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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 11:09 other posts 
I posted this elsewhere in this thread, but I am re-posting here in case it gets lost.
It is honestly worth watching.

I am sure this will make some people's heads explode, and it does require the viewer to have a modicum of empathy and an open mind, but it's worth a shot.

uncomfortable conversations with a black man part 1

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By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 11:28 other posts 
Wow! That was powerful and worth watching!
By #188992 06,Jun,20 12:41
Neat video - although (being facile) the background music got on my nerves, and I was distracted by the guy's musculature in that tight top and trousers. Eloquent stuff, nonetheless.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 12:57 other posts 
Wow, I hadn't noticed the background music so I listened to the beginning, again. It didn't annoy me but his clothes were snug and I did notice his muscular physique.

His general appearance and his well thought out words suggested that he was not just a random man making an eloquent statement, upon Google-ing him, he is Emmanuel Acho, a former NFL linebacker and now a sports analyst featured on ESPN.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 12:59
Former linebacker - that explains why he's built (excuse the UK vernacular) like a brick shithouse!!

That's a compliment btw!
By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:33 other posts 
"Built like a brick shithouse" is a common expression in my neck of the woods, too.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 13:38
Good to know - I'm a bit wary of metaphors and similes that might not survive trans-Atlantic use!
By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:42 other posts 
How else are we going to learn, if we don't share?
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 13:39 other posts 
Mine, too!

By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 08:36 other posts 
I don't have a list of links but just this morning,I have read the Pentagon has disarmed the guardsman at DC, Chicago denounces vigilantes protecting their bussiness's, citys are looking at defunding Police.And 52 police quit from 1 city because 2 were suspended for doing something to a protester.
Forgive me but what the hell has happened to basic law and order? If everyone thinks like Chicago,we are just supposed to sit under a tree and watch rioters burn the entire earth and do nothing?
Police can't protect,the military can't protect,and we aint supposed to protect ourselves?
What the fuck is going on?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 09:02 other posts 
A liberal wet dream in process.

You heard it hear first- this whole whinge will do NOTHING for the blacks. In fact, I predict crime to go up big time.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,20 09:15 other posts 
If I had worked and built up a bussiness and it had been shuttered due to the virus,then some asshole comes and breaks in and burns it to the ground,I sure as hell aint going to walk up to them and give them a big hug and say "Thank and I love you,who would you like for me to vote for this fall sir?"
I hate to think where my anger would lead me,jail probably

This violence does nothing to further any agenda.
And to take away methods of preventing escalation of protest,is going backwards. Nets, silly string,whatever the hello it takes to prevent it from blowing up should be encouraged.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

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By #551147 02,Jun,20 22:16
The "Black Lives Matter" (because theirs are the ONLY lives that matter, ESPECIALLY in the womb) movement or whatever the fuck they are, is calling for the defunding of police departments. Just STOP and imagine a world, YOUR city, neighborhood with NO police able to be summoned when needed. How many of you believe that's a solid answer to this situation? OR simply believe or think that is a great idea?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Here's some REAL statistics to chew on instead of some made up bullshit by a liberal nutjob!

From the F.B.I. uniform crime report...

10 million arrests were made in the U.S. last year.

Police officers were involved in 1004 FATAL shootings.

41 of those were unarmed people. 19 were white (anyone able to name just ONE of those people?), 9 were black, 13 were other races (anyone able to name just ONE of these people?).

89 police officers killed in the line of duty. No outrage for them racist bastards, right?! They got what they had coming to them, right?

There's a fine line between a civil society and an uncivilized one. That line is the police! Most of the time a thankless low paying job for all the bullshit that they put up with. Our leaders all have sworn an oath to protect us from violence foreign AND domestic. The ones allowing these things to continue in all these city's are complete failures and should be held accountable. No law AND order, there's no society.

Now, I ask again, do you believe as the B.L.M. people do, that The Police should in fact be "De-Funded"?
By #610414 03,Jun,20 07:39
Well, I've been calling for the castration of animals like you and your kids moved to good homes, but that won't happen either.
All your statistics are saniticed. They don't tell the whole story.
By #551147 03,Jun,20 07:57
You're about a retarded motherfucker! What does what you just said have to do with any fucking thing I posted? Get a grip stoopid! Gotdamn you're really fucking dumb! I think you enjoy embarrassing yourself with the dumbshit you say. If you are a masochists, just come clean and tell everyone that you get your jollies off by being insulted. It would at least make a little more sense why you are such an ignoramus.
By sherryann [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 09:21 other posts 
I couldn't agree more Scorps & if I may add, the facts you mentioned aren't part of the lefts narrative so will be hidden. The ruse of protests are an excuse to loot rob & kill. Continuing to blame racism is egging all the looters on. What about the 2 black cops that killed the 6 yr old white boy? Has anyone heard of the knockout game? Has anyone heard of polar bear hunting? Of course not. None fit the lying criminal loving media's narrative. I could fill this post with more but it will be never ending. More importantly, though, those brainwashed will never see the light. I tried to share what I knew about a different cop story not kong ago in this forum to no avail. Thank you for your post Scorps.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 10:39

By #610414 03,Jun,20 10:53
Sherryann you make it sound as if the knockout game is practiced by blacks only. It happens to be a teenage game practiced by all races, It's despicable but not as you insinuate. The other one is the same with a different name.

The ruse of protests are an excuse to loot rob & kill. No, baby, The protests are to bring to the attention of the general population how bad some practices are
Looting, robbing, and killing is done by trash and they should be rounded up and locked up. You conservatives always think us liberals are accepting of unlawful activity.
If that were true, we would stop hounding Trump.
By sherryann [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 16:07 other posts 
Angel, I read you had major surgery so hope and pray you fully recover. Yes knockout game is exclusively black on white. Have you heard of Hi Fi or Zebra murders? Christian/Newsome murders? Witchitaw? I doubt it. Looting is out of hand here.
By #610414 04,Jun,20 18:28
I don't want people thinking looting is ok with me. Any stealing, damage of property and especially, assault of other people should be stopped on it's track.
--------------------------------------- added after 76 seconds

Be safe. Regardless of our political positions, I wish you the best.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 10:59
More importantly, though, those brainwashed will never see the light. Funny, we think the same of you and your fellow conservatives. You thank Scorps. If you think so highly of his diatribe, his rudeness, his lack of compassion, his potty mouth, then, girl, we know from where you come from
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 11:17 other posts 
Spot on Scorps!!!

Black CRIMES Matter!!

No outrage for black on black crime...
By #188992 05,Jun,20 09:25
I suspect that YOU are actually the "retarded motherfucker", Scorps. Nice mouth - by the way. Either that, or you have deliberately misunderstood (for effect) what those proposing defunding the Police actually mean.

"Defunding the police does not mean stripping a department entirely of its budget, or abolishing it altogether. It’s just about scaling police budgets back and reallocating those resources to other agencies, says Lynda Garcia, policing campaign director at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “A lot of what we advocate for is investment in community services — education, medical access… You can call it ‘defunding,’ but it’s just about directing or balancing the budget in a different way.”

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I guess the truth of defunding doesn't fit your rabid narrative.

"NO police to be summoned when needed" is NOT a result of defunding. You're making stuff up, you unpleasant half-wit.
By #551147 05,Jun,20 16:12
Oh huxley999!

You've REALLY hurt my feelings.

Next time you claim a debilitating health issue, then post a picture of it, claiming to be you, and I come along with heartfelt wishes (despite my disdain for your political views), and post it on your picture, then learn that it was all bullshit in order to seek some sort of sick twisted sympathy or attention, perhaps then, I'll find some special words for you too! Until then, fuck off!

That was meant for one shit for brains. Why you'd wanna insert yourself into that portion of the conversation, escapes me. Maybe just maybe she makes you horny. To each their own. Go for it!

Nevertheless, I'm not "misunderstanding" a damn thing about defunding whether it be by 10% or 100% like Minnesota is trying to do. The VAST majority of Police officers uphold the law every single day. If anything, they should recieve increases as the jobs pay is shit for what the brave men and women of our law enforcement go through. Because of the actions of a few, oh yeah, A FEW! The whole system should be gutted and reformed? I don't think so!
By #610414 05,Jun,20 17:08
You are incapable of having feelings. You are a cold bastard with no heart.
By #188992 06,Jun,20 06:59
Classic stuff, Scorps!

You claimed that "NO police" would be able to be "summoned when needed". It's there in your post, as clear as day.

That's NOT TRUE. I point it out and you engage in bullshit sophistry to try and make out that you're not a fuckwit who misunderstood the concept of defunding. Not buying it - so go fuck yourself.

Let's try appealing to common sense:

If a Police force was "defunded" by 10%, and the money saved was spent on mental health workers, and that resulted in less crime and safer streets would you be in favour? In a large Nation you could even trial that approach on a small scale to see if it works.

Personally, from what I've seen on my television screen, reforming the whole system sounds like a good idea. Paying cops more also sounds worthy of consideration - then maybe they would stop kneeling on necks and killing people, or pushing over Seniors in Buffalo.
By #460385 05,Jun,20 21:35
5 officers shot in the last 3 weeks, 1 dead. Have you heard anything about it. Is it on YouTube, is it on the news, absolutely not. We have a 26 year old son on duty tonight protecting our community. Right now they are in the middle of 100's protesting tonight at the Hard Rock casino and hotel. Which is his district. Wishing all the officer's a safe night. Wishing all the business owners a safe night as they protect their life savings. I can guarantee it will be a bad night for anyone trying to lewd any business in Davie or Hollywood, Florida tonight. They'll be in a pine box by morning.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 21:46 other posts 
Yes, I hope that the 100's of protesters remain focused on their message and that businesses are not damaged. That the protesters recognize that police officers are people, too, doing the job that they had a calling for. At the end of the demonstration may EVERYONE safely return to their home and loved ones.
By #460385 05,Jun,20 22:00
This is the 2nd night this week that we are sitting on the sofa waiting for a call from him saying it's over, and he is safe. Sunday night was a shit show in downtown Ft Lauderdale. Thankful it didn't turn out worse. Tonight is a little closer to home. The protest was at the Hard Rock in Hollywood. Tommorow it will be down the street at Davie Police department. So far it's been peaceful with mostly young kids from local schools. I would like to hear from twowarmtts if this local inner city protesting is going on down south. Or has it stayed to bigger downtown Miami areas?--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutesIt's weird, I never had feelings for the shit I did and seen in the Marines. As a father you become proud as your sons want to follow in you footsteps. Then it hits you. Your boys are not you. I was a junkie, I needed war like a drug addict needed a fix. To think now that I had anything to do with their decisions in life, sucks. Am I and my wife proud, absolutely. My wife and I never had a worry that I would always come home after deployment. But man it's a whole different ball game when you worry about your babies.
By #610414 06,Jun,20 04:35
CC, the big demonstrations in Miami happened in Wynwood and downtown Miami. They were largely peaceful. Wynwood is an art community surrounded by Puerto Rican and African Americans.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jun,20 22:17 other posts 
Has the ku klux clan made an appearance there as of yet they did in Lebanon Pennsylvania
--------------------------------------- added after 67 seconds

And in my opinion they saved the city

By #460385 31,May,20 19:39
I hope this piece of shit cop, realizes he has set back the trust between the cops and citizens another 10 years. I hope they throat fuck this bitch and rip his fucking heart out as he sits in jail. I hope this piece of shit excuse for an officer, realizes he has put my son and all the good officers in jeopardy. Right now my son is in a shit show in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. Tear gas, flash bangs, and now 150 National Guard are moving in. Wishing a safe night for the officers all over the country.
By #610414 31,May,20 20:47
CC, most people, cops, firemen, first responders, accountants, etc are good people. It takes one piece of shit person to fuck it all up.
I hope your son stays safe.
--------------------------------------- added after 85 hours

By phart [Ignore] 31,May,20 21:21 other posts 
I hope your son is safe.But will the national guard do much to stop the riots or just be there for show?

Read this folks,read,then tell me higher,richer,powers,Soros,for example are not involved.You have politicians kids tweeting info to the rioters.
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By #460385 31,May,20 21:47
I would say for show. The boys in Ft Lauderdale have done an awesome job. They helped clear the way all day for a peaceful protest. Then at 9pm, they came out in force and took care of business. It's almost 10pm, and things are looking calm. But that 1 hour looked like a war zone in our own city streets. So sad this has to be the outcome.
By phart [Ignore] 31,May,20 21:49 other posts 
Good,i hope this shit ends soon.
--------------------------------------- added after 84 hours

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By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 22:17 other posts 
There's absolutely nothing that will justify George Floyd's death but I'm curious whether you read or saw footage as to how/why Mr. Floyd ended up on the ground? The initial stop shows police removing him from a car and directing him over to the sidewalk and I believe he was cuffed at that time. Where did everything go haywire?
By #460385 31,May,20 22:28
Just a bad decision under a heated situation. Been there, made those decisions. But when the man was unconscious for 2 minutes and 50 seconds
and you still have your knee on a handcuffed man's neck. You're a murderer.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 22:37 other posts 
I get that but do you know by reading an account of what happened OR was there vest cam footage that showed what happened that caused 3 policemen to subdue him on the ground? As I recall, there were 4 police, 3 on George Floyd and one officer standing.

As I said, nothing would justify his death but I'm still not clear what would have been the cause for the 3 police officers to have him pinned on the ground.
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Jun,20 06:08 other posts 
Yeah I don’t think we are getting the full story something had to of happened to enrage the officers not that I agree with there actions but something set them off
By #610414 04,Jun,20 09:59
By #460385 01,Jun,20 21:16
To commit murder. Did the guy look like he was giving up a fight during the 8 minutes he was being killed. The man begged for his life. The last 2 minutes and 50 seconds he was unconscious. I can tell you, you can feel a person's life slip away in your hands. You know he is gone, you feel his body go limp, you feel his breathing slow. The cop was a fucking worthless excuse for a human.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Jun,20 22:48 other posts 
I don't have a link handy but I have spotted it several times here on the web that the victum and the cop worked together doing security at a bar-club thing until december I think. So they knew each other.I am wondering now if maby that fake 20 dollar bill might be a good thing to start looking into.May have been money laundering going on or something related to drugs?

edit, a quick googling,
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By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 09:25 other posts 
But, phart, working together, a bogus twenty dollar bill, what "justification" is that to the force used which ultimately lead to death? I don't understand? Are you suggesting that Officer Chauvin's actions were to squash Chauvin's involvement in a money laundering scheme?

Well, if the death of a man was going to keep Chauvin from being implicated, charged and possibly convicted of that illeg@lity, I can't imagine that being charged with murder is going to yield better results.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 09:49 other posts 
that 20 dollar bill may open the door to a larger picture is what I was trying to get across. Perhaps the cop was DUMB enough to think no one would ask questions.I mean ,the other 3 COPS were dumb enough to stand there with their perverbial thumbs up their ass's. So what was to say the public wouldn't do the same?
Sucide watch? Is that not tighter security for the cop? Could it be a way to hide the fact he may be talking?THeorys but there is more to the story than we are being told.
By #610414 02,Jun,20 10:58
Phart, open the door to a bigger picture? What picture is that? Hands-on experience to murder a disgusting minority?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 14:46 other posts 
I am not a artist,I can't draw well.BUT what I am trying to say,Perhaps there is or was organized crime involved in the bar they worked at,and the cop was afraid the black man might start jabbering and cost him his job.Organized crime as in making fake money and laundering it thru the bar.Just a theory,but I don't think the killing was just a spur of the moment thing.He waited nearly 9 minutes to pull his knee of the mans neck.
Making sure he was dead perhaps and couldnt' talk?

The theator in your mind needs to pull back the curtains a little so you can see a bigger screen!
By #610414 02,Jun,20 18:40
Phart. STOP, JUST STOP. baby you are going to hurt yourself.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 21:48 other posts 
no I aint,I might be the only 1 that has enough sense to know this murder was to cover up something else.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 22:04 other posts 
Sorry, phart, there's no excuse for a police officer to MURDER anyone. It might have been a justifiable homicide if George Floyd was flailing around but the fact that he's telling the officer he can't breathe, there doesn't seem to be anything justifiable about his death.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 13:49 other posts 
I concure with no reason for murder as we see it.But we don't know what was in that officers head.Apparently not a brain but anyhow I do wish the violence would stop and let the justice system work.
By #551147 02,Jun,20 16:54
@ Bella! after reading a few of your responses, I came away with the feeling that you were implying that the action was indeed racially motivated. I proposed a question days ago, now down further in your thread, a genuine question, as to how this incident was anything other than police brutality. In which case, NOT one single person responded. Now I'm asking again... To you OR anyone else!

At which point OR what exactly makes the actions of the police officer in question, racially motivated!? That was not a rhetorical question, yet, no one, even the menace answered it. What part of what happened justifies the ridiculous BLM movement/members to get involved? Is this another case of it's ok to have a dedicated education fund, colleges and many other things solely for ONE race, but NO other race can do or say the same? Why is that (also NOT a rhetorical question)?

12 black lives were snuffed out or extinguished this past weekend in St. Louis alone, by other blacks. 21 were stamped out in Chicago this past weekend. Where's the outcry! I also asked that question in your thread and once again, not one single response. Now I ask you, why even no responses to my questions? I would like to hear other points of view. These aren't flippant questions or an attempt to be incendiary. They are real questions.
--------------------------------------- added after 23 minutes

Is it ONLY acceptable to maim and or kill a member of the same race as you are, now? THEN, It's ok!

How about the Police, since EVERTIME a black person gets pulled over or commit a crime and a white police officer is involved race is invoked. Why is that. How should something like that be handled so as racism doesn't get decried every single time? The scream of racism is so over used and played out I'm personally sick of it. Just because two people of different colors interact with one another in opposition of one another doesn't automatically qualify the act as RACIST!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 17:41 other posts 
I think you might be reading between the lines, I don't believe that I said or eluded too the actions of the police being racially motivated. I continue to ask and wonder how/why George Floyd was pinned to the ground by three police officers. I wouldn't think that that would happen if he was cooperating with the officers.

As far as posting questions and not receiving a response, I can't answer that HOWEVER I fear some members might not feel comfortable posting their thoughts if their views differed from whomever.

The death of George Floyd is an ugly mark on our country as us as her people.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 17:47 other posts 
Read this member's post;

"thousands of black men women and children are killed in African countries every day, but l didn't see one other country care one iota about any of them, but when one BLACK AMERICAN dies, the world melts down. thousands of blacks in other countries die every day, theyre shot, run over, bludgeoned to death, but not one even makes it to the news. all l see now is a whole of idiots rioting and causing 'drama' for the world to see. l see that now that they have trashed the country, theyre all lining up at the white house to trash it too.. shows how much love you all have for the country. gee lets go and trash the white house, blame trump because he's not Moses and cant part the sea and make it all better with the wave of his magic wand. l would actually like to see this George Floyds rap sheet before l make a comment about the man, as most times these guys get shot, theyre running from a crime. l seen one a few years ago about a black guy getting shot, right after he walked out of a shop that he regularly 'shopped for free' at by walking in and taking what he wanted and with camera footage of him throwing the shopkeeper to the side to get his 'free' ciggies, he gets shot and then his momma wondered why they shot him???? 'but hes a good boy' ... yeah, now they want to riot here too????. and the looting??? l thought is theft??? lets loot real peoples jobs and fuck the place to make it right??? that doesn't make sense, protests are about joining for a common cause, looting and rioting is thugs and mugs using this as their excuse to widen that gap of 'us and them' a bit more, the ones looting are no better than the cop with knee of a possible criminals throat... its all bullshit... and anyone in these crimes against the honest people just trying to make a living, who is going to riot over the millions of dollars of riots????"


"yeah, like l said, what about the thousands that have died and are still dying from china flu. didn't see any riot over the chinese, and trump trying to sever the ties there??? everyone that stole, rioted, looted and insighted violence, should all have their heads held under water till they behave themselves. humans matter, no matter what colour, and this isn't a colour thing, this was one arsehole cop who was known to have been overly hard handed and wasn't stood down earlier, once the hand cuffs go on. he is arrested, there was no need for the rest of the bullshit from him or the tens of thousands that went berserk on the streets, it doesn't help ... that's not how you make a bad situation better. the news reporters are all only there for their 'award' for being in a dangerous spot. and a lot of these idiots love a camera to play too. ... its the way humans have evolved since the invention of the hand held recording device."
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 20:55 other posts 
I couldn’t have said it better myself
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

I don’t think it’s about Floyd’s death at all it’s just an excuse for people in big cities to behave badly the city of Lebanon is 98 percent Puerto Rican’s and they are having an up rising they need to learn in this country we have laws I don’t go to their country and raise hell
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 21:56 other posts 
Hey, those aren't my words and thoughts.
By #551147 02,Jun,20 21:59
Lol In his defense... It is unspecified.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 22:04 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 22:25 other posts 
Hahaha sorry I just got caught up in my own agenda
By #610414 03,Jun,20 11:18
You might be surprised that those 98% Puerto Ricans in Lebanon are your fellow citizens. Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States. It's been like that since 1898 when the US took possession after the Spanish American war. Of course this is something taught in high school. Isn't it funny? The could stand in the main corner of Lebanon and shout to you to go back to your COUNTY.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 11:54 other posts 
I know that but what pisses me off is we wanted them to become a state but they don’t want to because they would have to pay taxes when markis lived with me he used to brag to me about how his mother has lived here the last 20 years off our government she gets her rent paid and food stamps just for laying down and spreading her legs having 6 children yet I can’t even get help with my medication
By #610414 03,Jun,20 11:56
Did you try laying with your legs open??
By #610414 03,Jun,20 11:58
Anyway, in the last election they did want statehood. Congress doesn't want them due to the costs
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 12:00 other posts 
dgraff, do you really need assistance with paying for your medications?
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 12:30 other posts 
No not at all because I quit taking it I just flat out refuse to pay 258. Dollars a month for a medication that makes me feel funny I bought a 3.00 bottle of aspirin instead now I feel right again
By #610414 03,Jun,20 12:11
Listen, you go into the Cuban neighborhood of Little Havana and almost all the people there rent using section 8's. they get medicare and medicaid. Food stamps and extra help. Usually there's two living without the benefit of marriage (illegal) But, who really cares. They live in dingy little apartments, clanking window ac's and old refrigerators. Their gas stoves are not regulated for propane and they are slowly dying from it.
My question to you is: Do you want to trade places?
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 12:39 other posts 
Hell no I won’t trade places with the Cubans all they are is Fidel Castro’s prisoners he left loose and pointed to Florida and said fly be free
By #610414 04,Jun,20 06:38
And yet, a few blocks from there is Brickel Ave. One of the ritches business environments in the world. And controlled by the nuvo riche, the Cubans.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 06:44 other posts 
We need a sea wall put up around our beaches to keep them out I will talk to Trump about it
By #610414 04,Jun,20 06:52
Will Cuba pay for it?
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 07:15 other posts 
They will if we make them
By #610414 04,Jun,20 10:14
With what? Cuban cigars? Every Cuban family in Miami sends money to their relatives and once a year the fly over with clothing and other staples. If Cuba was human it would be crawling on a corner asking for water.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 07:30
There were two replies as these were two different posts in my thread. They were posted by Lix
On the first post I rebuted
This man, Floyd, passed a counterfeit $20 bill when paying at a store. I have had bad bills passed to me. Regardless of his rap sheet, was this enough to murder him?
The thousands killed in African countries should be something the 54 countries of Africa should be responsible for. Idi Amin killed for years. Pandemics come and go with no help from the local governments. Most countries try to help. Doctors without borders, Unicef, the Red Cross, but anything else is rebuffed by the local governments

As far as the China flue is concerned, it wasn't caused by a Minneapolis cop
Those were my rebuttals. I did not see your rebuttal or comment
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 11:23 other posts 
It is impossible for me to comment on her ignorant posts, the HATE FILLED COWARD blocked me years ago.

Oh, maybe I should pretend and say that I was in the process of rebooting my phone or whatever and when I opened the site, I couldn't help but notice all the HATEFUL POSTS about me and our country. Yeah, hate runs rampant here in the United States. Kumbaya, all the happy law abiding folks with love in their heads, hearts and mouths live elsewhere, certainlynothere. And you, the person who she has dubbed, the "main attraction", she has you perfectly trained to eat the treats fed to you straight from her hand.

"you people cant even work out your differences between black and white, and hate is something you must all be taught at school, judging by they way the country behaves, you see it here every day, black/white, class, and even your grammar police love to toss shit at each other, it must be a fucked up boring arse country, so much bitching and no fixing ... just yell at each some more and show us all that America isn't great, its just full of hot air, guns and self righteousness, all trying to one up each other useless shit, and when the real shit hits the fan, you all start the shit tossing again, blame game everyone, and at the end of it all, it MUST BE TRUMP that caused it. he gets the blame for everything "
By #610414 03,Jun,20 11:38
Sorry, I forgot you are blocked.
And you, the person who she has dubbed, the main attraction, she has you perfectly trained to eat the treats fed to you straight from her hand.
this tidbit comes from Bella
Treats are just that, treats. But, you seem to think I agree with all she posts. I don't. However, an exchange of views is always healthy. If you give the other person some slack due to their form of speak you will see that while you may not agree, you can still be on the high road.
That first sentence tells me you are both hiding from her and at the same time, hoping she reads you post.
As far as whom is to blame, both of you are. This site is big enough that neither one of you two need to meet up.
And what about Trump? do you think if and/or when he loses the election all his supporters will continue to support him? Or will they abandon him to his fate?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 11:50 other posts 
Hiding from her? Not! I feel she is "hiding" from me. The reboot was her bullshit "excuse" used to say that she's seen and read my posts. Trolling is trolling is TROLLING. Read her post in Rogerdhat 's thread /forum/thread.php?id=28900 , remember, she's blacklisted me, she cannot view my posts. And I probably should not be surprised to say that I've seen her dislike for me to be incorporated into a left handed comment she left on a picture of a mutual friend, a SYD member.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

( 💗 Y 💗 ) Just popping by to say G'day !!! and I hope you had a super sexy day Rogerdhat💋 💗Lix💗
By #610414 03,Jun,20 12:03
Don't be coy. You check out other threads before you log in as much as other people. Blocking protects you from one thing and one thing only. Your page doesn't get trashed.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 12:48 other posts 
Oh, from time to time, I look for her biased posts. She seems confused, for the most part, the only time I mention her here is when I've asked you to not stir stuff up with regard to her and/or leopoldij. I did mention her a few weeks ago when I saw a member's post saying that she was the most important person of the site. She undeniably is the most popular and having the most friends and moderates the most groups. But to say she's the most important or the key feature to this site, NOT!
By #610414 03,Jun,20 17:27
Ok, who or what do you think is the key feature to this site?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 18:50 other posts 
I believe that I said this before but if I haven't, I don't mind repeating it. In the big picture of things, that woman is only 1 piece of this site. Although SYC membership is far less than SYD, there are far more women involved that contribute to this site than you seem to want to credit. We should not forget about the SYD members, either. Do you recall seeing admin's disclaimer upon entering the site? Something about this may be a bi or gay dating site. Do you think those men think she's a "key feature"? Do you think that the 400 plus groups she moderates are better because she's there? I'd love to know what she's able to add to any group. Sadly, I can't even join the group for Michiganders because she is the moderator. admin has allowed her to become the BIG fish in the small pond.

Hey, as my punching bag, she probably has you thinking that you don't bring anything to the table. Continue to be her main cheerleader and warrior. You look out for her and I can't imagine why.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 19:10
You believe it's important to be recognized as someone that contributes to the site. I don't. I believe that what happens in the moment is much moe important to me. What I bring to the table is me. I am the most important person on site. You and Lix are a distant second. And frankly, your and Lix's opinions are just so much manure. If you want a group for Michiganders, create one and tell your friends. The site allows copy cats. It's easy to be Lix's cheerleader. I like my friends enough that I take umbrage when they are called walrus, fat pig, etc. I identify with her as I get called saggy tits, trailer trash, smelly pussy.

I look out for her because she is a FRIEND. Do I have to explain that to you?
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:28 other posts 
So how does it feel to be a punching bag
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:39 other posts 
What's peculiar is that I attempt to avoid her and the confrontation that interacting with her brings yet BB tells her that she's my "punching bag"? Sheesh!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:45 other posts 
By #610414 03,Jun,20 17:14
If you are referring to TWOWARMTTS I think you are misreading the situation. Sometimes one finds itself in the middle of an argument with little to protect oneself. This thread about police brutality is not one of those. Sure, views are strong and voices are high.
The continuous fight between Bella and Lix draws one in to a fight that neither can win. It's true that Bella dances around me like a punching bag. But it's mostly shadow boxing. Lix is no better althow she doesn't put me down
I like this thread. But to talk about meals when there's so many other more important threads seems to me a waste of good copy. In the last two weeks I brought up gun ownership. CC brought up this one. I'm proud to have contributed.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 17:31 other posts 
I'm not fighting with her nor do I mention her in a negative light. Can she say the same about me?

I surely don't dance around, nor do I dance around you. For the most part, I try to ignore you. You, my punching bag? That's a hoot, you best look at other member's post and how they address you.

And who are you to judge what is important or worthy for discussion? Members can exchange thoughts about food without calling anyone a "Village Idiot" or anything on between.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 17:57
Let me start with your last paragraph. I am a member that participates in your thread. That gives me the right to my opinion and to state that opinion.
BTW "Who are you to judge" is a punch thrown my way. Do I care? Do I care what shortfused members say about me?
Members can exchange thoughts about food without calling anyone a "Village Idiot" or anything on between. Yet, that's how I was refered to by Scorps. Either you are out of touch with your fellow contributors or don't give a damn.I'm glad you and Lix are not fighting. Just bickering (fighting for position).
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 19:06 other posts 
Yes, you are one person that participates and contributes here. And as long as you want to be "nice", feel free to post here. But when you feel the need to be rude to me, don't do it here. I said the other day, would you continue to welcome someone to your space, your home, your whatever when that person is continually rude to you? I think not. It has been a while since I referred to you in a derogatory manner. I've seen your responses to your friend, that you like to light it up here. Move your fun to Aussieman187's thread, help him to gain some ground.

*lix* might be battling for position, not me. I'm comfortable with who I am and where I am.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 19:17
Hey, I gave up the emoji and trying to explain my posts. I do like to light it up here. You can't deny your thread starts to move when I get a little funny
By #610414 02,Jun,20 19:06
Scorps, why are you so sick about the scream of racism? A black man died, a white man killed him. There's an old saying. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck. But, you are right. The cop might have needed to dry his elbow. Maybe the cop thought the guy needed a rub down. My take on it is: How dare this black coon die under the care of this fine, upstanding cop? It doesn't matter anymore what the dynamics of the confrontation between cop and purp. The second after his last breath it became racial.
Suppose this had been your wife or son. You would not be enraged? You say, How about the Police, since EVERTIME a black person gets pulled over or commit a crime and a white police officer is involved race is invoked. Why is that. How should something like that be handled so as racism doesn't get decried every single time? Maybe, when the victims of racist crimes correlate to the percentage of blacks to the total population
Scorps, you are sick of calling it racist. Tell me, how many
White teenagers get shot in the back after getting stopped for a driving violation. How many white women get killed by police raids?
By #551147 02,Jun,20 21:58
And along comes the Village Idiot with incoherent ramblings, her OWN personal beliefs of non existent FACTS. Your idiocy can speak for itself! What's the matter? Feeling a lil threatened that, that white guilt might be exposed that you obviously suffer from? I contend you're the fucking racist pig, clearly! Advocate for some more abortion clinics to be placed in black neighborhoods, or how about some more liquor stores. As aforementioned, just because you open your pussy to any and all don't make you any less of a racist pig! Keep peddling it's ok to come across our borders with tons and tons of drugs, keep sitting idly by while the blacks continue to murder more blacks than any white people EVER have. YOUR complicity speaks volumes to me. Keep telling yourself it's ok to witness the destruction of primarily liberal cities, and moreso areas that serve and cater to the less fortunate amongst us. All under the guise of supposed racism that was committed, right! It's ok, fuck them right! Think those stores are going to reopen in those areas? Think again dumbass! Those places destroyed in Ferguson, Mo. NEVER returned. Who does all these things hurt? WHO DOES ALL THESE THINGS HURT? BLACK PEOPLE YOU FUCKING MORON, DO YOU GIVE A SHIT!? Of course you don't, keep pretending that America is utterly filled with racist and that your not one of them, even though you encourage and turn a blind eye to these facts. As long as they continue to keep killing each other, minds polluted in alchohol and drugs, they will never be equals with the likes of Candy, and Charlie living peacefully in the "white section" of Florida. I bet you sleep super soundly at night just knowing that you and people like you continue to advocate to keep the black people suppressed to THEIR Area's. But you're no racist, gimme a fucking break. Next time you decide to call someone racist you might outta check yourself first. Pig!
By #610414 03,Jun,20 06:31
If I get you right, everyone is wrong and a racist. You are the only one that knows the whole truth. You conveniently ignore the facts and throw it back to your accuser. Sounds like your idol, Donal The Clown Trump.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 07:06 other posts 
Based on this account, I wound tend to believe that the officers used "excessive force".

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By #610414 03,Jun,20 07:33
Pig is the cop that murdered. Pigs are the people like you who try to find an excuse. You are pathetic
By #610414 03,Jun,20 07:47
BTW, And along comes the Village Idiot with incoherent ramblings, her OWN personal beliefs of non existent FACTS.

YOU WHO SOILS HIS PANTS THINKING ABOUT THE Mexicans running across the border. You are a fascist. A racial fascist
By #610414 04,Jun,20 10:03
By #188992 03,Jun,20 12:30
Systemic racism is rife in the United States.

only registered users can see external links (old, but I posit the main thrust still holds true).

Your beloved POTUS has, to put it mildly, a chequered past when it comes to racism. One example (there's more if you want it):

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Given just those 2 elements, if I was a black American and saw a guy get murdered (a la George Floyd) I would be angry as hell. If there was a local (peaceful) protest I would probably join it.

If I then saw my POTUS (yes, he SHOULD speak for ALL Americans) behave as he has over the last few days I would be even angrier.

Does any of that mean the murder was racially aggravated? We don't know - the scumbag hasn't been in court yet. To say it definitely WASN'T racially motivated (or aggravated) is as screwy as to say it definitely WAS.

How you, as a Nation, learn to live in peace with yourselves is above my pay grade. However, leaders seeking conciliation and respect for each other would be a good start. I fear you will not see that from the present resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 15:30 other posts 
An observation, the article about systematic racism is addressing racism in the United States. Surely the points made, wealth, education, housing, healthcare, etc and how it relates to racism is not unique to the United States.

Perhaps our criminal justice system is skewed, and there are issues in our criminal justice system that need to be reviewed and overhauled. ie, you might be in prison for life without the possibility of parole because of multiple d/rug offenses but be paroled for murder. That's messed up.
By #188992 03,Jun,20 15:46
Not unique, maybe, but the severity and long-standing nature of that racism goes some way (in my opinion) to explaining why something like the Black Lives Matter slogan/movement has such traction in the US.

Do you think #MeToo would have been so much of an issue if sexism and sexual misconduct wasn't such a massive stain on human interactions? If things ring true for a Nation, a gender or any other distinct group, a movement will prosper. If it's a "non-issue" it will wither.

The fact that there are hundreds of George Floyd/BLM protests now going on outside the US confirms that you're not alone, as a Nation, in having problems with racism - it's just a question of scale, in some respects. I was, however, trying to give a personal perspective as to why the US is in such a state NOW.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:07 other posts 
Thank you huxley999, I appreciate your response and clarification.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:15 other posts 
When you have the inkling and time to Google, Google Richard Wershe Jr, aka, white boy rick.

White boy rick was released from the Oaks Correction Facility in Michigan in April 2017 and turned over to U.S. Marshals. Wershe is being housed at TTH Kissimee FL after spending nearly three decades behind bars in Michigan as a nonviolent drug offender.

His incarceration is a reflection of our justice system being messed up.

Sorry, our JUDICIAL system needs to be overhauled.
By #188992 03,Jun,20 17:51
I have seen the "white boy rick" documentary, on Netflix. You're right: it's yet another (negative) reflection of the US justice and penal system.

I saw another about Cyntoia Brown, that reinforced my view that you're not quite hitting all the right notes!

I'm tempted to ask why, if there are so many sensible US citizens (like yourself) around, you are so badly-served by your politicians?
By #610414 04,Jun,20 09:38
By #610414 04,Jun,20 09:59
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jun,20 16:00 other posts 
I saw this on YouTube, it appears that things might be calming down in Minneapolis.

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By #460385 01,Jun,20 21:19
No Ms. bella, things
are just starting.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jun,20 21:44 other posts 
I truly hope that you are wrong.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 00:30 other posts 
I keep trying to think of something appropriate to say, but I can't. Know that you are in my tear filled heart America. ❤️
By #610414 02,Jun,20 11:04
TY Kebmo
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 07:24 other posts 
A GENERAL POINT NOT REFERRING TO GEORGE FLOYD -I have seen a lot of fly on the wall cop shows over here and so often when the police attempt to detain a suspect they either try to take flight or they fight against the cops trying to arrest them and end up on the ground STILL FIGHTING. The cops are rough in those circumstances that is for sure but had the guy just allowed himself to be cuffed there would have been no need for the struggle.

I have not watched the footage but no behaviour by Mr Floyd justifies the behaviour of the arresting cops. Over here cops wear vest cams and this can confirm the events as they happened. I agree with you, where is the vest cam footage?

I may be wrong, but I seem to recall a incident not long ago when a US cops shot dead a woman in her car, she had been the one to call out the cops and amazingly there was no vest cam footage there either. it does make you wonder.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 09:30 other posts 
If you watch some of the police type shows, cuffing hands is often not enough to subdue a person, man or woman. The officers, guards, etc need to be mindful of spittle and kicking feet.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 09:34 other posts 
Oh I know, I totally agree. My point really was, while trying not to offend the George Floyd supporters, that often the person who is about to be cuffed brings more aggressive police action on themselves by their own actions.
Being a rational person, I hope, I can't understand why they do that and the complain that the police were aggressive. Without their struggle to avoid cuffing there would be no incident.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 09:52 other posts 
The death of George Floyd was unfortunate and unnecessary and has come at a time with the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement being in full swing. As CountryCouple54 suggests, this will "set back the trust between the cops and citizens another 10 years."

The United States is not a third world country and I've often wondered whether disgraceful crimes like this happen anywhere else. Whether there is hate, bigotry and racial tension anywhere else. I've asked the question and two members did respond. People are people and "he's" a reflection of me, "you" are a reflection of her.....
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 11:49 other posts 
There have been some quite high profile cases over here where males with ‘black’ heritage have died as a result of police actions and these deaths have led to street protests and some rioting,
This is not that common but BAME communities, certainly in large cities, do see racism in many police actions.

BAME = Black, Asian and Multi Ethnic
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 13:42 other posts 
I'm going to qualify my response with I live in Michigan,
I've always lived in Michigan and it wasn't until 2017 that I ventured outside of the United States and saw some of Europe. I don't know that I can even articulate what/how I felt as a "tourist". This leads me to wonder, generally speaking, are Americans viewed as ignorant, hot headed, barbaric, vulgar heathens? Yes, sadly in the 21st century, racism still exists. If there is a utopian society somewhere, please tell me where.
By #610414 02,Jun,20 11:07
There’s a huge difference between controlling a suspect and using deadly force. Especially when you have three other people helping
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Jun,20 13:29 other posts 
Yes there is. Was there something in my post that suggested otherwise?
By #610414 02,Jun,20 14:03
Sorry. I was answering thisisme’s first paragraph.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:13 other posts 
I wouldn't argue with you at all. You are 100% right.
The point that I was making was that in the case I have seen on television the suspect who is fighting and struggling has brought the more physical response on themselves. I am amazed at even when on the floor and being cuffed that the suspect continues to fight and struggle.
If the arrest is erroneous accept it got to the station and with your lawyer argue your case.
I am only referring here to the incidents that I have seen on television, in almost every case the struggling suspect has a criminal record.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 16:40
Anthiisme. Most do have criminal records. Many fight back. I believe cops have to be rough with these people. Four cops not able to control one individual except by killing him does not make sense.
The researchers found that the percentage of black men with a felony conviction increased from 13% in 1980 to 33% in 2010 (compared to 5% and 13% for all adult men during these periods, respectively). They also estimate that the percentage of black men who had experienced imprisonment increased from 6% in 1980 to 15% in 2010 (compared to 2% and 6% for all adult men during these periods, respectively)

This shows that black men are arrested more often than whites
By #551147 04,Jun,20 09:10
Blow it out your ass dumbfuck!

Your using 40 year old & 10 year old statistics as if they still apply TODAY!

Keep fanning the flames, your good at it, as evidenced by your inability to ever shut the fuck up. Your a habitual liar and a complete ass.

Now, kneel down and apologize for being white privileged. Grovel at the boots of violent offenders, beg for forgiveness of your transgressions against humanity.
Do it fool!
By #610414 04,Jun,20 09:22
You believe the statistics got better? Judging from your crude response it hit a critical nerve.
By #610414 04,Jun,20 09:36
By #610414 04,Jun,20 09:44
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Between 2013 and 2019, police in the United States killed 7,666 people, according to data compiled by Mapping Police Violence, a research and advocacy group. On May 25, 2020 at 9:25pm (02:25 GMT, May 26), George Floyd, a 46-year-old resident of Minnesota, became yet another victim of police brutality as he was killed in police custody while unarmed. Floyd's death has prompted thousands of protesters to march in cities around the country demanding justice and an end to police violence.

The number of police killings in the US disproportionately affects African Americans. Despite only making up 13 percent of the US population, Black Americans are two-and-a-half times as likely as white Americans to be killed by the police.

The map below shows how disproportionate these killings are across the US's 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, the three largest states - California, Texas and Florida - have the highest total number of killings of Black people by police officers. Once these figures are adjusted for the population size and demographics, in nearly every state, African Americans face a significantly higher risk of being killed by police officers than white Americans.

In Utah, the African Americans comprise just 1.06 percent of the population but they accounted for 10 percent of police killings over the past seven years - a disproportional rate of 9.21 times. In Minnesota, Black Americans are nearly four times as likely to be killed by law enforcement, with Black victims comprising 20 percent of those killed, despite comprising only 5 percent of the overall population.

By #188992 03,Jun,20 13:23
"Fly on the wall" documentaries are just like any other TV show, in my opinion. They want ratings!

If they showed all the peaceful, co-operative suspects being detained people would switch channels like a flash. By definition, therefore, we get a skewed vision of how people interact with the Police.

You're right, though: no behaviour by Mr Floyd justifies what happened to him. Even if you're being arrested for the most heinous crime, you still have rights.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 16:16 other posts 
You are surely right but I ask again. Why struggle and fight in that way? Are you hoping to escape and go on the run? The police to say 'Oh sorry no need for the cuffs?'

I am not defending the police here or anywhere else I am just saying fighting against arrest generally is a mugs game.
By #188992 03,Jun,20 16:41
You're high?
You're trying to impress an audience?
You're seeing if you can provoke the cop so you can sue him later?
Doesn't really matter does it - the cops are the ones AT WORK, trained and under a massive obligation to do the right thing, even when at risk to their own personal safety. That's what they signed up for, right?

Yeah, fighting them is a mug's game. A lot of criminals are mugs, but there are also mugs who haven't broken the law (or have done so in a very minor way) and NEITHER group should be subjected to extrajudicial killing.

PS. I think we are "on the same page" Andthisisme!
By #610414 04,Jun,20 06:35
There are unwritten forms of conduct for black men when they have an experience with the cops. MOTHERFUCKERS AND fucking pigs is amost a requirement. Some cops believe that if the perp doesn't shout these out, the guy is innocent. If he is not restrained it's an invitation to bolt. The bigger the audience screaming police brutality the more belligerent the perp gets. All because blacks are afraid of the police
--------------------------------------- added after 31 minutes

Phart, Huxley, I want you to know why I prefer mail-in voting. I'm going to mail my vote. I want it to get lost and eliminated. I will be able to blame the Republicans for stealing my vote. Obviously if they are loosing they will try these shenanigans.
By #188992 04,Jun,20 06:43
Jeez Angel 1227, you're nearly as bad as phart for posting unsubstantiated drivel. Any hard evidence for any of that? "unwritten forms of conduct"?
"the bigger the audience .. the more belligerent"?

Sweeping generalisations and personal opinion, that's all that is.
By #610414 04,Jun,20 06:59
Huxley, I understand that British humor is vey dry, but, I would have thought some tongue-in-cheek sarcasm would have penetrated that straight laced personality of yours. No put down intended. I wrote that for the fun effect. My suggestion is: go back to reading Scorps posts. They are so factual
By #551147 04,Jun,20 09:14
Shut up stoopid!
By #610414 04,Jun,20 09:30
Ok, I've got it. Hope you get it too.

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