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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Mar,20 20:47 other posts 
If an American worker has health care benefits from work then they get laid off does that cancel their benefits too?
By phart [Ignore] 30,Mar,20 21:10 other posts 
I am not positive but I think there used be something called Cobra? that would fill in for a short time between jobs. But this situation we are in right now may have some differnt setup.
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Mar,20 21:47 other posts 
Something like Obamacare? Oh the irony.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Mar,20 21:58 other posts 
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Not sure how it works,I just remember hearing about it LONG before Obamma care.BUT that is not to say that perhaps Ocare changed how Cobra worked.

By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Mar,20 03:18 other posts 
I predict a baby boom in January, February and March of 2021. C-19 babies.
By #608173 30,Mar,20 03:24
Poor buggers I just hope there is enough parents . Grand parents . Uncles . Aunts and what not's left to appreciate them when they arrive . Not to mention nurses and hospital staff to bring baby into the world and look after mother and baby .
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Mar,20 14:41 other posts 
Covid and Corona will be popular names for them!
By phart [Ignore] 30,Mar,20 21:11 other posts 
a young boy ask his dad

Dad, why is my sisters name Paris?

son,that is where we conceived her.

Ok, thanks Dad!

No problem Quarrentine!

On a differnt note, a friend of mines gal is fixing to have a baby about the end of April. Not a good time but not something you can put off!

By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 21:23 other posts 
The Coronavirus sucks I never left the house today instead I cleaned and disinfected my whole kitchen it’s spotless I’m so freaking bored I can’t wait to go to work tomorrow

By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 23:14 other posts 
So there is a scam going on in my area 4 Puerto Rican’s are going door to door telling older people they are from the government hazmat team sent to clean and disinfect there home once in your home they pull knives and rob you I certainly hope they stop at my place tomorrow I will answer the door with a cane let them in lock the door behind me and pull my 45 long slide out of my pancake holster in the back of my pants and rob them to see how they like it
By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 00:06 other posts 
If they all get a bonus broken leg they won't be doing it to anyone else.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 08:11 other posts 
Yea, those jokers need a good leason.
By #610414 29,Mar,20 08:49
Similar to my area. Four clean cut, WASP Type guys in ties, doing the same. People around here are opening the door with a machete next to it. The group is down to three as one lost an arm completely. The homeowner (supposedly) watched him bleed out before he called the cops.
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 09:08 other posts 
I even took a little drive around the area this morning looking for them I know what they are driving even
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 09:11 other posts 
I certainly hope the home owner had the arm stuffed and mounted it would look great over the fire place
By #610414 29,Mar,20 10:24
By #608173 29,Mar,20 10:51
What about! . His stuffed severed arm clutching his oppo's bollocks . What a trophy that would make
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 10:49 other posts 
4 Pr's!!! That is organised crime mate!

You should download an App called "Citizen" Great way to stay on top of things if your city is covered...

But the best part is the comments people make
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 12:32 other posts 
Why go through the motion of inviting them in? Have Muggsy meet them at the door with his pearly smile!
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 13:39 other posts 
Oh I’m sure he would have no other way but to be by my side

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 19:07 other posts 
This social distancing is really causing problems for ME! About one week ago, I looked in on an elderly man from my community. The man is a widower and his grown son lives 40 to 50 miles away. This man has the cutest darn house and I've told him that is ever he thought that his house was too much for him to handle that I might be interested in buying it. Truth be told, the man is 82 years of age and I used the phrase "too much to handle" because it was kinder than saying "when you die"... Bottom line, when leaving his house, I thought that I would explore the street next to him. Damn, if I don't get to the end of the street and I can't go through, I have to turn around. Easy, peasy, or so I thought! I fricken backed up (I wasn't paying attention to the screen showing what my backup camera could see) and hit a mailbox. Thank goodness I wasn't going fast and I didn't break the post but I did break my taillight and have a couple of scrapes and a ding in my car. I went to the door, the homeowner was home, and I told him what I had done. He came out and assessed the problem and told me not to worry that he could fix the lean. I gave him $40.00, he was a young guy with a toddler and an infant and apologized for creating a problem.

Today, I'm on my way out for groceries and rather than using the grocery store .3 mile away, I'm going to the store 18 miles away because they have better produce. So I voice text my grass cutting/snow plowing guy to ask him whether he's home because I owe him money based on snow plows in February. I'm working from home, I very rarely pay anything by check, so I don't have envelopes and that is the reason I just want to place the check in his hand. To make a long story short, he said he would meet me at this gas station (woo hoo! I needed gas and gas was $1.739 per gallon). So I pull off the road to make a U-turn and the shoulder of the road is soft, my car sinks, I can't rock the damn thing out and have got to call for roadside assistance.

The funny thing is AAA went through this big spiel about coronavirus then asked me if I exhibited symptoms or was around anyone who tested "positive", yet 4 or 5 people, just the average John Q. Public stopped to see if I was alright and/or needed assistance. There are so many good people in our world, people are amazing!
By #608173 27,Mar,20 19:57
My Dear . As we say . There's now't as queer as folk when it comes down to it .

It can all seem so meaningless. Some random biological mutation sweeps across the globe, murdering thousands, lacerating families and pulverizing dreams.
Life and death can seem completely arbitrary. Religions and philosophies can seem like cruel jokes. The only thing that matters is survival. Without the inspiration of a higher meaning, selfishness takes over.
This mind-set is the temptation of the hour — but of course it’s wrong. We’ll look back on this as one of the most meaningful periods of our lives.
Viktor Frankl, writing from the madness of the Holocaust, reminded us that we don’t get to choose our difficulties, but we do have the freedom to select our responses. Meaning, he argued, comes from three things: the work we offer in times of crisis, the love we give and our ability to display courage in the face of suffering. The menace may be subhuman or superhuman, but we all have the option of asserting our own dignity, even to the end.
I’d add one other source of meaning. It’s the story we tell about this moment. It’s the way we tie our moment of suffering to a larger narrative of redemption. It’s the way we then go out and stubbornly live out that story. The plague today is an invisible monster, but it gives birth to a better world.
This particular plague hits us at exactly the spots where we are weakest and exposes exactly those ills we had lazily come to tolerate. We’re already a divided nation, and the plague makes us distance from one another. We define ourselves too much by our careers, and the plague threatens to sweep them away. We’re a morally inarticulate culture, and now the fundamental moral questions apply.
In this way the plague demands that we address our problems in ways we weren’t forced to before. The plague brings forth our creativity. It’s during economic and social depressions that the great organizations of the future are spawned.
Already, there’s a new energy coming into the world. The paradigmatic image of this crisis is all those online images of people finding ways to sing and dance together across distance.
Those videos call to mind that moment of Exodus when Miriam breaks into song. “It is the dance that generates the light,” Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg writes, “the women produce an energy in the light of which all participate equally in the presence of God.”
Already there’s a shift of values coming to the world. We’re forced to be intentional about keeping up our human connections. Relationships get forged tighter by the pressure of mutual dread. Everybody hungers for tighter bonds and deeper care.
Wouldn’t it be great to possess the quality that one biographer found in the novelist E.M. Forster: “To speak to him was to be seduced by an inverse charisma, a sense of being listened to with such intensity that you had to be your most honest, sharpest, and best self.”
There’s a new action coming into the world, too. I was on a Zoom call this week with 3,000 college students hosted by the Veritas Forum. One question was on all their minds: What can I do right now?
I was on another Zoom call with 30 Weavers, and each one of them had begun some new activity to serve their neighbors. One lady was passing out vegetable seeds so families could plant their own vegetable gardens. Others are turning those tiny front-yard libraries into front-yard pantries. Some people are putting the holiday lights back up on their houses just to spread some cheer. You can share your social innovation here.
There’s a new introspection coming into the world, as well. Everybody I talk to these days seems eager to have deeper conversations and ask more fundamental questions:
Are you ready to die? If your lungs filled with fluid a week from Tuesday would you be content with the life you’ve lived?
What would you do if a loved one died? Do you know where your most trusted spiritual and relational resources lie?
What role do you play in this crisis? What is the specific way you are situated to serve?
We are all assigned the task of confronting our own fear. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a pit of fear in my stomach since this started that hasn’t gone away. But gradually you discover that you have the resources to cope as you fight the fear with conversation and direct action. A stronger self emerges out of the death throes of the anxiety.
Suffering can be redemptive. We learn more about ourselves in these hard periods. The differences between red and blue don’t seem as acute on the gurneys of the E.R., but the inequality in the world seems more obscene when the difference between rich and poor is life or death.
So, yes, this is a meaningful moment. And it is this very meaning that will inspire us and hold us together as things get worse. In situations like this, meaning is a vital medication for the soul.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 21:55 other posts 
Thank you for your very thoughtful post!
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 21:27 other posts 
With out getting long winded I only came in contact with a whole 3 people today and I managed to stay 10 ft away from all of them
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 22:01 other posts 
Did you use those "gopher" thingys, you know what I'm talking about, those "As Seen On TV" devices for people that can't bend over or reach above their heads? Heck, your arms look long and holding onto that pincher thing, you could grab cash, credit cards and carryout AND STILL MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCE!
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 22:26 other posts 
If I hold my arm’s straight out I measured 6 ft 2 inches from finger tips to finger tip
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

If I had feathers I think I could fly
By #610414 29,Mar,20 10:23
The length of a man's outspread arms is equal to his height.

Leonardo da Vinci
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Mar,20 12:10 other posts 
It really close with in 4 inches

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 23:05 other posts 
Gordon Ramsay is brutal!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 07:54 other posts 
Especially if you watch the UK versions
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 12:18 other posts 
I saw an episode where he called a bitchy, in your face, female restaurant owner a "cunt". This was a restaurant in the United States but may have been a UK version.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 11:42 other posts 
why's that ?
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 12:11 other posts 
His critiques are emotional, hard, harsh and LOUD.

I've watched some episodes of HOTEL HELL and some KITCHEN NIGHTMARES. When he starts yelling, his veins pop. I would be surprised if he is not on blood pressure medication.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 12:48 other posts 
It's TV.... it's an act.... people sign up to these shows knowing what's going to happen....

Otherwise these people would just sue him wouldn't they,why film someone bullying another person?
Ok to to say your food isn't up to standard,but I know for if he spoke to any chef I have worked with like that,he would get decked...
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 17:33 other posts 
I understand that WWF wrestling is "fake" and realize that some of these reality programs have creative license and script, too. Two every day Joe type people interacting like that "in real life" would/could escalate to a fist fight. But I tend to think an every day Joe might think twice before socking a known television celebrity in the nose.

Just my opinion, that vein popping, top of the lung's screaming and name calling looks real to me.
By #608173 28,Mar,20 18:16
Your Quite right Ms bella . Some times it dose get real . As when It actually came to fisticuffs once . When actress Amanda Barrie took a pop at Gordon on one of his "hells kitchen" shows . only registered users can see external links .
By phart [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 18:50 other posts 
Yea reality tv is a joke. Pickers went to a freinds place a few years ago. Bought little but he went ahead with the tv footage for advertising.
They knew what they was going to show on tv,what they would offer and alot of what they filmed landed on the cutting room floor.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Mar,20 21:27 other posts 
I would break his nose and think nothing of it my hand is as big as his whole face

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Mar,20 14:28 other posts 
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Oh my!!

Such a good song!!

By bella! [Ignore] 18,Mar,20 16:18 other posts 
That's WILD and funny, too! I made a Kroger run this morning for some fresh fruit and vegetables, what a disappointment! The fruit was negligible although there was some fresh vegetables, enough for interesting salads for a couple of days. Aside from the paper products, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes,I hope no one is looking for bread because they ain't gonna find there, either.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Mar,20 06:13 other posts 
I just bought 4 loaves of maiers Italian bread yesterday so I’m good for a while
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 19,Mar,20 08:43 other posts 
For a country that hates carbs and loves their gluten free shit... there are none of these items left
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Mar,20 15:40 other posts 
So now you can loaf around in your loafers with a loaf of bread?
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Mar,20 12:09 other posts 
And another little ditty from Chris Mann.

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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Mar,20 20:42 other posts 
Chris Mann rocks
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 22:32 other posts 
I had to Google Chis Mann, I was unaware that he was on The Voice. Here's another musical parody from Chris Mann

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By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 19:13 other posts 
I like corn, I like carrots, I like peas, I like beans.... I do not like mixed vegetables!
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 21:24 other posts 
Hahaha I can do with out veggies I’m a carnivore I eat meat lots of it
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,20 22:04 other posts 
I like vegetables, I prefer fresh or frozen, but I still wanted to spruce up my pantry with a couple canned offerings....

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Mar,20 08:58 other posts 
Could there be a dead cat bounce on Friday in the markets???
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Mar,20 12:10 other posts 
What's a "dead cat bounce"?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Mar,20 13:05 other posts 
It is when we chuck Bjuka... oh wait.. no.. It is a temp bounce back up on shares after falling...

In other words, we shall see if PigLosi can get the house to pass the bill... Or will others that that rat AOC not even bother to vote....

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