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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,Oct,21 17:05 other posts 
It all makes sense now! The site medical officer has found out what ails The Saggy Granny Twowarmtts3! This is not to be confused with her numerous mental disorders and cognitive decline.

Background :

Hair tourniquet syndrome is a rare clinical phenomenon that involves hair, thread, or similar material becoming so tightly wrapped around an appendage that it results in pain, injury, and, sometimes, loss of the appendage. [1] Essentially, any appendage may be involved, including labia, clitoris, uvula, and vaginal labium.

Now I understand to some extent why she is such a cranky loon! We believe that Bjuk Bjuka suffers this as well. He was a real crank cunt in chat last night!

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 08:18 other posts 
Can someone kindly explain this conundrum to me, please? If someone is fully vaccinated from COVID-19 how is it that they die due to complications from COVID-19? What protection did the vaccine provide?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 09:26 other posts 
The conundrum is that people are smart enough to notice what you just brought up.We are supposed to be blind to anything but what felchy=fauchi says on the big screen.
The fact you question it,makes you dangerous and a threat to the new world order.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 10:57 other posts 
The answer to this is...... $$$$$$

Last summer this poor bastard was cut in half by a PATH train near the World Trade Center. He died of COVID. If there is a COVID marked death, there is more money for the hospital. Sad.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 14:40 other posts 
$$$$$ is correct Of course i would pass a couple million to fechly-falchy to keep him peddling my clot shots if my profits were this high. Gravy train!
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For the liberals to hate the rich as much as they do,I wonder if they will tax these companys as they do the working people of the US?
By #610414 19,Oct,21 09:49
Vaccination is not 100% effective
This was published in a government health publication.
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Because vaccines are not 100% effective, as the number of people who are fully vaccinated goes up, the number of vaccine breakthrough infections will also increase. However, the risk of infection remains much higher for unvaccinated than vaccinated people. Studies so far show that vaccinated people are 8 times less likely to be infected and 25 times less likely to experience hospitalization or death. Vaccines remain effective in protecting most people from COVID-19 infection and its complications.

PHART, you seem to be the only blind one not to get this. VACCINES ARE NOT 100% EFFECTIVE. That means you can still get sick and even die. Think of it this way. You parachute out of an airplane, most times you will land on the ground safe and sound. Once in a while, your ‘chute won’t open and you are killed (parachute manufacturers have a return policy). Got it?
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 09:52 other posts 
And what you have presented is exactly why I CHOOSE not to take the shot OR parachute out of planes.
By #610414 19,Oct,21 09:56

Ok. However, I hope you consider other people’s health. You have a bigger chance of being contagious.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 10:06 other posts 
I'm not so sure that I can agree with you on the assertion that non vaccinated people have a bigger chance of being contagious. Let's not lose sight of the fact that even though you may have received the COVID-19 shot, you may still contract the virus. If "you" who are vaccinated contact the virus, you are just as contagious as I am, a non vaccinated person.
By #610414 19,Oct,21 10:18
Touché. I have both initial vaccines and the booster. I also wear a mask in public. I know were you are coming from.. I think I mentioned to Phart that my first granddaughter is totally incapacitated and her system is compromised. She is vaccinated (she’s 25). Her doctors told us that even vaccinated people could bring it to her and even though she’s vaccinated, her system could still be compromised. She would NOT survive it under any circumstance. So we all use masks even when we enter her room. We do it because we know. How about a stranger? Will he/she know that a paraplegic who can’t speak or understand is in danger of dying from a chance encounter?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 14:45 other posts 
you can still carry and transmit the virus after vaccination! Don't you remember felchy-falchy explaining that?
Another thing 2 warm you seem to leave out, you can not sue the manufacture of the shot because it is still in the experimental stages! OVEr 60% of the American people have been given the shot.and lo and behold since their heads didn't explode it must be safe right? Well since they got the shot under the emergency use plan, if they get sick 10 years from now or 3 months from now, they have NO LEGAL RECOURSE. THat is 1 damn good reason to question the shot.IF they are not willing to stand behind their products, they know something we dont'.
This is not a John Deere manure spreader that you can't expect the company to stand behind for being covered up.This is a man made chemical being injected into our bodys.OUR BODY OUR CHOICE. HUM< that line rings a bell.
1 other issue no one seems to think about much.WHY IS IT,that Phizer and others are not sharing the recipe willingly with other countrys? I mean,if,and I do mean IF, saving lives was priority,that recipe would printed in every language and dropped as leaflets over every country on earth so every one could make it.North Korea and Iraq,all of them.
BUT apparently, it is so simple they don't want it to be made public, or something along those lines.
By #610414 19,Oct,21 15:10
That’s a dead horse, Phart. Why would anyone want to sue the manufacturers? Because they tried to keep you safe?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 20:07 other posts 
IF they promote and stick in people a chemical that does harm, why would you NOT want to hold them liable?
Gee,that means if I come up with a clorox alternative and say "Hey Babe,ye want sum" and I give you a shot of clorox and you have convulsions, you wouldn't want me held accountable?
The fear of being held accountable can do 2 things.1 it can keep you honest,2 it can encourage you to hide the truth as long as you can.
By #610414 19,Oct,21 20:25
There you go again. You are assuming your fears are true. Ok, since this is being pushed by the Feds, let’s say you can sue and cap damages to $250,000. Many cities have rules like this. Happy?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 20:35 other posts 
UM,explain a bit? are you suggesting there is a way to hold them accountable for wrong doing if there is any?
By #610414 19,Oct,21 21:16
This country is lousy with litigation. If someone decides that the vaccines caused them personal harm, they have the right to sue. If it goes to civil trial they would have a very tough time. Not only do they have to prove that the vaccines caused them harm but it would probably take them five years or more just to get the case heard. More than likely, the pharma lawyers would advise to settle as it’s cheaper.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 14:48 other posts 
I see no reason to jump from a perfectly good airplane.
BUT Most Americans are taking a chance,like this guy.
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By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 14:57 other posts 
25,000 feet? No parachute? A free fall at approximately 120 miles per hour into a net that measures 100' x 100'? Hell, fricken, NO!
By #610414 19,Oct,21 15:11
He’s a crazy loon
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 20:07 other posts 
So you are sayin we would all fit right in?lol
Let's go rent a aeroplane in the morning!

By #610414 19,Oct,21 20:26
I never said that
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 20:36 other posts 
Well you said he was a crazy loon and we are all crazy so?
copy paste from google
AMERICAN, INFORMAL. If you describe someone as crazy as a loon, you mean that their behaviour is very strange or silly. She was obviously crazy as a loon.
By #610414 19,Oct,21 21:11
I said he was a crazy loon. The other part was added by you
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 04:46 other posts 
Count me in sounds fun
By #610414 19,Oct,21 11:23
Sir-Skittles what does cost or profit have to do with protection from a virulent decease like Covid? Who cares if some poor soul got hit by a train and they autopsy him dying fro Covid? There are over 720000 deaths attributed to Covid. Even if one seventh of that amount is because Covid, your post is a non-starter
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 11:45 other posts 
Like all vaccines the Covid vaccines offer protection that is not 100%. So, while many people do not catch the virus some who are double vaccinates still do and occasionally one of those will for whatever reason dies.
We are aware of this conundrum, as you put it, because the Covid infection, hospitalisation and death figures are reported closely. No other vaccination, including the annual flu vaccines ever get this degree of scrutiny.
I think the question is now why this happens, because it will, but how often?
In the UK the overwhelming majority of people becoming seriously ill, requiring hospitalisation and dying have not had the vaccination. That tells us a great deal.

The vaccine cannot guarantee anything but it certainly stacks the odds in the favour of those who have had both jabs.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 14:57 other posts 
"No other vaccination, including the annual flu vaccines ever get this degree of scrutiny."
That is because of the internet allowing more people to communicate as we are here and learn alternative theory's and side effects and etc. The 1918 flu was a terriable mess BUT there was no communication as we have now,so it was easier to keep the citizens in the dark like mushrooms and feed them bullshit.
And that same 1918 flu strain can be found in todays flu.
IT never left,it just mutated and continued.
By #610414 19,Oct,21 15:38
Your problem is that you see a coverup everywhere. It’s a tough way to live, friend.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 14:16 other posts 
and to flip that back, your problem is you are naïve and to trusting of corrupt elected officials and the scientist cronies they use to control you.
Just as with a piece of paper .Thin or thick as it may be, there are 3 sides to that piece of paper. Yes 3. 1, the front, that has on it what they want you to read and know. ,2, the back side that has opposing view points. 3, the edge, your interpretation of the other 2 sides.
By #610414 20,Oct,21 14:31
You assume I trust blindly. That would make me a fool. The difference is the starting point. I give everyone a fair shake until I find out I’m wrong and should re-evaluate. You start (or so it seems) by not trusting anyone and going from there. Your only guide seems to be how conservative the person is. I believe that is a depressing way to be.
By #648364 20,Oct,21 14:39
That's what happens when people blindly follow political leaning news sources and have been indoctrinated since birth.
By #610414 20,Oct,21 15:00
I know what you mean but, that is a product of your upbringing. My Dad brought up his children to treat everyone equal and to make our opinions on what was important to us. He did not believe in Republican, Democrat, or any other ideological groups. A handshake was always good enough for him until you lost his trust. That handshake could be by listening to the news. I follow his ways.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 16:18 other posts 
You are right about the internet allowing for more scrutiny and that is good.
You are right about the flu virus too, it mutates and returns very year with a new slightly different version.
The downside of the internet is that it allows the ‘looney tunes’ to spread total nonsense, peddling it as fact or claiming that everything positive related to the vaccine is either fake news or a conspiracy.
Not taking the vaccine is a personal choice, that although I think it is wrong, I do respect. The decision should be based on verifiable facts and not based on unverifiable anecdotes seen on YouTube or any other social media site.
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 12:21 other posts 
I can!
And, I can also do it kindly.
By #610414 19,Oct,21 15:55
JustWill, regardless of our differences, please finish your post. This is too important to just make a blurb in this thread and, I hate to say this, but, you seem to have the right answers to important questions.
"Can someone kindly explain this conundrum to me, please? If someone is fully vaccinated from COVID-19 how is it that they die due to complications from COVID-19? What protection did the vaccine provide?"

Are you talking about Colin Powell? He was suffering from multiple myeloma,
a blood cancer that directly harms the bodies ability to fight infections.
The Covid vaccine primes the immune system to recognize the virus.
If a person's immune system doesn't work, the vaccine doesn't work
and they have a bigger risk of dying from the virus itself.

The latest studies show vaccines cut severe Covid risk by 90%.
People like Colin Powell are the other 10%.

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By bella! [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 03:55 other posts 
No, the question was not specific about anyone. According to the CDC, vaccinated people can still become infected and have the potential spread the virus to others.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 06:00 other posts 
Yes, that's true, or at least it is now with the Delta variant.
The vaccines offered at least 90% protection against infection and spread for the original strain. With the Delta variant, that protection is down to around 50% protection against infection and spread. That still helps to contain the virus partially from spreading and mutating.

But, the vaccine is still 84-96% effective in preventing severe disease with
the COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant. If the vaccines did only that,
it would still prevent many people from getting very ill, potentially getting long Covid (e.g. lung damage) or dying.

When they are talking about 'effectiveness of the vaccine', your question should be "effectiveness against what and for which variant?", because they either don't know what they are talking about or they want to spread misinformation.
By #648364 20,Oct,21 13:21
Just received my booster yesterday...Kids being sent home with a fever then allowed back the next day. I would take the shots again. If a staff member gets a fever it's 14 days off or a negative test result. A kid gets a fever they are just sent home until they don't have a fever and not required to test. We are cleaning up vomit more than 3 times the annual norm. A lot of kids not in school. Kids have no concept of social distancing nor can they properly wear a mask more than a minute. They share food and still pick their noses and smear the snot everywhere. They barely wash their hands and nobody even uses the hand sanitizer. Girls are even dropping their masks to kiss the bacteria ridden bathroom mirrors and classroom door windows. Shots for me...shit smeared all over the bathrooms, maxi pads stuck everywhere...piss everywhere but the toilets and urinals.
By #610414 20,Oct,21 18:37
These are the same people that are anti-abortion.
Yep, kids are walking biohazards. So are parents.
Working from home saved me several colds per winter, the past two years.
Just an anecdote, which is mostly useless, because global data gives a much better picture.

My girlfriend and I are vaccinated and also are neighbors, a couple in their late sixties. He informed us he contracted Covid. He's doing fine, he felt a bit feverish, not much more, but my girlfriend visited them in his infectious period. He sent an app informing us, so we could be careful to not spread it or get tested. He was a bit late with that,
so we only had a few days left to show any symptoms. That was a week ago and
both of us had no symptoms yet.

So with the Delta variant being contagious as fuck, it's pretty remarkable that
my girlfriend was probably not infected. Did she just get the lucky draw of the
50% effectiveness against infection? Or did she get infected, but just showed
no symptoms at all?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 06:49 other posts 
Both of those are indeed true. The vaccination protects the person vaccinated from infection and from the serious effects of infection.
A vaccinated person can become infected and certainly can spread the virus if infected.
By #648364 20,Oct,21 13:06
Many are high risk (poor health). The vaccine doesn't mean that you can't get COVID. It's just like any other vaccine. You can still get it but the vaccine helps your body fight it better. The problem is people that are vaccinated think that they still don't have to social distance nor wear a mask. For some reason they think that they can't get COVID or become contagious. Then they go visit grandma with multiple heart surgeries because they are vaccinated...
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 14:39 other posts 
I know COVID is real and had it at the end of March. Was I scared? Heck, yes! But my body, my own antibodies were enough to fight the virus. My sister didn't fare as well, she was hospitalized and surprisingly enough, her husband did not contract the COVID virus.

Here's my blog about COVID /blogs/47241.html

At the time that was written, my parents were in the hospital. My pops was able to get off oxygen and was sent home however my mom never left and passed away on June 19.
By #610414 20,Oct,21 18:46
My heartfelt condolences. I knew you had survived Covid. I never imagined your suffering.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 19:37 other posts 
IF it were not bleached from the web, you could look back when falchy was ask if a vaccine was available would we be able to return to normal. He said yes. Well a vaccine is available and people remember being told they could return to normal.They still play that stupid commercial on cable tv showing people playing ball and eating out and such without mask making it appear that once vaccinated, they can return to a normal life.
Which what I was always under the impression it was meant to do as well from the media hype early on. Like I said, good luck finding a taskforce segment on youtube or anything to back me up,I am sure it is gone.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 15:52 other posts 
According to the Alberta government’s covid website, 80% of people in the hospital for Covid are unvaccinated and 90% of the patients in the intensive care unit are unvaccinated. The vaccination greatly lessens the severity of the symptoms if you get Covid.
Like wearing a seatbelt, some people don’t survive but also like wearing a seatbelt the severity of your injuries are very often minimalized.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,21 12:20 other posts 
Will we have to start wearing a diaper to keep each other from shitting their pants?
If falchy says we should, biden will be preaching it soon.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 21,Oct,21 07:34 other posts 
Trump back on social media!!

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Biden already seen crying.

The View are all outraged

Don Lemon had a stroke

Michael Moore just ordered a 10 bucket crying dinner from KFC

By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 03:18 other posts 
I think it’s sad that guys photoshop their cock. It’s quite stupid actually. The premise is…you MUST HAVE A BIG DICK. Male bravado. Fucking dumb. A big dick is not pleasurable in most situations.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 04:44 other posts 
Seriously, some members Photoshop their cock pictures? And to think that I thought that their member was the actually the size of a baseball bat! Oi!
On my experience with pleasuring women, it would be more appealing to Photoshop
a 5 inch tongue.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 22:34 other posts 
100% well that's what my wife says
By #610414 19,Oct,21 09:53
Men seem to forget that size is for shoes. It’s what you do with what God gave you that counts.
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 12:20 other posts 
As I have said here before: What matters the most is the guy the dick is ATTACHED to.
I don't care how big your dingus is; if you are an asshole, your pecker is an asshole, too!

That being said, a HANDSOME dick is a totally different story. A great looking dick, no matter the size, is a wonder to behold ( or, be held, for that matter).
No one ever takes the time to photoshop their ugly fucking pecker to make it look more attractive.
By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 18:38 other posts 
I have a big man crush on you, Will. 😍
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 22:26 other posts 
I case you didn't know it, Mr Yumm, the feeling is mutual
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 15:00 other posts 
I never understood lying about your pecker size. I mean, if you are successful and get into the britches of someone ,they will find out right quick you were lying. DUH.
By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 18:31 other posts 

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