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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By #460385 06,Jun,20 10:38
This is all a shit show. Just in time for politicians to jump to one side or the other in time for their national campaigns. The protesting down here in Hollywood went perfect last night. Mainly younger kids from all races. And of course we had Evander Holyfield there speaking. Which was probably a good thing because he still looked like he can whoop some ass. As it got dark the protesters simply went away and all was good. Everyone was safe nothing was damaged, and everybody went home to their families. I completely understand the protesting but having a son as an officer and me being ex-military. I may not have the same views as they do. There were 38 police officers shot and killed in the line of duty in 2019. There were 47 officers shot and killed in the line of duty in 2018. Since nobody wants to admit that this is a racial problem and they're simply saying it's a police brutality issue. Why haven't we marched 85 times over the last 2 years for every one of those officers that died in the line of duty. And of those 85 officers shot while wearing that badge, how many of them did you hear about, how many of them made the news, how many of them made it on YouTube? Do you see where I'm coming from? If my son is shot and killed wearing that badge, will you march for him? Will you protest all over the country so that everyone will know who he was, will you protest so that no one forgets him.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 10:55
Part of the answer?

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Hope your son, and you, stay safe.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 12:06 other posts 
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If all the citys look at it like these, there won't be many policeman.
I don't what the hell we are supposed to do for safety.TwoWarm thinks we shouldn't have guns, the citys want to cut out police,what next,make theft legal?
By #188992 06,Jun,20 12:40
If I didn't know better I'd think you were being ridiculous on purpose, phart.

Reductio ad absurdum.

Defunding has a rationale behind it.

One can make a case for stricter gun controls.

Nobody that I have heard from is suggesting we "make theft legal" - grow up, buddy!
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:42 other posts 
Defunding means the police will less equiped to do their jobs,lower paid to do their jobs,which means less protection for the tax payer.And I am the 1 being rediculas?
I just used theft legal as a example of how stupid it all sounds. When there are no police,and stealing happens,who holds the theif accountable? IF there is no 1 to hold them accountable,then it is for all practical purpose legal . Grow your self buddy.THINK For once.
No bobbys on your streets with clubs to stop a knife fight,how safe would you feel? Or if the funding was cut and they could not buy replacement clubs,what then?
By #188992 06,Jun,20 16:59
I've explained this elsewhere, but just for you:

If you have $100 and you spend $90 on The Police, and $10 on services like mental health, drug education and homelessness and then see crime at a really high rate.

Then, you take that same $100 and spend $85 on The Police, and $15 on those other services and see crime drop by 50%.

Are you still in total opposition to defunding the Police?

If crime dropped there would also be more money available for either more Policing, or more of those other ancillary services. It's called a virtuous circle.

"Ah, but what if you don't get those amazing results, Huxley?" I hear you grunt.

Well, at least fucking try it. One guaranteed way of getting the same results over and over again is to change nothing, EVER!
By #610414 06,Jun,20 16:48

CC, first let me tell you how glad I am that your son is ok.
Police brutality tends to be racial because it happens to
low income people, i.e. to blacks, refugees, Purto Ricans. It's seldom that a
CITY BANK EXECUTIVE gets roughed up. The reasons are varied. There's always one person in a powerful position that pushes it too far.
As far as doing a demonstration for a fallen officer, I don't think that would happen. The police, like the military, are expected to charge into danger and perhaps give their lives in the course of doing their duty. We honor them with a state funeral, a picture and plaque in the Sheriff's office. They chose this life. The oppressed did not.
By #460385 06,Jun,20 17:07
Oh really. So the oppressed man that you speak of, turned out the way he did because of WHY? Did he not choose to drop out in the 8th grade to run the streets. Or should we blame that on the teachers? Did he not choose to sell drugs, do drugs, and be a gang banger? Or should we blame that on his parents and family. Did the oppressed man do the time because he committed the crime? Or should we blame that on the police and judges? Is the reason why the oppressed man is having a hard time getting a job because he has made these decisions on his God damn own? Or should we blame the employers? I call bullshit, the oppressed man is oppressed because he fucking chose it. He was a lazy fuck. I've worked and served with way to many of these men who made the choice to not use this bullshit as a charity excuse to be a hoodlum. But busted ass to be a productive citizen with a good job.
By #610414 06,Jun,20 18:09
I'm sorry. You misunderstood. What ever the oppressed man does with his life, that is his choice. I have friends that live in Liberty City. Yes, they are black. They own a modest but neat home. The oldest daughter is in college and their only son is working as an apprentice in a Ford dealership. Their whole neighborhood is the same. Nice, law abiding, people. When they got their mortgage, they had a very hard time and high rate. These people have to be careful when they leave the house. You automatically ASSUME they are bad.
Did he not choose to drop out in the 8th grade to run the streets. Or should we blame that on the teachers? Did he not choose to sell drugs, do drugs, and be a gang banger? Or should we blame that on his parents and family. Did the oppressed man do the time because he committed the crime? Or should we blame that on the police and judges?
Why is that? You worked hard for what you have. Are you a gang banger? Do you run women? Is your son dirty and takes bribes from you?
Of course not. You shoudn't ASSUME either. As a group, African Americans are socially and economically oppressed. George Floyd deserved to die. He was on drugs and had a rap sheet. Why did the cops let him out the last time?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 18:49 other posts 
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Alot of this info does not relate directly to the topic at hand BUT 1 of the things Mr Sowell talks about is Lifestyle Choices.
Public education is free to the student.No reason it should even be legal to drop out much less have the option to do it for the pure hell of it.
I made it a point to take notice of the number of blacks I encountered yesteday and thier attitudes.
2 were eating breakfast at the next table over from me, we talked a bit about the food and were all laughing and cutting up with the wait staff and all was great.
1 was at tha bank window.He seemed very nervous but handled my transaction without a problem. 2 others,husband and wife I met at the hardware,both said hello how ye doin' and all was well. Not 1 of them tried to yank my Trump hat off my head or walk over to my truck and throw a bottle of gas in it to burn it.They were all decent working people .
The rioters do not represent the whole black population.But they are making it hard for alot of them as they tend to burn "Uncle Tom's " store for spite,they resent success I reckon?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 23:43 other posts 
notice no reply to my message below,hum
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 22:11 other posts 
I think I figured out part of it.This police defund thing,has got the governments attention pulled away from stimulas packages and what not that might play a part in the economy bouncing back.Something liberal minded folks DO NOT want to happen.So what better way to divide the country and keep the economy crashed than to get the race wars back running full steam? The murder of floyd was the shot in the arm for the plan to take off.And boy has it worked to divide the country into little pie shaped peices.

By #610414 07,Jun,20 10:59
There are serious groups intent on violence, discord, and even civil war out there…but so far…it’s the right wing that seems to be taking the lead on the violence and the weapons. I agree
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 12:32 other posts 
Yeah like the black panthers or the black liberation army
By #610414 07,Jun,20 12:40
Aren’t you a little behind the times?
--------------------------------------- added after 63 seconds

I was thinking more about the Sons of Anarchy or the KKK.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 13:02 other posts 
Why behind the times those are black racist groups that are still in operation
By #610414 07,Jun,20 14:55
The Black Liberation Army (BLA) was an underground Black Power organization that operated in the United States from 1970 to 1981. Composed entirely of Black Panthers (BPP) who served as members of both groups, the organization's program was one of war against the United States government, and its stated goal was to "take up arms for the liberation and self-determination of black people in the United States."
YOU ARE BEHIND THE TIMES BY ALMOST 40 yrs--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutesThe Black Panther Party (BPP), originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, was a revolutionary socialist political organization founded by Marxist college students Bobby Seale (Chairman) and Huey Newton (Minister of Defense) in October 1966 in Oakland, California.[4][5] The party was active in the United States from 1966 until 1982, with chapters in numerous major cities, and international chapters in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s,[6] and in Algeria from 1969 to 1972.[7] At its inception on October 15, 1966,
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 16:11 other posts 
Instead of looking up things I all ready know try looking up new black panther party or new black liberation army or black separatist nationalist hey also black riders liberation group in stead of defending them research there hate groups
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Now who is behind the times
By #610414 07,Jun,20 17:41
Obviously me. My apologies
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 16:17 other posts 
Wasn’t the sons of anarchy a tv series
By #610414 07,Jun,20 17:39
Yes, I was waiting for you to notice
By #188992 07,Jun,20 17:28
Given the racial climate at the time of their founding, I would only really have much of a problem with one point out of the Black Panthers' 10 point program.

If you read Herb Boyd's book about the Panthers I suspect you will come away thinking they were more wronged against than anything else. They were infiltrated by state sponsored spies and a fair number of their members were murdered by cops. Were they all faultless angels? No. Were some of them well-intentioned folk that did a lot for their communities and shifted Overton's window, when it came to race relations? Yes, undoubtedly.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 17:46 other posts 
I will check that out I’ve been fallowing the black movement sense the 1970s it’s interesting to see how it evolved over the years and it’s definitely not all one sided one of my favorite movies is American history X it’s about a Nero nazi group
By #188992 08,Jun,20 13:20
"Black Panthers for Beginners" written by Herb Boyd. I can thoroughly recommend it as a good starting point for reading about the movement. ISBN number: 0-86316-196-0 if you fancy buying/borrowing a copy. Pleased to hear of your interest, and agree that American History X is a great film. Ed Norton at his finest.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 13:51 other posts 
I am very surprised none of you have brought up the "Bugoloo" boys or something along that line.A group of men with lime green unicorn patches on their vest toteing Ak style rifles defending protesters.
They are carrying guns,but since they are defending protesters I guess it must be ok right?
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Bunch is so confused they can't even agree on what they stand for!
I support the right to bear arms but I am stumped as to why this bunch wants violence,bearing arms is meant help you be safe and protect you from criminals and bad government.
By #188992 08,Jun,20 14:52
I've mentioned Accelerationists before. Your country certainly seems to be a world leader when it comes to nutjobs.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 20:00 other posts 
this is 1 time you used a word I can agree with in regards to that bunch of factory defect fruit loops.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 15:46 other posts 
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By #574505 08,Jun,20 17:26
Just saw a pic in syc it's gross looks like razzle was in there.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 19:03 other posts 
C'mon! Don't be so dramatic!
By #574505 08,Jun,20 19:13
Can't help it took my glasses off so I can't see it again..
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 19:31 other posts 
Slap, slap! You are being BAD, Jamie!

By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:46 other posts 
While I am at it making Huxley have to breath harder to type responses to me like "grow up buddy",.
let me get another question off my chest.
Ok so we don't want to kill someone for a simple infraction of the law.We can agree on that.
I have a couple questions actually.In asking these questions,I know policeman have written rules to go by and policys.But I want to know what the folks that support these riots and such think are the correct methods.I want to see if the answers are,"Let em steal,insurance will cover it", "let em kill we can make more babies" or something stupide like that.
1, where do you draw the line between a "simple infraction" and a act worthy of use of force?
2, what is the approved method of approaching and apprending a criminal?
I know it is wrong to kill a man for near nothing,never said it was.But to read what I have to day here on the net,not just here, you would think that a cop is supposed to help the looters tote stuff out! I mean there has been a line,Don't steal as in loot,don't kill.as in don't kill your neighbor or the cop trying to arrest you,don't commit arson,as in burning your neighbors bussiness to the ground,and that line just keeps getting moved back.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 14:58
It's probably mean to answer a question with another question, but: who are these "folks that support these riots"?

I don't. I support the right to peaceful protest and taking non-violent, direct action.

The answer(s) to law-breaking is complicated. Property can be replaced, human lives cannot. The Police SHOULD police by consent. If you have renegades (or bad apples, or whatever you want to call them) that kneel on a guy's neck until he's dead, that makes "policing by consent" SO much harder. You need professionals, with cool heads, to make judgements on the appropriate policing of any particular situation. You DON'T need glib soundbites, or threats of escalating the violence

OK, answers to your numbered questions:

1) Proportionate response. Offences don't fall on one side or the other of some imaginary line that divides simple infraction from acts worthy of the use of force. Well- trained, and well-disciplined, Police officers will get the response right more often than not. We also don't expect Police Officers to be perfect. We do, however, expect them to be properly disciplined when they transgress.

2) I don't know!! Having said that, if you have decent info about the nature of the alleged crime you can also try having a proportionate method. I probably have a skewed view of American policing, but the default approach seems to be to draw your gun, bellow at the suspect to get on the ground, then (too often) open fire. If you've been called to a report of teenagers putting up graffiti, I would suggest a more "gentle" approach would be apt. Again, the right training would seem to be the most appropriate method of getting it right. Bear in mind also that, until you have been through the process, the person you are approaching is a SUSPECT (NOT a criminal).

I can't really comment on stuff you've read elsewhere, but I suspect you are gilding the lily a bit when you say that "a cop is supposed to help the looters"! I'll resist the temptation to tell you to grow up again, but … REALLY??
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 15:49 other posts 
I am trying to get a feel for what others think about all this.If a cop ask a criminal to drop the gun,put his hands up,and the criminal does not,what is the correct response?
Helping the looters was a strectch of course but where I am going is the cop should not have to sit down and beg the criminal to stop,put up his hands and so on.And there has always been part of the problem. Suspect,if a man is standing there with a bloody knife,chances are he just stabbed some one or something.No suspecting needed.
The folks that support the riots? The same folks that think the police should not be there protecting people and property and want to defund them to make it so.
The peaceful "protest" are the beginnings of most of the riots.The protesters may not want to stoop to the level of doing evil,but don't do anything to slow it down much either.Oh now I have read of a couple cases where the protesters WERE trying to convince rioters to stop,but few and far between.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 16:04
I think I've pretty much said my piece.

I know some of you think the 2nd amendment is untouchable, but how about making it less likely that criminals have a gun in the first place?

Non-lethal force?

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The guy with the bloody knife may be the victim, who has been stabbed but managed to grab the knife from his assailant.

Defunding is, in my opinion, worthy of consideration. It doesn't mean what Scorps made out, and if you can find me one person who promotes defunding AND is pro-rioting I'll eat my fucking hat.

The answer is NOT, as you seem to be implying, to take away the right to peaceful protest away just because it MIGHT lead to rioting.
By #610414 06,Jun,20 17:13
Huxley, you just touched the third rail of American politics

I know some of you think the 2nd amendment is untouchable, but how about making it less likely that criminals have a gun in the first place?

Non-lethal force?

By #610414 06,Jun,20 17:04
Phart, I am trying to get a feel for what others think about all this.If a cop ask a criminal to drop the gun,put his hands up,and the criminal does not,what is the correct response?
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

The folks that support the riots? The same folks that think the police should not be there protecting people and property and want to defund them to make it so.
The peaceful "protest" are the beginnings of most of the riots.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 18:55 other posts 
Well it might very well put the pandemic into the most vulnerable race in the next week or 2.We will see just how contagious it is when all them go home for fried chicken at grandmas on sunday.
It is annoying as hell that for 2 months or more we couldn't go eat at the resturant,we couldn't do a damn thing hardly because of a virus.We lost part of the income of the RNC because of the virus and the number of people involved. But when the protest and Riots started,instead of sending them home packing like they did folks at the beachs and such,they sat back and let it roll.More of that double standard thing.
By #610414 06,Jun,20 19:54
No, Phart, social distancing has always been a choice. Regulating it has been a nightmare. The demonstrations make it worse
By #188992 07,Jun,20 07:41
"all them go home for fried chicken at grandmas on sunday"? "all THEM"?

You make it fucking hard for me not to think you're a racist, phart. Can you not see that comment is unpleasant, racial stereotyping? You're emphasising difference by using the word "them". They are us - fellow human beings.

My heart bleeds that you couldn't go to a restaurant for 2 months - what a terrible injustice for you to suffer. Probably just as bad as having your neck knelt on, huh?

Who are the "they", that "sat back and let it roll"? From what I've seen there's been some pretty rough policing of some of the protests. I've seen cops in full riot gear charging protestors, and the media, on a pretty regular basis over the last few days. They didn't seem to be "sitting back and letting it roll" to me. They certainly didn't let the folk in Lafayette Park off with a "sit back and let it roll" approach, when the big, orange fuckwit wanted to pose with a Bible did they? Don't let facts stand in the way of your world view, will you! FFS dude.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 23:35 other posts 
IF you got off your ass and came to the south,when the churchs that are primarly black have any kind of gathering,FRIED CHICKEN is the largest words on the sign.It is not racist to mention they like fried chicken.And 1 of many good things of the black people is that the family does gather and spend time together. In a case like with the virus this could be their downfall.
Preachers are also known for visiting church memebers on sunday after noons that they know they cook good chicken,of all races.
Not every fucking thing is racist,it is normal and natural.

I said them,you say that we are all humans,get THEM to understand that.IF The protesters felt the way you say we all should,then the blm thing would not even be a issue would it?? UH??
By #188992 08,Jun,20 13:15
You know what, phart? I'm not fucking PBS America - if you can't see things it's not my job to illuminate stuff for you. You can't see your racism and you can't seem to understand why BLM is NOT exclusive. I don't think you're smart enough to be being obtuse on purpose. You are just ill-informed and will NOT be persuaded. Maybe that TBI was more profound than I thought.

Read a book, join a library, watch non-fiction stuff on TV. I'm done, for now at least, with pointing out where you're being dumb. Stay safe.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 11:06 other posts 
police by consent,
"Sir,it is unlawful for you to take those tennis shoes,May I arrest you?"
"Sir it is unlawful to take a life,may I arrest you?"
How well would that work?
Property can be replaced? At who's exspense and if not taken or distroyed in the first place would not HAVE TO BE replaced.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 21:29 other posts 
First of all in the middle of a pandemic every one of the protesters are breaking the law no masks and no social distances they should have all been arrested
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I hope the corona virus kills them all
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 21:36 other posts 
Oh, dgraff, you do not mean that.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 22:23 other posts 
Your right Bella I don’t mean that I’m just frustrated I want this pandemic to end and the protests are not helping one bit
By #610414 07,Jun,20 08:30
Why is that Dgraff? You can't ride your Harley around town? You can't show off what a macho man you are? It's so hard to satay at home instead of getting your neck permanently massaged
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 09:06 other posts 
WHAT pray tell does anything you just said have to do with anything
Our motorcycle club does benefit rides to raise money for things like muscular dystrophy kid’s with cancer and many other things so if that’s riding around town being macho then so be it you seem to have the idea that all bikers are trash and I have not stayed home through the whole pandemic I’m still working every single day as we repair many fire trucks police cars and ambulances every year and as far as a neck massage I don’t have time for pampering myself
By #610414 07,Jun,20 09:34
Dgraff.....I’m just frustrated I want this pandemic to end

Angel.......Why is that Dgraff? You can't ride your Harley around town? You can't show off what a macho man you are?

By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 09:58 other posts 
I’m bitching about all the protesters this kind of behavior should not be they had one in the city of Lebanon last Thursday but it didn’t even last an hour before the streets were cleared now that is how you handle an up rising
By #610414 07,Jun,20 10:02
You call it an uprising. Most of the country calls it a protest. Lebanon is like a pimple in an elephant's ass. No one cares, least of all, the elephant
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 23:40 other posts 
I was already tired of hearing about the damn virus everytime I turn on the news,now I am fed up with having to watch video of riots in OTHER COUNTRYS that what happens here is really none of their affair.
I am sick of reading about the violence,I am sick of hard working people loosing everything to the looters.Folks that do work and those of us that did while we could paid taxes and we all vote,We didn't vote for people in government to cave in to demands to defund our police to leave us even more vunerable to crime. We DO have the right to bitch.Just as you have the right to find fault with every other word someone says.
By #610414 08,Jun,20 07:34
Please, is there someone on site that might be able to explain to Phart what these demonstrations all over the world is all about?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 21:48 other posts 
I wish death on none of them.But Even Al Sharpton didn't set a good example thursday himself.
The virus they will be carrying home to the older 1's that have health issues already.
I can't imagine what is going thru their minds.They literally could be bringing about their own genecide.

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