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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By phart [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 23:58 other posts 
so defunding police means when I call 911 I will have a longer list of questions perhaps? Do you feel suicidal? do you want a counseler? Are you lonely do you need a big sister or big brother to come by and comfort you? what is your name,age address ,shoe size,etc?" "No mam, I have been shot and I just returned fire in self defense,send a ambulance!"
"Sir ,is the person you shot bleeding? are they having breathing problems? Did you not realize he just wanted to rob you so he could buy some candy for his kids?How dare you shoot a armed robber in your house,this 911 call will be used as evidence to convict you of murder,

Ok,so some of that was a bit off,but do we really want a 911 service that does not send out people to protect us from harm?Who will protect us if police are disbanded,which is being discussed?

By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 16:25 other posts 
I believe that the United States should enact a law which mandates that every male citizen, upon reaching puberty, must get a vasectomy.

This would enable American guys to have as much sex with women as they want, without the potential consequence of an unwanted pregnancy.

Later in life, if the guy decides that he wants to father children--and has a willing partner in that endeavor--he can have the vasectomy reversed.

With the exceptions of pregnancy by r@pe or ince$t, or that of life-threatening harm to the mother if she carries the child to full term, that should put an end to almost all abortions!

Problem solved!
You're welcome.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 16:40 other posts 
Every male or just the card carrying straight guys?
By #188992 07,Jun,20 17:19
Serendipitous side-effect: far fewer Americans!
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 17:51 other posts 
Not so.
We will do as we have done from the very beginning and import new Americans from elsewhere.
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 17:49 other posts 
All of them.
Everyone should be equal under the law.
By admin [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 20:29 other posts 
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By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 21:42 other posts 
So JustWill didn't come up with a new idea relating to men and their inability to impregnate women? All these years that I thought he had ideas that would become reality!

By #551147 06,Jun,20 04:05
A sane voice amid disturbing times. Worth watching!
Someone that REALLY gives a shit about ALL lives...

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ This video may completely be staged too, right!
As it doesn't fit the "systemic racism" narrative OR those that want to promote division between blacks and whites and or blacks and cops.

Go ahead, excoriate her for her views. I dare you!
--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes

Sickening how the loudest voice is most likely a "white privileged" (like that? That's BLM, ANTIFA style language) person arguing with her. I suppose it would be easier to try to run her off instead of look in the mirror and realize you're despicable.
They call black conservative men Uncle Tom's, what do they call a black chick?
By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 11:05 other posts 
Speaking of "sane voices":

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I am sure this will make some people's heads explode, and it does require the viewer to have a modicum of empathy and an open mind, but it's worth a shot.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:09 other posts 
I tend to shut down, turn off, fall deaf when people resort to shouting. Same principle with regard to the forum and the name calling.

Yes, all lives matter. Yes, black commit crimes against black as white commit crimes against white and as police will inflict unnecessary "punishment" on people of all color.

And a white police officer was in the news this time for pushing down a 75 year old white protester.

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By #188992 06,Jun,20 13:29
I could, literally, only watch Scorps' clip up to the point where it descends into:

"Make me go"
"Make me go"

If she's the "sane voice" you're in bigger trouble than I thought.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:35 other posts 
The entire altercation was outrageous and I didn't like that the white woman referred to the black woman, several times, as "sister soul".
By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:37 other posts 
All the clip really proves is that it is possible for a black person to miss the point as well.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

It makes me sad that it has to be explained to anyone, but "Black Lives Matter" doesn't mean that they are the only lives that matter.
It means that, for far too long in this country, black lives have been treated as though they mattered LESS.

Anyone who can't see that is not playing with a full deck. (huxley, that's American vernacular for "crazy" ).
By #551147 07,Jun,20 03:51
So, let me get this straight. You're suggesting that this particular "black person" (and many many more like her/them) has missed the point. What point is that? You go on to explain that, "for far too long, in this country, black lives have been treated as though they have mattered less". Interesting and certainly worth discussing.

The name of the group itself, is an affront to many Americans. But that's not ok, right! Accept it or you're a fucking racist, right? Dissention or differing views on ANY given matter is not allowed or tolerated. Minimizing a person or even a segment of the population, their beliefs, and or intelligence is a must! All in the name of... It simply doesn't fit my/our narrative. A NORMAL PERSON, when hearing a wannabe supposed legitimate group, such as B.L.M. chanting death to white people and or the police, even America itself (to which I will admit I may have my wires crossed but I don't think so), recognize that, that sort of language should not be accepted by ANY sane person, period! It's NOT ok, and I and many more like me, refuse to give legitimacy to such and ignorant group. We are all Americans here and should be united as such. Not divided either way, such as a black life is no more important or less important as a white one, Mexican one, Chinese one, etc. All lives matter, except of course, one in the womb.

The despicable treatment of George Floyd and his death at the hands of a potentially power crazed, sadistic police officer has certainly, if nothing else, untied Americans together unlike any other incident in recent memory. No single person has come out to say (at least to my knowledge) that any part of that was acceptable.

In this ultra uniting moment, we have to hear how racist America and police officers are, OR how police brutality in general is rampant and out of control, ESPECIALLY against anyone that's not white. Instead of using this moment to bring some sort of good to his unfortunate death, we get spoon fed condoned violence, destruction, more deaths and race dividing rhetoric. If you don't just roll over and accept those consequences, because of the actions of a few, yes, a few, you are in fact, a RACIST! That just makes this situation even more sad and unfortunate and to many, infuriating.

Lastly, not everyone was dealt the hand of JustWill and may never be quite as intelligent as you believe you are. Therefore, there are millions playing with less of a deck than you do, clearly, and I amongst many others certainly must be one of them. Because afterall, my/our opinions, thoughts, feelings, logic, must not be accepted because they are flawed.

There's only one acceptable narrative right!? America and a vast majority of Americans are inherently racist end of story. Hell, according to Joe Biden 10 to 15 percent of Americans are "bad people". That works out to what, 30, 40 million people? He might just be right or is that number greater? Hillary said 50% were deplorables. We may just never know.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

How about just one more, what I deem to be a sane voice that you can feel free to discount... only registered users can see external links
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 10:50 other posts 
Okay, Scorps, I'm bored, so I'll play:

First, let me point out that the "quite as intelligent as you BELIEVE YOU ARE" (CAPS are mine) bit was a tad hurtful. My intelligence is not a matter of BELIEF. It just is what it is.(Which is true for everyone. Some have it, some don't).
I am sorry that my intellect makes you feel inferior in some way. That was never my intent. I can't help it that I am smart, and I won't apologize for it, but I am sorry that you feel...less smart...because of me.

It must be hard for you (and folk like you) to have to spend every day feeling discriminated against because you are different. To be treated as though you were less of a person because you lack a certain quality merely because of a fluke of Nature. I mean, you were dealt a specific intellectual capacity by the whims of biology, and that isn't your fault.
It would be unjust for those of us with better brains to discriminate against your kind(you know...not give you access to good jobs, health care, a great education, equality under the law, fair housing practices...things like that) due to this trait that was f0rced upon you.

I understand that living your entire life in this type of unjust and discriminatory society might make you and your kind incredibly angry. Perhaps what you need is a slogan; something to point out to the world that you are tired of having to live in a society which treats you unfairly simply because you are less...bright...than the people in charge.


Now, I know you are probably thinking: If we use that slogan, won't people think that we are saying that ONLY dumb brains matter?

Of course not! We didn't put the word ONLY in our slogan for that very reason. Anyone with a jot of intelligence will understand that ALL brains matter, That goes without saying. Only a true idiot (no offense intended) would think otherwise. Or, perhaps, someone who willfully misinterprets our slogan to suit their own agenda (like, maybe, one of those SMART people who just don't want to give your kind a fair shake).

Give it a try. Rise up in protest. Perhaps it will create an "ultra uniting moment" that will change things for your people...

Two final things:
1.How sad for you that you find a group of people proclaiming that their lives matter to be an "affront". Shame on them for making you feel less special and not included! (Look up the definition of IRONY)

2. Hillary didn't say 50% of Americans where a "basket of deplorables", she said 50% of TRUMP SUPPORTERS were. That's a totally different number. While she shouldn't have said that (out loud), I honestly haven't seen much evidence these last three plus years to prove her wrong. Present circumstances being a fine example.

Okay, I lied.
There are THREE final things:

3. You aren't racist because you have opinions. You are racist because you have RACIST opinions. There is a difference.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes

Dammit! FOUR things, I meant to say four:

4. You keep tossing that "in the womb" stuff into your posts on this subject. Stop it. It is not relevant.
But: A woman should have total say about what happens to her body. Because it is HER body. When you grow a womb of your own, then your opinion will have some value on that subject.

And here's number five (just because I feel like it):

5. I have never heard a supporter of Black Lives Matter shouting "Death to White People" or "Death to America". That has pretty much been coming from terrorists of the pseudo-Islamic variety. I know that the majority of them have skin tones in the brown to black range, and that might be confusing to folk like you, but they are not the same as the BLM people.
By #551147 07,Jun,20 02:51
It's always a great idea to poo poo a successful self made black woman as a lunatic or some kinda heretic. Yeah, she's cra cra, annoying, and should have just complied with the very first "go"! Tuck her tail, turn around and just leave cause let's face it lady, YOUR opinion/views are insignificant, unwanted, unwarranted, unimportant, and most importantly doesn't fit the narrative that all us protesters are out here for. Now go! Get out of here! And she should have dutifully complied, right!?

BTW The "mostly peaceful protesters" were given curfews in an attempt to stem the violence, looting, rioting, burning, etc. what happened when they were told to "go"? Many threw things at the police, and lashed out. Now that! That's justifiable behavior by "mostly peaceful protesters". What did you expect her to say or do? Ok! I'm gonna leave now so my voice will most certainly not be heard. Riiiight!

As far as me being in trouble or even troubled. If that's your opinion of me, so be it, your most definitely entitled to YOUR opinion.
By #188992 07,Jun,20 06:43
Nah, fuck you and your putting of words into my mouth. I did NOT call her a lunatic, a heretic or annoying. Both sides (BOTH!) shouting at each other made it impossible to stick with your clip. The right to peaceful protest applies to both sides, but it doesn't mean I have to listen to it. She can stay on that street corner and shout at people from dusk till dawn, as far as I'm concerned.

Why have you put "mostly peaceful protestors" in quotation marks, fuckwit? Who are you quoting?

"Many threw things at the police, and lashed out" - if you want me to comment you will have to tell me what demonstration you're talking about. If you can find me ONE post where I have tried to justify people throwing stuff at the Police I'll eat my hat, and yours for good measure.

The interesting thing for me is that you have proposed NOTHING, as far as I can see, to deal with the substantive issue. Fine words about "using this moment to bring some sort of good to his unfortunate death". How would YOU propose to do that? I may be doing you a disservice, but all I've seen, from you, is naysaying that the US has massive problems with racism and policing. You've misunderstood, then dismissed, defunding the Police so resources can be used in a different way and thrown in your views on abortion. I also suspect that you would like, as your beloved POTUS seems to like, a massive focus on law and order to crush dissent. I would suggest that none of that actually helps find a long-term, sustainable resolution to the anger that so many of your fellow citizens feel.
By #551147 07,Jun,20 02:25
she was shouting to be HEARD. She did NOT have a megaphone and was trying to get her opinion/views heard by as many as possible within such a large crowd and just perhaps with a modicum of passion added. It wasn't intended to be a one on one conversation or she just may have spoke normally. Consequently, she did do an interview where she wasn't shouting.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours

Ok, let's try one more voice of sanity. I promise, she doesn't yell. 😉 only registered users can see external links
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 13:49 other posts 
My opinion, the first woman with a Jamaican accent sounded angry and loud and not someone I cared to listen to.

Ms. Owens seemed to do the homework in order to present "her truth" in a manner which was conducive to listening to. In fact, I will probably listen to her again.

By #610414 07,Jun,20 11:03
Great white shark kills surfer off Australia's New South Wales
Surfer was demonstrating for BLACK LIVES MATTER. Shark was hungry
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By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 15:55 other posts 
I won't type much but this photo I found says alot.[deleted image]

Why is it only 1 of these incidents lead to riots,looting and so on? Are we not supposed to be equal? Was that not the scope of all the actions taken by the government back in the 60's?
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours

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So he was positive for the virus,and was under the influence of a powerful pain killer that has all kinds of side effects.
By #188992 04,Jun,20 10:58
Do you REALLY think that says a lot?

Sadly, abuse takes place frequently in (so-called) care situations. There IS outrage about it and, changes are made. Not fast enough - granted. It's truly horrible what that guy did.

On the other hand: we have a cop killing a black man by kneeling on his neck. This happens in a Nation with deep-seated race relations problems, with a POTUS who has an indelicate touch when dealing with matters of this kind. A Nation where the descendants of slaves live alongside the descendants of slave owners, or people who directly benefitted from slavery. Within living memory you have segregation, Jim Crow laws, Rosa Parks, assassinations of Black leaders (Malcolm X, Martin Luther King et al) and those advocating for equal rights (Bobby Kennedy). Your life chances, as a Black American, are worse than if you are a Caucasian American. Your chances of being pulled over by the police are greater if you're black. Your chances of being incarcerated are greater if you're black.

No matter whether you have/had Covid 19, and no matter what medication you are taking, you shouldn't be fucking murdered by a cop! Nor should 3 other cops watch their colleague murder a guy, and not intervene.

The reason one leads to riots and looting is because of the facts I have iterated above, the resorting to threats of further violence by your fuckwit POTUS, AND because there are bad people in this world who will break the law if they see an opportunity to do so. Deal with the lawbreakers by all means, but (just a thought) maybe deal with the underlying problems your Nation has with race as well and DON'T break up peaceful protests so you can pose for a photo op with a fucking Bible in your hand!

I have a horrible suspicion that all of this, to some extent, plays into Trump's hands. If you see legislation coming down the track that limits the free press, puts further checks on social media, gives the police/military excessive powers, or (here's the clincher) delays democratic elections don't be too surprised my American cousins.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 12:23 other posts 
You know, this quotation is part of OUR Declaration of Independence, penned in 1776, "all men are created equal".
By #188992 04,Jun,20 13:21
So, 244 years later: how far along the road of making that ring true do you think the US has come?

Thomas Paine is one of my own (somewhat flawed) personal heroes. I wonder what he would think of where the US finds itself today.

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The bit that jumps out, for me, is:

Many important civil rights leaders have used the phrase “all men are created equal” to demand equality for all. One of the many leaders who used this phrase in a famous speech was Martin Luther King. He used this phrase in his I Have A Dream speech (1963): “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’” He would argue that “all men are created equal” did not encompass African Americans. His speech took place before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and it was still legal to discriminate on the basis of race. Dr. King would argue that this would present a challenge to “all men created equal,” because African Americans were not ensured the same rights and privileges as white Americans. President John F. Kennedy also used this phrase to demand equality in a speech entitled “For What We Fight”: “It was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” He would agree with King in saying that in the 1960s, the phrase had still not yet encompassed African Americans, so it could not truly mean “all” men.

Let's hope the imminent Memorial Service in Minneapolis is peaceful and constructive, and that your great Nation can move towards fulfilling that admirable sentiment of all men being created equal. Stay safe.
By #188992 04,Jun,20 13:50
I hope this link works:

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Just in case I came across as somehow "smug" that the UK has a better race relations reputation than the US. Akala is a very interesting guy, with views that are truly thought-provoking.
By JustWill [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 15:13 other posts 
Keep in mind that, when that "all men are created equal" bit was written, SOME men (and women and children) here were OWNED by other men.
That doesn't seem very "equal", does it?
SAYING that people are "equal" is MUCH different than actually TREATING them as equals.
The problem here in the US is that we have been SAYING "you're equal" for decade upon decade, but the equal TREATMENT part has never really been happening.
What puzzles me is how the people on the RIGHT can have the audacity to express SURPRISE that some of those supposedly "equal" people have had enough and are taking to the streets in Constitutionally protected protest.
(Yes, Rioting and Looting are WRONG, but PROTESTING is a RIGHT)
By #610414 04,Jun,20 15:20
And, yet, it was written in a time where the writers of the Constitution owned slaves. It's a nice thought, but, even in a very progressive society, it will work in some cases. The rich will be better served than the poor.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 15:09 other posts 
The hypocricy is what I feel like the photo explains.
No 1 gives a damn about a supposedly ill husky black male BEATiNG a elderly verteran in a place he should be safe.
Covid 19 or wuhan,if that man was sick with it,how the hell did he have the strength to beat anyone AND steal from them?
But just as you so well shared the opionion,nurseing home abuse just happens, accept it and go on.
BOTH are wrong,but no 1 gives a damn about black on white violence.it doesn't make the papers.
As for the desendants thing,I want repreations for the finacial losses my family suffered because of the carpet baggers that came to the south to shit the southern people out of everything they had.
Average slave cost about 3000 dollar THEN. most southern people could not afford that. Plantation owners actually would rent slaves or would swap labor,example,we pick my cotton today,and pick yours tommorow. Poor white people just had to do for themselves. My mother picked and hoed cotton and she was white back in the 40's during WW2, so it was not a black only job.
By JustWill [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 15:33 other posts 
phart--you folks are spinning and twisting and double-talking in order to justify the MURDER of a HUMAN BEING.
How is it that passing a bad $20 bill is a crime worthy of the death penalty?
Your mother may have "picked and hoed cotton", but nobody OWNED her while she was doing it. You are using a false equivalence.
Black on white violence ALWAYS makes the papers that I read. Stop pretending that none of that is reported. (They also report White on Brown crimes, and Yellow on Red, and Blue on Green, too!)
And, what does Nursing Home abuse have to do with a cop murdering a man in his custody?
The "hypocrisy" is that you THINK the photo you posted justifies your position, but it is, in fact, totally off the mark.
NO ONE is saying that ALL cops or white people are bad. What they ARE saying is that BLACK (and Brown and Yellow and Red) people are not consistently treated fairly by EITHER group.
By #188992 04,Jun,20 15:34
Bollocks, yet again phart.

I did NOT say just accept it and go on.

As an aside, for someone who claims not to recognise race you're damn keen to point out that it's a black guy abusing the guy in the home.

You're bringing up "repreations" (sic)? Presumably then you'd be 100% in favour of reparations for the descendants of slaves? Let's just park that one.

Just like your "fit enough to riot, fit enough to vote in person" nonsense you are trying to draw a false equivalence.
You can be outraged at both events - however, only one has had the effect of making people question how much longer they are prepared to put up with institutional racism.

It's like saying: "How dare you complain about Americans having to rely on Foodbanks when there are people starving in Yemen?". It's possible to have a view on BOTH, and they are not substantively linked in any way.

Other than them being acts of violence, what is there in common in the 2 pictures that someone has clumsily juxtaposed and added a glib soundbite to? Not much.

I fear you're trying to distract from the very real (and grim) situation your Nation finds itself in. Scroll up and see what JustWill has said. If abuses in care homes were as widespread as racism is, in the US, there probably WOULD be protests and possibly even rioting.

The fact that you're descended from poor white folk is, frankly, irrelevant. It does interest me though, but purely on a personal level. It adds little or nothing to the subject at hand.

PS. I DO give a damn about black on white violence. I give a damn about ALL violence.
By JustWill [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 15:43 other posts 
huxley--another common trope the Right continues to trot out is that, because so many Irish immigrants came to America as indentured servants, "there were far more white slaves owned in America than there were black slaves".
Because, you know, being indentured is exactly like being owned and...um...that makes it all better.
By #188992 04,Jun,20 16:39
I'd not heard that one before - cool fact!

I'd value your opinion: there are clearly really bright people who are extremely right wing. Do you think they engage in cognitive dissonance?

Like your example: if you trot that out, but you're intelligent enough to know it's BS, how do you reconcile it to yourself? Or are you a sociopath? I'm genuinely puzzled.
By JustWill [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 17:33 other posts 
If I understand the concept of Cognitive Dissonance correctly (it has been years since my last psychology class, so I might be a bit off on my recollection), it would require that some small part of the person understands that what they are doing/saying/thinking is wrong, but they choose to rationalize their behavior in order to feel okay with it.

If that understanding is correct, then I am sure that cognitive dissonance plays a part with a limited number of right wing individuals. However, I think that far too many of the folk in question haven't the slightest doubt that what they believe is the only TRUTH.

They cling so tightly to their chosen beliefs that all contradictory evidence--no matter how grounded in reality and fact--must be regarded as a lie.

This need to disregard fact has given rise to the "Fake News" phenomenon. Anything that supports their tightly held beliefs, no matter that it is cut from whole cloth, MUST be true. Any fact which contradicts said beliefs is, by their reasoning, obviously a lie.

When they use "facts" like the example I gave, they truly believe that it is NOT BS. They have no doubt.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

In the case of die-hard Trump supporters, I believe that there are two categories:

Those who bought an ugly pig and didn't realize the magnitude of its hideousness at the time of purchase, but are going to support their pig because admitting they were in error at the out set would cause them shame. (A very small group)

Those that truly believe that the pig is the most beautiful pig to ever walk the Earth. By nature of its transcendent beauty, all things said and done by the pig are perfect. This is basically because they held the same beliefs that the pig exemplified from the very start. They will not be swayed from their devotion to the pig. (this is the largest group)
By #188992 05,Jun,20 05:41
Thanks for your observations JustWill - the pig analogy made me smile, both because it's "earthy" and because it seems likely to be accurate.

That trend to dismiss anything that contradicts your own views, and especially the "fake news" card, is worrying - to say the least. You'll have seen SrCums use that one, on me, a few times. Frustrating when you provide, what you feel is, pretty sound evidence to show X is true and the only response is to rubbish the source. As an ardent empiricist I relish being shown new data, even when that contradicts what I had previously believed. Stay safe.
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 07:52 other posts 
Here's another fun "fact" from the Right:

"Racism had been almost totally eradicated in this country until Barack Obama became President."

According to the Right, America was virtually racism-free, with all people being treated fairly and equally...and then the black guy ruined it.
By JustWill [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 17:59 other posts 
There was a time, not so very long ago, when a woman was shot and killed by an illeg@l immigrant (in San Francisco?).
The Trump supporters used this as their rallying cry and as "proof" that ALL ILLEGALS were thugs and murderers, and that building a wall was the only way to save the lives of our women folk!

When we pointed out then that "one doesn't represent all", we were told that we were libtard snowflakes for believing that.

Odd how you are only now seeing our point.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 20:20 other posts 
Oddly Republicans and Trump supporters weren't out in the streets burning churches and stores and looting either.
I hired a damn new york yankee for a President.I knew he was no saint,but MY GOD did you see the other 1?
I typed up alot and it disappeared!
Fucking thing,
anyhow, Did anyone watch Al on tv preaching the funeral?
NOT wearing a mask? the virus,Um,what happened to it? in 2 weeks are we going to have a huGE case count?
By JustWill [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 21:11 other posts 
Neither were the protesters.
What's your point?

The Republicans and Trump just put babies in cages. (You don't have to say it, we know: They were BROWN babies, so they belong in cages!)
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 01:14 other posts 
JustWill, there were protests in 16 Canadian cities (Americans wouldn't have heard about them because we weren't burning our cities) for a few days and with the exception of Montreal one night they were generally very peaceful with respect shown by the police to the protesters and by the protesters to the police.
When I watched the news I noticed that most of these protesters were wearing masks, probably because when they left home they knew that social distancing wasn't a reasonable expectation.
Common sense.
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 08:04 other posts 
Canadians would get more news coverage if they just burned a city or two. Honestly, this whole "Canadians are nice, polite people" thing is a bit suspicious.
What are you REALLY up to, Canada?

The difference between our country and yours, my friend, is that our "leader" has fanned the flames of division since the beginning of his political career (even before that, actually, but fewer people paid any attention to him back then).
Trump feeds "red meat" to his supporters, and he thrives on the disharmony it causes.
As a result, many Americans are harboring a great deal of pent-up anger and frustration. Much of the chaos the World is seeing from the States recently is a result of that rage boiling over.
I am not making an excuse for the chaos, I am merely pointing out a possible cause.
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 15:14 other posts 
JustWill, Rainforests matter. That statement doesn't mean that boreal forests don't matter does it?
By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:50 other posts 
It does if you are a pine tree that is afraid that a palm tree is going to be treated as an equal.
By #188992 05,Jun,20 05:58
Yo phart - how can you be so sure that Trump supporters/Republicans weren't involved in law-breaking?

They are criminals and opportunists, yes?
Some might not even give a shit about BLM, but just want to grab a big TV, right?
But they're ALL Democrats? Give me a fucking break.

As for Al Sharpton: from the clip I've seen it looks like social distancing was (at least partially) being observed.

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Wearing a mask has also got questionable efficacy anyway. Sorry to throw Science at you!

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As a side-note: it would be nice (and refreshing) if you were even-handed when it comes to criticising protestors.

What about these guys, then:

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But I guess you will, somehow, excuse their behaviour and continue to criticise BLM protestors? That partisanship and cognitive dissonance is, in my humble opinion, part of the problem the US has: rampant tribalism that obstructs any real progress on the issues that, undoubtedly, the US has. Stay safe.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 10:14 other posts 
Where is the justice for the vicutms of the Great Shoot out at Miramar, Fla in 2019?

Frank Ordoñez and Rick Cutshaw
The chief thought his men did a great job.200 rounds fired into a aluminum fish tank,some thru the roof for Gods sake.Only 130 rounds were fired as the law murdered Bonnie and clyde.
No buildings burned,no fighting,no rioting.
NO one seems to care being they were not BLACK.But it was police violence against citizens,the very thing that happened to Mr Floyd.
This is the hypocrisy I am trying to get you hard heads to see but you are blinded by all this media bias.
By the way, no work boots were stolen by the looters!What does that tell you? Apparently none of the looters WORk,
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By #188992 05,Jun,20 10:38
You keep throwing up stuff not directly related to the CURRENT state of play in the US, phart.

I had to google the Miramar shootout. Sounds to me like trigger-happy, fuckwit cops lost control of the situation completely with terrible consequences. I hope those found guilty of using excessive force, or acting with reckless disregard for the safety of the public, had the full force of the law brought down upon them. I care, phart. Trust me - I do. I also have to throw in that an armed populace (the glorious 2nd amendment) and a routinely-armed Police force will inevitably lead to tragedies like Miramar.

It was NOT "the very thing that happened to Mr Floyd". You're either being deliberately dim, or you genuinely cannot see the difference between a shootout between robbers and the Police when compared to a single, black guy having a cop kneel on his neck until he is fucking DEAD. All this after he had pleaded with the pig, telling him he couldn't breath. By the way: have you now accepted that it's possible to vocalise even when you are being suffocated? You let that one drop rather quietly in another discussion!

Media bias, my arse!
I have watched unedited footage from the US over the last few days. I can turn the commentary OFF and see with my own, fucking eyes what's happening. Your gung-ho POTUS, with all his talk of "law and order", emboldens cops (like the 2 fuckwits in Buffalo who pushed over a Senior) to behave in the way they do. If his rhetoric was less inflammatory I believe cooler heads could find a way to extinguish the flames of protest/violence rather than fanning them.

Even when the big, orange buffoon TRIES to do the right thing he fucks it up:

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By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 12:06 other posts 
phart, were you aware that the bottom corner picture does not depict a crime of black on white, it's black on black! Mr. Norman Bledsoe happens to be a light complected African-American.
By #188992 05,Jun,20 12:36
You think phart will care about FACTS?

I have no idea how the dear chap will respond, if at all, but I'm ever-hopeful that my daily belly-laugh will come along soon.

Maybe phart will remind me that I would be speaking German, if US veterans hadn't ………………….. blah, blah, blah!

Or maybe it will be "what about justice for all the descendants of members of the 7th Cavalry killed at Little Bighorn?" That would be equally relevant!!
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 13:38 other posts 
To qoute you Hux, FUCK YOU! .
But at the same time,what is the difference between cops killing 4 men,2 of them innocent,and cops killing 1 man? 3 more lives were lost.
At least you did notice the Trump speach keeps getting taken down. Media not biased? Yea right,tell me another joke.
As for the "current state of play" here in the US, you don't think this shit just started with the death of Floyd do you? Civil rights and fights and police brutality started along time ago.This "current state of play" has a large foundation of history.Go back and you will see that it is nothing new.What took so fucking long to get people stirred up?Why wait until a election year,DURING A PANDEMIC to riot and loot over the death of 1 man IF there was not a alterior motive behind it?
Had Mr Floyd passed away on his coach from a heart attack or od on medicine ,we would never had heard of him.
His death is being used as a tool to cause ruckus.The democrats use the Blacks as tools to get votes then abandon them as soon as they walk into the office the Blacks helped them get.But try explaining that to them.Good luck

And just to give you your daily laugh,what about restitution for the suffering my Cherokee ancestors were put thru by the government on the Trail of Tears? Oh,they weren't black so fuck em right?
By #188992 05,Jun,20 13:48
"the Blacks"? Really, that's the language you are going to use?

I'm just about to dish up roast pork so I'll deal with the rest of your muddled thinking anon! Stay safe.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 14:09 other posts 
Muddled thinking, look in the mirror.
I use "the Blacks" because for whatever reason they seem to be using it themselves as AL Sharpton ask everyone to get their knees off their necks during a memorial service yesterday,He certainly was not talking about The American Indian or Hispanics.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 13:50 other posts 
phart, you're absolutely right about matters regarding civil rights and accusations about police brutality. Those concerns have been around for a long, long time and we still haven't sorted through it and resolved it. I don't have children or grandchildren, yet I pray that we aren't beyond being fixed and living peacefully with one another.
By #188992 05,Jun,20 15:19
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I've told you before that language is powerful. Particularly in these troubling times, I would urge you to read that link.

Your supposition that, somehow, the fact that it's an election year makes the BLM protests sinister is baseless. People have been "stirred up", on and off, for decades. As Bella! has rightly pointed out: your Nation has been struggling with these issues for a long time. Remember Rodney King? My guess is that a lot of people do NOT yet think justice has been done, with regards to George Floyd. Are you willing to take a bet that the 3 other cops will NOT face any serious jail time? When that verdict comes down do you think people will just roll over and say "Oh well, it went to court and our judicial system is flawless when dealing with cops", or do you think further protest, riots and loss of life may follow? The fuckers who beat Mr King were initially acquitted - remember that?

I believe the "Trump speach"(sic) was taken down because of a copyright infringement issue. AND, dear phart, I was able to see it because you provided a link. Such terrible media bias!!! (sarcasm)

Your suggestion that there was some "alterior" (sic) motive for people protesting fits your narrative, but has no evidence to back it. It is, however, quite reasonable to suppose that people being in "lockdown", because of Covid19, and the rate of US unemployment may have made people's fuses shorter. Then just get a cop to murder someone and .. bang! I'm not saying people aren't using it for reasons that aren't always that palatable, but maybe (for some) it was the latest in a long line of straws that broke the camel's back.

When you say "passed away on his coach", I'm guessing you mean "couch". I would also surmise that poor Mr Floyd would rather have had a life of relative anonymity, as opposed to BEING KILLED BY A COP!

You're descended from poor white trash AND Cherokee? Again, interesting but irrelevant. Sorry, as well, no belly laugh on that one.

If you feel you have ANY reason for thinking that my reaction to the sufferings of the Native Americans on The Trail of Tears would be "fuck em", I would be genuinely interested to hear it. I hope I have given the exact opposite impression, but am happy to be corrected if that has not come across.

Fuck you again .. and have a good weekend, buddy!
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:59 other posts 
Well at least there is a beating heart in that gut of yours somewhere. I was beginning to think all you had was a aqaurium pump with a clogged filter for a heart.
Not from poor white trash,just ordinary white folks that worked for a living.Back when my mom was young,if you didn't live on a farm,the neighbors did and the parents would send you over there to hoe cotton,pick cotton,and perhaps bring back a ham or 2 for the work to feed the family.
Aint ashamed of it at all.Granted,being a bit wealthy would have it's perks,but I think growing up understanding the meaning of work and it's rewards is 1 of the reasons I don't need to march in the streets and not being cuffed by cops.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 14:37
"aqaurium (sic) pump with a clogged filter" is bloody brilliant! Can I have your permission to use that myself, in the future? Lovely turn of phrase!

I have to admit that adding "trash" was a cheap dig, hope you'll accept my apology.

My family, on my father's side, has been traced back to the mid 1600s. From then, until the early 20th century, they were all (the patriarchs) farm labourers who owned no land of their own. Good peasant stock!!

If anything, I may be guilty of a bit of inverted snobbery - I'm quite proud of coming from solid, working-class stock. Probably like you, phart, anything I have I have worked for. No trust fund or inherited wealth to speak of. The only difference might be that I WOULD be out marching in the streets. My guess is that you put great store in individualism, whereas I firmly believe in the concept of collective strength (particularly for the working class) as a counter to the ingrained strength/power of the elite.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 13:47 other posts 
I am aware it was a black man beating another human.Wasn't really sure who it was,doesn't matter.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 13:52 other posts 
You're right, it doesn't matter. We call ourselves human yet our actions aren't always humane.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 14:07 other posts 
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Clearly states white man under picture.
Must have been wrong or corrected later.I thought I remembered it being a white man but was not sure.I just know for sure it was black violence against another human for sure.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 14:31 other posts 
Yes, it does say he's white. But I know that you're open minded enough to recognize that even people reporting in our media make mistakes.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 14:49 other posts 
Here's something found on YouTube. I believe that the news media edited the video when presented on the news because of the brutality of the crime.

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By phart [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 22:13 other posts 
I am going to be honest,I have not had the nerve to watch the video,the still image is enough to make me want to puke.My grandmother was abused by nurseing home staff,some black,and I have never forgotten the response we got from both police and the Social Security Administration.
Police wanted evidence as in who,how,when blah blah blah,,how the hell could we get any when all we could see was the bruises and shit in the bed because they wouldnt change the sheets often enough and her telling us?.We couldn't stay 24-7. Social security,In short," We know abuse happens but we do not have the man power to enforce all the rules and safty prodicals."
Yep,a big government conglomerant,and they gave us that response.
So sorry if I seem a bit odd about that particular issue but damn it,there was no sense in that happening,but no one is rioting over it.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 13:36
Sorry to hear that your grandmother suffered that abuse, phart. Sounds terrible, and the lack of a proper response from the authorities must have been doubly tough.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 14:04 other posts 
Part of my perspective comes from life experiances like that.I wish it were different. Difficult to forget.

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