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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By #610414 10,Sep,20 07:12
This was in The Miami Herald. Article in The Orlando only registered users can see external links

No defunding for them

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 10:37 other posts 
I don't know how anyone else feels, but this is it, this weekend marks the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

I have no regrets saying goodbye to the summer of 2020, there really was no summer at all. Now I will look forward to fall and raking leaves, 59 days until the Presidential Election, 2020, then a Michigan winter, complete with shoveling snow that comes up to my knees. Christmas marks the end of 2020 and in 117-ish days, 2021 will arrive and I will gladly say buh-bye to 2020.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 09:54 other posts 
I couldn’t agree with you more 2020 was a terrible year
By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 18:49 other posts 
2020 has been a crappy year.Wuhan,killer wasp,earth quakes,forest fires,riots,killings,etc.
I am afraid to ask what 2021 will bring.I HOPE like hell it is better times.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 19:10 other posts 
Hahaha I can’t see how it could be much worse
By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 20:40 other posts 
Hold that thought till mid november.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 20:43 other posts 
I’m going to vote and I got a mail in ballot in my father’s name so I guess Leroy is going to vote this year to
By #551147 07,Sep,20 03:58

The possibility of being able to commit "voter fraud" is ZERO! Just ask the 4 knowitall's around here, from other countries. They'll happily perform the Jedi mind trick on you and explain that you ARE delusional to suggest such a notion.

I hope you consider physically casting your vote, that way you ensure, as much as you can, that it will be counted.

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 05:10 other posts 
I will be casting my vote in person I guess Leroy will vote by mail so they say it can’t happen huh well let me tell you I received a 1200.00 dollar stimulus check for Leroy to now that I sent back with a note letting them know Leroy passed away all most 4 years ago
By #551147 07,Sep,20 05:32
Good man!

Wanna hear a true story?
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 05:38 other posts 
Hell yes
By #551147 07,Sep,20 06:22
This is just to illustrate how fucked up and one sided social media is especially in regards to the upcoming election...


I can't stand the spying, information stealing, intrusive piece of garbage it is and has become. Although I have a page on the app, I RARELY ever get on there. I only have one, because all my kids and wife have it, and they use it constantly despite my warnings to them.

Sooo... Get this shit, they have identified which way my wife politically leans, "conservative" as characterized by Facebook. She has NEVER indicated ANYWHERE to the app directly that she is "conservative". How did they know? By tracking everything she clicks on i.e. on you tube, news sources, etc. Pretty fucking sneaky huh?

Here's the icing on the cake... They (Facebook) offered her $30 per week for 6 weeks before the election to, NOT USE THE APP. Citing: "They are performing an experiment" to see if users have any bearing on political outcomes.

What the fuck kinda bullshit is that?

She responded with HELL NO!

These fucking crooked son of bitches, I'll tell ya...

We got a shit ton of new Trump gear Saturday. Because we are hitting the streets next weekend and every weekend until election participating in Freedom Rallies and Back the Blue events. I will send you the pics in a little bit. Pretty cool stuff. Of course anyone else that may be interested in seeing it.

🇺🇲 Keep America Great 2020 🇺🇲
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 06:53 other posts 
They are garbage I will look forward to seeing your pictures I’m registered a Democrat but haven’t voted for one since horny old bill Clinton so I get email from the Democrats they are dirty bastards
By #551147 07,Sep,20 07:14


Interestingly enough, that's when MY awakening happened too. After ole Billy boy May I dip my cigar in your cunt?

I went and filed to switch designations to a conservative as I still have ideas not popular with the Republicans.
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 21:40 other posts 
I still do not understand states that want you to declare your political party affiliation...That seems sneaky as hell to me...Maybe you can explain it better...My voter registration has no mention of my party affiliation...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 08,Sep,20 18:42
Heya Tecsan!

I COMPLETELY understand what you're alluding to. As to WHY some States do and WHY some States don't, is beyond my knowledge. Other than to say, as you already know, States have right's to do what they think is in the best interests of THEIR citizens. I will admit, I never thought about anything sinister in regards to knowing my political leanings one way or the other, until you mentioned it.

Maybe at one time or even still, SOMEONE?, wants to know what the bulk of their citizens political leanings are?

Without getting into some severe deep conspiracy type conversations. I suppose there could be nefarious reasons as to why some would want to know? 🤔 For now, on THAT matter, I will choose to believe their intentions for such knowledge are mundane.

🇺🇲 Keep AMERICA Great 🇺🇸
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 02:35 other posts 
I agree with you...Just mentioned it because some have mentioned it to me, well you are right conspiracy theory...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 10,Sep,20 03:26
By #188992 07,Sep,20 13:17
Facebook is a real threat to democracy, and better minds than mine are struggling to decide how best to deal with that threat.

Don't use it is the easiest approach, but not one I can see many following.

It would only be "one sided", however, if they were ONLY encouraging conservatives (or any other one specific group) to not use the app. Still pretty sinister, mind you!

I often toy with the idea of going completely "non-digital" and ditching my smartphone, laptop, e mail address, online banking, e bay etc etc. Trouble is all that "crap" is insidious as well as invidious. Doing without all that now would be hard!
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 17:21 other posts 
I’m not sure I could get anything if I went back to the old ways especially now with this COVID 19 thing going on some places won’t even accept cash
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

No lights no phone no motor cars not a single luxury
Like Robinson Crusoe as primitive as can be
By #551147 07,Sep,20 17:34

Well said and couldn't agree more, Huxley999.

As a side note,

Pondering the day we get smashed by a major solar flare is quite unnerving. Considering the amount of dependency on technology and electronics. I fear we haven't seen shit yet in regards to mayhem, death, and destruction should such an event happen. That's one of them very real and potential threats to humanity as a whole. On a scale that's unimaginable for many minds to grasp. Is it that people don't care, or what is your take on it? I don't feel like it's that hard of a concept to grasp, yet many seem to never even consider the ramifications of such a thing, let alone preparing for it. Take away ELECTRICITY and think of ALL that will follow. All this fussing over this pandemic and so much more stupid shit, will pale in comparison.

Perhaps mankind needs some sort of wake up call to reunite us. Or it may do the opposite and destroy us...
By #188992 08,Sep,20 06:40
Cheers Scorps.

My personal take: I feel we've got to the stage where, at the cutting edge of technology, we've forgotten to ask whether this is a path we want to follow. It's more "Let's see if we can do x" than "Do we really WANT to do x?".

We are sociable animals, as a species, and mutual aid has been a major factor in evolution. The more we become detached from each other, the more problems we are storing up for the future. Capitalism has helped tackle absolute poverty but look at our levels of body dysmorphia, eating disorders, mental health problems, general unhappiness and our feeling that we lack personal agency. Too many of us feel that the world happens TO us, rather than feeling that our choices have a real impact. If recent history tells us about trends only about half of eligible US citizens will vote in the upcoming Presidential election. So, nearly half think "why bother"? Now THAT'S another threat to democracy.

All of that is on top of what you rightly point out about the "What happens if all this tech crashes on us?". Covid has, perhaps, shown us what we REALLY need to survive. The world can survive without investment bankers, advertising executives, management consultants, nail technicians et al. Try it without farmers, nurses, bakers and others that meet our primary needs.

For me: I've been working for some time on the basis that it could all go "tits up". With my patch of land, and the woods next door, I can keep myself warm and fed indefinitely. I've also invested in stuff, far short of the "preppers", that would help me keep going if everything gets cut. Emergency lighting, water purification technology, clockwork torches and stuff like that which I would be able to fix myself. If you live on the 32nd floor of a tower block in a big city, however, you're screwed if the fabric of society is (even temporarily) ripped up.

I fear that "wake up call", not so much for myself but I do wonder what dystopian wasteland would result.

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 11:55 other posts 
Yesterday, a member was referred to the Evaluation Panel for review and possible deletion, reason Copyright/Stolen. The proof submitted was a Yandex link. I was able to click on those links and verified the claim. Earlier today, the referral had not yet been resolved and one of the voting members said the "site uses cookies" and that s[he] wouldn't go any further. What? Yep, today I was stopped because of cookies. My guess is this happen from to time because I was able to verify what I thought I would see.

"Cookies", I prefer Oreos over the "cookies" that map my journeys across the internet.

By #460385 03,Sep,20 20:49
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By #551147 04,Sep,20 03:24

It's a shame, and a disgrace!

Sports have ALWAYS been uniting activities, bringing EVERYONE together, from every sort of background and walk of life imaginable. Sadly, those days are gone! I don't think they will ever be able to recover, and for what?

A stupid false premise?

"When TRUTH based FACTS are discounted, then LIES become NORMAL". Which is VERY dangerous!

You can thank the Libs/Lefties/Dems for sowing these seeds of divison and then fueling those fires. They HATE this country and prove that every single day.

Disturbing as it may seem, I'm hearing a LOT of chatter about another civil war brewing. Once again, & for what?

The Democratic nominee for President, Joe Biden, met with Jacob Blake Sr. and other family members, yesterday. The man is a fucking racist pig amongst other things. Yet, the wannabe leader of the "free world" met with him. He (Joe Biden) is even more disgusting than I thought. And to think, I actually felt sorry for him in his current state. There's NO way, they didn't know about the Father before Joe went.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Sep,20 09:05 other posts 
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Poor kids are just as bright as white kids
who said that?
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,20 09:35 other posts 
"There's NO way, they didn't know about the Father before Joe went.'

What have I missed, what do you believe is up with the father?
By #551147 04,Sep,20 14:08
Just a sample of Jacob Blake Sr. Facebook posts...
Still on his page as late as yesterday morning.

He accused Jews of controlling the media and financial institutions; mocked White people as “crackers” and “pink toes” described certain women as “hoes" and expressed support for the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan.

“The same pink toe Jewish people that control the interest rate control the interest rate they control Minds and money." SrCums will CERTAINLY appreciate this guy...

“Sarah Sanders has to be the ugliest woman in the world no questions asked". Apparently the fat fuck hasn't looked in the mirror lately...

He called former Clinton White House intern Monica Lewinsky a “hoe,” adding, “she gets no sympathy because a hoe is a hoe.”

“I’m with Farrakhan!" “A jew can’t tell me shit period!" “The Jewish media picks and chooses who is a terrorist and [who] is not.” “A cracker jew can do whatever to a white woman for years but let a jig try it," and “One day pink toes will burn frfr".

There's a sampling, couple that with the remarks from the Uncle about the President, and you can better understand why Jr. is the piece of shit he is.

Fuck them nutjobs!

It's quite simple, really. Compare juniors record to his pappy's statements and you'll notice the apple didn't fall from the tree. I would suggest leading to EXACTLY where he is now...

🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇲
--------------------------------------- added after 104 minutes

Speaking of fat fucks...

Take a peek at this short video
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LMAO Now you know his BIG ASS should have known better.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,20 20:45 other posts 
Sorry, I don't understand how your video relates to your post about Jacob Blake's Facebook page.
By #551147 05,Sep,20 02:10
Oh B!

That video has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my answer to your question.


I said up ⬆️ yonder, "Apparently the fat fuck hasn't looked in the mirror lately..."

AFTER I posted my answer to you, I stumbled across the funny video with an enormous individual. That's the link! So, I decided to post it there, rather than start a new post, and to add a lil tiny bit of humor after you read the post. That's all!
By #610414 04,Sep,20 09:42
Scorps how can you say this?

You can thank the Libs/Lefties/Dems for sowing these seeds of divison and then fueling those fires. They HATE this country and prove that every single day.

I suppose the Clown and his position on taking a knee was a unifying gesture. I suppose McConnell stating the clown was innocent before his impeachment trial made the Dems despicable people. How about now, the clown telling voters to vote twice.
Getting back to the beginning of this post. Its people like you that sow division and hatred due to your inability to meet half way. You do that here too. My sympathies

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 00:14 other posts 
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, gets her hair done.

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By #551147 02,Sep,20 05:12
Did you expect any less from the party of hypocrisy and double standards?


The BEST one happened back at the height of the nationwide shut down, when that ignoramus that runs Chicago (Lori Lightfoot) was caught on video getting her hair did, too. When asked, WTF?, during a press conference, she stated "I am a public official and I care about my personal hygiene."

Dumb bitch!

🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 09:48 other posts 
It's unbelievable that San Francisco is still under so many restrictions. Not that I'm a fan of Nancy P., but in her defense, how could she get her hair done wearing a face mask? She looks good at 80 years old.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 10:45
Not sure if it's the same in the US, but my barber's new MO:
1) appointments only, no rocking up when you feel like it.
2) YOU, the customer wears a mask, right up until the actual cutting of hair is to start.
3) the barber dresses up like Buzz Aldrin. Face shield, gloves the whole shebang.
4) Full sanitising of chairs, equipment etc between each customer.
5) no cash payments. Card only, and preferably contactless.

I've been "buzzing" my own whilst Covid is still with us. If my barber needs to dress up in PPE, to that extent, I'll take looking a bit scruffy around the neckline - for now.

If Nancy broke the rules, she's a silly sausage - as are ALL the other public servants who have been out and about not wearing a mask when it is advised. In the worst cases it can cost you your life (never mind spreading it to others) - Herman Cain springs to mind.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 11:49 other posts 
The barber is required to wear gloves? I had hair services about 2 weeks ago, I was early and sat in front until about 3 minutes before my given appointment, wore my face mask in and up until the time of the cut. She wore a face mask during my entire time there.

Sounds similar to precautions taken in your area.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 11:51 other posts 
So, how are your haircutting skills?
By #188992 02,Sep,20 11:55
Takes me bloody ages as I only have a beard trimmer - it's a decent one but the cutting width is on the small side.

I'm also consoling myself with the adage that "beauty is skin deep", and hoping for the best!

Number 2 buzz cut all over, so I'm not attempting anything fancy!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 12:08 other posts 
I know that numbers mean something when talking about clippers. So you give yourself a buzz cut, do you fade the sides? A number 2 on your beard, too?
By #188992 02,Sep,20 12:12
Nah, fading is beyond my skillset. Number 2 ALL over, including beard.

No guard - bald.
No2 - still damn short!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 12:31 other posts 
So your head and beard are both cut #2? Gee, I hope your head isn't round, people might think it resembles a big ol' tennis ball!

Why not allow your beard to have a bit more length? Another member, spermkiss , convinced me that bald men with full beards are hotter than hot. It was a while ago that there was a conversation about bald men and beards and he sent me pictures of his favorites. I've always thought that Yul Brenner bald was hot and much sexier than a comb over.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 12:40
I have to admit that hairstyle, beard style, and what I wear are all determined (primarily) by convenience. Combining that with being clean and smelling nice is as far as I go in terms of physically attracting the opposite sex.

I'm no adonis, so the other "weapons in my armoury" are character-based. (I know that's setting me up for some good mocking, but that's all good!)

If the hair thins any further, in the years ahead, it'll all be shaved off!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 13:01 other posts 
My brother in law is 61 and has more hair than his oldest son who is 35. He, also, wears his hair in a buzz cut but there's some skin showing in the crown area. His hair looks fine.

The degree of good hygeine and grooming varies from man to man.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 13:04
My Dad still has a full head of hair (85 years old), but my brother (60 years old) is pretty damn shiny up-top!

My rule of thumb: if you spend more time getting ready to go out than your (female) partner, you're overdoing it!

How that applies to same-sex couples, I have no idea!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 14:00 other posts 
I don't know if same sex couples have that issue, however, as far as I'm concerned, it shouldn't take a woman more than 45 to 60 minutes from shower to out the door. Shower, hair, make-up, get dressed, gone. BOOM! BOOM!
By #188992 02,Sep,20 14:04
Short hair means I can go for a tenth of that!!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 14:28 other posts 
I take my time when I apply my mascara so my lashes don't clump together, do you?
By #188992 02,Sep,20 15:04
I'm "clumpy", in lots of ways, whenever I leave the house!!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 15:52 other posts 
You are clumpy, that's difficult to believe! Dazzle people with your charm.
By #551482 02,Sep,20 17:00
The 3 sh´s: sh*t shower n shave, 20 minutes tops from out of bed to out of door. Includes the coffee.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 17:20
Only 'cause you drink your coffee on the bog!!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 17:36 other posts 
On the bog. On the bog? I THOUGHT it meant on the run, but NO! Bog is yet another term for toilet. Good thing my friend, bigg, will understand you. Although he's living in Germany, he's t German, he's originally from the UK.
By #551482 04,Sep,20 14:24
Nope, he´s Irish bejabers. Erm kind of, my huge morning coffee mug accompanies me on my morning rounds, teeth cleaning excepted (kinda hard to brush your teeth while drinking coffee)
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,20 20:31 other posts 
Yes, I knew that, but that information was not mine to share. I was vague and said you're from the UK, Ireland is considered the UK, no?

How are you managing the quarantine?
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 17:32 other posts 
You are an efficient man, bigg!
By #551482 04,Sep,20 14:24
Thank you dear
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 19:42 other posts 
Hahaha markis spends an hour in the bathroom just to go with me to the grocery store
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 19:45 other posts 
What in the heck does he do for one hour?
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 19:53 other posts 
Oh my god his long curly hair must look absolutely perfect
--------------------------------------- added after 72 seconds

Now me a quick brushing and throw a hat on and go
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 21:18 other posts 
Although you no longer are a couple, you answered huxley's question.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 21:24 other posts 
Yeah I guess I did
--------------------------------------- added after 110 seconds

We are now a weekend couple he comes out on Friday and leaves on Sunday
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 22:02 other posts 
A weekend couple, eh? Well, well, well....
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 22:07 other posts 
He has grown up a bit and I have learned to be a little more tolerant either way we know each other well and work as a well oiled machine on the weekend
By #551147 04,Sep,20 15:01
Lol Markis sounds similar to me when preparing to go out.

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,20 15:33 other posts 
Oh, c'mon!
By #551147 05,Sep,20 02:00

It's true! I'm a prissy bitch! ROFLMAO I thought I've mentioned before, few of my kids call me Princess, especially when I'm running late because of getting ready. They think that's funny shit. I can't help it, I'm fairly certain I've declared somewhere around here that I suffer from a mild case of o.c.d. with a touch of germaphobia. So when I go out, I'm as flawless as I can be, in my mind.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Sep,20 17:42 other posts 
It’s ok I like a pretty boy girl on my arm when we go to town
By #551147 05,Sep,20 02:01
As you should!
By #611458 02,Sep,20 11:59
By #188992 02,Sep,20 12:28
Misogynistic tripe, Scorps.

I was even-handed, when it came to Bette Midler and the First Lady, so how about you try the same?

"Dumb" may be fair, but "bitch"? No, that's beneath most decent individuals. I sense you getting more and more partisan, and less and less empirical, as The Presidential Election gets nearer. The 2 phenomena are not related, I suppose?

Can you think of any other Public Servants who have, recently, gone against the advice to wear masks? Maybe even some (dare I say it?) Republicans? Grow up a bit.
By #551147 03,Sep,20 01:23
Aweeee, did that assault your delicate senses, Hux? That was not my intention. I apply that word equally, tyvm! Especially when it's called for, simple as that. Label it anyway you like if it makes you feel better.

The approaching election has nothing to do with my loathing of that human stain. It's been that way since I started paying attention to the bog, swamp, cesspool, and those that lurk around within it.

I personally don't give a shit about the lack of the mask. It's nothing but false security, realistically! At her age, you'd think she would be more careful, but she knows it's all bullshit too. If that's not so, why risk her own life? OH, that's right! "Masks are to protect other's from YOU" (wink wink). Since you thought that was my problem, I guess her actions PROVE she doesn't give a fuck about others. Only Nancy Pelosi matters, no?

The problem is, since you failed to grasp it. Is that businesses of that type have been ordered closed. For what, like 6 months now in California, Chicago and some other places? It's illegal for those poor business owners to open up to the public, who ALSO by the way, have needs. If it's not ok for "regular people" to be able to go get their hair done. Then it shouldn't be for either of them finger wagging, snobby, preachy BITCHES, either!

I thought you had a soft spot for "underdogs" like normal citizens?

Seems to me, you may be speaking out against my feelings because of that party line, no? 🤔

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #188992 03,Sep,20 10:38
I don't have a "dog" in the upcoming "fight". The closest I'm come to an endorsement is saying that Sleepy Joe is probably the lesser of two evils.

Two septuagenarians who stumble over their words and are gaffe-prone? If that's the best your Nation can come up with, good fucking luck!

I'll stick with the scientific advice when it comes to mask-wearing. If you're a trained virologist I apologise for crossing into your territory!

As you can see, elsewhere, I'm cutting my own hair because of Covid. I think ANYBODY who chooses to get a haircut is taking an unnecessary risk - just an opinion!

Business owners who are forced to remain closed should be compensated by the Government until such time as they can sensibly reopen. QE means you can print as much money as you fucking like, anyway! It's all smoke and mirrors, as you probably know if you have even a rudimentary understanding of monetary policy and fiat money.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 13:39 other posts 
We would not need to try to figure out this Fiat money if people could simply go back to work and earn their living.I tried to read about that shit and it makes very little sense how there is "money" but there is no money. But I think I came up with a theory. Fiat money is that little bit of pocket change you get when you find a sucker dumb enough to buy your Fiat!

I assume you really like that cashless no touchy pay thing to right?

This disaster we are in will do 1 of 2 things after the election,go away as a failure of the liberals to finish ruining the country or it will continue if Biden gets in and the country will fall flat of it's face in 6 or 8 months.
By #188992 03,Sep,20 14:48
Milton Friedman would be proud of you, phart! You make as much sense as he, and The Chicago Boys, do/did!

What it really means is that your Central Bank (in your case The Federal Reserve Bank) get a load of paper, print a lot of notes with pictures of some of your ex-Presidents on them, and then (this is the cute bit) they say "This is money". It's made legal tender by a government decree. Simple as that!

On 15 March 2020, The Fed announced approximately $700 billion in new quantitative easing. They, in effect and through asset purchases, printed that much more money. Feel richer yet?

How's your sense of "personal agency", phart? Do you now get an idea of what the fuckers are doing to your Nation? Do you think Trump cares about you? Do you think Sleepy Joe cares about you? Do you know what they care about - power, and what they can do with it. You, and people like you, should wake up.

Both your main political parties are in hock to big business. 2008 election cycle who do you think gave Obama more than a million bucks? Goldman fucking Sachs, that's who! They didn't want any power of influence in recompense for that money - only kidding, OF COURSE they BOUGHT influence!

Trump gets into power and gives tax cuts to billionaires. I wonder if any of those billionaires contributed to his "war coffers"? Let's see if YOU can guess the answer to that one?

Fucking hell, dude, can you not see that all this BS about "draining the swamp" is to fool fuckers like you? If there was any danger of someone REALLY draining the swamp, the lobbyists would (firstly) shit themselves and (secondly) pull every trick in the Roger Stone playbook (plus a few extras) to make damned sure that person never got anywhere near the levers of power.

Personal agency, dude. Look it up and decide, for yourself, how you're going to reclaim some of it. Read what it really used to mean to be a "redneck". Read "Economics for Dummies". DO SOMETHING!! Or, let the world happen TO you. I like you and your fucking ignorance, I really do. If you want to ask me stuff, go ahead. Ultimately, though, it's down to you. What are you going to do to make your life, and the lives of those you care about, better?

If it's just fucking moaning about how shit Democrats are, you have well and truly missed the point (in my humble opinion). Go get 'em, you badass motherfucker!!!
By phart [Ignore] 04,Sep,20 13:21 other posts 
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If PeeLowseee feels ok with getting her hair did without a mask,why preach it so hard to the rest of us? Hypocrite!
By #551147 04,Sep,20 15:20

Now that's a worth while cause to donate to. NOT a bunch of thug criminals incapable of following simple commands. I hope she gets enough to relocate to a friendlier State/City. That salon owner is getting death threats, and people have posted SO many negative reviews, she'll never be able to reopen. That's what the SLOBS on the Left are like everyday. But they are SO compassionate for others. Gimme a fucking break!

🇺🇸 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇲

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