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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,24 02:05 other posts 
This member does not exist
Main Page
(this member nick was KITKAT, the account was recently deleted by the user)

By phart [Ignore] 19,May,24 23:34 other posts 
Just in case you need to know,'
what to feed a stray cat
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“When a cat starts coming around your house and looking for attention, begging for food, or trying to sneak in your front door, there's a good chance you've been adopted,” explains Megan Phillips, BS, ADBC.Mar 28, 2024
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,24 00:16 other posts 
When CAT comes around looking for attention, begging or sneaking around?

Word to the wise, be careful what you say. You might get blacklisted!
By phart [Ignore] 20,May,24 00:31 other posts 
Well life will go forward anyway,

By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 20:24 other posts 
Hey, I thought this post was rather amusing. Yeah, the post was made by that 68 year old member who thinks they look 45.

The thread asked what do you do for a living and this is the response.

"I’m retired now. I fuck for money. lol"

My elderly uncle would ask my elderly aunt, to clip his toenails. When she obliged, he tipped her one quarter. My guess is that the above member is bragging about the spouse flipping her/him a dollar, from time to time. Haha!
By #551147 15,Sep,20 06:14
Could be a match made in heaven?

I know of one, who's motto is: "I solely work to pay for fucking".
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 06:55 other posts 
Really, someone, a member, really said "I solely work to pay for fucking."? Stop, don't tease me like that! Shut up!
By #551147 17,Sep,20 03:48
Yeah! This lowlife ➡️ Leopoldij...

Trust me, NO amount of money would be worth a whirl on that pole.

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 11:22 other posts 
I knew it, I, frickin', knew it! I'm not surprised that that pig has to pay for sex!
By #610414 15,Sep,20 07:16
Hey, doing something fun and get paid for. Win-win. My Charlie always gets it for free. All others get charged. At 68 it's good knowing my lovers will spend $100 to lay in bed with me as Charlie fucks them in the ass.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 07:55 other posts 
Wow! Now that's something that you should be very proud of. You're 68 and are paid one hundred dollars by someone to lay in your bed while Charlie penetrates their ass.

It's really sad that during your many years of working, that you and your spouse didn't save enough or invest, wisely to ensure that your "golden years" were golden. Too bad that you have to be Charlie's "wingman" in order to pay lot fees, buy cigarettes and pay for the medication that you obviously need.
By #610414 16,Sep,20 20:48
Let's see. two houses paid for. Large 401K's. You just can't see it. You and sex are like oil and water. You never mix it up. That's why you have no idea of the rapture of a threesome. Of course you don't even own an adult toy.
We,Charlie, Gerome and I, are doing good and with lots of fun.
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 19,May,24 22:58 other posts 
kitkat -gringo- Was that large 401k helpful during that suit with the bank? You would think you could afford to keep from defaulting with such a generous pension. Hopefully there was no lien on the deeds to the houses.
By #610414 17,Sep,20 11:28
Bella, you are one stupid BITCH. You really think I would confess to prostitution in a forum? Public or private? We read this over and over and can't stop laughing.
Look, I'm going to help you out. Charlie will be 72 on Dec 27, 2020.I'll be 69 on March 2021. Either one of us has more sex appeal and more sex drive than what you've had your whole life. That is what's sad. A middle aged woman with a dried up pussy.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 12:02 other posts 
All aboard! The Crazy Wagon is loaded and ready to depart. Looks like somebody forgot to take their medication today.

By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,24 17:15 other posts 
The early evening news is on and the reporter asserts that for the first time in decades, that the population in the D is on the upswing. The reporter says that in 2022, census reported that Detroit's population jumped from 631,xxx to 633,xxx, for an increase of 1,852 people! Gimme a break! That is funny as all get out!
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,May,24 17:54 other posts 
It’s because basic cable TV is 250 dollars per month now days and the black community can’t afford it anymore so they have nothing else to do but fuck
By bella! [Ignore] 16,May,24 18:09 other posts 
Yeah, it's hard to believe that 1,852 people moved to the City of Detroit, your conclusion seems more plausible. Who knows, the increased head count could be attributed to the high schoolers not interested in doing homework or involved in after school programs and activities.... No basketball program, let's fuck. No boxing program, let's fuck. No football program, let's fuck. No track programs, let's fuck. I wonder whether stolen cars are on the downside because of all the fucking!?
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,May,24 18:52 other posts 
now that’s a thought and maybe crime is down to
By bella! [Ignore] 17,May,24 18:08 other posts 
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By dgraff [Ignore] 17,May,24 21:07 other posts 
Yep they be fucking
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 19,May,24 15:08 other posts 
1852 more people -- there will be an uptick in crime of nearly 14%

By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,24 19:01 other posts 
This was the "lead" story of the night! The best that Icanrecall, there hasn't been an increase in population since 1957? For real, 67 years and it's news worthy about a population increase of 1852!

By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,24 11:29 other posts 
Don't forget to use the CAT's litter box.

By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 19,May,24 11:32 other posts 

I thought the CAT went off to get spayed or euthanized and abandoned the litter box with all of its turds. Looks like it came back and brought back more shit and an old cranky Tom Cat with her.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,24 14:19 other posts 
Dang! I like that that moniker for him, TomCAT!

By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,24 11:56 other posts 
Has anyone "seen" phart? He's not been online in two days. He mentioned about 1 week to 10 days ago that he was feeling under the weather. Here's hoping that both he and his father are doing well.
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 18,May,24 12:24 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 18,May,24 16:49 other posts 
I am alive,just was out of town for a day or 2.Feeling much better.I just don't announce when I am leaving until I get back!
I have no idea what had ahold of me but it is still making me weak and worthless for the most part. a couple days rest Away from home helped alot but now I am pooped.
By #715776 18,May,24 17:25
Main thing is that you are getting better.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,May,24 18:02 other posts 
Good to know that you're okay. It wouldn't hurt to tell us you're going to be busy for a period of time so that we don't put a BOLO on you.
By phart [Ignore] 18,May,24 23:29 other posts 
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 18,May,24 19:36 other posts 
Drink lots of water.
By phart [Ignore] 18,May,24 23:30 other posts 
been guzzling gator aid the past 3 days,hadn't before, can't be hurting much

By kebmo [Ignore] 17,May,24 17:17 other posts 
The Dow Jones closed at 40,003.59.
The first time it ever closed above 40,000.

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--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

The Toronto stock exchange is within five points of breaking its all-time record as well.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,May,24 18:40 other posts 
This was something that made me smile;

“40,000 is a great milestone, but end of the day there isn’t much difference between 39,999 and 40k,”
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,May,24 18:57 other posts 
Psychology it’s huge.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,May,24 19:03 other posts 
You bet! What is your thought about buying gold?
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,May,24 20:55 other posts 
It’s the only safe investment out there in this liberal country
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

1 ounce of gold right now is just over 2,100 dollars and rising
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,May,24 22:09 other posts 
The price of gold generally spikes before an election
and declines after it.

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By Cody8789 [Ignore] 18,May,24 01:03 other posts 
At 40,000, I bet it will start to decline. I always thought when the stock market is doing good, gold and silver go down. I have a lot of gold and silver, guess it’s time to sell.
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,May,24 03:39 other posts 
Or you can save your gold and silver until the next election comes around. If you send it to me I will take care of it for you.
By #715776 18,May,24 17:26

By bella! [Ignore] 17,May,24 23:56 other posts 
Oprah's gal pal, 69 year old Gayle King, is chosen to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition!

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By CaptainCanada [Ignore] 17,May,24 17:48 other posts 
Do you prefer unfiltered pics or don't care?

Personally, I prefer unfiltered- the filters make everyone look the same.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,May,24 18:10 other posts 
Filtered versus unfiltered, is "filtered" a milder way of saying Photoshop'd?
By CaptainCanada [Ignore] 17,May,24 18:12 other posts 
Yeah- photo shopping is more detailed.. filters are typically set to auto on our phones
By bella! [Ignore] 17,May,24 18:30 other posts 
With the understanding you provided about filtered, it sounds as though it is more like an "artistic expression" so filtered pictures might be hit or miss. Just like anything, I might like something yet you might not.

Example; King Charles III's coronation portrait. My guess is he likes it. Me, the portrait does not "speak" to me. Yes, there's no denying that the face in the portrait looks exactly like him but surrounded by all that red, that being an official portrait, looks absolutely CRAZY! He looks demonic.

Also, when I asked whether filtered was similar to Photoshop'd, I can appreciate Photoshop if it is to remove marks, bruises, tatts however if Photoshop is used to enlarge one's penis, that's a bit over the top.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,May,24 21:00 other posts 
Just take a good look at some of robin’s pictures you can see without a shadow of a doubt were the two sections dick are pieced together I mean if you’re going to post phony pictures do it right at least

By Jamie [Ignore] 12,May,24 22:34 other posts 
Getting ready for tomorrow morning knee replacement surgery though my left knee going out two
By bella! [Ignore] 12,May,24 22:56 other posts 
A total knee replacement? My guess is that we probably won't be seeing/hearing from you for a couple of weeks. I hope that you chose to have it done as an in-patient surgery rather than at a surgi-center where they operate and send your happy ass home in the same day mere hours after the surgery. Regardless, you will have busy days ahead of you, the in-house nurses visits and in-house physical therapy starting only days after you return home. Most likely you will have a 2 week follow up visit with your surgeon so that [s]he can release you to outpatient physical therapy that lasts for 4 weeks OR MORE.... Please try to keep us updated. We will be praying for your speedy recovery.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,May,24 07:51 other posts 
Good luck Jamie- Wishing you a speedy recovery!

And I know this cunt will be back on site three hours after surgery!

--------------------------------------- added after 12 hours

you get a new Llanta installed ?

By Jamie [Ignore] 13,May,24 18:34 other posts 
think your right
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,May,24 18:45 other posts 
Wishing you well Jamie
By bella! [Ignore] 13,May,24 20:55 other posts 
Did you cancel your surgery or why are you online already. If you have been through surgery already, did you allow the anesthesia time to wear off?
By Jamie [Ignore] 13,May,24 21:34 other posts 
No. I'm still in the hospital. Just walk with a walker a little bit got a little dizzy. Tomorrow I be in a CPM machine.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,May,24 23:10 other posts 
That's gonna put a bend in your knee!
By Jamie [Ignore] 13,May,24 23:17 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,24 06:26 other posts 
Look at what the installation of Jamie's new Llanta enabled him to do! This is what caused him to need the surgery. lol

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By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 15,May,24 16:12 other posts 
I’m laughing at the use of llanta.
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 13,May,24 18:44 other posts 
Best of luck, and stay focused on the PT! A good friend of mine had both done and her quality of life/sports performance improved significantly once she muscled through recovery.
By Jamie [Ignore] 13,May,24 23:16 other posts 
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,May,24 18:49 other posts 
Good luck. Respect your physical terrorist! That’s what they do for a living and they know what is best for you. After you’re done with them be sure to send them a note thanking them for their help.
By Jamie [Ignore] 13,May,24 23:16 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 14,May,24 07:18 other posts 
jamie gato- how did it go?
By bella! [Ignore] 14,May,24 08:01 other posts 
A good indication of how "well" his surgery went was he was up walking around and when he wasn't walking, he came online to check-in.
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,24 10:39 other posts 
my neighbor had his knee replaced a couple years ago, a robot did the cutting and such, a month or so ago he had swelling in his leg. Dr did the scans and said the glue has come loose and the rubbery stuff in the joint is failing.
So another surgery is in order.
By Jamie [Ignore] 14,May,24 11:19 other posts 
Don't scare me now
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,24 23:02 other posts 
Well, I won't tell you much about the poor fellow that had his hip replaced at the VA and had issues, turns out the joint had been recalled years prior and was NOT supposed to be used.
Not trying to scare you at all, Just want you to know there can be issues.
Listen to the therapist and keep a good track of pain, swelling and so on, and if you start feeling sick, infection can be disastrous. We want you healthy, happy!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 14,May,24 07:30 other posts 
If only Woody had listened to his doctor and taken care of his diabetes! He would not be a double amputee!

He has had at least two strokes and dealing with MS.

By kebmo [Ignore] 15,May,24 12:40 other posts 
How did it go? Dancing yet?
By Jamie [Ignore] 15,May,24 13:42 other posts 
I wish lol
[deleted image]
By bella! [Ignore] 15,May,24 14:47 other posts 
Have you been hooked up to the CPM device yet?
By Jamie [Ignore] 15,May,24 15:09 other posts 
Yes 4 times a day and ice machine
By phart [Ignore] 15,May,24 22:52 other posts 
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i had to googlize that to see what it was .
wow, I know I do not look forward to the day that I will have to have something like that done.
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,May,24 03:27 other posts 
Ouch! The good news is that it’s better than it was last week. 💐

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