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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 16,Apr,20 11:32 other posts 
This video clip is quite enjoyable, especially the part that shoes a young Prince Charles breakdancing! He has quite the moves!

The Funniest Royal Family Moments: only registered users can see external links
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Whoops! That's supposed to read;

"This video clip is quite enjoyable, especially the part that SHOWS (not shoes) a young Prince Charles breakdancing! He has quite the moves!

Thank you Ted-E-Bare for bringing that to my attention!
By #608173 17,Apr,20 05:43
You're welcome bella! . I did PM you on this . But I guess the post had timed out for editing . Pity "Poolboy" wasn't around I'm sure he would have known a work around for it .
As you say Charlie boy has some snazzy moves . But what the heck he was doing hunkering down on his knees buggers me .

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 19:08 other posts 
I was out of the house today, went to McDonald's drive-thru for coffee before going into town for a stroll on the boardwalk.

I've seen this silver Toyota around town just heaped full-o-stuff and my guess, this vehicle is "home" for the 50 something-ish lady driver. So today I spotted the lady sitting in her car in McDonald's parking lot, parked at the furthest point away. I've also spotted her parked behind the local Kroger, far enough away from spying eyes.

Upon my return home, I see that she's still parked behind McDonald's and I decide I'm going to do something unexpected, something I thought might be nice. I ordered her a small pizza at the local pizza shop, jump in Mickey D's drive thru line and buy a coke. So now it's time to deliver. I'm sure I surprised her and she's probably a very proud woman but I was more surprised that she decided to decline my gift of lunch. I don't know if I could have done things differently or if pride stood in the way of a lunch bought for her.
By #608173 16,Apr,20 05:22
I know . Its od how people are reacting to this situation we are in . No body really knows what to do . What to say . How to react . Is the gift alright to accept ? . Is that offer of help allowed while we are supposed to be social distancing ? . Its all confusing . I borrowed my neighbours power washer at the weekend to do my yard . So to thank them I went down to shops a bought two Easter eggs . Popped them on the doorstep rang the bell . Only to be greeted with a thanks but no thanks . So there you go . People are just to confused as to how to go about daily life . Its challenging times where all going through at the moment . How we deal with it who knows ? . I just hope all the people on this site come through to other end okay . And we can all meet again on the other side . In our town we have a little song we sing in times of trouble . it goes .

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown

By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 13:47 other posts 
"Seeing a Relative Naked"

"What do you think when you see someone you are related to naked? Do you want to see? Does it turn you on?"


That's a forum topic posted long ago. Just my perspective, if you're living as a "family unit" and under one roof, it's possible that might happen. If you make it a point to "see" your relative naked, that's spying and my opinion, creepy. And if you're living a naturist lifestyle, it is completely normal.
By #608173 14,Apr,20 14:32
You know . Often times I think these forum topics are just made up . And put up to see what kind of a response they can get from other members . And 9 out of 10 times some one will respond with the usual . Oh yes I did this and that . Some get completely carried away making up a story and they make a real dogs breakfast of themselves .
By #188992 14,Apr,20 17:08
I've pondered this a bit too. There's a current thread about fucking, or being fucked by, your brother.

**** is all sorts of fucked-up and a crime you could do serious time for in most countries. So.… do we report this sort of behaviour to the authorities? Or do we err on the side of free speech on a sex site, and tacitly acknowledge that this is very likely to be simple fantasising (ie. bullshit)?

The censored bit is IN … cest

I'm leaning towards the latter, just from my libertarian instincts as much as anything else.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 17:13 other posts 
Fact or fantasy, it's just messed up.
By #610414 14,Apr,20 18:17
Ninety percent of the threads are made for the shock value. Most households made up of adults whom have lived a good amount of time would probably go around in different amounts of dress.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 17:28 other posts 
Poolboy... where is JohnS resting these days??
By #574505 14,Apr,20 18:41
Skittles Why you calling Angel127 poolboy?
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 21:12 other posts 
that made me laugh thanks I needed that
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 07:42 other posts 
I am calling that lump Ted-E-Bare that... I can't see the Saggy Granny
By #608173 15,Apr,20 10:42
Nothing changes . Still the same old tired crap that Johnny boy and I tried hard to clear of the site . Still festering away . People got the notion the brains was Spooner . And I was his Minion .Puppet or what have you . It was me who recruited him .When Stephie and bella! where getting all that hatred and crap from you lot . And still your at it . And now the fucking buggers dead .My mission remains unacomplished.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 13:04 other posts 
Naw, we all know tax dodging Spooner boy had you bent over. Stupid cunt.
By #608173 15,Apr,20 14:10
Fucking pathetic twat . There are thousands dying every minuet of the day and all your fucking worried about is someone who shoped and exposed you lot for your nefarious ways and the way you treated members . And you think your all inocent . No wonder Mr G had to put that dumpster up to try and hide the shit that you lot where spewing out on the site . A warning to other members on the site . Be very wary of this lot . Especially you shit face "skittles" Oh yes . And now you can see the trouble my friends and I had the last time I was on here . And why I recruited Spooner for help . As at the time he seemed to be the only one that cared about the site .
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 17:03 other posts 
TeD-Cunt- What is the matter site princess? You seem frustrated! And fuck off!
By #608173 15,Apr,20 17:57
Piss of loser . Oh and thanks for the gifts . Just shows what a twat you are . And have always been .
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 18:17 other posts 
I'm going to say the same thing to you that I said to Skittles, please be nice to one another. Thank you.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 18:16 other posts 
I'm going to say the same thing to both of you, please be nice to one another. Thank you.
By #574505 15,Apr,20 14:21
Quit no cussing here you two..
By #608173 15,Apr,20 14:25
My apologies Jamie . Its the only way I can get through to this lot . I speak as I have been spoken to .
By #574505 15,Apr,20 14:28
just kidding
By #608173 16,Apr,20 04:00
My apologies to all . Skittles as well So I told tales on a few members .It happens all the time on the site . Didn't get anyone expelled . Just happened to pick the ogray of the site to help me .

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 19:14 other posts 
Interesting, very interesting! Feast your eyes upon the BEST IMAGE/MEMBER TOP feature! The men are separated from the women! It's about time, admin! With SYD/SYC being primarily a site for gay men, I bet they will appreciate not seeing lady bits at the top of their page!


I think you might have to fine tune your thinking, admin , why not put up the male and female leaders on the non paying member's pages rather than the leading dick pic visible to the SYD members and whatever the leading SYC member posts on the female's page?
--------------------------------------- added after 12 hours

admin , I understand why the gay men would be uncomfortable or offended by an image like this on the top of their page because I am, too. As a woman, I would not want this cavernous cooter on my page! Why me Lord, why me?

By #574505 15,Apr,20 21:01
I like it thanks Admin..
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 21:18 other posts 
The foundation work is good but if I weren't a paying member, I don't think I would want to see some woman's ass or hooha on the top of my page. Just sayin'!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 21:31 other posts 
I like the idea too! I really don't want to see a cock on my page, I have interest in cocks. Or give us the choice as to which pic we would want.
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Apr,20 01:00 other posts 
Sometimes I vote against not for.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Apr,20 01:06 other posts 
You vote against not for, what??
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Apr,20 02:07 other posts 
If there was someone who I don't want to be top member so I would vote for someone, anyone who would take them off the top.

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Apr,20 19:55 other posts 
Don't be creeped out by the narrator's voice, you have to watch his dog jump!

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By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 05:55 other posts 
I’ve read this topic many times on this forum thread but I will say it again if you don’t want to play the ballgame or can’t play it right
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Oh and if you’re to moronic to figure out how please feel free to private message me I will be happy to walk you through the process
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 07:32 other posts 
Dare I bid you a "good morning" on this fine day? Gee, I'm curious......who pissed in your Wheaties???
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 08:09 other posts 
Some knuckle head this morning I took the ball from lard ass and passed it on and what does he do he passes it right back to lard ass unbelievable I think I was set up
--------------------------------------- added after 73 seconds

Oh and good morning to you Bella
By kebmo [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 15:36 other posts 
And a pleasant good day to you too sir! I just woke up at 1PM because that's my new normal.
On topic, I opted in once for a while then decided that I was working too many hours to commit to it so I opted out. You're welcome!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 17:49 other posts 
which lard? Lix or Saggy ??
By #610414 15,Apr,20 06:43
Every time Skittles (Freddy) reaches for his dick all he finds is a tiny bag of Skittles Original Bite Size Candies
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 21:31 other posts 
I just noticed that HotFuckerBoy and "the team", were successful in 5 good passes. Keep up the good teamwork!
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 21:37 other posts 
Hahaha the players at night must be smarter then the ones early in the morning
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 21:51 other posts 
Hey, it might be night for us but in other places in this world, it is daytime.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 21:59 other posts 
Very true
By #610414 14,Apr,20 18:12
Maybe, just maybe, it's Admin's way to prevent many wins. Guessing who would most likely play correctly would be a skill to win. Another thing. Most members have no idea how the game should be played. Did you contact the passing member and told him that when you pass him the ball he MUST play it right or you'll visit him wearing your colors?
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 21:15 other posts 
No but that might be next
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 21:37 other posts 
Just an f.y.i., I recently made the suggestion in the forum that the "optional message" that is only seen IF you jump to the Play Ball! screen, accompany the "ball". If the member doesn't understand the feature, the personal message could be very helpful.

I had hoped that admin would have acknowledged the post and weighed in on whether it was feasible, or not.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 22:01 other posts 
Good idea 💡

By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 15:27 other posts 
The mandated STAY HOME STAY SAFE self quarantine was implemented March 15, long before the weather in Michigan started to get warmer and two + weeks before the DNR boat launches opened for the season. Lo and behold, come the first of April, many darn man was trailering his boat up here and was either out on the lake or the river. We are supposed to stay home and stay in the house and the only people out and about are the "essential workers" and John Q Public traveling to the store for groceries, etc. It's curios that Michigan's DNR (Department of Natural Resources) an arm of the state, opened the boat launches. Every knucklehead probably in a 60 mile radius was up here zipping up and down in their powerboats. Well! Apparently, that has come to a screeching halt as Governor Whitmer clarified matters. This is in part what was said;

"....some of the information that boaters need to know to clear up confusion and, more importantly, keep from getting tickets for violating the Governor's order regarding the Coronavirus. There were 3 important items in order to be compliant. No motorized watercraft, you can have more than one person with you but they must be from your household and you have to be fishing."

I hadn't noticed as much boat traffic but I didn't know why.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 17:51 other posts 
your governor is a moron...
By #610414 14,Apr,20 18:04
It's Skittles fault for being insulting to women

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 12:14 other posts 
I was in a major local grocery store yesterday and aside from the bare shelves, I couldn't help but notice the Easter candy already discounted by 25%.

Just an f.y.i., I'm a Michigander if you weren't aware, Michigan is number 3 on the list of states with the highest number of cases as well as death attributed to COVID-19. Michigan's governor has mandated a STAY HOME STAY SAFE order through April 30 and the STAY HOME order excludes "essential workers". What I find peculiar is that she feels that the "Easter bunny" is "essential" and my town has scheduled an Easter "parade" of sorts and the bunny will be strolling a designated route and I suspect, tossing "treats". The mayor reminded people that choose to participate to remember to keep social distance. Wow, just WOW!
By #188992 10,Apr,20 12:50
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Your Governor sounds like an interesting character, but the Easter Parade still happening seems like a mistake, to me.

Stay safe x
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 15:38 other posts 
My guess is that our mayor has misinterpreted the Easter bunny being an essential worker to his "benefit".

I wish I was able to post the Governor's statement regarding the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy, which I believe was posted to Facebook, but I do have the written transcript.

"We heard there were a few kids in Michigan who had some concerns, so we wanted to let you know that I spoke with the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy to let them know that they are essential workers and they can keep doing their jobs even though the rest of us are staying home,” she said.

“They’re following all of the procedures we gave them to make sure they can stay safe and healthy,” the governor continued, wearing a sweatshirt, with her fireplace roaring in the background.

“Now, they did let us know that there was an increase in demand for the goodies that they leave behind for you all, so they may need to make some substitutions for this year’s treats. But, they are excited to visit you and simply ask that you be sure to listen to your parents. Make sure you wash your hands so that you can stay happy and stay healthy.”

Soooooo.....my guess is that when a curious child wonders how/why there was a Easter basket left by the Easter bunny or how/why a quarter was placed under their pillow and their tooth gone, the magic is still there, just like the UK dad who made a McDonald's Happy Meal happen for his son's 4th birthday.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

This is the actual statement posted by our mayor.

"Just in The Governor Just said that the Easter bunny is essential! With that said , the Easter Bunny will be making a limited appearance through town on EASTER SUNDAY starting at 1 PM. We have posted a map of the bunny trail; we ask to respect the social distancing and extend to 10 feet apart. If you have kids that do not live along trail, they can stand along route or at any of the areas, ( **** lions club, high school circle drive, but don’t park on circle side, **** park, **** board walk, bowling alley..etc..) 10 feet apart. The bunny will stay in motion and will wave and throw candy. You will know when the bunny is coming from the sound of the **** fire truck, escorting the bunny. It all starts at 1pm. Please spread the word to our community, and above all stay safe!!
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Those asterisks are where I removed my city's name.
By #610414 10,Apr,20 13:18
I bet if you devide the state into Detroit and the rest of the state, Detroit is where the bulk of the victims are at. The rest of Michigan is a bunch of milk cows, so to speak.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 13:50 other posts 
I would say there is some truth to that.
The big citys are where the most danger is I would think. As long as the bunny stays 6 feet away from all the people,I guess he will be safe.
By #188992 10,Apr,20 14:53
"All the people" is the problem. If you have a parade, people will come out to watch it. Will all THOSE people be able to stay 2 metres away from everybody else who has come out to watch the parade?

Why risk it?

When you're having mass graves in New York I would prefer my politicians to err on the side of caution.
By #608173 10,Apr,20 16:06
I think at this moment in time children need something to focus in on . I know its a bit tricky building up there hopes . And many will feel let down . But perhaps communities , neighbours and such could get together for once and have a whip round . And get the young ones a few treats.

This from the UK gives you an idea what our children are thinking about at the moment .
"Fifth of primary children afraid to leave house because of Covid-19, survey finds"

As many as one in five primary age children are afraid to leave their homes and are worried there will not be enough food to eat during the course of the Covid-19 outbreak, according to the findings of a survey.
A third of parents (33%) who took part in the survey said their child was worried they would catch Covid-19 themselves, nearly a quarter (23%) of the youngest children were frightened of infecting someone else and more than a third (36%) were anxious about missing school work.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 19:47 other posts 
It sounds good, in theory, but who is healthy and who is not? Would you really want to risk the health of your child in order that they could congregate and possibly be exposed to someone who could make them sick?

My nephew is a stepfather to an 8 year old girl whose sperm donor father just returned from a cruise that he was on with his live-in girlfriend. Although my nephew, his wife, their 8 months old baby and his stepdaughter have been observing "social distancing" in their household, the father demanded that his daughter be delivered for his visitation privilege that is every other weekend. What also makes the visitation weekend more of a "circus" is that his girlfriend also has visitation of her children on the same weekend. Who knows what "bug(s)" the father and girlfriend followed them home from their cruise? What environment and precautions were, if any, were observed in the household of the girlfriend's children? Somebody needs to consider what the 8 year old daughter MIGHT come home with. My sister, his mother, said he doesn't "interfere" in the decisions relating to her daughter and because the father threatened legal action, the daughter was allowed to go the her father's house for several days. Gee, wtf? There's the STAY HOME STAY SAFE that was mandated by our Govenor and I really can't imagine that a parental visit is considered "essential". Again, Michigan is the #3 state leading 47 others with the highest number of confirmed positive cases and deaths.

Forget about the money spent in our community to host a Easter extravaganza for the children. And even though the candy is wrapped and packaged for Easter and a bunny suit rented, in my opinion, it's not worth the risk. Candy is candy and will taste good in mid May.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Apr,20 19:48 other posts 
By the way, what's going on in your country?
By #608173 11,Apr,20 03:21
Sorry wasn't thinking straight .Your right . These events can wait till a better time . When it could be used as a celebration of the final end of this horrible plague where suffering now

Anyway . This from the UK on separated children visiting parents .

Coronavirus: Children can visit separated parents during restrictions.
Children of parents who are separated are able to move between households
during the coronavirus restrictions, minister Michael Gove has said.

Some parents were worried they would not be able to see their children if they do not live with them full-time.
He initially suggested children should not be travelling between different houses during the restrictions.
But he later back-tracked and apologised for being unclear, saying it "may be necessary" for some to move.

Michael Gove said
I wasn’t clear enough earlier, apologies. To confirm - while children should not normally be moving between households, we recognise that this may be necessary when children who are under 18 move between separated parents. This is permissible & has been made clear parents. This is permissible and has been made clear in the guidance .
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Apr,20 11:24 other posts 
I just can’t wrap my head around people risking their child’s health all because they are asserting their authority and being SELFISH.
By #608173 11,Apr,20 12:27
Yes difficult to know what to do or say for the best . When one authoritative body says and advises one thing . Then another comes up with something entirely different . The trouble is this thing is so new . No one really knows what to advise . As the thing keeps changing by the minuet .
By #610414 12,Apr,20 09:12
I would think it's easy. Don't mix it up with other people. I believe people have a tendency to bend the curve. They want to take advantage to the exception to the rule.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 05:31 other posts 
I now walk through life with the concept in my mind that every body except me has the Coronavirus that keeps me on my toes I do the same thing with driving I imagine all the other drivers are drunk never let your guard down
By #610414 14,Apr,20 07:50
Aside from everything else your governor is hot
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 12,Apr,20 09:25 other posts 
I finally got a coveted Fresh Direct delivery slot this week. Winning!
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Apr,20 07:35 other posts 
I thought you said that you lived in the part of the country where the restaurants were doing carry out service and things were "okay"?

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