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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By #562152 06,Oct,18 13:12
This is for all of us that wallow in self pity. Trivia comes in different flavors.

only registered users can see external links

My new hero is amazing,,
By #568832 06,Oct,18 14:28
Many thanks for putting this up TWT . Yes as you say these are our future heros . To many times people get mixed up and pre ocuppied with there own self . And to far up there own butts to see the bigger picture .
By #562152 06,Oct,18 18:45
Welcome, I had tears as I posted this,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 15:24 other posts 
THANK YOU for posting this!
It's so inspiring!
I love it, I love the little g1rl!

Listen to the words she says around 1'05'' :
only registered users can see external links
So wise!

OK, maybe she was coached how to speak but she definitely believes in what she's saying and she's saying it so eloquently and wisely. If only the president of the US could speak half as well...

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 16:58 other posts 
I was surprised to find out about the "prize" awarded to America's Got Talent winners. The winners receive one million USD and a headline act in Las Vegas. Sounds nice, right? The one million dollars is paid over a 40 year period and the headline act is like a one week gig in Las Vegas. Although a winner might receive the exposure that they are looking for, the prize isn't as glamorous as the program makes it seem.
By #562152 05,Oct,18 18:41
$1000K for 40 yrs is $25K per year. Not a lot, but not anything to laugh at. These days, a retiree that retires with full benefits is just under $21K.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 11:01 other posts 
25k a year for 40 years! Hell yea I will take it!
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 11:14 other posts 
Forty years is a long period of time to receive a payout. To put it into perspective, the internet article that I read illustrated that the young girl who won the 2017 competition will be a member of AARP when she receives her last payment....

In my opinion, 25k is frosting on a cake but not anything close to a windfall of cash.
By #568832 06,Oct,18 13:19
Of course if the person makes it big in the music business . You can add on all the millions of record sales . All the royalty and sponsorship if they endorse products . And still after tax deduction its a fair whack to shove in there back pocket .
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 13:23 other posts 
Is that avatar of you, Orchis?
By #568832 06,Oct,18 13:35

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 12:39 other posts 
I find this to be the mindset and the actions of a TRUE CUNT.

When a member posts a comment your picture(s) yet you are unable to "Reply". WHY? Because this cunt only accepts replies from their "friends". When the same member posts a message on your wall but you are unable to reciprocate. WHY? Because this cunt only accepts posts from their "friends".

Some members talk a tough game but their cuntiness is merely a reflection of their sad and cunty life.
By #562152 06,Oct,18 13:11
I find that several guys are like that too. I'm glad I can call them cunts, too,

By bella! [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 03:07 other posts 
There's a new gift offering in the "negative gifts" category, it is the black heart and can be purchased for the low, low price of 50 points. Apparently, the black heart has replaced a previous 50 point gift, can anyone remember what that gift was? It is not a contest, there is no prize awarded, just a question.
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 04:02 other posts 
Mine doesn't show a black heart. For 50 points I could still buy a gag, a muzzle, a pissing dog or a roll of shredder toilet paper.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 04:39 other posts 
Perhaps it is just a gift afforded to premium paid members, I have it as a selection.

That's is something that I find totally asinine, certain gifts for premium paid members. Is it really an incentive to buy a membership so you can send a black heart or sparkling high heels? NO!
By #562152 05,Oct,18 11:24
I hope this is not interpreted as changing the subject, but, why would someone want to send a negative gift to anyone. I understand the motivation, i have had occasions when i would have, maybe, perhaps, no, never. Why have them? If you don't like someone that much, why not remove them from your circle of contacts?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 11:49 other posts 
Why do some people do what they do? Because they want to and because they can.
By #562152 05,Oct,18 11:55
That's the reasoning behind my question,,no negative gifts equals to no one sending them
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 13:16 other posts 
Why don't you ask admin? Maybe he will answer your question, maybe he won't.

Let me stick my neck out on this one, I suspect he offers negative gifts because the membership had a need for and wanted negative gifts. Don't you think that is a possibility?

Ask yourself this, why do we have ANY gifts, whether they are considered good, "unknown" OR negative? It is because that's what the membership wanted.

And why do you send "nice" gifts? It's because you want to and because you can and I suspect because you believe the recipient deserves it.
By #562152 05,Oct,18 13:26
The last is true, but, one truth does not make another true. The other premise not too sure, Admin needs to drain our point accounts. If he introduced it as something new for the members to use, the members would think it's something worth using, but, not necessarily have asked for it. It would be a good question for a survey. And before I ask admin to remove them, i think i would like to see what other members have to say about it.
By #460385 05,Oct,18 14:46
While your at it, have administration take the option to vote "not" for pics and contests away. Then we can call this "the happy place".
By #562152 05,Oct,18 15:20
Good advice CC and I will. The "not" is can only be used to hurt people. So far, the overwhelming vote on my poll is to remove negative gifts
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 16:53 other posts 
You've only had 11 people who voted in your poll, that's not hardly an overwhelming amount of folks.

I'm curious, on an average, how many gifts do you send each day, each week? What gift do you usually send?
By #562152 05,Oct,18 18:24
On average i send none, but, when i do, the kiss is the one i usually pick. I send one of the other more expensive to very special people. I also tell those that send expensive gifts that it's a waste of points to send me expensive gifts, a kiss is more that enough. After all, it's the thought, not the gift, that counts.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 20:42 other posts 
I'm sticking my neck out, AGAIN.....

I BELIEVE that this site was supposed to make money for admin. He doesn't make any money from people that have the "free" memberships but he does make something, and I'm not speaking of profit, from premium paid memberships and people who buy points. Points are needed to buy gifts, good or negative and/or to possibly buy submissives for the Domination Game. I BELIEVE that members might equate points to being money. Admin drain our points? Some members went into a hissy fit when they could no longer find hidden points scattered all through the site and there are some folks who sit on a stack of points day after day after day because it is my guess that it makes them feel like their pocket is full. That's my guess. Do you really think that admin is going to get rid of negative gifts when members want them, whether they pay for them or earn the points by way of their daily actions or activity? I highly doubt it but I don't want to discourage you from trying.
By #562152 05,Oct,18 20:54
Well, it would depend on the tradeoff. I believe few people send negative gifts. Admin could get rid of them and up the price of the more expensive and popular gifts by 5 points and have less stressed out members. I also think that free membership should have a time cutoff of, say,6 months
By #562152 05,Oct,18 18:35
after 17 voters, 35% want it abolished. When i said it was overwhelming, i meant the percentage of people that voted to get rid of it.And, only 25% wanted it to stay the same. That is a big percentage wanting change. Polls are more accurate the more people vote, but, in a poll, a small amount of people can be representative of what the other members want.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

it's early days, so, i want to let it run for several days or maybe a couple of weeks. I will also ask admin to get rid of the "NO" vote on the pics. CC54 had an excellent suggestion.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 16:44 other posts 
Are you being serious, because I can't tell?
By #562152 05,Oct,18 18:28
Yes, Bella, I am serious. When you suggested i ask admin for an answer to my question I knew it was a good idea, but, i'm only one and i doubt admin knows i'm alive, so, if i can go to him with results of a poll that shows people want a change, he might listen. The last poll i had was to change the photo contests and he did.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 19:10 other posts 
But my question was not directed to you, it was sent to CountryCouple.
By #562152 05,Oct,18 19:12
Sorry, Ms B,,all these connecting lines get me so confused
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But, i think CC54 has the right idea
By #460385 05,Oct,18 20:09
No, that was sarcasm.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 20:22 other posts 
Well, I kinda thought so but as you can see, TWOWARMTTS2 feels that you are on track. 👍
By #562152 06,Oct,18 09:30
I'm so confused,,,
By #568832 05,Oct,18 16:06
@ bella! Was it not a rat trap . I'm sure there was on of them in there
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 16:43 other posts 
Sorry, I don't understand your post, was it a comment or a question?
By #568832 05,Oct,18 16:56
I sent you a PM on this B .

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 23:07 other posts 
Ha! I asked a question in July, 2012 and I'm just receiving responses now!

That is too funny!

By #562152 06,Oct,18 09:29
looks like @biggerdick started the whole thing. That is funny, but the thread gets bumped up to the top when a new entry is posted

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 18:17 other posts 
In the duo of Penn and Teller, I've never known Teller to speak. I was quite surprised to find that he has a speaking part on the Big Bang Theory. 👍
By #562152 05,Oct,18 18:44
So did every one else. His "No talk" is a big part of the act.

By #487013 04,Oct,18 21:55
I seriously don’t get dudes with little man syndrome. I get you’re pissed off at life for giving you the short end of the stick genetic wise, so you have to overcompensate. You don’t have to be assholes too.
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 00:02 other posts 
So true. I've met lots of them through work. One guy was a customer of mine in a restaurant where he brought a girl on their first date. He was a FUCKING ASSHOLE!! "I'm such a big shot and so rich and you're a loser servant" kind of behaviour. She excused herself to go to the washroom and met me near the kitchen. She told me she was really sorry but she was leaving NOW before dinner arrived. She gave me a $50 bill and apologised for his assholedness. I had the pleasure of putting two dinners on his table for him. He ate his in shame and asked for the other to go while being very polite to me. I didn't once ask where she went and he didn't ask me to have the woman's washroom checked. He paid the bill and gave me a generous tip because he KNEW why she wasn't there and more importantly, he knew that I knew too.
One thing about short men though is that they always have great posture!
By #562152 05,Oct,18 11:18
And funny heels,,

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 10:52 other posts 

Are some Forum posts IGNORED (aka not receiving a response) because a) you are not interested in the subject matter b) you have made previous post(s) regarding the same matter elsewhere c) you are a member of a sēcret clique that ostracizes certain SYD/SYC members OR d) you have no fcking idea what I am even talking about.

**PERHAPS I will never know because you are ignoring me.

***I would bet my last dollar that I know who is going to respond to this......
By #460385 03,Oct,18 11:29
I choose A.
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 11:57 other posts 
I am going to go with C.
I am a member of a s3cret clique.

Our cabal has existed since the dawn of time.
It is a very select group; you have to be as tall as a painted plywood cut-out of Scooby-Doo in order to join.

You can't get in if you are certifiably batshit crazy. Or have tusks.

At present, there are eleventy-nine members.

We meet on the second Thursday of every week in an undisclosed location. Frequently, we don't even disclose the meeting location to the other members of our group.

We don't "ostracize" people, we "ostrich-ize" them. This entails us quietly imagining what they would look like if they were large, flightless birds.

After the meetings, we eat a lot of pie. I mean a fuckin' bus-load of pie. It's an orgy of pie.
By #460385 03,Oct,18 12:20
Awesome. We want in. Since I can't say "midget", oops I just did. Are little people allowed in this s-ecret society?
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 12:33 other posts 
Fun fact: Calling a midget a "little person" doesn't actually make them less midgety.

You are both very welcome to join. Do you like pie?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 12:40 other posts 
Of course, pie is delicious!
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 14:25 other posts 
Will, we're not supposed to talk about "The Group".
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 15:29 other posts 
No, I was talking about the OTHER group. I know better than to talk about "The Group"...
Ah, dammit! Looks like no pie for me...
By #562152 03,Oct,18 16:18
@JustWill,,,I assume this cabal has a counter sign for recognition of members. Who decides whom bends over???
By #562152 03,Oct,18 13:22
you win,,,i like to help people earn a dollar
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 13:39 other posts 
But I don't think that you even realize how silly your allegations sound. Of course that opinion might not concern you coming from a lady whose sexiest picture is just an eye, HER EYE and not an eye taken from the internet.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 15:58
Oct 2,, doesn't it get to #1 by the votes it gets here?? Looks like few know about internet pics,,
Oct 2,,You are a paying member, right?
Sept 18,,Anyone visit Anytime's page? He placed 3 public mesages on his page and no one else has. It's one of the most hateful pages I've seen on site
ANSWER: It rather harsh but not as HATEFUL as the reason your good ol' buddy *lix* (I thought I would use asterisks today instead of stars) left for Skittles as (WHY?) she blacklisted him.
Sept 27 Five of the pics on the main page look like they are teenagers,,,is this the way the site is heading????
Sept 18, Jamie, why did you not leave a private message with a bigger explanation why you are leaving a message?
Sept 18 With all the porn existing on line, how do you people find these pics on these porn sites? Do you spend all your time studying porn?
ANSWER,,Oh, members who spot internet pictures are "you people"? That's funny.
Sept 16,,I'd like to know how many members think that because you have to pay points to open a new forum thread, the thread belongs to you. I believe if the thread is in a public forum then it's fair game. I don't applaud trolls but there's another entry here complaining about the intrusion from other members to mixing in. The points are so the forums don't become overpopulated with trash talk
ANSWER,,Why are you getting all worked up?

These are just a few,,,most posts go answered in a nice way without innuendo
When I post here the posts are mostly answered with innuendo or not answered at all,
You and anyone else that wants to be included in this "group" can deny it until you are blue in the face, but, i must be either fair game for a laugh or, following your example, persona non grata
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

and,,the biggest put off so far???

If you people don't want me to visit here then say so. Answer under this and I'll go.

Not one of you had the balls or the simple decency to answer it, even though i repeated it several times, here and on other forums,,including mine.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 16:41 other posts 
Please don't continue to babble on and on by reposting things that you've already said. It makes you sound really crazy.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 16:56
@_Bella,,maybe I am,,Thanks for the advice. Who wants to be thought of as a mindless, ranting, pissed off, woman???
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

and still,,no answer,,,is it babble?? Crazy??? And yet, No answer. Be a coward or just say forget about it
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:06 other posts 
Don’t go away mad, just go away.

Motley Crue, circa 1990.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:07
2nice,,,you vote go then,,ok
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:30 other posts 
Who really knows what her message to you even means; "2nice,,,you vote go then,,ok".....YIKES!
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:03 other posts 
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:04
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:09 other posts 
It means, “What The Fuck”, Two Warm Armpits. Your posts give me a headache and I can’t decipher what the hell you’re talking about, 98% of the time.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:12
2nice,,that is a personal opinion,,opinions are not allowed here,,besides, you might damage your poor brain if you try to decipher
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:19 other posts 
I have no doubt I would suffer brain damage trying to understand you.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:15
BTW,,twowarmarmpits??? you come from a mother that doesn't know who your dad was,,the whole base was doing her.And you cum here to insult me??? when does she take off her army boots??? And you,,,you still walk funny from all those dicks that use you for a substitute to a 5 finger Mary??
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:20 other posts 
Haha, omg...this requires no response.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:36 other posts 
As do a number of her posts but she just does not "GET IT".
By #562152 03,Oct,18 19:11
hell,,i'm here to annoy you,,
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 19:20 other posts 
Why would you want to do that?
By #562152 03,Oct,18 20:09
I guess I'm trying to act like you and others say I act. All you people had to do is be civil and I cool down in no time at all. I tried to difuse this but you guys kept coming. You are surprised I don't give up? All of you. Keep it coming and I'll continue even if I have to take it to different forums, chats, blogs,or were ever. Even as an annonimous person. I get even and fight dirty.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 20:10 other posts 
Please, take your battle elsewhere.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 20:43
Yes, Madam. You said please
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 08:39 other posts 
I really don't have a problem with anyone posting whatever they think might be interesting to the masses, and yes, you are welcome to post here too. But I kindly ask that you move your battle elsewhere and I did say please.

Do you realize that I posted that basque9 is celebrating his eighty-somethingth birthday today and requested that members send him birthday greetings and wishes? Probably not, because it is now buried under yesterday's shit storm.

If you want to post about your toilet paper or vacuum, that's fine, but it is unreasonable to believe that every post made is going to attract multiple members, remember, the only person aware of you posting a piece in this thread will be me, not JustWill, not CountryCouple54, not admin, not phart, JUST ME. If you feel like you are being ignored, that's unfortunate, I'm sorry that you feel that way, but you have other options.

We had a very nice personal chat less than one month ago and I recall calling you a beautiful woman and you are quite accomplished, too. I hope that the posts that you made yesterday in this thread and in your own make you feel better and vindicated but please, not another day like yesterday, please.
By #562152 04,Oct,18 09:12
I made a new entry this morning. As of that entry I'm dropping the subject. The only thing I would like you to consider is the reaction I got. If the reaction had been, "TWTTs, sorry you feel that way. If true, it was unintentional. It's hard to catch everything. ", I would have dropped it. Now, I ask you, please read yesterday's mess and tell me if I misunderstood all the insults leveled at me.
And, you are right, we did have a nice chat a few weeks ago. In that chat I confessed to you that I'm here, on site, under false information about me. Well,you kept it to yourself and I thank you for that. However, I like to explain my "saggy tits ".
I WAS BORN ON MARCH 1952. I'M REALLY 66 YEARS OLD. When you get to my age, I hope you are lucky to have perky tits.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:21 other posts 
Hold up, 2nice. Don't you know who TWOWARMTTS2 is? To hear her tell the story, she was previously here as just twowarmtts (notice the difference, small letters and no 2) but deleted and returned with capital letters in her name! She's reached the maximum number in friends (poor dear doesn't realize that she is the one who has reached HER maximum as a non paying member) BUT if she works hard, she can acquire MORE friends, just like her idol! She's written many blogs AND won an "Excitement" award! In other posts, she has noted that she was working on her "Activity" level, just falling behind ☆lix☆ and me. She loves to post saucy pictures of herself that she freely admits to have been taken over the last 25 years (I think the span of time is longer) and really seems to love to do tributes. I don't know if she just does them only for her friends, but I bet you wished that she posted a picture giving you a "shout out", too.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:25
Are you bragging about me, Bella??? Wow, wow, wow. Capital letters are To show it off more,,You know,,because i like draw attention,,Remember?? You stated that opinion,,wait,, is an opinion allowed here??
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:30 other posts 
By #460385 03,Oct,18 17:42
Ok, I think the time has come. I never thought it would, but by god it's here. I believe it's time that this little guy is passed on from JohnS and it takes it's new rightful owner.
By #460385 03,Oct,18 16:00
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:26
I'm having so much fun here,,,Hours of fun,,and it's free,,hahaha
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:28 other posts 
[deleted image]
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:29
2nice,,you broke Bella's rule,,no pics allowed
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:35 other posts 
This is a crisis fucktard situation. Under provision 2.0, fucktard spray deployment is authorized.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:38 other posts 
As written in the SÉCRET BYLAWS of the SÉCRET GROUP?
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:39
lol,, so tell me, 2nice,,,where does it get sprayed??? and,,more important,,are you doing the spraying???
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 17:48 other posts 
I’m bored. Don’t talk to me.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 17:51
2nice,,,yes, Daddy,,your little girl was bad,,,are you going to punish me, Daddy?? Should i pull my panties down??
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 18:02 other posts 
Fuck no. Keep those on. In fact, put on 72 pairs over them. And put on three snowsuits. And finally wrap it all up with a environmental containment suit.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 18:05
Oh,,baby,,,i didn't know you are gay,,
By 2nice [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 18:15 other posts 
Shame on me. I’ve been sucked into an FFE. I should know better. Participation is pointless. One can never expect to accomplish anything in a ‘Fucktard Futile Environment’, because after’s fucktarded and futile.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 18:20

--------------------------------------- added after 21 seconds

even gay men need kisses,,
By #460385 03,Oct,18 18:37
@ 2nice. Do they sell that Fucktard spray shit in a 55 gallon barrel. I think you're gonna need more.
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 21:26 other posts 
Dammit, Mr Yumm! Rumor has it that you suddenly went all gay and didn't tell anyone! I thought we were friends...
By #460385 03,Oct,18 18:20
OMG and WTF. Why is it every time you see that a guy is not attracted to you, you call them gay. Like you're so kinda prize at the bottom of a Lucky Charms box. If that were the case, there would be a whole lot of gay guys or just normal guys who think you're hideous.--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutesJesus Christ I would have a hard time given the choice between you and the Walrus. Fuck, if that time ever came. I might just choose the circus midget and be gay.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 18:27
why not?? is there an opinion about that?? wait,,opinions are not allowed. You know what I think CC?? I think you protest too much,,Does it hit close to home?? And I do think I'm the price in the Lucky Charms box. And if there are a whole lot of gay or straight guys that might think I'm hideous, should I hide my head in shame? I like myself and my beauty,,Maybe I'm not in Ms CC's league, but i don't get pushed out of any beds either. Maybe, here, on site, there's more delusional men than in real life, but, in REAL life i have more cock than i can handle, with REAL men that know how to treat a woman, Not the men i meet here,,
By #460385 03,Oct,18 18:31
Now I know why I fucking h-ate Lucky Charms.
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And I will use your theory as I move forward. So to all you woman on this site who won't speak to me, acknowledge me, tell me how hot I am. Your all lesbians. Now it makes perfect sense.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 18:40
Good baby,,but,,your OPINION might be off it's mark,,
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

and remember,,in my forum i said you and Ms are very yummy,,Of course,,coming from me you probably disagree,
--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes

I'll tell you something you guys may not realize,,, when you can't come up with a civil answer to my posts, you guys get mean and nasty,,and start to insult me. You guys are REAL gentlemen. All kidding aside, your mother's would be ashamed of you. In real life i would walk right past you all,,,you are poor imitation of real men. And i say that with all the love I can muster for you.Shameful.
I do admit though,,I love getting you guys riled up,,it's like little kids with a broken toy.
By #460385 03,Oct,18 19:28
The pot calling the kettle black isn't it. As far as insults, are you kidding me. You just wrote a paragraph talking shit about someone's mom. This is a website, you have no friends and we don't have to be gentlemen. We save that for the real world. And as far as are mom's being proud of us. I guess I could ask you the same question. Do you think your military dad is proud of his daughter who goes around telling people she whores around. You're delusional. You are only getting back what you dish out.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 19:48
And he said
It means, “What The Fuck”, Two Warm Armpits. Your posts give me a headache and I can’t decipher what the hell you’re talking about, 98% of the time
I guess I should have let it pass?
By #562152 03,Oct,18 19:50
And listen to you,,"you are dilusional "
By #562152 03,Oct,18 19:51
And yes I have no friends and you cerare not gentlemen--------------------------------------- added after 117 secondsAnd yes I have no friends and you cerainy are not gentlemen so,what's your point? You just proved my point. And if you don't have to be gentlemen than I don't need to be a lady.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 19:54
And who is the kettle? You?
By #562152 03,Oct,18 19:59
Be gay? You are gay. Not that it's a bad thing. Only you complain when I say someone is gay, as if it was a bad thing. Looks like your little pee pee is not good enough to satisfy the Mrs, so you attack other women. Accept it, you like men and are frustrated because you don't want to come out of the closet so you hide behind your home skirts
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And you would not be a pimple on my dad's ass. He was a Man. And he would laugh at a pussy like you
By #460385 03,Oct,18 20:21
Too much box wine from Walmart tonight. You are nothing to me and every one else on here. I so understand why Charlie left your ass and Jerome followed. You are nasty. And if you think for a minute I give a fuck about you or your spinless dad, you are mistaking. I live a good life, with a great wife, and two awesome boys. Your life is sad and you're a whore. Go fuck yourself, cause obviously that's all you have left. Twosaggytitties, I bid you farewell.--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutesYou know what. I'm sorry for what I said about your dad. Guys like him were my heroes. Just like my dad, uncle's, and grandfather. I will not let you make me that person. As for you, you're a piece of shit white trash. Your old man would be embarrassed of you. And that makes me sad.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 20:38
Gerome is still with me
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

No more of a piece of shit white trash than you. Nor any more a whore than your wife. You sure the kids are yours?
By #460385 03,Oct,18 20:38
Sucks for him
By #562152 03,Oct,18 20:44
As opposed to you sucking him
By #460385 03,Oct,18 21:04
Buh Bye twosaggytitties. The truth sucks doesn't it.
By #562152 03,Oct,18 21:46
Not really. Your truth are worth a dump in the forest. Smelly and far enough no one cares. By the way. The Mrs tits are fake, like you.
By #460385 03,Oct,18 22:35
Yeah, I got it. Any girl without saggy tits, have fake ones. And any guy that don't like you is gay. I really don't know how Charlie put up with your bipolar ass for 33 years. That guy deserves a beer.
By #562152 04,Oct,18 07:29
So how many men enjoy being penetrated? Somewhere between a third and a half of the male population. Since only three or four percent of men are gay, it follows that there are a lot of straight men out there who like taking it in the ass. In my personal life I've known several. In a survey I read about (again I don't remember where) an astonishing ten percent (ten percent!) of straight men were candid enough to admit to liking being penetrated.
By #460385 04,Oct,18 10:23
It's a new day. My hero once said before he was killed. As long as people are talking about you, whether it's good or bad, you are alive. It's when they stop talking about you, that you're dead and forgotten.
By #562152 04,Oct,18 10:28
My Dad used to say, "You die twice. The first time is when your physical body stops living. The second time is when everyone forgets you."
I'm sorry CC,,,I had a meltdown yesterday. I didn't mean what i said.
By #460385 04,Oct,18 10:33
Yeah me neither. Chin up
By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 14:28 other posts 
Geez ,I hope you don't have a melt down on me! I will try to be nice!
By #562152 04,Oct,18 15:05
By #487013 04,Oct,18 21:48
Lol He isn’t gay, believe me. We may not always get along but he is most definitely not gay.
By #562152 04,Oct,18 21:53
I know,,,i was in a fowl mood,, he's really a good guy,,
By 2nice [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 22:52 other posts 
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 16:07 other posts 
In most cases A. The thread has to really grab me and so few do.

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