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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #601496 07,Jan,20 19:58
It always amazes me how every time I post something, there's always some dickhead that takes it the wrong way. Then they wonder why I bite their head off. Fucking morons.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,20 20:39 other posts 
Take it the wrong way? How do I know which way to take it? I could be wrong either way i take it,why,I could just not take it and just pout about it and such.Or I could take it and run with it,but I would get tired.Or I could take it and whine like a baby! But then I would have to stop to drink some water to cry back out.how many ways could we take something? 3,5?

I am just joking.I know what you are trying to say and it makes sense.That is the problem with the typed word,You can not read the persons body language,sense their mood in their voice.When talking to a stranger you don't know their back ground or why they feel the way they do.Nor are they sober when they say something.Or you can't tell if they are jurking on peoples chains to give them heartburn.You just have to be carefull and not let stuff here get to you to much.
By #601496 07,Jan,20 21:05
For whatever it's worth, even though we've had our moments, I like you. You are truthful and honest in your opinions. My post came about from a dumbass not in this thread. Peace baby and Happy New Year.

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,20 15:23 other posts 
Can anyone dumb it down for me, is Reddit comparable to Tumblr? Basically, is Reddit an avenue for reposting, reblogging interesting "stuff" found elsewhere?
By #551147 07,Jan,20 16:38
Been there a couple times, loooong ago. I'm probably of not much help but it was ultra confusing, pages were dreadfully slow loading, and it seemed you needed a master's degree to use it. I couldn't figure the shit out so I kindly departed and never looked back.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,20 18:14 other posts 
Thank you. I still wonder whether Reddit is a platform for reposting "stuff".
By #601496 07,Jan,20 17:54
Reddit,You can post whatever you want. I assume the content has to be family oriented. I don't like it. I can't figure out how to go back to the blog i was in
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,20 20:18 other posts 
Hahaha my dumb ass thought it was the name of a member here
By #601496 07,Jan,20 21:01

By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,20 20:27 other posts 
I just seen that Iran 🇮🇷 is launching missiles at our American based in Iraq seriously must I dig my Iran sucks hat buttons I have from the Iran crisis back in the late 70s I hope trump gives the order to smoke them off the face of the earth 🌎
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,20 20:42 other posts 
Yea,had other countrys left Israel alone along time ago,they would have already blown the hell out of Iran. But no,"calm down,we will give them some money and they will behave".
Bullshit,blow hell out of them.

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jan,20 11:57 other posts 
I received a message from a SYD member who seemed to be upset that another member used his image in what I would consider a "tribute". Yes, his image was found and displayed on another member's page and in a positive manner. The other member did not attempt to claim ownership of said appendage and did credit the rightful "owner" of the featured cock that I will assume that he "admired".

Here's my question; does a member have the burden or an obligation to connect with the "owner" of a picture in order to receive the nod of approval in order "tribute" and display another member's picture on their page? In my understanding, a tribute is the act of taking another member's picture and adding themself to it.
By #601496 04,Jan,20 15:14
I do. I have made many tributes for many members that I exibit on my page. I'm glad to do it but I always request written permission to do so. I also tell the member that the tribute pic belongs to the member and he's allowed to use it as he likes. The member has last say so when the pic is removed
--------------------------------------- added after 109 seconds

He also gets to see what the pic looks like and approve posting
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 07:52 other posts 
I always ask permission to post a tribute picture of my friends I’ve seen some members get booted off the site for some really silly reason
By #601496 05,Jan,20 09:10
So true, lollipop.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 09:52 other posts 
True, dat, some members get booted for some really weak reasons!

I've recently noticed that a SYD member has referred two SYC profiles for deletion and on both, I was happy to see that there was one voting member that stood up and said; "show me the proof!", while other members seemed to just be happy to vote to delete. Although one profile I detected that there were at least four different women, and felt the profile was suspect, the next referral ticked me off because the reason was something lame like; "This site is called Show Your Cunt not post your girlfriend's pictures without her knowledge" or something similar. I have to admit, I am tougher on SYC profiles versus SYD profiles and IF we are going to vote to delete profiles just because someone suggests that it is a picture of a "girlfriend who has not given permission to post pictures", there is going to be a ho-lotta cleaning house on the SYD side.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 10:06 other posts 
At one point in my 6 years of being a paid membership I used to single out the members that vote to delete every time no matter what the circumstances were to see what I could find wrong on there page and low and behold I found one member of 3 years claiming to be 19 years old when doing the math he joined at age 17 of course he was deleted
By #601496 05,Jan,20 10:22
D, if he was 19 when he got deleted, what was he doing wrong at the time of deletion?
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 10:31 other posts 
If he was a member three years and claimed he was 19 then that means he was 17 **** when he joined normally I would have over looked that but seeing as how he voted to delete many members I decided he needed to practice what he preaches
By #601496 05,Jan,20 10:45
That is a totally different story, lollipop. But, even so, The time to delete was when he was under_age. I can't believe deletion for "lying" 3 yrs before is a legitimate excuse to delete him. For the other? Now you are practicing what you say you don't like. I can see why you would but, honor has it's price and putting up with what you don't like is part of that.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 11:27 other posts 
What is good for the goose is good for the gander
By #601496 05,Jan,20 11:29
Well, I'm BI so I have to agree.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 09:55 other posts 
Do you do follow the same guidelines for SYC members that you "tribute"?
By #601496 05,Jan,20 10:02
In general I do. There are exceptions as you well know. However, I'm careful to make tributes to members I don't have permission to do it featuring a well known identifier instead of the actual pic of the member's anatomy. As I see it, a fake avatar doesn't count as stealing an image of the member.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 10:06 other posts 
And how are you able to determine what is "a fake avatar"?
By #601496 05,Jan,20 10:16
I never said "fake" just not the member. Look at mine and yours. Your "EYE" is well known on the site but it could be anyone's eye. Mine shows, well, ME!
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 11:37 other posts 
Oh, my! You need to reread what you wrote and this time wear your bifocals.

"As I see it, a fake avatar doesn't count as stealing an image of the member."
By #601496 05,Jan,20 11:47
I went back and you are right. I meant to say some avatars are (I don't want to say fake, again) not the member? I can use their avatar to poke fun or throw mud at them. You know what i mean.
This only an example and not meant to get you going.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 12:03 other posts 
So you assume that my avatar is not my eye? What's the saying about the word ASSUME? To assume makes an ASS out of U.....

MY AVATAR as well as the pictures that I display on my page are pictures of me. All pictures, with the exception of the picture of the peacock, are pictures that I have personally taken.
By #601496 05,Jan,20 12:09
ASSUME makes an ass of U......as well as ME.

only registered users can see external links

I refer you to the 1st pic in this collage. As you can see it would have been an easy assumption. I did remove that pic, though.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

BTW, the example pic is temporary. Would you like me to delete it now? Those day's feelings don't apply now.
By #601496 05,Jan,20 09:43
Bella, re-reading your post I also have a question (being a new year and all) What bit of wisdom were you able to convey to the SYD member to help him get through his "upset"?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 10:04 other posts 
Regardless of whether it is a new year, or not, 99.5% of the members that use another member's picture in a tribute have done so because as it is a way for the person who is doing the tribute to show the other person, just how fond or in high regard that they hold them. Yes, there are members that pirate another member's image to insult them but those members are few in numbers.
By #601496 05,Jan,20 10:19
I so agree, In the last 4 yrs I've managed to have well over 150 guys I've made a tribute. They were all in order to show my admiration of the member.
By #601496 05,Jan,20 10:56
However, most just send me the tribute without asking if i want it. It's usually a pic on their computer with their cum all over my image (I guess they have high regards for their cum) I rather them kiss the screen but, I accept it in the spirit it is sent.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 11:32 other posts 
Hahaha I call that face painting
By #601496 05,Jan,20 11:35
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Jan,20 18:22 other posts 
You are probably going to get a 50-50 response to this one. Some wil cry and whinge no matter what is done.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jan,20 21:50 other posts 
Yeah, for the most part, I believe a "tribute" is a form of admiration and the praising of another member. Most members credit the "owner" of the original picture and if they don't, then it might be construed as theft.

By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 08:02 other posts 
There seems to be a member getting his jollies off reporting members for some really lame reasons and he seems to be way to young to be acting like a bitter old man if I ever get like that in my old age please someone shoot me
By #601496 05,Jan,20 10:07
Baby, I would be annoyed as you (I haven't run into that) but having given up my other account I can't see what happens in there. However, my pet peeve is that most members are pussies. No one identifies these PITAs by name. It's always Some member or this SYD member etc. Got something to say? Say who it's about. Just a suggestion, lollipop.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 11:35 other posts 
I’m being coy any one that follows what is going on in this site knows who I’m talking about
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 10:12 other posts 
I think you might be referring to the same member that I spoke about. Yes, lame reasons, but what is MORE LAME are the lame ninnyhammers that vote to delete when NO SOLID PROOF is even offered.

I think you are a keeper, no need to worry about being walked behind the barn and being put out of your misery!
By #601496 05,Jan,20 11:57
Speak for yourself, Bella. I'd walk him behind the barn and put him to put me out of my misery. HAHAHA
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jan,20 21:32 other posts 
Oh My

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Jan,20 00:20 other posts 
Are some members so intimidated when the "ball" is passed to them that it causes them to delete their profile?
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 07:56 other posts 
Really your kidding right
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 11:49 other posts 
It doesn't happen often, just enough to wonder "WHY?". So they're online, available and a member passes "the ball" to them and in less than 59 minutes and 59 seconds, POOF!, they're gone! What's up with that? Did "the ball" quicken their departure? Aren't they into team sports?
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 12:16 other posts 
Cockswallow once told me when he first joined he was that shy that the first person that sent him a message he deleted his account then rejoined the next day
By #551147 05,Jan,20 14:00
Stupid! She's right though, seen it many times. I haven't had the chance to see how it works yet, but have been curious what happens to the ball when said person deletes the account, how is retrieval even possible.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Jan,20 18:24 other posts 
"The ball" is out of play and ineligible to be taken for a period of 60 minutes regardless of whether it is in the possession of an active member or in the posession of a profile where the member has deleted their profile. Seems odd to me that you would have to wait to steal the ball but, hey, I didn't write the program.
By #601496 06,Jan,20 11:40
This is aside to the conversation. Every time I see that the 60 min is about to expire I wait for it. Invariably the end of the period arrives, the "take the ball" does not appear. Sometimes it takes 4 or more minutes were I go back and forth to other pages. Suddenly I see someone else claims the ball several minutes before. Just now, at 10:34 AM +-, I took the ball (it was up for taking). I couldn't pass it though. Every member I selected the system told me the member was off line even though they showed online on the "Who's on line" page. Finally I signed out, waited a few minutes and signed in again. Then it let me pick a member. Anyone had this happen to you?

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