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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 08:06 other posts 
Europeans are quick to talk shit about the US. BUT it appears when the shit is near the fan and someone is about to plug it in, the US is still so important to them.
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By #610414 20,Feb,22 12:41
Nothing new there. It’s always been, “We hate your wealth, your strength, and your easy virtue. Please help and protect us
By #553818 21,Feb,22 08:34
I don't think anyone doubts the US's military might - but that's simply because it's geographically large. And because for whatever reason the military budget is utterly insane.

It's everything else. School shootings, the stereotypical south, evangelism, the lack of contactless payment, general love for guns, racist shootings/general corrupt police, the loudness etc etc.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 09:08 other posts 
Contactless pay is getting all to common around here already.We have to stand in line at the store for a long time now to get checked out.but they have 8 of those self check outs,that put people OUT OF WORK. I don't work at walmart,and I don't get a discount doing my own check out,so I stand in line and let a employee do it so if it is wrong,it will be taken care of correctly. Most of the folks in this area are rural farmers and never learned all this high tech stuff.
As for school shootings, you can thank ,in part, doctors prescribing pills for mental health issues and turning the crazys back on the street. Or as in the terrible case in florida, the FBI of all people flubbed and allowed that shooting to happen because they did not heed citizens warnings. So alot of our tax dollars were paid to victims familys to "fix" the situation.
By #610414 21,Feb,22 13:44
I didn’t think I had to list all the reasons why they hate us. But all that you listed are all internal problems. They are reasons to dislike us but would not directly affect you. Our control of world wealth, power to destroy economies and countries, and how we make our own social rules are things that can and do affect other countries.
By #553818 22,Feb,22 12:00
When those decisions are made by people who champion the right for guns the day after a school-shooting occurs - we worry. Decisions that effect us are of course a concern, but when the people behind said decisions seem to be more relatable to works of fiction than a real breathing person, it's nervous times.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 13:29 other posts 
Look at the situation to our north in canada. The government has taken on a dictator role in suppressing peoples peaceful right to protest. That is the type thing that the forefathers thought of when they gave Americans the right to bear arms. To protect themselves from a government doing just that sort of thing.
It's nervous times as you said,but people are nervous for the wrong reasons.
The democrats in US government are to worried about ukraines border while our own is in shambles. MOST Americans are nervous about that.
"We hate your wealth, your strength, and your easy virtue"

Just speaking for myself, that's not my criticism of the US.
Wealth is fine, unless the wealth of the few causes poverty for many.
Strength is fine, unless it's creating death and destruction.
Easy virtue? Americans are ridiculous prudes! Sure, you make lots of porn, but that's what happens if you repress sexual urges. You really could use some sexual liberation.
Make love, not war! Rainbows reign!

"Please help and protect us"
Sure, thanks for the help from 1940 till 1945. The rest of it is just a couple of bullies fighting over who gets to control the rest. Don't think there is some generosity there.
Trump telling Europe to spend more on defense is just him helping his donors in the military industrial complex, because you make all the weapons. I want Europe making our own weapons, because the US can also not be trusted. Democracy is fragile.
By #553818 21,Feb,22 08:17
I'd suggest maybe reading such stories from a European news source?
By #610414 21,Feb,22 13:51
I know you think your news medias are more tuned to the real US, but, they are tainted by your national beliefs on worldwide issues.
Many people believe in getting their news from one or two sources and they believe everyone does that. I believe in different search engines that feature articles from all over the world. The Guardian, Le Monde, The Buenos Aires Herald, The New York Times and Al Jazira all appear in these engines.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 07:19 other posts 
I never heard of this Al Jazira news caster but I like Al Roker as a news caster and yes he’s black and I still like him but what gets me is why do people from other countries care weather we kill each other and all that crap are they just fucking nosey I mean I don’t give a crap about the shit that happened over there I guess I’m just good at minding my own business
By #610414 22,Feb,22 09:42
In many respects we are the dog and most of the rest of the world are the tail that got wagged. Everyone wants to know why, when, and how we do what we do. The US controls a huge chunk of the world’s wealth and we influence a large part of the international politics.
BTW, Al Jazira is a news organization.
Al Jazeera English is an international 24-hour English-language news channel owned by the Al Jazeera Media Network. It is the first English-language news channel to be headquartered in the Middle East. Instead of being run centrally, news management rotates between broadcasting centres in Doha and London. Wikipedia
Naturally their news is colored by Arab politics.
By #553818 22,Feb,22 11:58
I meant because US News is very "sensationalised" - it often seems to be presented as we would entertainment rather than news.

Obviously this view is very much influenced by FOX News (which seems to be a garbage fire) but I've seen many stories from here in the UK be presented in the US as if the world was seconds from collapse while here it's more of a "oh, that's a big inconvenient."
By phart [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 13:31 other posts 
OH yes, we get plastered with "news" from the "royal family" constantly. Like the world is going to end because a prince decided to marry outside the family tree for a change.
By #553818 22,Feb,22 15:37
Exactly. No one here gives a shit about the Royals
By #610414 22,Feb,22 16:11
I can’t argue that. Our general news sources do seem to like to sensationalize the news, but, there are other news sources that keep it simple. NPR is one. The BBC in America is another. MSNBC also carries pro and con points of view. The trick is to make your own mind about the news. Example: when your parliament ended your participation in the EU, we thought England was trough as a word power. We were wrong
By #553818 22,Feb,22 16:16
The fact that you think somehow we actually out of the EU and it isn't still a "no end in sight" situation is a bit of a surprise.

As a world power all the UK does is the bend the knee to the US. Was an expensive price to pay for a game of chess.
By #610414 22,Feb,22 20:31
After the December 2019 election, the British parliament finally ratified the withdrawal agreement with the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020. The UK left the EU at the end of 31 January 2020 CET
That was from Wikipedia. Thank you for telling me the truth
By #553818 23,Feb,22 10:50
Apart from people saying we aren't in the EU - we very much still are.

Now, I did vote remain, but even I would rather see it acted on than the sorry state of affairs it's become.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Feb,22 15:10 other posts 
as a citizen,what advantage did you see in being a part of a "union"?
I was glad to see the UK get it's independence back. I had no idea they were still in the eu.
Yep, sometimes it's good to be friends with the biggest bully.
The rest of the time he steals your lunch money and copies your homework.
But, there's a trade-off when he protects you from the other bullies.

Still, it might be time for us European nerds to man up a bit.
Grow some muscle, team up and not take shit from any bully anymore.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Feb,22 14:58 other posts 
Wow,took a long time to wake that up in someone over there.
Now spread that shit,and take care of your own problems so we can spend some time and money on fixing OUR OWN!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 15:47 other posts 
Couldn't leave y'all hanging like that.
I wanted to say something nice about the US, but I resisted that urge.
I wouldn't want to disappoint you, when you were just talking about it.

Still, you are allowed to use some of your tax money on the people, instead of on your bloated military budget. We, the Europeans would be able to defend ourselves.
We would just not do it by invading every dirt poor dictatorship in the world.
Invading countries is expensive and it doesn't make you any safer. You can keep a country minimally stable for 20 years, but it goes to shit as soon as you leave.
Let countries find democracy for themselves. Maybe they would appreciate it more. And maybe try to keep your own democracy from being destroyed by some orange buffoon. It's not worth it, because the other side will fuck up soon enough.

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 04:19 other posts 
This is a freaky "accident"!

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By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 06:15 other posts 
I was called out with my wrecker on interstate I78 5 years ago a tractor trailer had a wheel bearing blow apart and the whole drum hub wheel and tire a 300 plus lb projectile was bouncing down the highway smashing anything in its path it totaled 4 cars and damaged many more before it ran out of momentum
--------------------------------------- added after 31 seconds

What a mess it made
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 06:47 other posts 
That was an "interesting", to say the least, video. It wasn't until the end that I knew where the tire actually came from. I never suspected that it came off of a moving vehicle. YIKES!
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 07:08 other posts 
It can happen many people come in to the shop with rumbling noise or vibration and it usually a wheel bearing but if they ignore the warning signs sooner or later the wheel will fly off
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I’ve had people describe the noise as a washing machine noise and it will change sound a little when you turn left or right

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 15:48 other posts 
I really thought that Putin was bluffing. I thought he was just acting like a spoiled child looking for attention. Now, just like a spoiled child once he gets something he won’t be able to hold onto it. The people of Russia don’t want this and the people of Ukraine will not accept it; more importantly, the world will not accept it.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

…except China. China will accept it.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 21:42 other posts 
Well,the more others get involved to stop it,the more they will get drawn into the mess.
I am afraid we will see another cuban crisis type situation soon after ukraine is under russian control.

By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 09:52 other posts 
So what will biden get us into first?
Nuclear bingo? whereas we sit shivering in fear wondering which US city will get nuked?
Missiles in Cuba again?

If and I hope it never happens, Putin pushes the button,which city do you think he would target first? New York? LA? Dallas?
I think New york because it is political chaos and still scared from 911.

By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 07:36 other posts 
Well apparently Putin decided to invade ukraine. Oil is said to be over a 100 a barrel already.
It is appears Putin is blaming alot of Russias problems on the west.
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All we can hope for now is that biden doesn't keep sending guns and money and prompt Putin to turn his anger and hate directly towards us for supporting ukraine.
I feel bad for those folks over there.but sadly there is nothing we can do.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 08:52 other posts 
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Oh my! And Putin just ate Biden's lunch again. Nothing will stop him from trying to rebuild the Soviet Union.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 09:44 other posts 
Yea,he will get it reassembled. And biden will get us under Putins thumb within 6 months.I smell another Cuban crisis coming.

By #574505 24,Feb,22 08:38
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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 08:51 other posts 
He was marinating Leo's dinner ??
By #574505 24,Feb,22 09:12

By phart [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 09:44 other posts 
This is very scary about the contents of the "vaccine"
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Graphene, mind control,you decide,
From the UK,not the US by the way.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 11:04 other posts 
Hahaha them people have been under their government’s mind control for years already
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 18:08 other posts 
You should probably worry more about what's in your food and beverages that gives you cancer and shit,that you get overcharged for medicine by insurance companies ,who made that treatment with government funding....

Dunno what's in my vaccines,but my dick grew half an inch,and I can't stop fucking....
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 20:57 other posts 
Keep your hands off your stuff.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 18:11 other posts 

By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 19:41 other posts 
There is disinformation in any language.

While Dr Robert Verkerk is definitely a scientist, his Master and PhD is in sustainable agriculture. He has no medical or virology education whatsoever. And it shows, because that video contains a lot of nonsense. For example: the photo and commentary at 9:30 is fear mongering. I know about microscopy. What you see there is just contamination of the microscope system with skin cells, clothing fibers and bacteria or yeasts. The pictures were probably a compilation from hundreds of microscopy pictures taken. If Moderna had something fishy in their vaccines, it would give the same artifacts in every picture.
Graphene wouldn't look like that under a light microscope and individual graphene fibres can only be seen with an electron microscope.
He has been writing a lot about alternative health care, like homeopathy, massage therapy and acupuncture. When you type in his name in google, the next word is 'quack'. Not that I trust Google, but I found it funny. Looking a bit further, I found that has 4 articles with his name in it:
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Dr Robert Verkerk from the Alliance for Natural Health: "The ANH is an industry lobby group who work mainly for food supplement companies and spend much of their time lobbying the EU and governments to give such retailers an easy legislative life.
They do this, of course, under the banner of ‘health freedom’ and people’s choice to ‘alleviate suffering’ through ‘natural health choices’."
Sure, freedom of choice, but alternative medicine shouldn't get more freedom to lie,
than food manufacturers and the pharma industry.

Tess Lawrie is the director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy in Bath, UK.
Sounds legit right?

Until you look a bit further.
Their article about the vaccine is 'misleading'
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It is possible to be critical without being 'misleading'.

The peer reviews of their studies almost unanimously contradict them.
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How evidence-based medicine is failing due to biased trials and selective publication
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Freedom of Information request on graphene oxide in COVID-19 vaccinations:
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By phart [Ignore] 23,Feb,22 21:30 other posts 
Gee must be nice to live on "The World".
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By phart [Ignore] 23,Feb,22 21:01 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Feb,22 07:55 other posts 
Trump’s social media platform dedicated to free speech appears to have already banned account satirising Devin Nunes, with an account called "@DevinNunesCow".
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Why? It's not against their Terms Of Service. How about free speech?

You can make fun of Jack Dorsey on Twitter or Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook or
Susan Wojcicki on YouTube. But snowflake Devin Nunes doesn't like his feelings hurt,
so free speech goes out the window, as soon as his site works just a little bit.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 15:12 other posts 
I was under the assumption that a member was only able to TAKE the ball three times in a 24 hour period of Play Ball! /ball.php however one member TOOK the ball 7 times. What's up with that, admin ?
By admin [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 15:36 other posts 
I don't think there ever were a restriction like that. Personally, if he wants to take 5 points by returning every 2 hours while no one else interrupts this, I don't care. Quite a routine for 5 points.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 16:40 other posts 
admin, you are getting forgetful! At one time, a long, long time ago, the time that any one member could hold onto the ball was 2 hours HOWEVER, I believe Scorps was able to convince you to shorten that time period to 1 hour. Like I said, I believe that your restriction was 3 TOOK/TAKES in a 24 hour period, perhaps your tweak in time also tweaked TOOK, too. Thanks for your response.
By admin [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 19:18 other posts 
I don't remember what I did here a year ago, let alone what was made 5 years ago. Ok, after looking at the code, I think I know what is going on and I think after a tweak I made just now it will not happen again, unless I got it wrong.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 19:46 other posts 
Thanks for the update.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 20:20 other posts 
Then I guess you forgot that there was a time, many years ago, that you gave/gifted us some points, as a gift during the holiday season. That was a very generous gesture.
By admin [Ignore] 20,Feb,22 23:01 other posts 
That was when there were less ways to easily obtain them.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 00:24 other posts 
Ah, you remember THAT! Your memory is not that foggy!
By admin [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 16:55 other posts 
I don't remember it, but I remember when I added more ways to make points and I'm sure I did not give away any points after that.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 17:03 other posts 
You know, admin, it seems senseless to give points away because it seems as though so many members just sit on them. There are so many members that amass points through Play Ball!, casting their vote in BEST IMAGE/MEMBER TOP, deleting gifts in lieu of points.... and they do absolutely nothing with them. That's seems so odd to me, so odd!
By admin [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 20:49 other posts 
They probably treat it as a kind of incremental game. only registered users can see external links

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