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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By 2nice [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 18:03 other posts 
Anyone know what the “Batch Button” does on each of our profile pages?
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 18:13 other posts 
I've seen it, I've pressed it and nothing happens.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 18:34 other posts 
If you click on it, a drop down appears in the upper left corner for you to select the photos you want to batch together.Why you would want do that is beyond me!
By #556376 22,Dec,18 23:33
It allows you to select multiple photos to change the status, add tags, or delete all at once, instead of doing 1 photo at a time.
By #358797 23,Dec,18 01:14
Yep! It's awful handy. That's what I used to clean my page up a month or so ago.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 23,Dec,18 08:03 other posts 
I always said , You learn something new every day if you pay attention!

By #487013 21,Dec,18 16:22
I'll never understand why the older people on here think it's okay to give unsolicited advice to others about their appearances or lifestyles. I get it you're from another time, still should not be an excuse for a lack of manners and tact.
By #565792 22,Dec,18 03:16
Being rude or a lack of manners is certainly not confined to the elderly here on this site.
By #562152 22,Dec,18 07:41
It's because we think you should change your hair style and stop being a voyeur.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 22:41 other posts 
Living and sleeping with a 19 yr old I tend to keep an open mind
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 08:25 other posts 
I am not a fan of either giving or receiving unsolicited advice anywhere. I strive not to offer either even to my ch1ldren. Manners and tact are attributes that all generations need to adhere to. There was a time when the opinions/advice of older people was somewhat more respected than today because it was accepted that they had maybe been down the same road that a younger person is travelling and is aware of the pitfalls.
However, where appearance and lifestyles are concerned they really should keep their own counsel. I totally agree.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 10:51 other posts 
My response to the op is people should never think they are above improving or taking advice from others that have more knowledge and experiance.IF someone was not decent and had no manners and responded snobbishly it would be down right hurtful to those trying to help.
Not everyone sits back thinking they are above helping others when possiable.Some folks mean very well when they advise others and it should be appreciated .No one is perfect and we should all strive to improve ourselves and each other.Others see us from a different view point.If I got pissed every time someone here or in real life just off the cuff suggjested I needed to change something I would be a miserable old bastard.
People sit back and scratch their ass's wondering what is wrong with the world,then some complain when others try to improve things, it is very confusing.
Change can not happen for good or bad if NO one trys.

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 10:42 other posts 
Perhaps it is this time of year that my head is geared toward Christmas, so when I noticed that there was a new photo contest named "toy in ass", in my mind started whirling. Yep, I envisioned a captive Barbie doll or some Match Box cars up the ol' poop chute. When I clicked on the contest to see how "toy" was interpreted, I was both pleasantly relieved and a bit disappointed that there was no Match Box cars, no Barbie....
By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 10:53 other posts 
The new politicaly correct Barbie would not fit in a elephants ass much less a humans.

By #562152 19,Dec,18 08:13

By admin [Ignore] 19,Dec,18 09:46 other posts 
And the lesson is: left always build politically motivated justice system that does not do justice so much as protects ruling elites. Though it's not a lesson for me, I already knew it long ago.
By #562152 19,Dec,18 15:33
Admin, in this country, like most countries, the ruling elite are conservative and on the right
By admin [Ignore] 19,Dec,18 16:04 other posts 
That's what mass media makes you believe. If you do research you will see that democrat politicians are more wealthy on average than republicans.

Indeed, they are only wolves in sheep's skin. They believe no more in their leftists ideas than Venezuela's "socialist" government does who in reality looks more as a drug cartel. They all just use those ideas to enslave the population and redistribute wealth of both rich who are not with them and all the middle class into their pockets.

Still, they are not conservatives. At least not in a sense you mean it.
By #551147 19,Dec,18 10:13
Michael Flynn is a Patriot and the left should be ashamed of their actions. Instead... Celebrate it as a victory, just further proves the disdain for our Military Men and Women. I'm surprised you would even mention him considering you claim that your Father served in the Military. Makes me wonder if it was honorably... Everyone should be reminded of their rights to remain silent until a lawyer can be present. He was naively duped and what lies they have him on are petty and some of the stupidest shit imaginable. It's a disgrace! Whatever they decide to do, I hope the President commutes. Wanna celebrate... Obamacare has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL with 20 states agreeing.
By #562152 19,Dec,18 15:21
Scorpio,,,Flynn is a patriot that fucked up. Apples and oranges
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes

And, Scorpio, my Dad served honorably. And he would have been the first one to want to kick Flynn's ass for being a traitor to his country.
By #525562 19,Dec,18 11:07
YES!! ..I could have not said it better,all capital letters is the way to go.How dumb I am in trying to express myself with using some lower case.
By #562152 19,Dec,18 15:34
Limestone, I guess,,,,you know yourself better than anyone
By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Dec,18 11:23 other posts 
I’m an Independent and don’t really care much for both sides. But...Hillary Clinton should have been jailed years ago for all the shit she did. Just sayin...
By #562152 19,Dec,18 15:30
2nice,,if they had been able to jail her, they would have. You are innocent until you fuck up
By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Dec,18 17:36 other posts 
You make no sense to me.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,18 18:34 other posts 
2Warm,there seems to be something folks are forgetting. Back in history,during the original witch hunts, alot of innocent people were killed because of missinformed,and hat#full people wanted folks they did not like GONE. This witch hunt today is no different. Drummed up charges to elimnate the folks the dem's don't like or want in office. You and I can't get the "facts" We can only get what either side let's out to ruin the other.
I think the time will come when you will sit back and think."damn,it is a shame all those innocent folks got locked up"
By #562152 19,Dec,18 18:40
Like in Watergate?
By #562152 19,Dec,18 18:42
2nice,,,,I can't help that.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 16:59 other posts 
I am no fan of hers but what exactly is it that Hilary Clinton should be doing prison time for?
By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 19:43 other posts 
It is my understanding she sent classified information over a personal server the government had no control over.Which could have held info that could affect national security.

Frankly all jokes aside,I would like to see the familys of those brave men that died in Bengazi sue her ass to hell and back twice for the way she handled that situation. Once done with her, they could move on over to the rest of the flock that let those men die,hell,watched them die as a matter of fact on live video. Bastards.
But,all of it is just as everyone is so focused on bringing down Trump.
By #275407 21,Dec,18 00:39
Why would you all talk politics, you know you can't convince each other who is right or wrong. I suggest you just leave politics out of conversation because it's not worth fighting each other on who is right or wrong.
By #565792 21,Dec,18 02:50
Looking at it from a distance the USA has gone from a beacon of light and fundamental discussions to all out blind partisanship and something to be avoided at all costs. It makes a sad spectacle.
By #562152 21,Dec,18 08:36
Cody,,we could talk about your dick but, I suspect we would have the same problem
By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,18 11:12 other posts 
Cody,there is allways a ray of hope that perhaps the truth shall pervail and folks will become educated.But they have to want to learn the truth,and perhaps accept it may not be in alignment with their concept of the truth. Some Democrats and liberal minded folks are not dumb.they have just been missguided for so long they have no idea they have been lead down the wrong path. Quite frankly I feel like minortys have been used as pawns in a game for so long they don't even realize they are just being lied to and used for votes.
And we humans have to allow for uturns,even God does so who are we not to try to help the lost get back on track?

As for What Sven said,it has become a sad situation.It has been years in the making,hell we can't really blame Obama for all of started before him.
The light has all but went out.
By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 21,Dec,18 16:29 other posts 
Amen to Cody
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 08:31 other posts 
Assuming that the conversation is not between two bigots a political conversation can be very interesting and in the past people were open to listening and weighing the other persons opinions before either accepting or rejecting them while allowing that the other person has the right to hold that opinion.

Sadly in the present climate if you don't hold a particular view then those who do hold that view tend to see you as some sort of 'criminal' and abuse you. Conversations are rarely held these days as both sideso of an argument just keep shouting their view point louder and cant conceive that there may be another point of view. Very sad for democracy.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 21,Dec,18 08:55 other posts 
I do know that the Benghazi incident is one that many people feel very angry about. However the legal question is whether her actions in relation to that event were in any way incompetent or negligent. I don't know enough about it to judge. People's interpreatations of such emotive events do not always reflect the legal reality.

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Dec,18 11:55 other posts 
The winter solstice officially begins at 5:24 pm EST.

The winter solstice marks the longest night and the shortest day of the year for the northern hemisphere.

By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 02:44 other posts 
I have a niece who L O V E S wrapping gifts and she spends a lot of time on each gift. They are beautiful when she's done too! She also loves craftwork so I suppose they're one in the same.
Her br0ther gave all of his unwrapped gifts to her and she happily wrapped them too!
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 09:06 other posts 
Bless her heart! The time spent gift wrapping a gift so that it can be ripped off in just seconds.....

Gift wrapping is a lost art.
By #487013 20,Dec,18 10:25
I used to be one that went all out on wrapping gifts. Too expensive now to make it into art like I used to. Now I buy plain brown paper and bags and I paint or draw scenes on them and wrap gifts in that instead. I'll upload a pic later of an example.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 10:58 other posts 
Gift wrapping is expensive and for many, a somewhat timely process.

Please, share your creativity by uploading a picture here.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 11:46 other posts 
That's awesome AOD! She also likes to draw so if you upload a photo may I show it to her? I can't tell her where I got it though.
As for the price, last year on Boxing Day I went to a department store and bought her a LOT of wrapping paper, ribbon and bows and I gave them all to her for her birthday at the beginning of October! I thought it would be redundant to wrap wrapping paper so I gave it to her in a bag!
I saw a documentary on Arron Spelling's mansion once and they mentioned that there was a gift wrapping room in it.
By #487013 20,Dec,18 16:19
Ill send you a pm if that's okay? I have a few gifts left that I personalized. So id tather not show them publicly.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I sent a few pics please share with Bella.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 19:38 other posts 
Thanks so much! I will show Bella.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 23:39 other posts 
Thank you for sharing, kebmo!
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 23:45 other posts 
The bags you decorated were very nice. I'm quite sure that when you gift someone and it is inside one of your "original creations", they feel mighty special. You are quite so creative, with words and artistically.
By #487013 21,Dec,18 09:33
Thank you.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 01:13 other posts 
Surf or turf?
By #487013 20,Dec,18 10:25
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 11:04 other posts 
Yeah, me too but I lean more toward turf.
By 2nice [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 12:24 other posts 
Both, but if I had to choose, it would be surf.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 12:31 other posts 
A steak cooked on the grill, mmmmmm.......
By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 14:39 other posts 
Yea ,back when I was working and made enough money to splurg on a good meal I would get the grilled salmon and steak. good!
I cook it here at home sometimes but nothing like having it out at a decent resturant.
By #487013 20,Dec,18 16:17
I dont care for fish as much. I love scallops, shrimp, lobster, and crab. I make a mean cajun crab boil just saying.
By 2nice [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 20:28 other posts 
I’d love to have a taste.
By #487013 21,Dec,18 09:30
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 15:05 other posts 
Turf. Always turf. My general rule is that if the critter had more or less than four legs I ain't eating it...
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Dec,18 22:13 other posts 
I don't like to work for my food after it's on my plate. Lobster, crab legs, ribs, chicken wings and corn on the cob require work. I'll take a nice medium tenderloin any day over working on crab legs.

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