610414 27,Jan,23 18:03
If it was such a shit hole why did you, northerners, drop a wad of cash coming here?
Philadelphia is a city resurgent, rising from the ashes of deindustrialization to gain population, rejuvenate neighborhoods, build gleaming towers for corporate titans like Comcast and FMC, and claim its place as one of the nation’s health-care powerhouses. So many new houses and apartments are going up in this boomtown — even as the COVID crisis rages — that the city feels like a giant construction site. In 2019, the city celebrated a remarkable milestone: 10 straight years of job growth.

Yet, for many Philadelphians, this triumphant narrative will sound like science fiction. In parts of North Philadelphia, trees sprout from the windows of empty factories and trash laps at the steps of boarded-up Victorian mansions. Yes, the city has created 71,000 new jobs. But there are still 65,000 more city residents living in poverty today than there were in 2000, when the city’s economy began to pull itself out of its long slump. Once a city that dressed American men in Stanley Blacker sport coats, Joseph H. Cohen slacks, and Botany 500 suits, Philadelphia no longer has a single factory producing their office wear. And now, South Philadelphia’s sprawling refinery, where unionized workers often took home annual salaries of $100,000, is being converted to a logistics center, with neat rows of warehouses that will house commodities produced elsewhere.

Want to hear about Miami? And I won't even go to all the other cities like Orlando, Key West, Daytona, West Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Tampa, Ft Lauderdale, or even Miami Beach. All built during that "shit hole" time. Sorry, Mountain Man, I lived here or have been associated with Florida since my birth in 1952 and my parents are transplanted northerners. They came from that shit hole known as the Northeast.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 15:07 other posts 
you should be concerned because for America to maintain a good standing in the world it needs manufacturing, it needs skilled labor. And that is NOT what is coming over the border. That is supposed to come from within.
It is not going to get any better at the rate we are going.
Your state has it's priorities in order for sure, The kids are offered a chance to see career choices other than basket weaving degree's they can go in debt for.
People nowadays have no idea what it is like to build with their hands, create from the ground up,the effort required to build the nation they live in today.
Pushing buttons didn't build our interstate system.
Pushing buttons didn't build our power transmission line system.
Pushing buttons didn't build the house you now live in.
It took skilled labor, Rewarding work , and something else ,craftsmanship,
There is no craftsmanship in pushing buttons. Or watching tv drawing a check from a rich uncle.
By #610414 27,Jan,23 17:46
I wouldn't fret too much. The majority of immigrants are well educated. I know from working at Baptist that many foreign doctors degrees are accepted in the US. Their only requirement is to speak English (witch they do as almost all world universities teach medicine in English) and pass the local licensing tests (like all doctors). All others can practice their profession from day one. Look at this.
Recent Trends. Approximately1 221,000 noncitizens obtained lawful permanent resident status in the second quarter (Q2) of Fiscal Year 2022. Approximately 96,000 noncitizens entered the United States as new arrivals, a 148 percent increase from 2021 second quarter.
Mexico is the top origin country of the U.S. immigrant population. In 2018, roughly 11.2 million immigrants living in the U.S. were from there, accounting for 25% of all U.S. immigrants. The next largest origin groups were those from China (6%), India (6%), the Philippines (4%) and El Salvador (3%). Aug 20, 2020
As of 2018, 17 percent of college-educated U.S. adults ages 25 and older were born abroad. Thirty-two percent of all immigrant adults (12.6 million people) had a bachelor’s degree or higher, similar to the 33 percent rate among U.S.-born adults. And the university-educated share for immigrants is rising among the recently arrived, with 47 percent of those arriving in the last five years having a college degree.
In 2018, immigrants accounted for 17 percent of all civilian employed workers. However, they represented much higher shares of workers in occupations that typically require a college degree, including 45 percent of software developers, 42 percent of physical scientists, and 29 percent of physicians

I know you don't hold college educated people in high regards, but, think about this. One engineer can design a product that will employ countless techs, assemblers, bookkeepers and accountains, warehouse workers, delivery drivers, and a whole bunch of fringe workers. When an engineer designed the first typewriter at Royal or IBM, when an engineer designed a tractor engine for John Deere, when a chemist designed a fragrance for Coco Chanel, he wasn't thinking the scope of his design, but, think of the millions of workers that owe their life work to them. And, there might be a slight glitch in the system right now, but, not to worry. The momentum in this capitalistic system won't allow it to continue for long.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 20:44 other posts 
May I ask, why then are the immigrants coming across a river to get here if they are educated as you say they are?
They should have money and a car and be traveling at least safely and be coming in legally instead of caught at the border like a fish.
I don't completely hate college educations ,I have 1. I just learned over the years it was NOT a good investment of my time
I got a education in a field i enjoyed, and was encouraged by guidance counselors to go into. But the job market for what I was trained in essentially crashed about a week before i got that rolled up piece of paper.
and the dead end job the college got me, was even more time wasted.
Had I went to work for the telephone company or the power company right out of high school,I would be retired now on a good benefit.
By #610414 28,Jan,23 08:52
Having a good education in other countries doesn't mean they are successful. They're also other considerations. First, there are a finite number of visas available per country of origin. Second, many are running away from extreme violence. Third, they know you and want to make you upset.
Bad luck or choices happen to people. But, no one is too old to change their career. Charlie went to college for electronics. He got a job with Xerox working with photocopiers and fax machines. He jumped to the County as a draftsman level 1. He didn't like being in an office looking at the same drawing day after day. He went back to office equipment. At 38 he got a job with one of the local Ford dealerships as a Mechanic's assistant in the heavy line. He's been around engines all his life as a hobby. He soon was working on his own until he saw Sears needed mechanics. He applied and ended working for 20 yrs for them but, three yrs after joining Sears he took courses on appliance repairs. Sears paid for most including getting an HVAC and Natural Gas license. Charlie had to retire at 60 due to health issues. He got full disability. So you see, it's never too late

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 14:44 other posts 
Is this even possible, a dog was able to stop a tornado from forming???

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By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 14:39 other posts 
Uh, what's going on here?

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By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 15:29 other posts 
The teacher that was shot by her 6 year old student knew the child had a handgun and the school administration knew, too.

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By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 17:19 other posts 
Um,who or what can the democrats blame this on? can't be a person's fault.

The gun made him do it?

I hope every parent of a kid in that school sues the system for that ,I know it is not the best idea but it will at least hold the staff accountable. No reason for the 6 year old to have a gun, but, beyond that, everything else is a adults fault besides the gun owner or the kid frankly. He could a been stopped, no harm done.
By #610414 26,Jan,23 18:17
The school staff dropped the ball, but no guns means NO GUNS
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 20:55 other posts 
No, in this case, coulda been a knife just as easy.
By #610414 26,Jan,23 21:03
But it wasn't
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 21:14 other posts 

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By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 22:18 other posts 
Hell I guess I would be tempted to fuck up to for a half million dollars
I think they need to write in a clause to cover dereliction of duty into the next contract so they don't have to doff off all that money for nothing.
"George Parker III as part of a separation agreement that will pay Parker a little over $502,000 in severance — two years of his current base salary of $251,000. "
By #610414 27,Jan,23 09:35
I don't think he was fired for dereliction of duty. He was fired for how he ruled the school board. Parents and others did not like the direction of the school system.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 06:45 other posts 
And this is what can happen to you when you're riding a Manhattan subway. Unbelievable!

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By #610414 26,Jan,23 14:37
According to Phart this happens because the parents of the thugs where probably immigrants. It wasn't the subway train that's to blame. Trains don't jump weathermen, people do.

End of sarcasm. 😈
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 17:24 other posts 
"It’s unclear why the three nabbed suspects were released without facing charges,"

They beat the hell out of a guy and their parents just picked them up like another day at school? And you don't see a problem?
What if it had been YOU they beat the hell out of?
perhaps sue the parents is a option? since they are responsible for the kids until they turn 18?
May not get anything from the suit but a 12 pack of malt liquor and a half a pack of newports but at least they would suffer until they stole some more.The parents can't be of much better character.
By #610414 26,Jan,23 18:14
It’s unclear why the three nabbed suspects were released without facing charges, but an NYPD spokesman ​claimed​ Sunday that the department did not have that option because of their ages​ and the fact that the crime involved an apparent misdemeanor​.
A ​rep​ for the city Law Department, which prosecutes juvenile crimes in the ​Big Apple​, said in an e​​mail that the victim ​has​ to file a complaint with the Department of Probation​ before it gets involved. ​Probation would then decide whether to refer the case to ​the Law Department​ for prosecution​, the representative said​.
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And you don't know the parents. You can't put blame without knowing them
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 20:57 other posts 
BULLSHIT. It is a parents job to raise their children to respect the law and discipline them when they don't.
WHO's fault is it this happened if the parents are not at fault?
The tooth fairy?
By #610414 26,Jan,23 21:06
What you fail to grasp is that even if the parents work hard at bringing their kid up right, the kid can go wrong. You can't make accusations like that without knowing the parents.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 15:47 other posts 
This is what happens when you have a limp dick district attorney that not only does not lock anyone up... but also doesn't care if the rest of the city knows they can get away with this crap... So it is literally a free for all.

And who does this impact the most? Black and brown people who ride the subway. I can either walk to work or can take a Revel. Work lets me expense it but that is not an option for most of the people commuting. Solid lib logic... Literally everyone complaining about crime in bars, restaurants etc. Funny, since 82% of these cunts voted for what is happening. What did they think would be the outcome when you unlock the cages?

I don't ride the subway very often and never after 10. Sad because that never used to be the case. The City of New York has never been less safe. At least not since the early 90's.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 17:26 other posts 
May I ask a burning question?
Why not LEAVE??
You seem to have some common sense, but you live in new york,the anus of the planet earth.
Why not move to kansas or Wyoming or north carolina or anywhere but there.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 17:36 other posts 
I grew up here moved away, and came back.

Plus, I would lose my shit in the middle of nowhere

By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 18:45 other posts 
40 ridiculous geography facts.

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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 21:10 other posts 
Thank you for sharing that! I have to admit, #28 confused the crap out of me When he said something about a country that is found in all 4 hemispheres. There's the Northern, Southern but Eastern and Western? So where does the Eastern and Western hemispheres begin and/or end? ALSO....#30, allegedly the Caspian Sea isn't a sea, it's a lake and it's the largest lake in the world. He went on to say is superior to Lake Superior that can be found in Canada!? I draw the line there, Lake Superior is Michigan's lake!
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 21:59 other posts 
Lake Superior is on the Canadian US border. Canadian cities such as Sault Ste. Marie and Thunder Bay are on Lake Superior. It is not Canadian lake.

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By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 22:03 other posts 
By #610414 26,Jan,23 18:28
Kiribati lays across the equator and the 180th meridian. You have to think " the other side of the world"
By #610414 26,Jan,23 18:40
Lake Superior is part of Canada and the US. On the US side it touches 3 states including Michigan
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jan,23 21:19 other posts 

By #610414 26,Jan,23 13:19
This photo contest just started. There are yours or your friends photos in it. Please vote.

Admin This is good, but, could we also get a notification when a new contest is created? I know there's a list, but, many times we forget to check. Also, on some there's prep time (new pic) and if the contest closes we can't participate.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 15:06 other posts 
There is a notification about new contests but it's only sent to friends of the member who creates the contest.
By #610414 26,Jan,23 15:48
Then, I don't think it's working. I got the above notice but didn't get a notice there was a contest getting ready to start.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 07:01 other posts 
The Jehovah's Witnesses are no longer a "religious community" in Norway
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By #610414 26,Jan,23 14:31
I think it's good. My sentiments are not about the Jehovah's Witnesses. I just don't think a government should support any religion.

By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 10:07 other posts 
while in the great wall of china mart this morning I noticed the price of eggs being out of site. I am lucky to have friends that have chickens and get all the eggs I need free.
But I got to wondering.
IF we have trans humans, are there trans chickens?
As in Hens that have decided they are roosters and are refusing to lay eggs now?
Are roosters that now identify as hens buying plastic easter eggs to sit on so they can experience the nesting procedures of the hens?
Inquiring minds want to know.
And will this phenomenon progress to the cows? as in bulls wanting to be milked but not producing enough? Or cows refusing to produce milk and buying plastic balls to go in their udders?

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I guess this hen is feeling cocky
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after 6 years of laying eggs, fuck this I am going to just crow and eat!

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By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 11:31 other posts 
Oh, phart, transgender chickens!? You are over thinking the rising cost of EVERYTHING!
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jan,23 13:54 other posts 
No I am trying to laugh to keep from crying!

and bird flu is the real reason from what I understand about the eggs and chicken being exspensive.
By #610414 26,Jan,23 14:27
That's because owners won't go to Walgreens to get the flu shot. 🤣🤣
By #610414 26,Jan,23 12:36

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