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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Sep,21 14:57 other posts 
Couldn’t a Democratic state do the same thing with guns as Texas has done with abortions?
By phart [Ignore] 04,Sep,21 19:16 other posts 
To a point yes. There is provision for a state law to be stricter than federal but not less. I think there would be so many repercussions it would be to problematic for most states to pull off
BUT perhaps going with the same theory I have in another subject thread about colleges.Perhaps liberals that like to kill babies need to leave Texas.And people that value their 2d admin rights can leave the liberal shit holes and go to texas. Resegregate people according to intelligence and abilty to act with common sense.
A ounce of prevention is worth way more than the cost of a abortion and much cheaper.
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Sep,21 05:36 other posts 
I like to eat veal and baby carrots.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,21 06:01 other posts 
I've never had veal, I'm not too keen on how it is harvested.
By #610414 05,Sep,21 21:07
Phart, why do you advocate segregation? Why should I, someone that hates guns and the way the 2nd amendment is interpreted, should leave Texas if I like it!
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,21 22:29 other posts 
Well,you could move somewhere that is better in alignment with your political views for example.
IF all the people that feel a certain way are in 1 place and all the people that feel another way are elsewhere ,then they would not be as affected by the opposing veiws.
By #610414 06,Sep,21 01:22
Why? You mean I should give up a place I like because other people don’t agree with me on politics? You would do that?
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,21 09:46 other posts 
I would love to live in Texas every one carries a hand gun they wear them like jewelry I could use some of my long range rifles along the Mexican border I love to hunt but it’s to damn hot there for me
By #610414 06,Sep,21 10:33
Texas is downright chili for us close to the Conk Republic. I have nothing against carrying in a hip/shoulder holster. It’s when I see some dude carrying what looks like a long barrel hunting riffle hanging from his shoulder that I start to feel uneasy. Luckily, I’ve got big tits and they are friendly. A flash of those and he’s disarmed.
By #610414 16,Sep,21 12:16
Phart Gov Newsom won the recall election by two to one. Almost 70% of Californians prefer him to the GOP. It’s a lie. The election was stolen. Mexican dead people voted from Mexico City. The entire Population of Utah voted for him. And one vote was from the man himself, Trump.
By #610414 16,Sep,21 17:04
They could if they had the right equipment


By #610414 15,Sep,21 19:04
Looks like Trump is loosing his touch.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Sep,21 06:14 other posts 
Trumps old news as I said before the Democrats have to go big this time or go home it’s the republicans move now and I’m watching closely to see what there next big thing is and it better be some one under 60 I’m not voting for these old farts that can’t remember what lies they told me a week ago
By #610414 16,Sep,21 10:00
Almost all incumbent presidents win a second term. My tits tell me Biden will too. There's a lot to be said for younger FEMALE presidents (I guess men too). There's the 3AM feeding (Your specialty), the 5AM diaper change, and the 2PM anal massage.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Sep,21 10:12 other posts 
Do you really think Biden will live long enough to see a second term I’m a betting man and I got my doubts he will he’s fading quick I can tell
By #610414 16,Sep,21 10:22
Well, if not, it will be a lovely funeral. Why, Trump can give the eulogy and Harris can give him his last blow job.........lovely, lovely I tell you.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Sep,21 14:22 other posts 

By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 03:25 other posts 
A member has created a forum thread he seems to be looking for hairy woman
By kebmo [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 04:34 other posts 
Insert “Yo Mama” joke here.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 04:55 other posts 
I get lost in the jungle So no hope navigating this thread 🤣🤣🤣🤣
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Sep,21 13:05 other posts 
Dev01- mate, don't go near this Wuhan minge....

[deleted image]
By #610414 16,Sep,21 10:14
He must be British and homesick.

By #610414 16,Sep,21 10:11
Gov. DeSantis is proclaiming today that panties and briefs are outlawed. He doesn't believe in Covid or masking.

By #610414 16,Sep,21 10:09
Californians and Conservative Republicans. There's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one.

By #610414 13,Sep,21 13:45
Tecsan don’t let them wind you up. Sir-Skittles Pa-Freddy and Bella! are old pros at winding up other members. It’s how about hey get their jolly’s
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 17:48 other posts 
For sure, tecsan, don't allow Sir-Skittles, PA-Freddy or myself to wind you up. Take your cues from a pro, listen to and allow TWOWARMTTS3 or her other profile, Twowarmtts3! to provide you guidance. She's exactly who I would want and choose to guide me through the hurdles of SYD/SYC and life.
By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 18:16 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 19:02 other posts 
I will lead him astray
By #610414 14,Sep,21 08:30
bad boy
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 22:14 other posts 
Why are you laughing!?
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 01:23 other posts 
But Bella you advised me to ignore piss ass freddy and shittles's comments...Now how in the hell does that benefit me...It benefits piss ass freddy (well not anymore admin blocked the bitch), shittles and you...Now Bella how is your advice working for yourself...You take cheap shots at me every chance you get in order to support the precious two...shittles and piss ass freddy...
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 02:37 other posts 
Yep, I advised you to ignore PA-Freddy and Sir-Skittles. Did you do that? NO, because you enjoy bitching and whining about what they post. You whine and they wind you up some more, but only tighter.

Sorry you feel that I have taken cheap shots at you. Let me explain, sometimes my eyes begin to spin when I see some of your posts and I feel compelled to say something.
By #610414 15,Sep,21 16:47
Lady, I’d rather cut out my tongue with a rusty can lid than give you advice.

By #610414 10,Sep,21 11:51
Yesterday, September 9, 2021, the bronze statue of the TRAITOR Robert E Lee was finally removed from Richmond, Virginia.
The statue of Robert E. Lee that towered over the onetime capital of the Confederacy has been cut into pieces and hauled away to some obscure warehouse, maybe the weaponized myth of Lee as a great man — or even a good one — can finally be mothballed as well.

AP News.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 11:13 other posts 
Not in your life time,he was not a traitor to his state of Virginia. THat is why he went with the south,to defend his state.
I guess since the 'great white north was the "winner" of the war you would rather have burn and rap@ Sherman up there wouldn't you?
why can't people like you learn that history is not pretty, there is parts of it that none of us like.But still people fought and died trying to protect their family's ,their homes, their lively hoods. And they should not be forgotten to satisfy the minority's.
1 thing about it, if the south still had enough MEN WITH BALLS to stand up and fight and help the South Rise again, we would win because there is nothing but pansy ass pussy's up there that don't like guns. So their sticks and stones and words would not help them
By #610414 14,Sep,21 17:47
Phart, Lee fought on the side of the Confederacy. That makes him a Traitor. It’s not a hard concept. He fought against the United States even though he was a citizen of this country. HE WAS A TRAITOR. If there’s a group that wants to bring down the Union and establish a new Confederacy, they are TRAITORS.
There’s no excuse, no extenuating circumstances. TRAITORS
By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 18:06 other posts 
Lee nor any other Confederate officer or soldier was ever tried for treason, ever.
By #610414 14,Sep,21 20:28
You may be right but read this:

Like Admiral Semmes, some officers in the Confederate Army were charged with treason after the Civil War. Though the 1866 Civil Rights Act vindicated those in the Confederacy in an attempt to help the reconstruction and reunification process, it did not protect the leaders of the Confederate Army. Many men in various ranks were charged with treason, and the South despised each arrest and often publicly disapproved of the arrests of their recently celebrated heroes. The Union did not arrest many officers, however. Though a great many in the North, including President Andrew Johnson, believed that treason was "odious" and should be punished by death, the law dictated that the Union had no jurisdiction to prosecute the rebels. In addition, many government officials in the Union believed that if the officers of the Confederate Army were executed, they would die martyrs and only make Reconstruction harder to accomplish.

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And this:

Confederate President Jefferson Davis, left, and Gen. Robert E. Lee were traitors under the U.S. Constitution's definition of treason, according to William A. Blair, yet neither man -- nor any other Confederate -- was ever tried for the crime.

Weather anyone was tried for treason or not, they were TRAITORS
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 18:28 other posts 
Now be careful phart I’ve lived in the great white north all my life the only reason the south lost the war was because general grant was a better strategist than Robert e lee
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 21:53 other posts 
All jokes aside,
It is sad ,quite sad,that people think it was so great that Sherman and men like him ,ra-ed women and children,burned crops, killed live stock and so on, to preserve this "wonderful Union". Slavery gets thrown into the mix, it only became a issue later in the war, if you read books of the era instead of revisionist history.
The south had slaves.Ok,they were brought here, they were clothed ,fed,learned something like growing crops, were later freed, and who took them in, democrats, that resumed the slavery under the name of welfare Money for votes.Shermans actions were evil,pure and simple,but yet,people demonize LEE? How many of his men burned people out and rap@d?
Never heard of it happening from the south have you? It was the North.
By #610414 14,Sep,21 22:31
Phart no one thinks Sherman’s scorched earth tactics was a good thing for the people, but, he was waging war on an enemy in the enemy’s territory. His campaign shortened the war by immeasurable increments. I like how you describe slaves as learning to grow crops. All African tribes knew how to farm both crops and livestock. Money for votes is a joke. Blacks were prevented from voting in any way possible. And as far as burning the towns and villages, look at what the cavalry under Custer and others did to the native Americans. The long walks under penalty of death if they refused that moved them hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles from their lands. Phart, get your facts straight, then think about those facts, and then, stop your sympathizing for a traitorous bunch of people. And for God’s sake, read the history of slavery in this country.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,21 13:38 other posts 
And don't forget I am part Cherokee so I am not ignorant of the suffering of the Indians either.
The southern farmers were not the enemy of the US, but yet they suffered and it seems to be ok.

IF people were really honest about this whole slavery thing, they would admit that most of the black people today driving Lexus and selling drugs to their own youth ,would not be alive or would be in Africa somewhere running with a spear from a big animal of some sort.
Their ancestors suffered as slaves and their sacrifice was the price paid for the freedom their descendants squander today.
By #610414 15,Sep,21 16:14
Most of the black people today driving a Lexus and selling drugs to their own? Talk about painting with a wide brush. Between Charlie and I we have about 9 doctors. All specialists. Four are black and drive Lexuses and Mercedes. One for sure drives a Porche. All have super expensive homes and all, including the Chinese and regular white ones, own a corner in the ghetto where they sell their product. My gynecologist sells her pussy for jewelry.
By #610414 15,Sep,21 16:19
I don’t forget you are part Cherokee. And don’t forget I’m part Russian, even though I don’t know how to dance the Kozachok dance. It’s not what could have been but what it is. Slavery existed. There is nothing you can say to contradict that. Freed slaves where not transported back to Africa. Can’t say anything to contradict that, either. And what makes you think it’s better to be here than running around in the African wild with a spear hunting big game? Slave descendants don’t squander their freedom. They have to endure the bigotry and racial hatred of those CHRISTIAN whites that think their shit don’t stink and everyone else’s does. There’s a name for those. WASPS.

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,21 07:57 other posts 
Does anyone other than myself, just want to spit when they spot another one of tecsan 's posts on under@ge sex? Although as a parent you you might be enraged about your 13 year old daughter being intimate with the 14 year old boy down the road, this type of scenario has been going on since the word began to spin. My guess is that 13 and 14 year old boys have experimented with their sexuality, too. But my take on tecsan's posts are that this nut case thinks that they are deviant and or against the law.

Some of these trysts are against the law but it all boils down to the ages of those involved as well as what happened and under what conditions it happened. I tried to find something on the criminal sexual conduct laws of Michigan but was able to put my fingers on something understandable relating to Minnesota laws that was much clearer. Here's a copy and paste from Google because I don't know how to attach the link.

Degrees of Criminal Sexual Conduct
There are five different categories of criminal sexual conduct in the state of Minnesota, all of which come with serious consequences.

First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
First degree criminal sexual conduct involves “sexual penetration” in addition to one or more of the following aggravating factors:

Victim is under the age of 13, and the defendant is 3 or more years older
Victim is 13-15 years of age and offender is:
Four years older
In an authority position and uses that position to force submission
Victim is under the age of 16 and:
Offender has a significant relationship with the victim and/or the offender:
Uses force or coercion
Uses or threatens to use a weapon
Causes victim fear of bodily harm
Injures victim
Commits numerous sex acts over a period of time
Victim has fear of great bodily harm
Offender uses or threatens to use a dangerous weapon
Offender injures victim and:
Uses force or coercion
Victim is mentally impaired/incapacitated, or physically helpless
Offender is assisted by an accomplice who uses force or a dangerous weapon
Second Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
Second degree criminal sexual conduct charges follow the same guidelines as first degree criminal sexual crimes. The difference is that “sexual penetration” is not needed. Instead, the law requires only “sexual contact.”

Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
Third degree criminal sexual conduct is also similar to first degree criminal sexual conduct where “sexual penetration” is needed.

Third degree criminal sexual conduct requires “sexual penetration” and one or more of these aggravating factors:

Victim is under 13, and defendant is less than 3 years older
Victim is 13, 14, or 15, and defendant is 2 years older
Victim is 16 or 17, and the offender:
Has a significant relationship with victim
Is in an authoritative position over victim and uses that position so victim will submit
Has significant relationship to victim, and:
Uses force or coercion
Uses or threatens use of real or fake weapon
Causes victim reasonable fear of great bodily harm
Causes personal injury to the victim
There are multiple sexual acts committed over an extended time
Defendant uses force or coercion
Defendant knows or has reason to know victim is mentally impaired/incapacitated or physically helpless
Defendant is aided or abetted by an accomplice who uses force or threatens to use a dangerous weapon
Offender is a psychotherapist, victim is a patient and:
The act occurs during a therapy session
Emotionally dependent on defendant
The act results from a therapeutic deception
The offender is a health care professional, and the act occurs by means of false representation
Fourth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
Fourth degree criminal sexual conduct charges may be issued in the same instances as in third degree charges but with “sexual contact” rather than “sexual penetration.” Other aggravating factors for fourth degree offenses are:

Victim is 13, 14, or 15, and offender is:
Four years older
In a position of authority, and uses that position to force submission
Fifth Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
Fifth degree criminal sexual conduct involves any of the following:

Nonconsensual sexual contact with anyone
Engaging in masturbation or lewd exhibition of the genitals in the presence of a minor under the age of 16
Removal or attempted removal of clothing covering intimate parts or undergarments
Nonconsensual touching of the intimate parts of another, if performed with sexual or aggressive intent
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 12,Sep,21 08:51 other posts 
Anything that Lady Tecsan posts is formed from his moronic brain and paranoid rants. He really isn't very intelligent. The sad cunt sends me dozens of messages and comments every night. It starts around 2300 and goes all night, including weekends! Sad cunt has no life at all.

Lady Tecsan is also a staunch defender of Lix and the Saggy Granny.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Sep,21 09:38 other posts 
His posts seem to be in retaliation to things that PA-Freddy posts, like tecsan trying to create a problem, where there is no problem. PA-Freddy's fantasy blogs are frequently about tecsan and PA does it just to wind him up. Either tecsan is stoopid or he likes whining and complaining like a little girl. Whichever way it is, I find it unattractive and annoying.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 12,Sep,21 12:15 other posts 
Tecsan's "retaliation"... as easy as swatting a bug away
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 01:07 other posts 
Your retaliation shittles is like flyshit, fucking meaningless...
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 01:44 other posts 
Curious to see how you defend piss ass freddy...You think most of your descriptions towards me probably applies toward piss ass freddy...I did not start it...Piss ass freddy did...And piss ass freddy got itself blocked from my page...Think before you type...
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 03:01 other posts 
And how you react to things is quite curious to me. You act like a teenage girl who is perpetually on her menstrual cycle.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 03:28 other posts 
You may not have started the commotion but by golly, it's easy to see you're not smart enough to stop the commotion.
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 03:57 other posts 
Oh, but by all means I did let freddy end it itself...Now it has fake accounts attacking me...You know it as well as I...
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 01:06 other posts 
Really, coming from a damn fucking liar...Check out piss ass shits rants on his blog. Hell, he even supports a moron named piss ass freddy that got itself blocked from my page by admin...I send when I get the time, thank you very much douche bag shittles...Shittles and piss ass freddy can dish it out, but neither can take it...Both are fucking coward bitches...
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 10:34 other posts 
Tecsan Freddy owns you and make sure you finish your cranberry juice. Doctor said it will help your sore cunt
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 01:45 other posts 
Really, Bella owns you and piss ass freddy...Remember to take the RX descovy bitch...
By #610414 12,Sep,21 10:01
Without context it’s hard to have an opinion. Where did Tecsan say this?
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 01:33 other posts 
Bella you did get some things wrong, but I will be nice and not point them out...I doubt you have any kids, but I wish you the best if you do...I hope they never encounter a piss ass like freddy...I truly do...We can even drop the un der age part...Why does freddy make the older one a black guy???Is this racist or what...Also, piss ass freddy stated I was 13 and a BLACK GUY was 14...Now GUY to me implies older than 14...But still if I were only 13 then I am not at the age of consent and unwilling as I would have been that would be a sexual assault...You can call me mindless all you want, but I like to protect the children...Always have and always will...Why bring RACE and un der age sex into an argument unless your name is piss ass freddy...???Piss ass freddy is a child in it's mind...I know, why argue with a child that is 21 years of age, but it should know better...
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 03:22 other posts 
Nope, I didn't get anything wrong. You are the butt of PA-Freddy's tormenting and since he is able to make you cry like a little girl, he continues to torment you. You've got it wrong.

What difference do the details of his fantasy blog make? The 14 year old boy is black, so what!? What if he added that he was 300lbs? Would you be screaming about "fat shaming", too?

As far as the word GUY goes, I'm not sure if there is an age that can be associated with the word. And IF you are a father of a boy, surely someone has said something like, "what a cute little guy", "how old is your little guy", etc. And GUY doesn't necessarily mean "male person" any longer. Sometimes a group of females will be referred to as "guys".

Your last sentence sums everything up; "why argue with a child that is 21 years of age, but it [sic] should know better...". THE PROBLEM IS YOU DON'T HAVE ANY COMMON SENSE AND YOU LOVE TO PISS AND MOAN LIKE A LITTLE GIRL.
By #574505 13,Sep,21 09:52
I wonder how Tecsan looks like dress in a little grils dress lol
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 10:33 other posts 

Tecsan Lady Tecsan doesn't like to wear a white dress being she is always on her period!
By #574505 13,Sep,21 10:51
Is that why he wears Red panties ..
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 14:26 other posts 
They weren’t red when he put them on
By #574505 13,Sep,21 16:23
Oh my gosh dgraff all this time I thought they were..
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 19:00 other posts 
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 01:47 other posts 
Prove it bitch...That thought had to come from your gay assed experience...BTW, you are running scared little bitch...Neither of you two little assholes are on my blog...Thankfully...
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 02:45 other posts 
Are you saying that you really do wear white dresses? I'm not sure if this is still a fashion no-no, no wearing white after Labor Day.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 05:15 other posts 
I thought you had to be a virgin to wear white
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 14:11 other posts 
Freddy purchased Lady Tecsan for 6 site points and a Taco Bell gift card. Most believe he overpaid Tecsan is worthless as a bag of shaved cunt hairs.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,21 14:16 other posts 

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